Chapter 113: Anbang Three Policies! I’m excited to win the whole thing!!

The capital of the Great Qin Kingdom.

Xianyang City. Zhangtai Palace, Imperial Study Room.

The First Emperor of Great Qin won the government, frowned slightly at this time, and looked at his son suspiciously, the Prince of Great Qin Win.

This kid, how can he test him a question, and laugh for no reason? Isn’t Mo just too strong, he is too stressed?

Win Zheng is very puzzled.

He just came up with a title called difficult Wincher, why did Wincher laugh out loud?

After a few seconds, Yingcher finally realized his gaffe, quickly stopped laughing, and coughed dryly twice.

Yun Zheng really couldn’t hold back: “Che’er, you are?” ”

“Ah, Father, that…” I just remembered something happy and couldn’t hold back for a while. ”

Win Zheng’s face darkened, Shun is testing you, do you have other things in mind?

Seeing that his father’s face was not very good-looking, Yingche hurriedly pulled back to the main topic: “Father Emperor, about the governance strategy of Baiyue and the barbarous wilderness, the son does have some humble opinions. ”

Hearing these words made Win Zheng a little surprised.

According to Yun Zheng’s thoughts, Yingche should be embarrassed when he hears this question, and he has no choice but to soften after thinking hard.

How can you say “some humble opinion” without thinking about it? This kid, don’t play cards according to the routine?

Yun Zheng looked calm: “Well, then you can talk about it.” ”

Yingche sorted out the language a little and said: “Father Emperor, regarding the governance of Baiyue and Barbarism, the sons and daughters have three policies of Anbang. ”

“First, the imperial court has jurisdiction and the SAR is autonomous.”

“First of all, whether it is Baiyue or Barbarian, counties must be established and subject to the jurisdiction of the imperial court.”

Hearing Yingche’s words, Yingzheng nodded slightly.

This is Daqin’s bottom line, it seems that this kid does have a bit of dry goods in his head.

Wincher continued: “But on the basis of the unified jurisdiction of the imperial court, it is necessary to give autonomy to the local aborigines. ”

Hearing the three words “autonomy”, Yun Zheng’s brows frowned slightly: “What kind of autonomy law?” ”

Ying Che carefully explained: “Father Emperor, if the imperial court directly sends people to the local area to serve as county guards, county orders and other officials at all levels, then it won’t take long for the local natives to have conflicts with the local government, and once the contradictions intensify, it may even provoke a civil uprising!” ”

“No way, the local indigenous people and the Central Plains countries have huge cultural differences, and they are accustomed to their own huddles, and it is difficult to obey the control. Now that he has just returned to Daqin, he will inevitably be xenophobic in his bones, and he must have many conflicts with the officials appointed by the imperial court. ”

Yun Zheng nodded secretly.

Baiyue and barbarism, the most incurable crux is here!

However, it is necessary to maintain the unity and authority of the imperial court and ease local resistance, which is a problem that even the Shang monarch cannot have both.

Is there a way to win?

At this time, there was involuntarily more expectation in the eyes of Win Zheng.

Wincher continued: “This question is actually not difficult. ”

“These contradictions can be avoided by letting them manage their own people.”

Yingzheng frowned, “Let them manage their own people?” Then what is the unified jurisdiction of the imperial court? ”

“It won’t be long before they will definitely turn against Daqin again and establish themselves as kings!”

Yingche shook his head and smiled: “Father Emperor, don’t worry, listen to me.” ”

“The imperial court sent county guards, and then selected people with leadership, prestige and relative reliability among the local natives, let them learn ××the laws of Qin, and then serve as local county orders, let the county orders govern the localities, and use the county guards to govern the county orders.”

“In this way, the county order directly manages the locality, and the local aborigines will not be overly conflicted, and the county order can also avoid the situation where the county order is out of control.”

“In addition, it is also necessary to send inspection envoys to every county every year to inspect the performance of duties by officials at all levels, such as county guards and county orders, as well as to investigate the contradictions between the people and local officials or the government, and resolve them in a timely manner.”

“Combined with the actual situation of each place, without violating the principle, give the local some special policies to alleviate the contradictions and conflicts brought about by cultural customs and other aspects.”

“In this way, at least for ten years, Baiyue and Barbarian will not have much problems.”

After listening to Yingche’s words, Yingzheng’s eyes lit up, but the color of approval in his eyes could not be hidden.

Every word that Yingcher just said, Yun Zheng has thought about it carefully, and it is indeed a practical and feasible strategy for both worlds!

I can’t think of a problem that even Shang Jun has a headache, this kid can really say a solution!?

