"From then on, the Qin people were not afraid of death!"

Zhang Liang looked at the Great Qin Medal, Jingling Hall, and Yingling Monument proposed by Prince Fusu on the sky, and couldn't help but sighed.

In this era where death is as important as life, or even more important than life.

Why do they attach so much importance to the continuation and inheritance of their descendants?

One of the important reasons is that they want to make incense burn after their death and have descendants to worship them.

Because if there are no descendants to worship themselves, they will think that they will become lonely ghosts after their death, wandering in the void and without any support.

Now the Jingling Hall and Yingling Monument proposed by Prince Fusu can be said to have perfectly solved the problem of the Qin soldiers' afterlife.

If they unfortunately die in battle, their names will be engraved on the local Yingling Monument.

From then on, they will rest with the country, worship with the country, and be immortal with the country!

The Great Qin The king, civil and military officials, royal relatives, local officials, and common people all offer sacrifices to them every year.

To be honest, this kind of sacrifice is much more reliable than the sacrifices of their descendants.

After all, who knows which generation of their descendants will suddenly die out.

Even if they are not extinct, after seven or eight generations, which descendant will really remember you?


Unless you have created some achievements that your descendants and generations will be proud of, then you will always be remembered through word of mouth from generation to generation.

Otherwise, if you are just an ordinary ancestor among many ancestors, or an ancestor with at most a little achievement.

Then after seven or eight generations, you will be just a symbol of many ancestors among your descendants. One of them.

One more or one less doesn’t make much difference, so it’s normal to forget to sacrifice you.

The sacrifices in the Jingling Hall and the names engraved on the Monument to the Heroes are different.

As long as the Qin State does not perish, then you, whose names are engraved on the Monument to the Heroes, will definitely be able to enjoy the grand incense from all the people of the Qin State every year!

Remember, it’s everyone in the Qin State!

If we only consider the number of old Qin people in the Qin State, then this is also a grand sacrifice performed by millions of people on the same day! If we count the number of people from the six countries who surrendered to the Qin State, then this is an extremely grand sacrifice performed by 20 to 30 million people on the same day!

Just thinking about such a grand, magnificent, and grand sacrificial scene, Zhang Liang couldn’t help but feel a little Dizziness.

At least he had seen such an incredible sacrificial scene, not to mention that he had never seen it before, even when he was dreaming at night, he dared not imagine it like this.

And isn't this better than the sacrifices of his own family's descendants, who added up to no more than 180 people?

That's much, much better!

To say that the light of fireflies competes with the sun is to flatter the sacrifices of their own family's descendants.

If Zhang Liang was asked to choose between national sacrifices and family sacrifices, he would choose the former even if he had to use his feet to choose!

However, the premise is that the country being sacrificed to is his home country, South Korea, not Qin.

And he himself has such an idea, let alone other Qin soldiers.

In Zhang Liang's view, once the Jingling Hall and the Monument to the Heroes are built, it is almost inevitable that the Qin soldiers will be fearless and fearless.

Maybe even some old Qin soldiers who have no descendants.

In order to be able to engrave their names on the local monument of heroes, to rest with the country, to be worshipped with the country, and to be immortal with the country, it is not impossible to make a"seeking death" action on the battlefield to die with the enemy. After all, for those old Qin soldiers who have no descendants.

Even if they walk off the battlefield alive, the most they can get is a certain amount of compensation and the relevant Qin medals.

This has a certain meaning for them, but it is not very meaningful.

After they die, they still have no one to worship them, and they are still lonely ghosts.

In this case, why not die on the battlefield as a hero and engrave your name on the monument of heroes?

In this way, the Qin State will worship them every year, and they will not be lonely ghosts without incense!

Such a deal is too cost-effective for those old Qin soldiers who have no descendants!

"During his lifetime, he had a system of military merit and was given all kinds of benefits, which made the Qin people happy when they heard about the war."

"After death, there are Jingling Hall and Yingling Monument, giving them the full honor of mourning, so that the Qin people will not be afraid of death"

"'Me' in another world, do you know what kind of terrifying opponent you are facing?"

"And can you really overthrow such a Qin State and such a Crown Prince Fusu?"

Zhang Liang looked at the sky with a wry smile.

He didn't know how the"self" on the sky felt when facing such a Qin State and such a Crown Prince Fusu.

But after he put himself in the opposite side of the Qin State and the Crown Prince Fusu on the sky in his mind, he could only feel a deep powerlessness and despair.

This is not something that can be solved by his proud wisdom.

Once the Jingling Hall and the Monument to the Heroes are completed, the whole Qin State will surely unite as one, and the Qin soldiers all over the world will surely swear allegiance to the tyrant Ying Zheng and the Crown Prince Fusu.

Such a Qin State, such a tyrant Ying Zheng, and such a Crown Prince Fusu, even when the six countries were still there, were powerless to resist.

Now he is alone, with a little money on him, and some anti-Qin patriots he knows, he wants to Join forces to overthrow such a Qin State, such a tyrant Ying Zheng, and such a Crown Prince Fusu.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is like an ant trying to shake a tree, or a fool talking in his dreams.

But soon Zhang Liang had no time to lament for"himself" in another world, because he once again realized the cruel point.

