Chapter 162 If a day is not divided, there will never be a peaceful day! (give a subscription support)

“The ambassador of the capital commanded all the remnants who participated in the sea to be cleaned up. A total of more than 1,000 people were killed before and after, including the leader Xiang Bo and Ji Bu.”

“Other than that, the remaining Chu remnants in hiding have been evacuated from the stronghold.

Standing on the ground covered with corpses, the members of the famous black ice platform arched their hands and reported truthfully.

“Continue to track down until all remnants turn to dust.”

Wu Zetian didn’t fluctuate much in killing Xiang Bo, one of Xiang Liang’s cousins, and Ji Bu, but he said coldly.

For Black Ice Terrace and himself, anyone who conspires to launch a rebellion is equivalent to an enemy that must be dealt with, even if it is chased to the end of the world.

“Order, all commanders.

I heard that the member of the Black Ice Platform suddenly flashed away and disappeared in place.

“Next, we should do our best to eradicate the remnants of the Qi country, the second country to be completely perished in “Two One Zero”

Looking at the subordinates who disappeared from sight, Wu Zetian’s phoenix eyes flashed cold, and the pace of cleaning the black ice platform would never stop.

According to the information received a while ago, the remnants of Qi State began to show their feet, and another remnant of the party is coming.

“To Mr. Zhang, according to the news from the sea, Chu’s plan has failed.”

“Bo Xiang was submerged in the Snake Tide Dynasty, while Ji Bu was thrown into the sea to feed the fish, and more than a thousand soldiers were wiped out.”

After a number of cryptographic verifications, the secret stakes that worked for Zhang Liang came to the contact point to explain the situation.

“This Qin Emperor Ying Che’s methods are still as vicious as ever, there is almost no humanity at all.”

Thinking of the father Zhang Er, who was burned to death by the Qin army in the area of ​​Daze Township, Zhang Ao wished to enter Xianyang and capture Emperor Qin alive.

“That blood debt brought by Bao Qin will definitely be collected from Ying Che in the future, Brother Ao, don’t worry.”

Fully understanding Zhijiao’s grief, Zhang Liang patted his shoulder, with deep hatred.

The Violent Qin destroyed their Han country, destroyed the only remaining elite army, and continuously pursued them one after another, and reported the old and new hatred together.

“If the remaining five countries can unite, not to mention confrontation with the Qin Dynasty, they will be more or less self-preserving, but now

Mentioning this incident, Zhang Ao felt a pity, but he stopped halfway through the discussion, and glanced at his own friend.

The six nations unanimously determined that it was the fault of their friend Zhang Liang, and the son Han Cheng had the intention to abandon it directly.

“Brother Ao, between you and me, there is nothing that can’t be said.”

Knowing what the next sentence was, Zhang Liang could only smile wryly and said in a deep voice.

“Unexpectedly, all the elaborate plans of the State of Chu failed in the end, and he compensated both Xiang Bo and Ji Bu for this…”

Seeing this, Zhang Ao did not go on, but changed the topic in due course.

“Qin Emperor Ying Che won’t get rid of it for a day, and there will never be a peaceful day in the world. Such a brutal behavior is horrible.

To some extent, the Black Ice Terrace represents Emperor Ying Che of Qin, and Zhang Liang feels great pressure once again.

Xiang Bo and Ji Bu can be regarded as defensive figures, but they ended up in such a wasteful manner. It is far better to die on the battlefield than the former.

“Fortunately, the Ovary has designed a series of codes to prevent the penetration of the black ice platform. Otherwise, we would be easily exposed.”

In this regard, Zhang Ao has more or less lingering fears, and once it is careless, it will be unthinkable.

“The top priority at the moment is to persuade the son to succeed, to formally expel me from the camp, and then unite with Qi Yanzhao in the name of the Han country, so as not to let the black ice platform be destroyed one by one.”

Perhaps because of the reluctance, Zhang Liang’s tone couldn’t help but increase a bit, and said slowly.

As long as the other countries can be united, even if they are expelled from the Han country camp, that would be no hesitation.

“Ovary, why are you so troublesome, hey!”

Expulsion from the Han national camp means that there is nothing to do with it, and there is no way to help if there are difficulties. Zhang Ao admires his friends and can’t help but hey.

Of course, this is also the fundamental reason why I can rest assured to support my friends and have to reluctantly send his daughter Zhang Yan into the palace and get rid of Qin Di Ying Che.

“As long as the six countries that have been restored can only overthrow the entire regime of the Qin Dynasty, everything is worth it.

For this reason, Zhang Liang did not regret the slightest bit of regret, even if he was crushed to pieces, he would kill Qin Di Ying Che.

“With the determination of the ovary, Emperor Qin Ying Che can only be rampant for a while, and the violent Qin will even make a splash.”

Self-determination is the same as Ovary. Zhang Jiao clenched own fist and became more and more determined at the original decision. There is nothing wrong with doing it alone with a friend.

“Now that winter is approaching, there are still three months to go before the next selection of good women from the common people. It is estimated that it should be around the beginning of spring.

“By then, the original plan will be launched again, and the matter of killing Qin Di Ying Che will be finalized.”

Although I felt a little unbearable, there was no better way other than that, Zhang Liang said in a slightly low tone.

“I just hope that Yan’er can understand my difficulties.

Thinking that he personally pushed his only daughter into the fire pit of Baoqin, Zhang Ao had obvious psychological struggles.

Their strength is too weak, and they bear blood and blood, everything is a last resort.

“If Brother Ao doesn’t mind, I’ll take care of this matter. You can’t be the wicked person, and there shouldn’t be too much conflict between father and daughter.

Knowing the reason for his friend’s flashing reaction, Zhang Liang exhaled a heavy breath and said.

If it was not that I did not have a daughter, and I could not find a credible person, I would never suggest to my friends.

“Ovary, no need, some will always be faced in the end.”

Standing still on the spot, Zhang Ao, who was silent for a while, shook his head and said.

Putting aside the hatred of destroying the country, his father Zhang Er died tragically in the area of ​​Daze Township.

“Then, that’s all right.”

Hearing the unusual resoluteness in the words, Zhang Liang naturally couldn’t say more, and could only say with the flow.

“In the future, when Bao Qin is overthrown, I must plead guilty to Brother Ao. If I want to kill him, I will be at the mercy of the deputy.”

Looking at the very low friend 1.0, Zhang Liang made a silent decision. Even if Brother Ao’s daughter wanted to kill herself, there would be no complaints.

“After the loss of Xiang Bo and Ji Bu, as well as more than a thousand people, the state of Chu has at least reached the point of serious injury.

“I’m thinking that the Black Ice Platform will hunt down even more, eradicating their remaining power in one fell swoop.”

More power means more containment, and the power to resist the violent Qin, Zhang Ao can’t help but be a little worried, and Wei’s lessons are still vividly remembered.

“If Xiang Yu is leading the Chu State, he might have to fight with Dao Qin once and release all the last strength.”

“And what Xiang Liang considers is whether or not he can regain the country, he will put his strength as the top priority, and will not finish Chu’s last breath of vitality.”

After thinking about it, Zhang Liang’s thinking was extremely clear, and he pointed out the stakes in it. .

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