Daqin: Start to become stronger and live longer by picking up attributes from the battlefield

Chapter 107 Betting on Zhao Feng to hold on! The King of Qin grants authority!

"Wang Jian, are you serious?"

"Although Zhao Feng performed well in the battle to destroy Han, it only showed his strength as a brave general, not that he was a capable general who was good at commanding troops."

"You are putting all the safety of Yingchuan on him, which is indeed a bit too risky."

"A 17-year-old general is too young to take on this important task." Meng Wu said in a deep voice, with a hint of persuasion.

"If Wei mobilizes troops, Wei Wuji will definitely lead the troops himself. I believe you, Wang Jian, know how powerful Wei Wuji is. He is a real talent for commanding troops." Huan Yi also spoke.

Wang Jian did not answer the two, but looked at Ying Zheng steadily.

After a while.

Ying Zheng spoke: "Since it is what Wang Qing asked, I agree."

"I thank the king for his trust." Wang Jian bowed immediately.

"Tell Zhao Feng that as long as he can resist the attack of Wei and guard the gate of Yingchuan for me, I will make him the chief general when my Great Qin destroys Zhao."

"But if he can't do it, then he will be punished." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

There was reward and encouragement in his words.

"I accept the order." Wang Jian responded immediately.

"Huan Qing." Ying Zheng looked at Huan Yi.

"I am here." Huan Yi replied immediately.

"Two hundred thousand elite soldiers in the Hangu camp are ready to rush to Yingchuan at any time. Once Weicheng is broken, it is time for you to mobilize your troops." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

Huan Yi nodded immediately: "I accept the order."


Wang Jian's strategy was too difficult for Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty."

"Now that the Crown Prince of Yan has been driven away by Your Majesty, the next time he comes, he should prepare state gifts and pay a price."

"By that time, the war between Zhao and Yan should be indisputable, and it will be the best time for our Great Qin to send troops." Meng Wu said.

"So, my dear ministers, take this time to make good preparations."

"I have asked Wang Wan, Feng Quji and others to prepare the food and supplies needed for the army to set out."

"To destroy Zhao, the opportunity cannot be missed."

"I rely on the three generals."

Ying Zheng said with a serious face, clasping his fists and raising them to the three generals, showing great respect.

The three generals saw this and their faces changed. They immediately bowed and said: "I will never let Your Majesty down."

"General Wang Jian."

"Your daughter is pregnant with Zhao Feng, right?" Ying Zheng suddenly said.

The voice fell.

Wang Jian was shocked.

Except for the trustworthy servants in the mansion, few people knew that Wang Yan was pregnant, and it had never been spread. How could the king know about it?

With just one thought, Wang Jian understood that there were spies of Ying Zheng in his mansion.

However, as a minister, one should be clear in his heart, but never in public.

Wang Jian immediately calmed down and replied: "That's right."

Meng Wu and Huan Yi on the side looked at Wang Jian strangely.

"When Zhao Gongcheng is destroyed this time, I will grant your daughter a marriage with Zhao Feng." Ying Zheng smiled slightly and said loudly.

As soon as these words fell.

Wang Jian's face was filled with joy, and he immediately bowed: "Your Majesty, I swear to be loyal to the king until death."

It was an incomparable honor to be granted a marriage by the King of Qin.

His eldest son had already been granted a princess by the King of Qin, and he was just waiting for an auspicious day, and his daughter had also been granted a marriage by the king's edict, which was even more honorable.

And only the Wang family could have such an honor.

One by one, the surrendered soldiers of Han were escorted to Weicheng by the elite soldiers stationed in Xinzheng.

On top of Weicheng.

Looking at these surrendered soldiers entering the city, Zhang Han had a solemn look on his face.


"All the surrendered soldiers of Han have entered Weicheng, and they are equal to the elite soldiers of our army."

"If Wei really attacks, do we really need to use these surrendered soldiers?" Zhang Han said worriedly.


Zhang Han was naturally worried that these surrendered soldiers would turn against him when he was defending Weicheng.

"The surrendered soldiers are prisoners, and they are in high spirits. Don't you see it?" Zhao Feng smiled indifferently.

"They are indeed well-trained, but if Wei really attacks as the general expected, then we will face tens of thousands of Wei troops. In a critical moment, I'm afraid they really can't be trusted." Zhang Han said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry."

"I dare to use them, so I am not afraid of them."

"If they really dare to mess around, kill them."

"This is their only chance. If they miss it, it's not my fault." Zhao Feng said coldly.

Zhao Feng is familiar with history and knows that his destiny is in Qin.

He also knows the achievements of the criminal army.

More than 50,000 surrendered soldiers, if they seize the opportunity, kill the enemy and make merit, they can escape from slavery and become real soldiers, and have the opportunity to reunite with their families in the future. If they dare to turn against their sides and betray again, their whole family will be killed. They chose the latter because of their own fault.