At this moment, Win Zheng was a little excited.

It seems that he really underestimates this son!

“Good! A good idea indeed! ”

Yun Zheng did not hold it at this time, and praised loudly without hesitation.

Later, Yun Zheng asked: “You said that this policy can ensure that there will be no big problems in the barbarian and Baiyue ten years, what should happen in ten years?” ”

Yingche smiled slightly: “Next, it’s the second one.” ”

“If you want to be rich, build a road first.”

“The biggest reason why the barbarian and Baiyue land has been wandering outside the Central Plains for so many years, and the culture and rituals are backward, is that the traffic is blocked.”

“Because of the traffic blockage, they have become their own side and have never communicated with the countries of the Central Plains, forming a natural barrier.”

“In the next ten years, the imperial court needs to come up with a sufficient budget every year to make the official roads of Daqin open to all counties and counties of the barbarian and Baiyue!”

“As long as the official road is clear, the merchants of Daqin will naturally flock to the barbarous and Baiyue land, so that the barbarian and Baiyue land will no longer be isolated from the world, and integrate with the Central Plains in terms of economy, culture, and etiquette.”

“Only by gradually eliminating the barbarism and the gap between Baiyue and the Central Plains from these aspects can the contradictions be fundamentally eliminated!”

“If this move succeeds, it can be barbaric, and there will be no major problems in the land of Baiyue for fifty yearsListening to Yingche’s words, winning politics seems to have opened the door to a new world.”

For a while, Yun Zheng actually lost his mind.

Yingzheng still remembers that he talked freely with Shang Jun for the first time, and Shang Jun’s words also made him feel that his vision was wide.

And now, stopping his son’s words actually gave Yingche this feeling!

Is this really an insight that a nineteen-year-old who never reads and only likes to travel around?!

Yun Zheng has some doubts about life.


Hearing Yingche call himself, Yun Zheng suddenly came back to his senses, and then looked at his son, but his eyes softened a lot.

“Then tell me, what about fifty years?”

Even Yingzheng himself did not realize that when he said this, his tone was full of love.

Yingche nodded: “Next, there is the third and most important one.” ”

“In the wilderness, in the land of Baiyue, even in the old land of the original Six Kingdoms, all counties, schools are widely set up.”

“The imperial court will compile books and let all children over the age of six attend the hall to study.”

“The content of the teaching must be carried out in strict accordance with the teaching materials compiled by the imperial court, teaching the Qin Law, Qin Rite, and recounting the deeds of the ancestors, and the most important point is to let them know that they are Qin people and be proud of it!”

“In this way, in less than 50 years, everyone in the territory of Daqin will be able to know Xiao Fen, speak the Qin language, practice Qin rituals, and achieve true unity ideologically and culturally!”

“If this move succeeds, as long as Daqin is still there, the barbarous wilderness, the land of a hundred Yue, will never be chaotic!”

Hearing Yingche’s last words, Yingzheng’s heart was shocked, and there was a feeling of pride in his chest!

Since the Great Qin unified the six countries, many nobles of the old six countries have been secretly doing things, and even bringing the old people of the six countries has always made it difficult for the imperial court to feel at ease.

If we use the method mentioned by Yingcher and achieve unity from the ideological roots, we are still afraid that the people’s hearts will be unstable?!

If the doctrine of the Hundred Schools of Thought had prevailed before, the winning administration was indeed not sure that this policy could be firmly implemented.

After all, if you want to unify culture, you must withstand the impact of other cultural doctrines

It is too difficult for the official books and teaching materials of the Great Qin to force the hundred schools of thought to become the mainstream.

But now it’s different, Daqin has mastered papermaking!

The emergence of paper, a bearing medium, is doomed to the official books of Daqin to dominate!

The official books of the Great Qin can say thousands of words in one sheet, how many bamboo briefs are needed for other doctrines?

The survival of the fittest can be most intuitively reflected here!

“Good! Good! Cheer, you’re good! ”

Win Zheng said three good things in a row, his face was full of excitement, and the whole person looked a lot more energetic.

“I never expected that you would be so knowledgeable, with only such a gully in your chest and such a good plan in your belly!”

Yingche saw that his father was so excited, and he was suddenly a little confused. I just casually pretended to be in front of my father.

Now it seems that he is……… Overinstalled? Daddy is too excited, right?!

Winzheng paced back and forth excitedly, repeatedly recalling Wincher’s “Anbang Three Policies”, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

Especially the third one, every time he tastes it, it makes Yun Zheng feel surging in his heart, full of pride!

A few minutes later.

