Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 94: The Dojo’s Thoughts and Souls

After signing and stamping his name, Qiu Yan entered the prefectural school. A guard came forward to search him. After checking that he was fine, he took the test paper and draft paper, entered the examination room, sat down, took out the pen, inkstone and inkstone from the examination basket, placed them on the table, and filled them with water to grind ink.

The seats on both sides of Qiu Yan were already occupied. The one on the left was a middle-aged man with an extraordinary appearance and a dignified appearance. Once he sat down, he sat as still as a clock; the one on the right was a young boy who looked less than thirteen or fourteen years old. He looked lively and active, but he was forcibly restrained and seemed a little restless.

At this time, a group of people suddenly came in front of him, led by an official, surrounded by a group of clerks, walking and stopping, obviously on an inspection.

Qiu Yan took a look and noticed that the official had an unusual aura, so he immediately used the spiritual eye technique that he had practiced not long ago to find out what was going on.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the soul power flowed into his eyes, he felt a mighty force falling down, smashing the soul power in his eyes to pieces!

"What is this?"

Qiu Yan was stunned, and the official was not far away.

The clerk next to the official glanced at Qiu Yan, turned around and said something to the official, and the official looked at Qiu Yan with a slightly cold look.

"Hmm? This person should be Kong Tixue, who presided over the Dao exam, why does he seem to be hostile to me? Why is this? I have been studying behind closed doors for the past two years, and I can't even provoke the villagers, so how could I let a prefecture student be hostile?"

As he was thinking, the official had already walked over. This person was dressed neatly and had a serious face. He looked old-fashioned and unreasonable. He came to Qiu Yan, nodded, and said: "Are you Qiu Yan? The prefecture lord values ​​you very much, but don't be arrogant and take the exam with peace of mind. If you answer too badly, it will be futile to help others. At most, there will be an additional one." After speaking, he led a group of clerks away and continued to patrol.

On the spot, Qiu Yan narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"So that's it. Although I don't know what went wrong in the middle, it's obvious that the prefect had good intentions but did something bad, which made the supervisor prejudiced against me, thinking that I was going to use the back door and build relationships. In this way, no matter how well I answer, I may be demoted. I wanted to compete for the first place in the case and improve my reputation, but now it seems a bit difficult. Fortunately, no matter how prejudiced this person is against me, I think he will not deliberately depose me. I should be able to pass the Dao exam and get the title of Xiucai."

Those who passed the Dao exam are divided into first and second classes. The first class is a student, which is commonly known as a scholar. There are many benefits. The second class is second. Even if you pass the exam, there are no benefits, and it will damage your reputation.

Now, the meaning of the supervisor is clearly that although the prefect has given him a heads-up, if Qiu Yan does not do well in the exam, he can only be a student at most.

After a while, most of the students had taken their seats, but suddenly there was a noise outside the gate of the prefectural school.

The students who were seated were used to this, and knew that someone was caught by the police for smuggling and was making a fuss. In such cases, everyone knew that the person had no hope, and only the person involved was still holding on to luck and making a fuss, hoping to be let off, but he was kicked out not long after.

Then, the door of the examination room was closed and a gong sounded, which meant that Kong Tixue had already given the test questions.

Da Rui's examination room was similar to Qiu Yan's previous life, but there were also differences. For example, this test was a student's test for a scholar, and it only took one day. The questions were not complicated, with ten questions on the meaning of ink and one question on the meaning of scriptures.

In the Mo Yi, there are five interpretation questions and five annotation questions, which are similar to the translation, explanation and short answer questions in Qiu Yan's previous life; and the Jing Yi question is to choose a paragraph or a sentence from the five classics of Poetry, Book of History, Rites, Yi, and Spring and Autumn Annals as the title, and let the students explain their understanding according to this sentence. It is a bit like Qiu Yan's essay in his previous life, except that the essay cannot be taboo.

It can be said that there is not much room for students to play in the Dao test. Most of them are rote memorization, which tests the familiarity and understanding of the respondent with Confucian classics.