"All the surrendered soldiers have been taken to the military camp." Tu Sui came to Zhao Feng and reported.

"Let's go to the military camp." Zhao Feng said immediately.

In the military camp.

Twenty-three thousand surrendered soldiers gathered on the parade ground, surrounded by Qin army warriors holding bows and arrows, and among them were criminal soldiers who were not wearing armor.

As Zhao Feng issued an order that day, the whole army prepared for battle. All the elite soldiers were already wearing armor and holding weapons, ready for battle.

Just wait for the Wei army to really dare to attack, and they will be ready to fight at any time.

"I am Zhao Feng."

"I am the deputy general of the Qin Dynasty."

"I am ordered by the king to guard Weicheng."

"I don't want to say unnecessary nonsense. Have you seen the troops around you? Is your former comrade Pao Ze among them?" Zhao Feng's loud voice spread in the school grounds, and after Rui Shi's return, Recite it and spread it throughout the army.

Hear this.

Many Han Jiang soldiers couldn't help but turn their attention to the sharp soldiers guarding them.


Many surrendered soldiers immediately saw their familiar acquaintances, but unlike their low and weak aura, their familiar auras had a kind of vitality, and all of them were wearing Qin military uniforms and holding Qin soldiers.

"Zhang Han, declare the rules of the prisoner army."

"The whole army repeats it," Zhao Feng said.


Zhang Han responded.

Then he walked towards the edge of the general platform.

"This general, Zhang Han, is a general under the command of General Zhao Feng. I will now announce to you and other subordinates the rules of rewards and punishments for the prisoner army. The whole army will repeat them." Zhang Han said loudly.

The warriors on the school field immediately repeated Zhang Han's words.

"The rules of the Prisoner's Army are that General Zhao pledges his life as a guarantee and reports to the King for his approval. All surrendered soldiers can be reorganized into the army and called the Prisoner's Army."

"Any prisoner who kills an enemy can be exempted from slavery, enjoys the salary of a soldier without title, and can choose to retire or stay in the army after serving for two years, and enjoy our Great Qin military promotion system."

"If you kill five enemies, you will be granted a title, and you will enjoy the benefits of the title. You will be given fertile land corresponding to the title in your hometown, and you will receive the title's annual salary..." Zhang Han read aloud.

Like those who had completed the reorganization, all the 23,000 surrendered soldiers were shocked after hearing the news.

Before they were taken to Weicheng, they were all doing hard labor. They didn't have enough food or clothing to keep them warm every day. Many of them even froze to death in the coldest snowy days.

For slaves.

Naturally, the Qin army will not be very kind to them, but now they can change as soon as they come? How could this not give them hope in despair?

"Reorganizing the prisoner army can kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds, and escape from slavery."

"However, if after reorganizing the prisoner army, you dare to disobey the superior's order, you will be taken away from the prisoner army and sent to hard labor."

"If you defect in the middle of battle and kill Paoze without mercy, the whole clan will be implicated."

Zhang Han announced loudly.


Begin to reorganize these reduced soldiers.

Naturally, these reorganizations were carried out as before, breaking up and reorganizing all the reduced soldiers.

"General, we now have 100,000 troops in Weicheng."

"But there are only six generals, and the military system is already wrong." Zhao Tuo came to Zhao Biao and said.

"This general has already made a decision."

Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.


He said to the six generals in front of him: "This time the army is reorganized according to the ten thousand generals camp. The six generals will command their respective ten thousand generals camps. As for the remaining four, they are led by Wei Quan, Luo Hua, Liu Wang, and Zhuang. Great time."

"They were originally captains, and now I will grant them the power to act as generals." Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words fell.

The four people on the general stage immediately looked excited.

But this time.

Chen Tao stood up and said respectfully: "General, do you need to report to General Li before he can implement this move?"

Zhao Feng glanced at Chen Tao and took out a royal edict from his arms.

"Edict of the King of Qin."

Three words fell.

All the generals on the general stage looked in awe.

"The king has an edict, granting this general the full power to command the army, the prisoner army, and the power to temporarily appoint and remove the entire army." Zhao Feng raised the imperial edict and then flashed it to the generals in front of him.

When he saw what Wang Zhao said, Chen Tao immediately shut up, and General Zhao Tuo, who originally had objections, also instantly became honest.

"General Chen, do you still have any doubts?"

Zhao Feng turned and looked at Chen Tao.

"There are no more generals." Chen Tao immediately replied.

"That's good."

Zhao Feng nodded, then glanced at Chen Tao and the generals, and said coldly: "Your Majesty gave this imperial edict to defend Weicheng. The power to control the army is not only appointment and dismissal, but also life and death. From today on, Weicheng The whole army only obeys the orders of the general. Anyone who dares to violate it will be subject to military law. "

These words.

