Chapter 9: I'm the kind of person who indulges in wine and women.


On the banks of the Changning River, the lights were bright.

Unlike the wide river where Yu Xian had previously gone fishing, this section of the river that runs through Changning City is much narrower, with many houses and buildings on both sides of the river. This is the essence of the Changning River.

Painted boats and flower boats, houses by the flowing water, and bustling wine shops and teahouses on the riverbank. The sounds of people were even more lively than during the day.

The place where the herbal medicine merchant invited them was a medium-sized painted boat on the river. It was an industry of the famous brothel, Lixiu Ge, in the city. The attendants on the boat were all top-notch entertainers.

Therefore, if you wanted to rent the boat for a night, it would cost no less than five hundred taels of silver. Of course, the boat and the people were bundled together.

When Yu Xian heard the high price, his first reaction was to feel sorry for himself. He thought it would be great if he could just exchange the silver for cash. But soon he slapped himself.

Damn it, he was really a fool who couldn't see the bigger picture.

Why did he want the silver in the first place? Wasn't it to enjoy himself? Now he could skip the middleman and enjoy himself directly.

And the other party was an experienced driver, so the program they arranged would definitely be top-notch. All he had to do was enjoy himself to the fullest.

After some mental preparation, Yu Xian quickly found his identity - a freeloading guest.

At the entrance of the banquet hall on the painted boat.

An old man led a middle-aged man to welcome Yu Xian and Doctor Huang onto the boat.

"I am Sun Hong, the owner of the Sun Family Medicine Shop. I have heard of Master Yu's reputation. It is truly an honor to meet you in person. Master Yu is not only powerful, but also exceptionally handsome and elegant. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that such a celestial being exists in this world."

The old man, who was leading the way, bowed and flattered, making Yu Xian blush.

Yu Xian smiled modestly and praised, "Old sir, you have a discerning eye. You have already seen through me at our first meeting."

The old man's smile froze, and his gaze turned to the middle-aged man, Doctor Huang.

"Is this Master Yu always so shameless?"

Doctor Huang nodded silently.

"Yes, he is."

Fortunately, the old man had experienced the ups and downs of life for many years and was no longer surprised. He smoothly continued the conversation without leaving any trace.

"I heard that Master Yu enjoys singing and dancing. Tonight, I specially invited the Butterfly Girl from Lixiu Ge to perform a dance for Master Yu. I hope Master Yu will give us some guidance later."

Yu Xian remained low-key and said, "I dare not give guidance. Let's all learn together."

"Haha, Master Yu is truly modest. Please come this way."

The old man invited Yu Xian to the main seat in the hall and then clapped his hands.

A sound of tinkling came from behind the screen, and suddenly the sound of a pipa resounded, as if a pebble had fallen into a spring in a mountain stream.

Then came the sound of a zither, a guzheng, an erhu, and a crisp sound similar to striking jade.

The melodies intertwined, mixed but not chaotic, as if stepping into a drizzling mountain stream.

The hall fell silent.

At the entrance of the hall, the pearl curtain was lifted, and a pair of bare jade feet stepped in.

Looking up, under the orange light was a pair of flawless slender legs, as smooth as jade, with pores so fine that they seemed invisible.

Further up, there was a moon-white gauze dress, thin but not transparent, with a silky texture, adorned with star-like sand, shimmering under the candlelight.

It was a woman with a veil covering her face, like moonlight.

She took light steps, like a young girl in spring, with the wind blowing on her face and her ribbons fluttering behind her.

The music behind the screen suddenly became cheerful.

Four dancers entered in a row.

They seemed like a group of butterflies, frolicking among the flowers, jumping and dancing, bright and not enchanting.

The deliberately exposed clothing seemed to bring out the innocence and romance of young girls.

They didn't seem to be dancing for a group of men, but playing and frolicking in the mountains, releasing the nature of young girls, with a clean and pure scent.

Yu Xian started off indifferent, but then became completely engrossed.

