Chapter 135 New military system, national defense system! (give a subscription support)

“The field regular army focuses on the outside world, engages in all military careers, and disappears all forces that hinder Da Qin and offend the prestige of the country.”

“The Zhechong Army focuses on the inside, is responsible for the stability of each garrison, and blocks all incoming enemies, and quells possible rebellions.”

When this time came, Ying Che’s gaze was fatal, and she spoke personally.

“The new national defense system, this is a brand-new national defense system, I never thought of it before.”

Listening carefully to every word just now, Wang Jian’s last doubt completely disappeared, and his thoughts suddenly became clear.

Although Daqin had the idea of ​​separating the inside and outside, the concept is still not very clear. What is worse now is the fundamental difference between the two armies.

“Yes, it’s a dual-combined military system with external warfare, stable governance internally.”

Regarding this, Wei Liao nodded even more and made a rather incisive stab.

“In this way, it is not to abolish military and civil affairs, but to enhance the strength of the military to a certain extent.

After listening to the views of the two representative figures of the military, Li Xin showed a smile, where are the worries before.

“If there is a difference between the two, then the military’s position has not been lowered by 237, but has been strengthened on the original basis.”

Feng Quji, who had thought that the generals were facing weakening and raising their status as civil servants, replaced him with a solemn look.

In other words, there is a possibility of more than 80%, and their status can still only stand still.

“If the two major services inside and outside are separated and the fundamental difference is found, the only way to win back is in terms of culture and governance.

Now Nei Shiteng, who is also one of the civil servants, does not have the easy freehand brushwork just now, but a sigh that followed.

“Your Majesty is too far-sighted, it’s about the big plan for the next few hundred years.”

Compared with the cheerful generals and the dignified civil servants, Guiguzi Wang Xu said something inexplicable.

As the time for the founding of the country is getting longer and longer, it will enter a relatively stable stage. Civil officials will inevitably rise with the trend and need a strong military to stop it.

“No wonder, during the crusade against Jizi (Zaoyue) Xian, your Majesty initially formed the Zhechong Army, originally for the purpose of streamlining the army and simplifying administration today.

Thinking back to himself who had been appointed at that time, Wang Zhi suddenly realized that he was also impressed by the emperor’s foresight.

“Judging from the national policy formulated by your majesty, the rule of culture is already a certainty, but why should we continue to raise their status?”

“Wenzhi relies on the ministers from the sky, and now, it’s doing the opposite.

Looking at the eager military commander, Li Si couldn’t figure out what the emperor’s intention was.

“The lessons of the Ming Dynasty cannot be repeated again, and must be kept alive.”

Basically aware of the Manchu civil and military thoughts, Ying Che knocked on the wooden case, and even wanted to create a beast against the nobles and civil servants.

The Ming Dynasty used military force to check and balance civil servants, but after the Tumubao change, the military’s elites lost all their losses and attracted the latter’s desperate counterattack.

“Your Majesty, how do you distinguish between the two?”

After recollecting it, Wang Jian, the oldest senior as a military commander, played again.

“Your Majesty, please show it!

What is the essential difference between the two? All the civil and military officials present wanted to know, and agreed to agree.

It was not that I had not thought about it before, but the concept was very vague and there was no exact concept of national defense.

“The field regular army maintains military training throughout the year and is exempted from all their own services. In addition, it also includes exemption from some taxes.”

“The Zhechong army is stationed in the local area at ordinary times, farming food that can meet basic needs, and military training as a deputy.

Looking around at the civil and military officials below, Ying Che gradually raised his voice and said slowly.

“I am exempted from all my own servitude, exempted from all my own taxes, and devoted my whole life to the military career!”

I heard that no matter which civil or military person was in the temple, he basically took a breath, shocking the emperor’s magnanimity.

(agah) You can imagine with your toes. Once the corvee and taxes are exempted, and the free time is completely released, how strong should the fighting force be?

Even if it is still unclear, it will be at least twice as strong as before!

Suddenly, the Manchu civil and military forces fell into a moment of silence, and in my heart, one by one set off a stormy sea.

“This is an opportunity to increase the strength of the military. Your Majesty can at least win the support of generals, let alone such a superior policy.”

Looking at the people who were too late to return to God, Xiao He sighed, and what was left was his expectations for the new era.

“It turns out that it is not the same on the surface, but the real disarmament of more than half a million.”

Upon hearing this, Guiguzi Wang Xu nodded. The concept of national defense is indeed epoch-making.

Millions of Zhuangzhuang troops are self-sufficient, and there is no need for the central government to shoulder additional responsibilities. It is undoubtedly much easier to switch to 500,000 regular field troops.

“As a result, the newly formed field regular army will have more sophisticated equipment and stronger combat effectiveness than before.

Looking at the problem from the perspective of a soldier, Li Xin thought it was wonderful, and his tone inevitably contained excitement.

“As long as the reform is fully completed, one can strengthen the central government’s control over the local authorities, and second, it can stabilize Daqin’s national defense system.”

For the next development, Wei Tong’s logical thinking is extremely reasonable, and he has a preliminary effective prediction.

The professional field regular army is about to explode with its historically powerful combat power, and the localized rebate army will serve as the basis for replenishing the source of high-quality troops.

“Once the implementation goes on, the status of military commanders in the court and local soldiers will be further improved.

Hearing the words for the sake of the present, Wang Zhi naturally had no exceptions, and came to an exciting conclusion.

“The military expenditure for training a million army was instantly reduced by half. The extra money from the central court can be used for cultural governance.”

Some of the previous problems were always incomprehensible, and Chen Ping, who was a bit slower than Xiao He, finally understood the cause and effect of the whole thing.

“In the days to come, we are estimated to be abruptly shorter than Wu Future.

Compared with the excitement of the military commander, even the excitement of eagerness to try, a civil official like Feng Quji is much sadder.

If it is a purely military reform, they might be able to oppose it, but the central financial pressure is greatly reduced, and it is more than enough for cultural governance.

“In addition to reforming the national defense system, it can also bring basic conditions to the rule of culture. For the military commander, it is a support with both hands.

“As for our civil servants, it is far beyond expectations, but there is such a comfort in cultural governance.”

The mood changes were the same as Feng Quji, Li Si couldn’t help but hey, it seems that their father and son can only continue to hold the thigh of the emperor.

PS: Second!.

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