Chapter 125 Where do you come from, where do you roll back! (give a subscription support)

“This one is the newly appointed Deputy Secretary of the Feng Chang, who is solely responsible for all matters concerning your Huns and the envoys of various forces.”

From the Fengchang Yamen in the Outer Palace City, several officials came to the temporary Yamen in the street and introduced the new boss, Li You, to the Huns envoys.

“Hello, Lord Fengchang, on behalf of the Huns, I greet Da Qin and the emperor of Da Qin.”

At last some relevant personnel came, and the representative of the Hun envoys, Shan Tuji, spoke in the very strange Guanzhong dialect.

After finishing speaking, he took a few Huns envoys behind him, put his right hand on the side of the left Huns, and made the meeting etiquette they thought was acceptable.

“Well, so are you Huns.”

In this regard, Li You did not respond in accordance with the previous etiquette, but was full of nonchalant meanings.

With the emperor’s imperial order as the core, how to treat the Huns envoys will be done.


Seeing a scene that was not in accordance with the etiquette, an official who followed, wanted to remind him.

“You don’t want to die, don’t forget the experience of the old boss Wang Shu, the previous ideas should be discarded.”

The relationship should be good on weekdays. Another official pulled it in time and said in a low voice.

“Yes, yes, fortunately there is a reminder from you.”

Thinking of Wang Wan who had been exiled to Xiang County in Lingnan, the official just woke up suddenly and said with lingering fear.

“Why does it seem to be different from before?”

It is not only Shantuji, but the other Huns envoys also have doubts. You can clearly feel the difference between before and after, and feel very uncomfortable.

However, it is important to redeem the big order now, and the doubt can only be suppressed temporarily.

“Master Fengchang, can we meet the Emperor Da Qin?”

I have been waiting for a long time before, but now Shan Tuji is very impatient and can’t wait to say.

“It’s not difficult to see me, Emperor Qin, in person.

Still standing on the spot, Li You didn’t mean to leave, but said with a smile.

It is not a problem at all to go to the Lizheng Hall to meet the emperor, but before that, how can it be done without paying a price?

“It’s not difficult to meet the emperor of Qin in person”?

The delegation of envoys represented Shan Tuji, and together with the rest of the Huns envoys, they looked at each other, unable to understand the meaning just now.

Could it be said that to meet the Emperor Da Qin today, we still need to attach conditions?

“Master Fengchang, please tell us.”

After all, they had to redeem their Shan Yu. Shan Tuji could only accompany him with a laugh. Even if Da Qin wanted to embarrass them, he could only bear it for a while.

“Kneel from the east of the city to the west, and then kneel from the west to the gate of the palace. During this period, you need to do three knocks and nine prayers, and you will start all over again!”

Copying the dictum that the emperor once said, Li You did not sell Guanzi, and said directly.

After that, there is still an inexplicable relief. This is Da Qin’s diplomacy towards the Xiongnu.


Hearing the explosive words, the envoy of the Huns at the head of Shan Tu was stunned, and for a time suspected that they had heard it wrong.

What kind of diplomacy is this, and what are the additional conditions? It is simply the rhythm of wanting to go to war.

“Master Fengchang, are you kidding me?,

Reluctantly restraining the surprise just now, Shan Tuji still held the last fortune, and said uncertainly.

“As Deputy Secretary Feng Chang, this official represents the Daqin official. Do you think it’s a joke?”

I heard that the smile on Li You’s face became stronger, and he asked rhetorically.

“Da Qin in your country is really deceiving people too much!”

Unable to restrain the anger anymore, Dan Tuji almost grumbled his face, gritted his teeth and said.

Kneeling down from the streets of Xianyang, it is definitely an insult to the Xiongnu, not to put them in one’s eyes.

What’s more, the gathering of envoys from various forces in Xianyang will even lose the face of the entire Xiongnu.

“I just want to ask, does Da Qin want to go to war with the Huns?”

“That is an insult to the Huns. We will never accept it. There is no need to talk about it.”

“Is Daqin in your country sincere, insulting the Huns envoys so much, and not afraid to ridicule other countries?”

When did they receive such a big insult, each of the Huns envoys glared at him, and their whole bodies couldn’t help shaking with anger.

“This is Da Qin’s sincerity!”

“If you feel that you are not sincere, go back to the Xiongnu as soon as possible. This officer does not guarantee that your life is in danger.”

Faced with a series of verbal crusades, Li You, who has many years of political experience, said calmly.


Hearing such a statement that is half strong and half warning, Dan Tuji can be said to be so angry that he can’t even speak the complete sound of the word.

Sincerity can be called diplomacy, it is completely insulting the big Huns behind them, and stomping their dignity severely under their feet.

“Da Qin is really deceiving people too much, let’s go, let’s go back to the Xiongnu.”

Similarly, the rest of the Huns’ envoys clenched their fists, and there was a slight tremor all over.

Obviously, he clearly wanted to kill on the spot, but he had to endure it.

“”The newly appointed Deputy Secretary Feng Chang said really well, hard-hearted. ”

Seeing that the Huns’ messengers were unable to attack, many officials forgot to persuade them just now, but wanted to applaud.

“Without your majesty’s imperial order, even if you want to be hard-hearted, there is no way to hard-hearted.”

Upon hearing this, some officials thought of the emperor’s imperial order and couldn’t help adding.

“Go, let’s go!”

Seeing this, Shan Tuji couldn’t stand the frustration, and could only take the rest of the envoys to the door.

However, if you take a closer look, you can see that you are deliberately slowing down.

There is no doubt that I still want to wait for the other party’s retention, and did not give up the plan to redeem the order.

“Please, where did you come from, and where do you go back.”

When talking about this, Li You felt (already) bursts of invigoration, not only did not save the slightest, but also seemed to be indifferent.

Suddenly I felt that the emperor’s imperial order was not wrong, and that diplomacy should be tough when it should be tough.

Not only is he very relieved, but the same, it means that Daqin’s diplomacy is also relieved.

“This year’s Daqin, what is going on, playing cards completely out of common sense, and diplomacy has suddenly become so strong.”

Hearing such a sentence from behind, the footsteps of the single protrusion were bumped and almost fell to the ground.

“Don’t you think it’s time to stay a bit now, why haven’t you spoken yet?”

Now it’s hard to ride a tiger. The Huns envoys wanted to continue the talks, but due to their dignity, they could only continue to go out and apply.


The next scene encountered, whether it represents Shan Tuji or the rest of the Huns, can only kneel from the street to the gate of the palace in tears.

PS: Fourth!.

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