That is, since he can see the great role of the Jingling Hall and the Monument to the Heroes, then can the tyrant Ying Zheng and the group of civil and military officials under his command also see it?

Almost without hesitation, Zhang Liang was sure that they must be able to see it.

After all, how could a tyrant who could wipe out the six countries and his civil and military officials be stupid people.

If the tyrant and his civil and military officials are stupid people, then aren't the people of the six countries even worse than stupid people?

This is not only an insult to the tyrant and his civil and military officials, but also an insult to... Insult the people of the six countries.

And since they can see the great role of the Jingling Hall and the Monument to the Heroes, will they build such a Jingling Hall and Monument to the Heroes?

Zhang Liang was able to come to the answer almost without thinking, that is, they would definitely build such a Jingling Hall and Monument to the Heroes.

In other words, the horrible, powerless and desperate reality that"myself" in another world is facing is also slowly becoming the horrible reality that he needs to face in this world! Thinking of this

, Zhang Liang couldn't help but support his forehead with both hands, his face full of pain. Can he still overthrow the Qin State and overthrow the tyrant Ying Zheng?

Why is there such an incredible thing in this world that the sky curtain of a parallel world is descending?

Why is the prince Fusu on the sky curtain not the prince of their Korea, but the prince of Qin The prince of the country?

If the prince Fusu on the sky curtain is the prince of Han, and the young monarch he assisted, then it would be no problem to overthrow the Qin State and the tyrant Ying Zheng!

However, there is no if, and Zhang Liang could not think of any way to solve the huge role played by the Qin Jingling Hall and the Yingling Monument in stabilizing people's hearts and consolidating rule.

So at this moment, Zhang Liang was also sitting on the ground in a somewhat decadent manner, looking up at the sky curtain with a little blankness.

The Qin soldiers from all over the world saw that the prince Fusu on the sky curtain said that he would build a Yingling Monument, and even engraved the names of those soldiers who died in the battle on the Yingling Monument.

Let those Qin soldiers who died in the battle rest with the country, worship with the country, and be immortal with the country, and every year they can be fixedly worshipped by the king of the Great Qin, civil and military officials, royal relatives, local officials, and the people of the world.

Everyone was stunned in place, and then you looked at me, I looked at you, and asked each other in disbelief:

".〃 I, I, did I hear it right?"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince just said that he would build a monument to heroes for us, and even engrave the names of the soldiers who died in the battle on the monument?"

"You must have heard it right, because I seem to have heard it too."

"I even heard His Royal Highness Fusu say that from now on, the monarch, his civil and military officials, royal relatives, local officials, and the people of the world will all hold a fixed day every year to offer sacrifices to the Jingling Hall and the Monument to the Heroes!"

"Let all the heroes who died fighting for the Qin State rest in peace, be worshipped with the country, and be immortal with the country!"

"You slap me, let me see if it hurts"


"Does it hurt?"


"That means, what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said is true!"

"The Jingling Hall and the Monument to the Heroes will really be built, and everyone will really offer sacrifices to the Jingling Hall and the Monument to the Heroes together every year!"

"I suddenly want to die in battle, so that I can have my name engraved on the monument as a heroic spirit."

"Wake up, don't be so impulsive!"

"This is Prince Fusu on the sky. It is also the Qin State on the sky that wants to build the Jingling Hall and the Yingling Monument. We don't know whether they will be built or not."

"If this is not built and then someone dies in battle, it will be a huge loss."

"Your Majesty in the Xianyang Palace should also be able to see the sky curtain, right?"

"If they saw it, they would probably also build the Jingling Temple and the Monument to the Heroes, right?"

"I think so. If not, we can all go and ask the general to talk to His Majesty (Li Zhaozhao) on our behalf."......

Qin soldiers from all over the country were discussing this matter.

Their words were filled with longing and desire to worship at the Jingling Hall and engrave the names of the heroes. Even the nobles of the six countries opened their eyes wide with shortness of breath after hearing the meaning of the Jingling Hall and the Heroes Monument.

After all, as nobles, they actually pursued wealth and honor in their lifetime more than the common people.���And what better name is there than entering the Jingling Hall and the Yingling Monument, being worshipped by the monarch, civil and military officials, royal relatives, local officials, and the common people of the world every year, truly resting with the country, worshipping with the country, and being immortal with the country?


At least not at present!

But they also know very well that as nobles of the six countries, they definitely have no hope of entering the Jingling Hall and Yingling Monument of Qin.

So they can only envy and pretend to be disdainful:

"What are the Jingling Hall and Yingling Monument? They are just a bunch of tricks to deceive people."

"Only the common people would value things like Jingling Hall and Yingling Monument."

"If our homeland still existed, we could also build such a magnificent Jingling Hall and Heroic Spirit Monument!"

"No, if we build the Jingling Hall and the Heroic Spirits Monument, they will definitely be a hundred times more magnificent than those of the tyrannical Qin Dynasty!"

"The damn tyrant Ying Zheng destroyed my homeland and ruined our chance to live with the country, be worshipped with the country, and be immortal with the country!"

"We will never give up on the tyrannical Qin!".......

This is my mother: Naruto789

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