In the last Dao test, Qiu Yan's predecessor actually answered fluently, but unfortunately he failed to pass the exam due to other factors. This time, after two years of precipitation, Qiu Yan has inherited the knowledge of his predecessor and learned a lot from Ma Yang. He just glanced at the test question and the answer came to his mind.

However, he did not rush to write, but sat quietly, closed his eyes slightly, and his mind moved. The soul inside was faintly beating, as if brewing something.

It is now the fifth watch, and the sky is not yet bright, so the soul does not have to worry about the sun.

"This time, not only do we need to pass the exam to become a scholar, but we also need to condense the earth soul."

Thinking of this, he remembered that he had just used the Spirit Eye Technique but was shattered by a great force.

"The prefectural school is a place for education and nurturing, and there are often children writing essays. Over time, it has gathered a strong literary atmosphere, which seems to have a certain restraining effect on the magic skills. The Spirit Eye Technique was shattered just by mobilizing the soul power. If the soul leaves the body, it may be even more disadvantageous, but it is also an opportunity. The set of soul cultivation techniques I summarized is originally related to reading..."

Thinking of this, he no longer delayed, and the soul suddenly jumped out from the top of his head.

But when it left the body, there was immediately a torrential downpour, but Qiu Yan's soul was extremely condensed, and this great force could not shatter it. It could only suppress it and force it back into the body.

One side came out and the other side pressed, and the soul suddenly went up and down, and Qiu Yan was also in a state of half-sleep and half-wakefulness, without any sound or movement.

"That's enough!"

As his thoughts turned, his soul's perception spread, and in a blink of an eye it covered the entire examination room. The images and movements of the students suddenly appeared in his mind.

One by one, as if seeing it with my own eyes, I saw some students writing like gods, some thinking hard, some writing and stopping, some sneaking around, some panicking, and some simply sleeping with their heads covered

"Dojo, dojo, the place to seek the Tao, but it is not necessarily a fixed place, but refers to the scene used to carry one's own Tao. I was misled by the experience book before. Thanks to the month of reading in the Xiangguo study, I finally found the clue. My simple study is not my dojo, and the Xiangguo study with many classics is also not my dojo. At this moment, it is my dojo!"

As soon as the thought came to mind, the students in the entire examination room suddenly felt a stir in their hearts, but after thinking carefully, they found nothing, so they regarded it as a temporary illusion.

At the same time, in the air in the examination room, a stream of literary spirit that ordinary people could not see floated from the students one by one.

Each line of thought contains a person's thinking and understanding of the meaning of the scriptures, which are rough and shallow, right and wrong. They gather together in a mighty way, forming a huge bookshelf that is hard to see with the naked eye around Qiu Yan, filled with books. There is a label on the top of the bookshelf with the word "scripture" written on it!

A feeling full of vitality and energy emanates, and this bookshelf seems to be a living thing!

"Earth soul, condense!"

Qiu Yan has another thought, and the bookshelf suddenly shakes, and is sucked into the living soul that barely leaves the body, falls on the side of the soul, and slowly surrounds it.


The living soul shakes, releasing a great force, tearing off a few breaths from the overwhelming momentum, and then falling back into the body.

Qiu Yan's body jumps suddenly, as if he was electrocuted, and the whole person comes to his senses and opens his eyes.

At this time, a clerk led Kong Tixue over and said, "Please look, sir, it's almost an hour, but Qiu Yan hasn't written a word. It's obvious that he wants to cheat."

"Oh? Is that true?" Kong Tixue still had a serious expression. He followed the clerk to the outside of Qiu Yan's examination room. He looked up and found that the paper in front of Qiu Yan was blank. He shook his head and was about to scold him.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Yan didn't even look at them. He picked up the pen and wrote the first word.

As soon as this word fell on the paper, it seemed to have spirituality, making the whole test paper come alive and full of charm!


Before Kong Tixue could finish his words, he saw this word, and his pupils shrank and froze in place.

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