Chapter 169 The center is stable, the world is stable! (give a subscription support)

“After today’s court meeting, this official congratulated Prime Minister Feng for one more talent in the family.

He was in a very good mood now, Li Si looked at the old opponent in front of him, and it was rare not to taunt him.

“Where and where, Prime Minister Li’s family style is not bad, and he has cultivated an official for Da Qin.”

This time, Feng Quji looked at Li Si, no doubt more pleasing to the eye, and said with a smile.

Although they are not important officials of the imperial court, compared with the two, serving as a general in the Corps is not necessarily much worse, and there are only 25 limited places in the country.

“Feng Prime Minister can really talk and laugh, and only by the grace of the emperor, can the dog have such a precious opportunity.”

The eldest son was able to become one of the important ministers of the nine princes, and it was all an utterance from the emperor, and Li Si understood the consequences of ecstasy.

Wang Jian’s family, which has made the limelight in Daqin, is extremely low-key in every move. Therefore, it is best for them to be sensible.

“Yes, according to your majesty’s holy grace, we should do our duty to serve the court with loyalty.”

Listening to the dripping reply, Feng Quji suddenly stopped his plan to explore further, and then put on a smile.

“Yes, I should serve my Majesty and serve the court with all my loyalty.

Local officials and ordinary people sometimes say a wrong sentence without being too serious, and here is the extremely dangerous central government.

In this regard, Li Si remained vigilant as always, and did not get dizzy because of the momentary happiness.

“Speaking of which, it is unexpected that Li Xin’s son was promoted to the general of the 25th Corps.”

When this incident was mentioned, Feng Quji couldn’t help thinking about it.Could it be that the emperor wanted to reappoint Li Xin’s family?

Even if the 25th Corps is in the third sequence, it is one of the regular army in the field at any rate, and it is far stronger than the local breakout army.

“After all, Li Xin’s family belonged to a veteran general and had been silent for such a long time during the reign of the Holy Ancestor Emperor. It is a bit unreasonable.”

Regarding the issue of restricting the military, Li Si did not play any official accent, but told some of his own true thoughts.

The ancestor of Li Xin was among the first to follow the royal family of the Ying clan.

“In this way, Jie’er has become the first-sequence corps general, and your majesty will not marginalize my Feng family.

The remarks just now gave Feng Qu a quick reminder, completely let go of his worries, and thought about changing the original countermeasures in the future.

“This old stubborn Feng Quji was really lucky and turned the corner in time.,

Being the same prime minister is only a word difference, and left and right represent completely different rights. Li Si feels more or less regretful.

It’s just okay. The effect of swearing allegiance to the emperor has already come out.

“The establishment of the twenty-five corps is completed, and the establishment of the Zhechong Army, followed by the established Wenzhi. I don’t know what Prime Minister Li thinks?”

In terms of grasping the current situation, Feng Quji still had a bit of foresight, and asked instead.

Now that you have decided to change the countermeasures in the DPRK, you can’t hesitate at all. The opportunity is for the prepared ministers.

“If it is according to the usual situation, the 1989 meeting will be promoted throughout the country, but I can’t guess what your Majesty is thinking, so it’s hard to say.”

This is actually not Li Si deliberately shirk, but really can’t guess the meaning of the emperor, think about it and say.

“I believe it won’t be long before we rule the world. Your Majesty will hold a great dynasty meeting.”

Although it is not clear when the emperor wants to start, Feng Quji faintly felt that it was not far from that day.

“Prime Minister Feng, leave.”

The descendants of my own family have begun to show off, and this can be regarded as a successor. It is a happy thing, and Li Si bid farewell to the other party.

“Prime Minister Li, leave.

There was nothing wrong at the moment, Feng Quji nodded and had no plans to stay.

Immediately afterwards, the two separated at a palace road crossing and headed in different directions.

“General Li, following the holy ancestor and the first emperor, your majesty has opened your home again. It is really gratifying.

On the other side of the palace road, Wang Li, one of the representatives of the military, expressed his heartfelt congratulations.

“Everything is the appreciation of your majesty. That kid has such a chance to become a general of the 25th Corps at a young age.”

Whether it was the emperor’s reactivation of them, or the son’s high-ranking student, Li Xin said with a red face under the double joy.

Don’t look at the corps in the third sequence, but after all, it is one of the regular army in the field. There is a chance to be transferred to the second and first sequences. The future is bright.

“General Wang, today we would like to congratulate you together, the rising star Wang Li has been promoted to the first rank.”

From a personal point of view, Wei Liao said that he was happy for the two of them.

From an official point of view, Wang Li is in the first sequence and Li Guang is in the third sequence, which is enough to grow up in the future.

Without outstanding latecomers, the military can only show up in the county and can’t compete with that group of civilian officials.

“^ “Speaking of it, it depends mainly on your majesty’s trust, but the old man is still quite happy for Xiaoli.”

In front of a few trustworthy comrades who were in trouble together, Wang Jian said with a relieved tone without a lot of disguise.

“This kid, finally broke a little bit of fame, and didn’t frustrate the name of the Wang clan.”

Recalling the last time in the Jizi (Zaoyue) Fresh Battlefield, that brief encounter, Wang Ben’s eyes couldn’t help but moist.

“This time, the civilian officials have gained a lot of benefits, and it’s really cheap for them.”

Many places were taken up by the civil servants, and until now, Li Xin still felt it was a pity.

“Today’s brief meeting is a relatively good result. Everything is too late.”

Several people were walking in groups, and Wei Liao turned his head and said with a point.

In the end, they have the advantage, and the overall influence of the civil servants is not small, and it is easy to lose more than the gain if the trouble is big.

(Certainly) “That’s right, especially for the following Wenzhi, it is inevitable that a bunch of civilian officials will contribute.”

Li Si and Feng Quji are deadly enemies, but Wang Jian understands that they have the same attitude towards the military.

Of course, what was not said just now is the necessary political balance.

If Wang Li and Li Xin were thoughtful, then Wei Liao smiled and laughed, clearly understanding what General Wang Lao was referring to.

“The situation in the central court is stable, and the whole world will be stable.

Lifting his head and looking in the direction of Xuanzheng Hall, that is the center of power in the world, Wei Liao’s smile became even stronger.

No matter when, the central court must remain strong enough and strong enough in force to ensure that the world will not be chaotic.

PS; Happy Dragon Boat Festival, all readers. In addition, some readers who participated in the college entrance examination were victorious and went to their ideal school.

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