Yun Zheng’s excitement finally slowly retreated, and Win Zheng gradually calmed down. At this time, Win Zheng finally realized a problem.

“Che’er, this Anbang three policies you said is really good.”

“Especially the third strategy, very good appetite!”

“It’s just that, according to what you said, it may be difficult to achieve the establishment of a wide range of schools and the unification of doctrine.”

When Wincher heard this, he secretly laughed to himself.

This dad, patronizing and excited, finally came back?

“Father, why is the third strategy difficult to achieve?”

Yun Zheng sighed: “Setting up a wide range of schools requires a huge amount of money, not to mention. ”

“The point is, if you want to unify the compilation of doctrines, do you know how many counties there are in my Daqin?”

“Even if each county allocates only a hundred books of doctrine, it will take more than 100,000 books of doctrine.”

A flash of unwillingness flashed in his eyes as he said: “Even if I Daqin makes a book on paper, more than 100,000 books have to be copied to what year and month?” ”

In this era, every book is copied by hand.

Even with paper, copying a book is countless times faster than carving bamboo sticks.

But this number of 100,000 copies is still too unrealistic. However, this problem, Wincher is not worried at all.

Seeing that Yun Zheng’s mood was depressed, and the strong contrast with the one just formed, Ying Che couldn’t help but be a little funny.

“That……… Father, in fact, I came here today and brought you a gift. ”

Win Zheng’s mind at this time is full of regrets and unwillingness that the third policy cannot be realized, where is the mind to care about what gifts?

Hearing Ying Che’s words, Ying Zheng just said a little perfunctorily: “Che’er has a heart, what kind of gift?” ”

Yingche smiled slightly: “Erchen accidentally discovered a technology called printing. ”

“This technique can replace manual transcription of books, with the use of paper, after determining the content, as long as enough templates are made, it is not a problem to copy tens of thousands of books a day.”


Win Zheng’s eyes instantly widened: “Is this true?!” ”

Wincher nodded: “Of course seriously!” ”

Saying that, Yingche took out a roll of bamboo slips that had been prepared long ago and handed it to Yingzheng, which was a “private money” that he had hidden eight years ago.

When he hid in, Wincher just wrote down the words “trap printing” at the beginning.

By the time he took it out of his study today, the method of trap printing had been recorded in detail.

The result of winning the government was excited, Zhu Jian opened it and quickly browsed, and then a happy smile appeared on his face.

Although Yingzheng is not proficient in industrial technology, he can still understand the basic principles.

After reading the content on the bamboo slip, Yingzheng knew that Yingche said that he could “copy tens of thousands of books” in a day, which was not an exaggeration!

In this way, with the art of trap printing, the core problem of uniform compilation of doctrines is solved!

In other words, the three policies of Anbang mentioned by Wincher are all feasible! Thinking of this, Yun Zheng was so excited that his breathing was a little short.

He hadn’t had such a big mood swing in years

And at this moment, Yun Zheng felt as if he had returned to his youth, that passion, arrogance, and that kind of spirit that swallowed mountains and rivers, all returned!

“Che’er, Shun really didn’t read it wrong!”

“The future emperor of Great Qin is none other than you!”

Yun Zheng happily patted Yingche’s shoulder.

It’s just that I can’t wait to win the government, and I can’t wait to do a big job.

If it were not for the fact that although these Anbang three policies are good, they involve too much scope and there are still countless details that need to be worked out in detail, and the winning government would not have ordered to implement them now.

After a little thought, Yingzheng shouted again: “Come on! Summon Shangjun and Li Si to enter the palace to see me! ”


The eunuch quickly left after receiving the order.

Only then did Yun Zheng turn to Ying Che and said, “Don’t go back, Shang Jun and Li Si will come in a while, let’s work out the specific matters together!” ”


Daddy, you’re too anxious, aren’t you?

Looking at Yun Zheng’s excited look, Yingche hesitated a little and asked softly, “That……… Father, according to the previous agreement, I don’t have to study in the future, right? ”

Yun Zheng:???

The capital is full of pride, you are worried about this? Can the pattern be bigger!

At this moment, Yun Zheng suddenly felt that Yingche was a little underwhelmed.

Seeing that his father did not speak, Ying Che suddenly became anxious: “Father, you don’t want to play tricks, right?!” ”

Yun Zheng was a little speechless, and waved his hand: “No need to read, even if you want to read, I’m afraid no one can teach you!” ”

Indeed, in the eyes of Yun Zheng, his son can say Anbang’s three policies, who is qualified to teach him?

If you don’t like reading, you don’t like to read, just have real skills. Don’t be like Fusu, it’s almost stupid to read all day.

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