Chapter 172 Exempt from corvee, exempt from taxes! (give a subscription support)

In the early morning of the next morning, officials from all over the world held official documents in their hands, and when the local people went to the city to go to the market, they announced about the regular army in the field.

“Whether they are veterans or active soldiers, including civilians, they can participate in the field regular army.

“For those who pass, the whole family does not have to bear all the corvage and exempt existing taxes!’

Although Zhang Cang, who had read the official documents before, studied under Xunzi, and studied with Li Si, still inevitably didn’t believe it for a while.

With such a handwriting, it is not a big deal. It cannot be done without courage.

“No, there is no need to bear corvee, and tax will be exempted!’

The infants who are still selling silk fabrics can’t help but keep their eyes wide open, and aggravate the original breathing.

Correspondence is something that every household and every household must perform. The annual tax paid on “Two One Zero” exceeds half. If the two are really exempted, it is definitely an intangible wealth.

“If the whole family is exempted from corvee and taxes, it will undoubtedly be an opportunity to rise above others, and it will be able to shine in the hometown.

In history, Lishang, who had dealt with Xiang Yu for several years and never let go, thought of herself, who had always been unknown, and a bright light appeared in her eyes.

“County, the county guard, what I just said, did you hear me wrong?”

Compared with the reactions of Guan Ying and Li Shang, one of the people stammered and forgot to go to the market to do a small business.

Obviously, the impact of Gang オ’s remarks is enough to make most people tempted. It is an opportunity to change their destiny.

Almost all the voices of all of them were spoken, and the rest of the people present looked at Bu Yixiyi, who looked at the moderately friendly county guard in the area.

“You didn’t hear it wrong. The imperial court is trying to recruit elites from all over the world. Once the assessment is passed, the whole family will be exempted from corvee and taxes.”

For the people’s uncertainty, Zhang Cang understood their feelings and said patiently.

You know, those are the two real exemptions, and they are no less than returning home. As a civil servant, I feel my heart moved.

“Zhang Junshou, I have to register now, Lishang, Chen Liu Gaoyang.”

Zheng Chou couldn’t find a good way out, and the Shang was not indecisive, so he said immediately.

“Count me, Guanying, a person from Suiyang (now Shangqiu, Henan).”

Facing the temptation of fame and fortune in front of him, Guan Ying decided to give up the small business in his hand after repeated consideration.

Even if you can’t pass the selection of the imperial court, it will be a big deal to return to your hometown, and the opportunity is obviously not always there, fight it!

“Forget it, I won’t go to the fair today, I have to sign up too.”

“Zhang Junshou, write down my name first. It was the first to arrive in the city just now.”

“What are you squeezing? I stood here first and be careful to beat you to death.”

The double exemption of corvee and tax means that there is no burden, and the money earned every year will be extra, not to mention the direct return to the hometown.

Therefore, the people of the Li people gathered at the scene were thoroughly boiled.

“Okay, sign up one by one, don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze, take your time.”

Seeing that the scene suddenly became crowded, there was no lack of push and push, and almost squeezed himself, Zhang Cang said in time to stop it.

“Li Shang, Chen Liu, a veteran with a one-year career”

“Guanying, a Suiyang person, usually engages in small business.”

Suddenly, a group of people began to sign up in an orderly manner, one by one thinking about passing the selection of the court.

“Even if I have tried my best this time, I will pass selection and become a member of the regular army in the field.”

In this regard, Guan Ying can be said to be full of energy, wanting to fight for a way to get ahead.

“The next selection, I must succeed, and strive to have a policy of double exemption.”

Compared with Guan Ying’s determination, Na Shang appeared to be extremely urgent, trying his best to make a name for himself.

And the two people’s determination just now is almost a common idea among the people who sign up everywhere.

“Zhang Junshou, many people sent boxes of money and a few invitations.”

Zhang Cang who had just walked into the yamen of the people who had registered for their subordinates, or retired and active soldiers, suddenly heard such words in his ears.

“Then you took it on behalf of the county yamen, or did you put it away temporarily?”

The money and invitations specially sent today are nothing more than an appointment in the field regular army. Zhang Cang saw those people’s calculations at a glance and asked.

The different reactions of accepting and putting it apart represent the attitude of the entire yamen, which to some extent means own.

“Without Zhang Junshou’s consent, the subordinates only put it away temporarily, without explicitly telling them to accept it.

Seeing this, the official who came to report truthfully replied.

“No matter who it is, it will be sent back to the official, and no money will be collected.”

Zhang Cang was quite disgusted with the incident of going through the back door, and said sternly.

Moreover, this is personally the responsibility of the military, and their civilian officials are only responsible for implementing policies, and there is no possibility of intervening at all.

“It’s just those invitations, I don’t know how to deal with it?”

Thinking that there are still many invitations, the official continued to ask for instructions and said again.

“In the same way, whoever sent it, sent someone back.

The military is directly responsible for the selection, and it is not easy for their civil servants to come forward forcibly, and Zhang Cang does not want to bear political stains.

“However, those people are well-known locals, some of whom have been officials.”

Hearing the county guard’s refusal, the official showed hesitation and added.

The influence of those people is not small, and they are related to the real power figures in the Yamen, so I am afraid it will not be a big deal to refuse all of them.

“If you still want the black veiled hat on your head, finally do it according to what you just said. If something really goes wrong, the officer can’t keep it.”

Looking at one of the subordinates who wanted to speak but stopped, Zhang Cang didn’t know the specific reason, and he reminded him out of kindness.

How to select is a matter for the military 1.0 side. It is best for them not to participate in it, and no recommendation is okay to avoid political troubles.

“Hey, Junshou Zhang.”

Seeing that the county guard was so determined, the official couldn’t speak any more and could only respond with a croak.

As for whether you have taken the kindness you just made into your heart, it’s unclear, and you might not be reconciled to it.

“If someone really collects any money, or is invited to the house to recommend someone to the military, don’t blame me for being too ruthless.”

The policy of double exemption is too superior. There is no shortage of people who can take risks. Zhang Cang, who stood by the side, muttered to himself.

“In the past few days, it’s better to pay more attention to it. If it is lighter, it is an ordinary recommendation, and if it is heavier, it is based on culture.”

After thinking about it just now, Zhang Cang made up his mind and felt that he should proceed with caution.

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