The focus is on Chen Tao and Zhao Tuo.

Ever since he became the deputy general, perhaps the person who was most unconvinced in his heart was Chen Tao.

Once upon a time, Zhao Feng was just a captain under Chen Tao, but now Zhao Feng has become his direct superior, which may be difficult for Chen Tao to accept.


There may not only be Chen Tao in the military, but there may be others.

When you are in charge of the army, it is impossible for everyone to obey you.

Even with the lofty royal power, there are still people who are disrespectful.

Looking at Zhao Feng's indifferent look.

Chen Tao was shocked, obviously knowing that Zhao Feng was targeting him.

But then all the generals responded: "The general will finally understand."

"Wei Quan, Luo Hua, Liu Wang, Zhuang Wei."

Zhao Feng shouted again.

"My subordinate is here."

The four people immediately walked over quickly, looking excited.

"From today onwards, you are all acting as generals, and will be in charge of the ten thousand generals' camp for me. If you achieve military exploits in the future, I will report to the king and cancel that code." Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

"The final general will never disappoint the general." The four said excitedly.


"Everyone, please step back."

"Zhang Han and Tu Sui stay." Zhao Feng waved his hand.

"I will retire at the end."

The other generals retreated one after another.


"This Chen Tao always targets us like this, it's really hateful."

As soon as the generals left, Zhang Han said angrily.

"General, why is General Chen targeting us like this?" Tu Sui asked puzzledly.

"Because in the past, our general was a captain under Chen Tao, but because of the many military exploits of breaking through the capital of Han and capturing the King of Han, the general has been above Chen Tao, and he may not be satisfied." Zhang Han said with a little sarcasm.

"My official position and title in the Great Qin are all earned by military merit, and General Zhao's military exploits are all earned by ability. This Chen Tao is like this, which shows that his mind is too narrow." Tu Sui said with emotion.

"He, don't need to think too much."

"With this royal decree, he dare not mess around."

"Since he is dissatisfied, I will let him continue to be dissatisfied." Zhao Feng said coldly.

Now Zhao Feng is his superior, and he sits on this position by virtue of military exploits.

That day

Chen Tao wanted his trusted men to make contributions, so he gave the vanguard to Liu Wu, but Liu Wu almost died and was defeated.

He could play this game.

Then Zhao Feng could play it too.

He wanted to make contributions, but Zhao Feng refused to let him.

Since he chose to go against him, Zhao Feng would fulfill his wish.

"Tell Brother Wei and the others later to come to the military meeting hall to see me in the evening." Zhao Feng said to Zhang Han.

"Yes." Zhang Han nodded immediately.

"General Tu."

"General Tu, you still need to go and see the reorganization of these surrendered soldiers in person, and try to disperse them as much as possible."

"The war is coming, and these cannot be overlooked." Zhao Feng said to Tu Sui again.

"Yes." Tu Sui happily accepted the order.

Wait until the two generals leave.

Looking at the soldiers gathered on the parade ground, Zhao Feng smiled.

"There are 100,000 troops, five of whom are my men. As for Tu Sui and the other two generals besides Chen Tao and Zhao Tuo, they are also well-behaved. The 80,000 troops can all obey my orders." Zhao Feng smiled in his heart.

This time, the King of Qin issued an edict to let him handle military affairs with full authority, and there are also temporary appointments and dismissals, so Zhao Feng naturally seized this great opportunity.

As long as the Wei Kingdom attacks this time and the crisis is overcome, Wei Quan and his generals can be promoted.

At night.

Outside the military meeting hall.

"My Lord."

When everyone arrived, they all knelt down and saluted Zhao Feng.

At this moment, they were not performing a military salute, but a master-servant salute.

"No need to salute." Zhao Feng raised his hand.

"Thank you, my Lord."

Everyone replied in unison, looking at Zhao Feng in awe.

"Do you know what I asked you to do?" Zhao Feng smiled slightly, looking at his confidants.

"I don't know." Wei Quan replied immediately.

"I have been practicing for more than half a year, but it has worked." Zhao Feng looked at everyone.

"Reply to the master."

"Now I have reached the fifth level of the acquired realm. With the internal force, I can bear a weight of 500 kilograms." Wei Quan said excitedly.

"I have also reached the fifth level of the acquired realm." Luo Hua also said excitedly.

Liu Wang and Zhuang Wei are also the same. They have reached the fifth level of the acquired realm. When they enter the acquired realm, the Dantian produces internal force, and they can bear a force of 500 kilograms by mobilizing the internal force.

This is the power of martial arts.


PS: The number of words today is a little less, 4,000 words, tomorrow 10,000 words will make up for it, and the day after tomorrow will continue to 10,000 words. Sorry, I was a little busy today. Thank you for your support.

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