Yulan danced for him, a simple and direct seduction, and he only wanted to take off her clothes.

But when he saw the dance of this colorful butterfly girl, he had an impulse to dress them up and protect their beautiful purity.

Excellent dancing can move people with its scenery.

The music ended and the dance finished.

The colorful butterfly girl took off her veil, revealing a charming face, and bowed to the crowd.

"I apologize for my lack of skill."

The stunned crowd finally came to their senses.


Yu Xian applauded and cheered, feeling that just this dance alone made his trip worthwhile, and the other half, of course, was the introduction that the old man had not yet given.

Seeing Yu Xian applauding, the others also clapped to save face.

"Haha, it seems that Master Yu really likes the dance of the colorful butterfly girl. Colorful butterfly girl, Master Yu is also a master in this field. Why don't you have a good conversation with him? Perhaps you can become friends and achieve great things in the future."

Sun Hong gestured, and the colorful butterfly girl sat down next to Yu Xian.

As soon as the colorful butterfly sat down, Yu Xian immediately smelled a faint fragrance, and couldn't help but take a few sniffs.

No wonder they say that the flowers at home don't smell as sweet as the wild ones.

"Master Yu, I, Colorful Butterfly, offer you a toast."

Colorful Butterfly poured herself a glass of wine, then drank it all in one go. Perhaps she drank too quickly, as she choked a bit and her cheeks turned pink, looking adorable.

Yu Xian looked at Colorful Butterfly with an open and gentle expression.

"Colorful Butterfly, your dance is beautiful, and you are beautiful. I really like it."

"Thank you for your praise, Master Yu. Ah?"

Colorful Butterfly lowered her head and smiled lightly, then suddenly raised her head, her face turning red.

She saw that a big hand had already wrapped around her waist, and the distance between the two of them had become almost intimate.

"Colorful Butterfly, my liking has always been direct."

Yu Xian leaned in, his warm breath hitting Colorful Butterfly's face, making her body stiff, but it made Yu Xian burst into laughter.

Sun Hong saw Yu Xian getting close to Colorful Butterfly and also showed a pleased expression.

As Huang the doctor said, this Master Yu is fond of beauty and lustful. Choosing a beautiful woman to give to him is just what he likes.

It was not in vain that he spent two hundred taels of silver to have Colorful Butterfly accompany him.

So, in the midst of the drunken revelry.

Sun Hong raised his glass and said, "Master Yu, it is an honor for me that you could come to my humble feast. I will drink this glass."

He drank the wine, then continued, "I heard from Doctor Huang that you are looking to purchase medicinal herbs. My pharmacy happens to have some in stock, so today I am offering them to you as a gift."

Bring them up."

As soon as he finished speaking, two servants wearing melon hats carried in a large wooden box.

The box was opened, revealing categorized brocade boxes inside. When those were opened, the medicinal herbs inside were all tonics such as ginseng, astragalus, and angelica.

Yu Xian also keenly noticed one small brocade box, which contained a stack of fifty taels silver notes. Judging by its thickness, there were at least one or two thousand taels.

Adding this box of medicinal herbs, it was worth three or four thousand taels without a problem.

If you add today's hospitality, it would be several hundred taels more.

Going through all this trouble, it has far exceeded the limit of a meeting gift. Could it be just to make friends with him?

Yu Xian didn't know Sun Hong's intentions, but it didn't prevent him from accepting the gift.

After all, once it enters his mouth, there's no reason to spit it out. He is alone, without relatives or friends, and not afraid of retaliation.

"Elder, I dare not refuse your gift. Mr. Sun's kind intentions, I am deeply grateful. I will accept this gift."

Yu Xian stood still, secretly using his magic power to transform into a rough hand, grabbing the heavy wooden box in mid-air and dropping it behind him with a loud thud.

This sound was like a blow to everyone's hearts.

For a moment, the entire hall fell silent!

(End of this chapter)

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