Chapter 187 Very distressed Zhang Liang (give a subscription support)

“Damn it, Qin Emperor Ying Che immediately struck the fate of several countries, compressing most of our living space at once.

“If the policy is allowed to be fully implemented, there will be no place for us in the days to come.”

Somewhere in a secret stronghold, Zhang Liang stood by the dimly lit corner, clenched his fist and shouted Damn it.

“Ovary, what’s wrong, what happened?”

Compared with Zhang Liang’s long-term friend, Zhang Jiao’s vision is obviously limited, and he doesn’t understand how serious the matter is.

However, when seeing such a gaffe with a friend, I more or less know that something is wrong.

“Brother Ao, do you know that the Violent Qin has formed a regular field army in recent days?”

Restraining the anxiety from the bottom of my heart to the point that it was so weak, Zhang Liang said calmly.

“Recently, the “February 27″ has become popular. I have heard some related news, but it is only related to what you just said?”

I heard that Zhang Ao is even more unclear, so I can’t figure out the Karma relationship among them.

“Brother Ao, don’t you understand…”

“What Qin Emperor Ying Che did was to strengthen local control and put an end to the basis of our uprising.

Regardless of the positions of the two sides, Zhang Liang did have a very insightful approach and directly addressed the most core issues.

It can be said that it is more long-term than Fan Zeng, and he knows more.

“If this is the case, the current situation is extremely unfavorable to our side.

Although the insight is far inferior to Zhang Liang, Zhang Ao’s reaction is not slow, aware of the severity of the situation.

The foundation of rejuvenating their country is naturally the people in the old place. Once the Qin Dynasty strengthens the control of the place, a little trouble will definitely end in failure.

“It is not only extremely unfavorable, it is simply cutting off the road to rejuvenation of our country, including Chu and Qi.

When this incident was mentioned, Zhang Liang couldn’t help getting excited, and he looked a little gaffe.

“It seems that the original plan must be advanced, and it can’t be delayed any longer, it will change if it is late!”

Hearing that Zhang Ao’s face suddenly changed drastically, and his expression was particularly solemn.

“Yes, Qin Di Ying Che’s attack was too ruthless, and it is not an exaggeration for us to draw a salary from the bottom of the pan.”

“The longer the time delay, the more disadvantaged it is for the future restoration of the country, and the chances will become increasingly slim.”

Seeing that his friend finally realized the seriousness, Zhang Liang nodded and said in a low tone.

To tell the truth, I had never expected that Emperor Qin Ying Che would come to such a vicious trick, which would almost put them to death.

“Ovary, apart from using the previous strategy, what else do we need to prepare?”

After a series of conversations just now, Zhang Ao understood the reason why things should not be delayed and said quickly.

After all, it is not an easy task to deal with Qin Di Ying Che, and it requires careful planning as support.

“This time, Qin Di Ying Che’s quick action was beyond my original expectation. I think so now.”

“At the same time as using the beauty plan, we gathered a group of elite members to find a suitable time to carry out the assassination.”

Faced with the pressure from Emperor Ying Che of the Qin Dynasty, Zhang Liang, who was resourceful and resourceful, could only adopt a method that was not a solution.

“Okay, no problem, then launch an anti-Qin action in a two-pronged approach.”

There is no better way. Zhang Ao, who doesn’t have many ideas, naturally doesn’t have the slightest opinion at all.

“Brother Ao, let’s go together and get more and sufficient time.”

After a brief discussion, Zhang Liang didn’t let himself idle and said aloud.

This time you can only succeed, and you can never fail again!

“Then go together and stop Qin Di Ying Che’s continuous shots as soon as possible.”

One more person, one more speed, Zhang Ao and Zhang Liang walked towards the outer diameter of the stronghold together.

“I only hope to succeed once.”

The pressure Qin Emperor Ying Che brought to them was not that much less ancestral dragons, and Zhang Ao couldn’t help but exhale a stale air.

“I hope, everything is too late!”

Walking on the way to leave the stronghold, Zhang Liang wanted to return to his former self.

Now, I can only take a sigh of relief and bear all the troubles alone.

“Patriarch, the black ice platform now has a very strong penetration. We have lost a lot of strongholds and a lot of manpower.”

Tian Rong, who was born in the royal family of the Tian family, said with a serious expression.

“This black ice platform is like crazy, chasing and killing our Qi country all the time, and based on the current loss situation, the family will sooner or later usher in a heavy loss.

Tian Heng, the head of the Tian’s royal family and the leader of the Qi country, frowned tightly.

The period of the Black Ice Terrace controlled by Emperor Qin Ying Che was a bit sharper than that of the Ancestral Dragon, and they almost couldn’t breathe after chasing them.

“Patriarch, otherwise, we will unite the three Jin countries, so as to reduce the pressure on us.”

After thinking about it, Tian Rong hesitated for a long time before trying to suggest.

Of course, if it is not that there is no way, it will not be mentioned.

“this ”

If you put it in the past, Tian Heng must have refused without even thinking about it, but the current situation is too severe for a moment to make up his mind.

“Patriarch, we can add a requirement that Zhang Liang cannot join the united camp.

Looking at the appearance of the patriarch, Tian Rong, who knew there was a chance, took the opportunity to persuade him.

“Wait for a while. At the Alliance Conference that day, you put aside your cruel words on behalf of Qi Guo, and you can’t frustrate our reputation.

After thinking about it again and again, Tian Heng decided to wait again until the other party took the initiative to come and look for them.

In this way, the benefits can definitely be maximized, and the amount of speech is the most sufficient.

However, what Tian Heng and the two didn’t know was that it was precisely the waiting thoughts that caused Qi Guo’s direct defeat.

“This way too”

Hearing this, Tian Rong remembered the cruel words he had put down at the time, and he couldn’t say anything more.

In addition, it is still good to wait a while, and they can take the leading position at that time, and they are not afraid that Sanjin will not feel anxious.

“Tell all the people in the stronghold that they must be careful these days and not show any hint of their feet.

“If anyone gives me some moth, or exposes his own whereabouts easily, don’t blame me for not leaving any affection.

There was a lot of damage to the base and manpower. Tian Heng didn’t want any more accidents, and his tone couldn’t help but aggravate a bit.

“Patriarch, don’t worry, I will tell them and promise that there will be no trouble.”

Knowing what the patriarch was referring to, Tian Rong nodded and said solemnly. .

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