Chapter 144 Fortunately for Daqin, the barbarians are sad! (give a subscription support)

“Ah, Emperor Da Qin, I won’t let you go if I die!”

A great pain swept through the whole body, and it was already an unrecognizable Touman, and the whole person shivered constantly, apparently reaching the limit.

The direct result is not terrible. What’s scared is that he swipes a knife at his body, and can only watch as he decomposes alive.

“Is there anything I want to say, keep talking, lest grievance is not enough to become a ghost.”

Listening to the curse like a poisonous oath, Ying Che’s expression became calmer, without a trace of fluctuation.

Even so when he was alive, what can he do when he arrives in the underworld? It’s just the hopelessness of the clown before his death.


Touman’s eyes were almost widened for a whole circle, and the focus was on the emperor Daqin in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, with a feeling of panic greater than hatred, he swallowed his last breath.

“Your Majesty is still as indifferent as before, ignoring such a bloody scene, a curse before dying.”

ーThe sword dismembered Touman’s whole body, and surrounded by the military leaders who had seen strong winds and waves, they couldn’t help feeling a brief discoloration.

“The minister waits to thank your majesty for the holy grace, and will never forget it.”

“Cao Min thanked Your Majesty for his holy grace, and will never forget it…”

After putting down the knives in their hands one after another, the veterans and people on the border who were present – solemnly knelt on the ground, and thanked them.

“As the emperor of Qin, I should be the master of the military and civilians on the border, and I should be free of courtesy when I am a kindness to the people of the world.”

This is a good opportunity to deepen the loyalty of the courtiers and the reputation among the people. Ying Che opened her hands to accept the thanks, and said.

“It is a great honour to be a staff officer of the Huangmen, to serve for your majesty in the Lizheng Hall, and to thank your ministers.”

The first appointment of the Huns, Shan Yutouman, used to apologize to the soldiers and civilians on the border, which resonated with Xiao He’s idea of ​​governing the country.

“Great Qin is fortunate, and barbarians are sorrowful.”

Looking at the emperor who was extremely indifferent in front of him, Wang couldn’t help but shook his body and muttered to himself.

For Daqin, it was lucky, but for barbarians, it was the opposite, undoubtedly their greatest sorrow.

“Da Qin has such an emperor, so why don’t you worry that the Xiongnu will not be destroyed, and why don’t you worry that the Yueshi will not be destroyed, “?”

The ambition in the words can be heard more or less, Zhang Han clenched his fists deeply, and his emotions were undoubtedly affected.

“Holy Ancestor, Emperor Xiong only took a rough life in his life, and he did not miss the prince in the matter of heirs.

Thinking of the previous changes in the sand dunes, Wei Liao felt the eyes of the Holy Ancestor Emperor, and a sense of admiration came to him.

In the last moment before the death, it is not an easy task to choose a qualified heir among so many princes.

“With the present His Majesty, Daqin’s journey is far from over, but a beginning.”

Thinking about it, Li Xin couldn’t help but smile. This is the best era for their soldiers.

The aspect of cultural governance is still unclear, but on the issue of foreign policy, the emperor has always adopted that attitude to punish all who offend Tianwei.

“Perhaps, we can participate in the battle to destroy the Huns and Yueshi in our lifetime.”

Similarly, Wang Li was full of expectations and had a strong idea of ​​developing Daqin.

Aware of the ups and downs of people’s emotions, Ying Che didn’t have too many expressions, as if everything should be achieved.

“Your Majesty Shengming, great fortune of Qin!”

Not only the veterans kneeling on the ground, but also the people who moved, including Wang Jian, Wei Lian, Xiao He and others.

I felt the blood in my whole body burning up, and then, he shouted in unison.

“Zhang Qing, send someone to clean up the scene, and keep the head of Touman. It will still be useful in a few days.”

Glancing at the minced meat under her feet, Ying Che said lightly without any discomfort.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

In response, Zhang Han replied with a heavy cupped hands.

“Your Majesty’s city palace is too, too deep!’

Directly dealt with the Xiongnu’s first Ren Shanyu, but it was an understatement, and everyone couldn’t help but feel jealous.

In the deepened loyalty before, unconsciously, there seems to be more awe, which comes from the awe of a famous official.

“Relax and rest, keeping the experience of killing the enemy, I will come back to Dongfang again.”

After dealing with Tuman, it was time to return to Xianyang, Ying Che said slowly without staying for too long.

“The ministers welcome your majesty”

“Cao Min sent his Majesty

The emperor’s work style is really so energetic, they died without regrets, a group of veterans present, and the people on the border who moved here deliberately.

For a while, I forgot a few representatives in the army, only remembered the holy grace of the emperor just now.

“People’s hearts can be used, people’s hearts can be used”

Noting the extremely subtle details, Xiao He sighed alone, full of longing for the next Wenzhi.

Daqin’s military strength is extremely strong. Once the prosperous age comes, the overall national strength will be ascending to several steps, far from what it used to be.

“^”The emperor, the holy driver, get up!

With a burst of loud shouts, Wang Jian, Wei Ji and others followed the emperor, and under the escort of the 20,000 Nanya imperial army, they returned to Xianyang with the emperor.

“You mean, your Majesty brought a group of important military figures and the Nanya Forbidden Army to Liyang?”

In the office of the prime minister, Feng Quji said in a heartfelt tone.

The emperor only brought those military people, but didn’t bring their civilian officials, which is undoubtedly intriguing.

“Yes, Prime Minister Feng, the news is absolutely reliable, and it has spread all over the streets.

Regarding this, Nesten nodded and said with certainty.

“What’s the reaction from Li Si?”

After thinking for a while, Feng Quji raised his head and continued.

“There was no movement on Li Si, on the contrary, he handled state affairs as usual.”

Mentioned (good Zhao) this matter, Nei Shiteng felt very puzzled, explained.

They have no way of knowing what the emperor and the military are planning, and this is what worries them the most.

“Wait, the Xiongnu Shan Yutouman, is he still with the Beiya Imperial Army?”

Suddenly remembering some important details, Feng Quji realized that he had missed one thing, and said quickly.

If Touman was taken away, it would be nothing serious. On the other hand, it was not taken away, indicating that something was really planned.

“It seems that there was something on the side of the Imperial Army of the North Ya who handed over with the Imperial Army of the South Ya. The specifics are still unclear.”

Trying to recall the memory before, Nai Shiteng clapped his palms and replied.

“That’s no wonder, Li Si’s Damn it old fox, only then can he stay at ease in the yamen.”

There were no other people around, Feng Qu quickly cursed Li Si, and he didn’t even send a reminder.

PS: Fourth!.

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