Lishan, this was Bai Xiaosheng's second visit. With his photographic memory, he could climb the mountain with his eyes closed without Feiyan's guidance. But today, he had to follow behind her and climb the mountain in an orderly manner. It was the Yin-Yang Sect who gave him so much face and courtesy. If he didn't know how to behave, he would be indebted.

Of course, all of the above was nonsense. Bai Xiaosheng's real thought was: when his martial arts skills surpass Donghuang Taiyi, he would definitely break into the Yin-Yang Sect again and beat Donghuang Taiyi to call him grandpa.……Now, let's just behave ourselves.

Yes, Bai Xiaosheng is now scared, because he is not as skilled as others.

Feiyan, who was leading the way, seemed to have sensed what the man behind him was thinking, and suddenly turned around. This turn was not a big deal for her, but it really scared Bai Xiaosheng. The two were only a few steps apart, but the man in front paused, and the man behind took a step before he could react, and almost bumped into him.

"Woman, what are you doing?"

The answer was a delicate face, Feiyan was standing on the steps half bent, the height difference between them was not much, now they were standing face to face, body to body.

Too close, so close that Bai Xiaosheng could see every inch of Feiyan's skin, every eyelash, even the small movement of her lips, all clearly seen. Gradually

, an unknown fragrance floated over, Bai Xiaosheng didn't need to make any effort to inhale, this fragrance drilled into the tip of his nose like a living thing, and went straight to the depths of his mind.

"Good smell……"Two words came to Bai Xiaosheng's mind. This fragrance does not belong to any kind of flower fragrance. It is elegant, noble, and unique. It is a kind of fragrance that can only be produced by a girl, and it is called"daughter fragrance".

Bai Xiaosheng narrowed his eyes, as if he was intoxicated by the daughter fragrance, while the owner of the daughter fragrance moved his face closer and closer, until there was only a mask between the two of them, and Bai Xiaosheng still did not notice. For a moment, the air on a stone step somewhere on the Lishan Mountain Road was a little pink.

It was only a moment, and Bai Xiaosheng woke up in a daze, and saw a pair of dark eyes with a little cunning in front of him. He retreated two steps in fear and asked again:"Woman, what are you doing?"

Feiyan looked at him twice, slowly stood up, with a smile on her face, and said:"Just come closer and smell the fragrance, I don't mind."

Bai Xiaosheng's face was a little ugly, as if he was ashamed of his embarrassing behavior just now. Thinking carefully, the girl's fragrance seemed to be mixed with some indescribable things. I thought to myself, I have been hunting geese all day and finally got pecked by geese. I didn't expect that I, who was good at using poison, would also have a day of suffering. I immediately replied:"No, no"

"You have fears sometimes too." Feiyan turned her victorious gaze away from Bai Xiaosheng's face, picked up something in her hand, and murmured,"How could there be such a 'beautiful' man in this world?……"

Bai Xiaosheng was startled. This thing is not... He subconsciously reached up to his face and found that the mask was gone. It turned out that when he was obsessed with his daughter's fragrance, the mask was stolen by Feiyan.

"Give it back to me." Bai Xiaosheng took a step forward, raised the price, snatched the mask and put it back on his face.

Feiyan looked at his anxious look, her eyebrows twitching, thinking, how can a man be so handsome? He is simply evil, no wonder he wears a mask, is he afraid of some men who have homosexual tendencies... She shook her head and waved away these thoughts, and saw Bai Xiaosheng hiding far away. She couldn't help but chuckled twice and said,"I've seen it, what are you afraid of? At worst, I can marry you."

"Woman, are you still going up the mountain? If not, I’m leaving! ?" Bai Xiaosheng almost went berserk, and shouted in his heart,"What's the use of marrying or not? If I have to marry, I will marry you. If it weren't for the promise, he would have run away long ago.

"Let's go up the mountain"


Walking in the Yin-Yang family palace, Bai Xiaosheng couldn't help but think of the first time he came here. At that time, the Yin-Yang family's five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth were tightly closed, and there were countless Yin-Yang disciples guarding the gates. The two gates of water and earth were guarded by Xiang Jun and Madam Xiang, two elder-level masters. But in the end, he still broke through the gates.

But now, so many years have passed, and when he revisited the old place, the five elements gates were not only opened layer by layer, but those Yin-Yang disciples were lined up beside them to welcome the guests.

While Bai Xiaosheng lamented the impermanence of the world, he also found that only the Yin-Yang family's Wu Ling Xuan Tong was in charge of the three gates of gold, wood and water, and Madam Xiang, who had fought with him, was not guarding the water gate:"Where is Madam Xiang?"

Feiyan moved to lead the way, passed the water gate, and explained as she walked:"The time you broke into the palace, it happened to be the Yin-Yang family's ceremony, and the elders gathered. At other times, Xiang Jun and Madam Xiang were both in seclusion and not in Mount Li."

Weird Yin-Yang family. Bai Xiaosheng muttered to himself, and then asked:"What about the other three elders? I don't think I saw them last time."

Feiyan continued patiently:"The elder of the Jin Department, Yun Zhongjun, is the master of alchemy. His fighting power... is hard to describe. As for the positions of elders of the Wood Department and the Fire Department, they have been vacant for many years."

During the conversation, the two passed through the heavy earth gate of the imperial land, and then went forward to the Stargazing Hall where Donghuang Taiyi was.

At this moment, a cold and arrogant female voice sounded beside the two:"Dongjun, you are back?" Bai Xiaosheng was slightly startled, and thought to himself that Dongjun was probably Feiyan's title or rank in the Yin-Yang family. Following the voice, he saw a beautiful and fairy-like woman who came from nowhere, stepped on a regular step, and moved in front of the two in a few steps.

Bai Xiaosheng secretly admired: What a profound step. Without caring about anything else, he opened his eyes and looked again, only to find that the woman had covered her eyes with a sky blue veil, as if she didn't want the worldly world to taint her eyes, but the veil was almost transparent, so what could it block? How could he deceive himself.

After making up his mind, Bai Xiaosheng looked at the woman again with a hint of pity in his eyes.

The woman had sharp senses, and she noticed the pity in Bai Xiaosheng's eyes, so she looked back coldly and said,"You seem to feel sorry for me?"

The woman said this with great arrogance and a lot of anger. Obviously, Bai Xiaosheng's gaze touched the most sensitive part of her heart.

"It's not pity, but pity. You have demons in your heart, but you don't know it, and the road ahead is worrying."Bai Xiaosheng said it very directly, pity the woman, sorry, that's for his woman

"you……"The woman gritted her teeth, thinking of Donghuang Taiyi's similar warning, and she was powerless to refute.

Seeing the woman being humiliated, Feiyan was secretly happy. The two women seemed to be at odds with each other. She introduced with a little pride:"This is my Yin-Yang family's right protector, with the honorific title of 'Moon Goddess'. She is my sister and also my subordinate."

Bai Xiaosheng could tell that Dongjun's position was higher than the Moon Goddess protector. According to the rank, the Moon Goddess was really Feiyan's subordinate. But seeing that the two sisters didn't get along as soon as they met, it was probably because the elder sister was better than the younger sister in everything, and the younger sister refused to admit defeat and secretly competed with her.

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