Chapter 146 Killing chickens and monkeys, a view of Beijing! (give a subscription support)

“Puff puff ”

The cold spear was already full of blood, and the soldiers of the Zhechong Army stepped on the corpse all the way, harvesting a famous rebel.

What remained behind them was the corpses all over the fields, and the small pools of blood together constituted an overwhelming scene.

“We don’t dare anymore, we don’t dare anymore, we are just a fart, please let it go~”

After a intensive rain of arrows, Qin Jun Ken Shen cooperated closely to fight, and kitchen knives and wooden weapons were not opponents at all.

Therefore, less than half of the remaining rebels cried and begged Qin Jun to let them go.

“It turns out that we are so vulnerable, and we still want to resist the Qin army.

More than a thousand people died. On the other hand, Qin Jun didn’t lose much. Chaoyan collapsed directly in the field and found that their so-called resistance was too ridiculous.

“No, don’t kill”

I felt that there was a shaking in front of my eyes, and the spear glowing with cold light was close at hand, and the remaining rebels showed a look of horror, and the level of pleading reached the extreme.


However, what responded to them was the pep sound that was being torn apart, and the whole body was completely out of balance and fell down abruptly.

Even those who are fortunate enough not to die can only scream in the same place and endure the pain before dying.


There is only one military order received before, and that is not to stay. Every soldier in the army smashes the same assassination action.


When the last rebel fell, his eyes opened wide, with obvious distractions.

Invisible, it seemed that they felt a bit of regret for their stupid and ignorant behavior.

“In the face of such a fiasco, I have nothing to say, just to spare our family, please!”

There were more than a thousand rebels, and now only the initiator’s words were left, begging for the generals of the Qin army in front of them.

“Don’t worry, you will be reunited with each other in the near future, I believe you will not be too lonely along the way.”

Ignoring the request of the other party, Han Xin smiled instead and said with deep meaning.

“Devil, you are Devil, you can’t die, even the six weak women and children!”

That seemingly ordinary smile now seemed to be as cruel as Devil was before the murder.

Because, Zhaoyan imagined the next scene that would happen, and he roared loudly as if it was greatly stimulated.


Under Han Xin’s sign, several Zhechong soldiers waved their spears and pierced Chaoyan’s body severely.


When the spear went out, pieces of flesh and blood were twisted, causing the latter to scream in pain, and fell back half-dead.

“If the order continues, no matter it is the moderate women, or the other weak women and children, they will be killed.”

Just a small role, Han Xin will not entangle the opponent, but issue a new military order.

Since we want to create a model and put an end to all future rebellions, we can’t have the slightest softness.

“No, no, you can’t do this!”

Zhao Yan, who was about to lose too much blood and die, struggled with the last breath of his life, hoarsely trying to stop the other party.

Once the old and weak women and children follow in their footsteps, their village will be completely extinct.

“No, Lieutenant Han.

The Zhechong soldiers who followed Han Xin did not hesitate at all during the period, and did not hesitate to implement the military order just now.

That’s right, thanks to Han Xin’s several meritorious services, he was promoted to the commander-in-chief of 2,000 officers, and he was considered an important middle-level officer.

“Step on”

After strangling thousands of rebels, the Zhechong army generals who received the new army order walked towards the thatched huts indifferently.

“Puff, puff, puff…”

Where are the remaining old and weak women and children as opponents, the whole process only has to escape, and there is no force to fight back.

Accompanied by the thumping sound of falling to the ground, a cold corpse began to appear in every thatched hut.

“No, no, let’s keep one person, just keep one, please.”

Watching the disappearance of the village, Chaoyan’s heart felt very tormented, and he was still begging before he died.

“I knew it, I knew that I couldn’t fight Qin Jun. I thought too well.”

Consciousness became more and more vague, and the blood loss caused a mood of remorse, and there was no chance to do it again.

“Come here, cut off all the heads of the rebels and take them to Wangxian City.’

Seeing a raging fire igniting in front of the village where there is no vitality at all, Han Xin does not have the slightest sympathy, cold

0……Look for flowers 0……

Said aloud.

What is needed is to kill chickens and become monkeys. You must come to the most ruthless one, so that it can exert a huge deterrent and can not give birth to the slightest thought of resistance.

Otherwise, how can the situation of the new territory be stabilized in a very short time?

“Hey, Lieutenant Han.

Immediately, the soldiers of the Zhechong Army cut off their heads one by one from the intact rebels.

Under the great city of Wangxian, two thousand heads are layered on top of each other, with extremely stubborn faces telling all the tragic experiences they have experienced during their lifetime.

The skulls at the bottom are the most, and there are fewer heads up, extending all the way to the top, which is the direct view of Beijing!

“This is the end of a privately armed rebellion. I hope you will take a warning, don’t follow in their footsteps, and learn the lessons they should have.”

Looking at the crowds entering the city, Han Xin calmly stood in front of Jingguan and said lightly.

“This is, this is “”

The cruel and terrifying scene of Jingguan composed of more than two thousand reveals directly stunned the local people who were about to enter the city.

In addition to the people in Wangxian City, there are also village people who come to buy things and do small business.

“Too, too terrible, Qin Jun directly destroyed a large village!”

Whenever I saw that terrifying Jingguan, the local people present couldn’t help but shudder all over, and they didn’t dare to look directly at the surrounding Qin army in black armor and black clothes.

It took only a long time, and they immediately destroyed them as soon as there was a sign of rebellion, and the entire village suffered a disaster. Only terror can be used to describe the Qin army.

“Of course, as long as you stay on track, you will be fine.”

Looking at the terrified local people, Han Xin added another sentence in the tone just now.

“Jun, Jun Ye, please don’t worry, we won’t.

“Whatever you say, we will definitely follow and learn from their stupid actions.”

“Yes, yes, we are all law-abiding people and will not be like them.

When it heard that it was not a casual murder, the people took a look at the atmosphere and quickly assured each other.

“There is nothing wrong with formulating a strategy of killing one and respecting one hundred.”

Looking at the local people who were afraid of suffering, Han Xin nodded, and it was right to generate fear.

PS: Second! Seven.

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