The night in the Taoist temple was exceptionally quiet, the dark green tiles shone dimly under the moon, and the pink and white walls gave off an inexplicable sense of tranquility. In the east wing, the snow-white Princess Zhao Qian lay on the bed like a puppet, her azure eyes still shining in the darkness, but even in such a pair of dazzling eyes, there was an endless determination to die, as if it didn't matter if she died the next moment.

The two maids packed up quietly and left together. On the corridor, one of the older palace maids sighed and said,"Everyone envies the royal palace, and they are trying their best to step into the vermilion palace gate. But they don't know that the people in the palace are cold-blooded.……"

This maid was about 20 years old.

She had been serving Princess Qingxue since she was young, accompanying her to get married.

She was also the person who understood princesses the most in the world.

The maid next to her had a young face.

It was obvious that she had not been in the palace for long and could not experience the coldness of human blood.

She only heard the disgust and helplessness between the lines about the palace.

She could not empathize with the palace at all.

She said foolishly:"No, it's good to enter the palace.

After I enter the palace, my father won't have to join the army, and my younger brother will have enough money to marry a wife.

" The older maid laughed when she heard it.

Is it good to enter the palace? It may be good for the young maid, but after a long time, she will find that the people in this palace are all eaters without leaving bones.

Except for this snow-like princess sleeping in the Taoist temple now...


Qin and Zhao have already started a war. The Zhao army is short of troops. The so-called father is exempted from joining the army is just an empty talk to deceive the young girl who is not experienced in the world.

The older maid didn't say this out loud, but quietly reminded her of the taboos in the palace. Soon, she would be out of the palace, and maybe this girl would be the one to accompany Princess Snow.

Speaking of Princess Snow, the younger maid became interested and said in a strange tone,"Sister, do you think anyone wants Princess Snow?" The maid in front suddenly squatted down, turned around and glared at the outspoken girl with a warning.

""Pa!" With a sound, a red palm print appeared on the little girl's face, and her cheek was swollen. She looked at her sister in front of her with horror.

The older palace maid gritted her teeth and said coldly:"How many times have I said that if you make a complaint, you will be punished by death!"

"Over the years, Princess Snow has been like a commodity, being sent back and forth by the king. She is pitiful enough, and yet you say such things to her!" The kindness of the older maid had long gone, and her face was filled with anger,"Remember, if there is a next time, I have plenty of ways to make you live a life worse than death!"

The almost frightened little girl wiped away her tears and replied weakly that she didn't dare to do it again.

The older maid then looked up at Princess Snow's room, and said with a complaint and sadness,"I really hope that Your Highness can find a good home……"But she forgot that she was also"discussing the matter".

However, at this moment, the bed in the room was empty, and the snow-like princess disappeared as if the ice and snow had melted.


On the other hand, Bai Xiaosheng was reading everything about Princess Qingxue, from her birth, to learning dancing and martial arts, to being sent to marry three families, the three husbands died mysteriously... and finally, she was almost defiled by the crown prince.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaosheng snorted coldly, and for some reason, he suddenly felt angry and thought about whether he should go to the East Palace to kill the crown prince. I guess King Zhao also wanted his son to die sooner.

Reading further, Bai Xiaosheng suddenly smiled and gave up the idea of killing the crown prince, because the current crown prince is an out-and-out eunuch.

""Hahaha." Bai Xiaosheng laughed very relieved, and was ready to see who castrated this evildoer, but the column about the murderer was blank.

He frowned. Since it was blank, it meant that it was not Princess Qingxue who did it, so who could it be?

"Fortunately, King Zhao was not too old and confused, and his anger was not directed at Princess Qingxue.……"Even Bai Xiaosheng himself did not realize that the four words"Princess Qingxue" had already penetrated his heart, popping up from time to time to remind him that there was such a princess as charming as snow in Zhao State.

The night passed quietly, and the sound of the night watch rang again and again. This was the second time of the day. Three consecutive beats marked the second watch (equivalent to nine o'clock in the evening).)Bai Xiaosheng did not move. He was waiting, waiting for the third watch.

An hour later, dong! - dong! dong!, one slow and two fast, the third watch sounded. (It was about 11 o'clock in the evening.) The remaining half an hour also passed quietly while Bai Xiaosheng waited patiently. Finally, September 14th arrived.

He slowly took off the mask, looked at the face in the bronze mirror and smiled. It was a very handsome face, and a little more beautiful would make women jealous. Of course, this was not the reason why he always wore a mask.……

"Is it snowing?"

Outside the window, soft snowflakes were falling. Gradually, the snowflakes became bigger and bigger. Two or three of them flew into the house like elves and landed on his hands. Bai Xiaosheng seemed to have a premonition of something and got up and went out.

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