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《It is recorded in the Records of the Grand Historian that the virtue of Zhou Dynasty declined and the Nine Cauldrons were hidden. It is said that on the day when Lü Buwei conquered Luoyang, a strong wind suddenly blew and the Nine Cauldrons turned into dragons and disappeared.

Bai Xiaosheng's smile was clearly heard by everyone, and even Lü Buwei turned around and looked at him.

The Qin Prince Chu on the throne was very troubled by Yang Quanjun, his brainless relative. If he had not been concerned about the face of the Queen Mother Huayang, he would have kicked him out long ago. When he heard Bai Xiaosheng's laugh, he knew something was up, so he said,"Sir, why are you laughing? How can you be so rude at this court meeting?"

Yang Quanjun was so angry that he jumped up and down, his face changed from red to white and blue several times, and he shouted loudly,"Court guards! Court guards! Where are the court guards? Hurry up and take down this rude guy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, three or five court guards walked into the hall, but when they saw the situation in the hall, they were in trouble.

The King of Qin sat high on the throne, glaring at the fat figure in the hall, but the fat figure was unaware of the situation, pointing at the King's guests with red eyes, shouting and commanding them.

The court guards who didn't know the situation had to stay where they were, and no matter how Yangquan Jun shouted, they didn't take any action.


King of Qin, Prince Chu, who was on the throne, became more and more annoyed the more he looked at it, his brows furrowed more and more, and his thin lips suddenly opened, and he said in a cold voice:"Xiong Gao! I am still……"

There was another round of silence in the palace. Yangquan Jun trembled, and his fat body shook a few times. He opened his eyes with lingering fear and looked at the throne in horror. He immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed, saying,"I know my crime."

In the Xianyang Palace, only the King of Qin was qualified to order the court guards. Qin Prince Chu snorted coldly, too lazy to look at the trembling ball of flesh on the ground. Instead, he smiled and said to Bai Xiaosheng,"If you don't explain it, I will really order the court guards to kick you out."

Bai Xiaosheng was prepared. He smiled calmly and said,"It's simple." He walked to Yangquan Jun and asked,"May I ask Yangquan Jun, as you said, Prime Minister Lu lost the Nine Cauldrons. For the Qin Dynasty, it is a serious fault and a serious crime? So Prime Minister Lu should be punished?"

Yangquan Jun thought for a moment, didn't hear anything wrong, nodded and said,"That's right"

""Pah!" Bai Xiaosheng yelled,"Who said that winning the Nine Cauldrons is a merit and losing the Nine Cauldrons is a fault! ? Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous."

This sudden move made Yangquan Jun so angry that he almost died. He pointed at Bai Xiaosheng with a trembling hand, his fat face shaking non-stop:", winning is a merit and losing is a fault, how can there be a perverted theory that gaining is a fault and losing is a merit!"

Indeed, on the surface, winning the Nine Cauldrons of King Yu is a great merit enough to be granted a title of nobility and appointed as a prime minister. Conversely, losing the Nine Cauldrons is a great crime enough to confiscate the property and exterminate the clan. There seems to be nothing wrong with this.

Bai Xiaosheng ignored Xiong, who was so angry, and confronted him:"According to what you said, wouldn't the world be in chaos? Killing people for treasures is also a fault, breaking into houses is also a fault, is it a good thing? I really want to say here, gaining is not necessarily a merit, and losing is not necessarily a fault!"

Bai Xiaosheng scolded harshly, spraying saliva all over Yangquan Jun's face.

He really couldn't understand how Xiong Gao, with his IQ, was given the title of Yangquan.

Today's court meeting is a good day for rewarding merits.

If he rushes out without judging the situation, he will offend the entire Qin court.

This is the first reason.

Secondly, the loss of King Yu's Nine Cauldrons will bring only benefits and no harm to the Qin Dynasty.

He can't even figure this out.

His brain is really stupid.

Thinking of Zhao Sheng, the Lord of Pingyuan of Zhao State, they are both feudal lords, why is there such a big gap?

Looking at the hall again, many ministers who didn't understand it before, fell into deep thought after hearing Bai Xiaosheng's words"Gain may not be a merit, and loss may not be a fault." How to explain gains and losses, merits and faults? At this time, a minister stepped out to ask for advice:"Sir, your theory may sound absurd at first, but it makes sense if you think about it carefully. Please give me some advice."

This person spoke with great respect, and also maintained the courtesy of a disciple. Bai Xiaosheng felt comfortable watching and listening to him, and his words became much more gentle:"I don't deserve your guidance. I am not talented, so I will just talk a little."

"The five kingdoms came together with great force, marching straight to Hangu Pass.

The generals and famous generals of the five kingdoms, Zhao, Wei, Qi, Chu and Yan, came out in full force, with a force far greater than that of our Qin.

The chief general was Li Mu, and the deputy general was Xiang Yan.

Throughout the dynasties, since King Huiwen, the six kingdoms of Shandong have joined forces to attack Qin more than ten times, but what happened in the end? That time, they were not the ones who caused internal strife and collapsed and lost!

Have you ever wondered why the armies of the five kingdoms were so united this time, without any gaps?"

"Because the head coach is Li Mu?"

"Wrong!" Bai Xiaosheng shouted, vetoing,"Because they have a banner, that is the King of Zhou!"

Bai Xiaosheng became more and more excited as he spoke:"Because of the King of Zhou, the armies of the five countries are united. If there is anyone who does not obey, the four countries will attack him together. Therefore, no country dares to stir up trouble. Because of the Zhou Dynasty, the five countries' attack on Qin is justified, and after the war, they can divide up the Qin land openly! Therefore, no country dares to fight with all their strength! Because of the King of Zhou……"

At this point, everyone should understand that the Zhou emperor is just a title, a banner. The armies of the five countries gathered under the banner can use the banner to attack Qin with all their strength. Once the banner falls... the consequences are self-evident.

"……Please think about it again." Bai Xiaosheng changed the subject and finally brought the topic back to the Nine Cauldrons."If the Nine Cauldrons were really placed in the Xianyang Palace of my Great Qin, then on the surface my Great Qin could inherit the title of the Son of Heaven and command the world. But what would the six countries of Shandong think? What would they do?"

He paused, took a deep breath, and looked around the hall. He saw that all the civil and military officials in the hall changed their expressions and thought blankly. He was very satisfied with this result.

"The six states of Shandong would send troops to join forces and attack Qin again under the banner of"revenge for the Zhou emperor." The state commander Wei Liaozi revealed the secret.

"That's right." Bai Xiaosheng nodded and looked around at the ministers in the hall again:"Now, the Nine Cauldrons is just a banner, an ominous banner. In layman's terms, it is a hot potato. No matter which country takes it, it will be burned. Therefore, the loss of the Nine Cauldrons is a blessing rather than a disaster for our Great Qin!"_

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