Thirty thousand"croton" soldiers were originally Bai Xiaosheng's backup plan. If Li Mu was willing to take down Ying Zheng even if Handan fell, then sending these special soldiers would definitely work wonders. Although this method was a bit shameless, it would definitely force Li Mu to retreat. Let

's stop talking nonsense. When Bai Xiaosheng and others arrived at the Qin army camp, Qin commander Meng Ao led his son Meng Wu to welcome Bai Xiaosheng and his party.

Meng Wu was a strong man, about thirty years old, tall and strong, with a dark complexion. He looked like a big black man, but he was agile and had a terrifying momentum when he walked. He had the physique and perseverance of a soldier.

He strode forward, first performed the great ceremony of a minister to Ying Zheng and his mother, and when he saw Bai Xiaosheng, he stepped back two steps, and then smiled awkwardly:"I finally meet you, sir. Although I can't see your true face, I am lucky enough."

Bai Xiaosheng knew that the"croton" recipe was so bad that even the Qin generals kept a distance from him.

Everyone was afraid that something might happen if they were late, especially when they learned that Li Mu was in Handan. Meng Ao immediately ordered a warship to be dispatched, so that Bai Xiaosheng, Ying Zheng and his party could go to Xianyang overnight, while he led the army to cover the rear.

Late at night, in the spacious cabin of Prince Zheng, Bai Xiaosheng, Zhang Han, Zhao Ji and others were all present.

Bai Xiaosheng stretched and squinted his eyes. He was very displeased with Zhang Han's behavior of forcibly pulling him out of the bed:"Zhang Han, if you do it again, I will give you ten kilograms of croton and make you leave the toilet."

Ten kilograms of croton would make a cow die. Hearing this, Zhang Han shuddered and managed a smile, but it was uglier than crying.

Ying Zheng came to the rescue and said,"Teacher, it was the student who asked Zhang Han to invite you."

"I just want to scare him. Ten kilograms of croton seeds are worth a lot of money. You are willing to give it up, but I am not." Bai Xiaosheng waved his hand and said,"Without your order, he would not have the courage to do it. Tell me, what do you want to see me about?" After that, he could not help yawning. Today, he was really tired.

Speaking of business, everyone became serious. Zhang Han first asked Ying Zheng with his eyes, and after seeing that the young master agreed, he said:"Your Highness, sir, the reason why Prime Minister Lu is anxious for Your Highness to return to Xianyang this time is only because of one thing-to establish a crown prince!"

Bai Xiaosheng looked at him in a daze, and after a long time he said:"The new monarch has been on the throne for less than a month, and he is eager to establish a crown prince. The Ying Qin royal family is afraid...~"

"Scared? What are you afraid of?"Ying Zheng was a little confused. The Qin State is now strong and powerful. No one dares to mess with it. What is there to be afraid of the Qin royal family?


As soon as he finished speaking, Ying Zheng was hit on the head by the pen. Zhao Ji smiled with her sleeves brushing her face. She was used to this kind of situation. Zhang Han on the side was stunned. Hitting the prince's head was the right of the king and the tutor.

"When will you, a blockhead like you, come to your senses?"Bai Xiaosheng took back his pen leisurely and explained in a nonchalant tone,"After the death of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, An Guojun (King Xiaowen of Qin) succeeded to the throne and died three days later.

In just three days, Qin lost two kings in a row.

And now, as far as I know, the King of Qin, your father, has always been in poor health.

Whenever he has a headache or a fever, he has to take a three-five-day leave of absence.

The royal family of Ying Qin is afraid that this king who has finally sat on the throne will die young, and Qin will be in chaos.

That's why they are in a hurry to appoint a crown prince.


Although these words are taboo and suspected of criticizing the monarch, they are the facts. Ying Zheng had never seen King Zhao's ancestor, grandfather, or even father, and had no concept of the crown prince and the king, so he was not very moved.

Zhang Han was different. He continued with the topic,"What you said is right, sir. Now, the king has only two sons, including His Highness. There is no doubt that the position of the crown prince will belong to either Prince Zheng or Prince Chengjiao."

His words had a bit of the feeling of a newborn calf not afraid of a tiger, and it was also a statement of loyalty. All the people here were the closest people to Ying Zheng, and they automatically filtered out certain sensitive words.

Ying Zheng fell silent. In the Xianyang Palace in Xianyang City, there were his relatives, but in the near future, at least half of them would become his enemies. One of them was his own brother...

Looking at his expression, Bai Xiaosheng said,"What are you thinking about? Don't forget, your brother has wanted to kill you for a long time."

Ying Zheng was stunned, thinking of the two assassinations from Luowang, and asked in a daze,"Teacher... didn't you say that my brother didn't mean to kill me?"

"Just because it didn't happen before doesn't mean it won't happen forever." Bai Xiaosheng resisted the urge to knock his head with a pen and continued to say lightly,"Luowang is controlled by the Huayang faction, whose leader might be Lord Yangquan. Under his influence, your brother will sooner or later want to kill you. This is inevitable."

Ying Zheng fell silent again. This established assumption was enough to smash his beautiful dream of brotherly love and respect, especially the last word"inevitable"... Is it true that the Wang family has no family affection? Even so, he still had illusions. He didn't want to do anything to his brother, and hoped that his brother would be the same.

Seeing him like this, Bai Xiaosheng knew that his student still had some hope in his heart, so he had to let him go. It was a bit painful, and only by experiencing it personally could you taste the various flavors.

The boat did not stop, going straight up against the Weishui River. In the early morning of a few days later, the south bank of Xianyang City was dimly visible in the morning light.

On the bow, facing the rising sun and feeling the oncoming smell of his hometown, Ying Zheng felt very cordial, and suddenly asked:"Teacher, after returning to Xianyang, would you like to be Zheng'er's tutor?"

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