Chapter 192 Action on the grassland (give a subscription support)

But now, even after the only minister, Wang Guan, who might have a good impression of them, was relegated, Confucianism was in a predicament.

Even some students have begun to fall into the arms of Legalists. This is a major event that will destroy the Confucianism, and they cannot tolerate the question of how Confucianism should go in the future.

Confucianism, who had a little hope for the resurrection of the Six Nations, lost confidence in these people after seeing that the rebel army was destroyed by a single blow by the Qin army.

Since there is no way to take refuge in these so-called rebels, then we can only figure out how to adapt to Daqin.

However, their letters and manpower have not yet reached Xianyang, and Confucianism is working hard to save the situation in the court.

At this moment, the grassland is already under turbulent undercurrents.

Above the grassland and below the sacred mountain, at this moment it has evolved into a giant “two twenty seven” barracks.

Mao Dundan is very coveted for the Huahua World in the Central Plains, not to mention the strategic resources they need most: “Salt and iron.”

After receiving Donghu’s request, the Huns mobilized their huge army on the grassland, twelve tribes Wanqi and the servant soldiers of the Western Regions, plus the Donghu army under the will of Maodun Shanyu. There are already more than 200,000 troops entangled on the grassland.

At present, the Huns alone have reached more than 150,000 cavalry.

Such an army is walking sideways on the entire grassland.

Mao Dun Shan was very proud. After receiving Dong Hu’s request for submission, he looked at the army under his command very proudly.

The Donghu people are not rivals of the Huns, but they are not weak. Don’t look at them as if there are not many people now, but that is because they are too scattered and not as concentrated as the Huns.

“This army of Shan Yu is enough to turn the border of Qin into ruins. When all the ministries are in place, we will have more than two hundred to two hundred thousand cavalry! Even the Qin army can only shrink in that city. Here, don’t you dare to move?

Mouton is very proud now. Apart from the Huns, only the people of Qin have the ability to mobilize such a huge cavalry. The relationship between Qin and Xi Rong has given them horse farms and horse-raising technology.

However, the territory of the Qin Kingdom was too large, so large that all their soldiers were sent out to guard various places, and there was no way to concentrate enough troops to frontally destroy the Donghu or the Xiongnu.

This also gave the Huns and Donghu people a good opportunity, especially the huge cavalry unit with super mobile ability.

Moreover, more importantly, would he not be as stupid as Tou Mandan, playing head-on with Qin Jun?

That was the stupidest way. Even Mao Dun Shan Yu had already thought about how to fight the Qin army, which was to use the powerful mobility and skillful equestrian skills of the Huns to move back and consume the Qin army.

Especially if Qin Jun dares to go out of the fortress, their supply on the grassland is a very serious problem, especially if they are not familiar with the direction!

If you get lost in this vast grassland, it will be bad luck. Water and food are all very uncomfortable things. If you don’t pay attention, you will die!

He would not commit a stupid thing like Tou Man Shan Yu. Tou Man died of fifty thousand Huns cavalry, which was only his own cavalry.

And it is the strongest strength of the Huns that gathered around him Mao Dun!

The movement on the grassland naturally quickly returned to Xianyang.

When receiving this news, the left and right prime ministers Li Si and Feng Quji had already rushed towards the palace with Wang Jianwei Liao and other generals.

It is impossible for them to remain indifferent when such a big thing happened on the grassland, especially the Huns and Donghu people have made it clear that they are colluding with each other and want to plot wrongdoing against Daqin.

So after receiving Ying Che’s summons, Daqin’s generals were all ready. Although Chen Qing and the like went to the place where they were stationed, they would still receive documents from the court.

That Mao Dun Dan Yu, who inherited the position of Tou Man Dan, was actually even stronger among the Huns than Tou Man?

In the past, whether it was His Majesty the First Emperor or Ying Che now, they all wanted to directly defeat these nomads who harassed the border county, but now, the Huns and Donghu people actually put out a big army and want to fight Daqin. The behavior of male and female, how can you keep Ying Che happy?

Perhaps after this battle, Da Qin will be able to settle the problems of these nomads once and for all.

Moreover, the generals of Daqin, especially the middle and lower-level officers, are quite eager for military merit!

Daqin’s military merit award system still maintains relatively good rules. If you want to have tickets for sisters and field houses, the most important thing is to have military merit. Without military merit, it is all clouds!

To be honest, the insurgents in those various places were simply not enough for the Qin army to fill their teeth, which made the generals a little disappointed.

But the Huns are different. This wave of entangled so many people, if this head is used as military merit, it would be quite exaggerated!

Everyone was drooling. At this time, if the ministers in the DPRK dared to say that they should not confront the Huns head-on with defense, they would be torn to pieces by the generals eager for military merit.

However, even the Qin army did not have much experience in fighting outside the fortress. Otherwise, the first emperor would not build the Great Wall as a material storage point for future fights against the Huns.

Because the current Huns were not weak in strength and combat effectiveness in the era of Mao Dun Dan Yu.

Even the experienced Meng Tianmengyi and even Wang Jian could not guarantee that they would be able to completely defeat the Huns outside the Great Wall.

In particular, all the Huns are cavalry. With the wind coming and going, it is not easy to fight an annihilation war.

The reason is very simple. The urinary nature of the Huns can run without the slightest hesitation. This also caused trouble to the Qin army, because the cavalry 1.0 battle easily turned into a chase in this situation.

An annihilation war like Tou Mandan is already impossible, and Mao Dundan is much smarter than Tou Man.

Especially in the case of the death of Shan Yu, if they really come to face Qin Jun head-on, that 80% of the brains have problems.

If the opponents are all pigs, how much pleasure and glory can defeating a pig bring yourself?

After Ying Che got the news, he was quite interested in this Mao Dun Shan Yu’s actions. In history, Mao Dun killed Tou Man and then established a super huge Hun empire.

To destroy the East Hu Zhuyue clan, and to overwhelm the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang’s worst battle of Baideng after the establishment of the Han Dynasty was designed by him. .

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