Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 89 The Boundless Fallen Tree Formation (Please

Chapter 89: Boundless Falling Wood Formation (Additional Update, Please Continue Reading!!)

It was night.

The headquarters of the Willow Leaf Gang.

The gang leader, Liu Qing, was practicing in his residence, refining his own mana and preparing for the third level of Foundation Building.

Suddenly, he had a whim and abruptly woke up from his cultivation.

"Not good!"

He looked up and saw a log as thick as two people's arms falling from the sky, smashing through the roof.

Liu Qing opened his mouth and spat out a green light that transformed into a flying knife resembling a willow leaf. The light then intensified and collided with the giant log.


The falling log was blocked by the flying knife, causing a tremendous roar in the air. Ripples spread in all directions, shattering the vases and bowls in the house.

This strike was almost equivalent to a full-force attack from a Qi Refining Grand Perfection cultivator.

Liu Qing secretly made a comparison.

But before he could catch his breath, he heard a swooshing sound.

The roof exploded, and dozens of logs fell down, each with a similar power to the previous attack.

Liu Qing dared not resist head-on anymore.

A layer of armor appeared on his body, resembling a suit of armor woven from green vines. It was his high-grade defensive magic treasure, the Willow Vine Armor.

With the defense of the Willow Vine Armor and the attack power of the flying knives, he finally managed to withstand the attacks of three logs and rushed out of the house.


The large mansion instantly turned into ruins.

"Who is it?!"

Liu Qing's face was filled with anger.

In the sky, a green formation plate unfolded, surrounded by eighteen formation flags within a radius of one hundred meters. A green light barrier covered the entire area.

It perfectly covered his mansion.

"The person who's here to trouble you!"

Yu Xian snapped his fingers, and dozens of logs appeared around him, heading straight for Liu Qing.

With his cultivation level and a bit of talent, he had recently become a second-tier formation master.

Although he currently only knew the Boundless Falling Wood Formation, his strength was not to be underestimated.

Even though he concealed a higher cultivation level and two lower cultivation levels, with only the ninth level of Qi Refining and a second-tier formation, he alone was enough to surround the Willow Leaf Gang's headquarters.

This was the power of a formation master, the number one cultivation art among the various arts of cultivation.

As long as a formation master was given enough time, it was not just a fantasy to kill someone of a higher cultivation level.

Although he intentionally kept a low profile, it was only because he didn't want to attract unnecessary trouble.

In terms of his true strength, there were no more than a few people in Shangyang City who deserved his serious attention.

Now that he had revealed his Qi Refining Grand Perfection and second-tier formation master strength, it was a suitable time to flex his muscles.

This way, he wouldn't encounter a situation like today where anyone dared to step on him.

Of course, if someone wanted to estimate and calculate him based on his current strength, he would give that person a huge surprise.

"Boundless Falling Wood Formation!"

Liu Qing immediately recognized this famous formation created by Master Wen. It was a second-tier lower-grade formation, with the highest power equivalent to a Foundation Building cultivator.

Of course, to fully unleash its maximum power, it required a high level of control from the formation master.

"Master Yu, are you Master Wen's disciple?! Is there some misunderstanding between us?"

Yu Xian neither denied nor confirmed it.

He had long inquired about Master Wen, who was a quasi-third-tier formation master and always eager to teach others. In addition to supplementing his own formation research, he often charged fees for teaching.

There were nearly a thousand cultivators who had taken his classes, and even he himself couldn't remember how many people he had taught.

Moreover, his formation diagrams were widely circulated, and the Boundless Falling Wood Formation was just one of them. Therefore, he wasn't worried about any problems arising from its exposure.

"Gang Leader Liu, your gang members invited me to come and talk to you. Why are you denying it now?"

With a flick of Yu Xian's finger, dozens of rolling logs fell down.

These were gang members of the Willow Leaf Gang who had heard the commotion and wanted to charge into the formation. Without understanding what was happening, they were smashed, and the unlucky ones turned into minced meat on the spot.

Liu Qing dodged a log and shouted to his subordinates, "No one should come in!"

This formation was easy to enter but difficult to exit. Even a Foundation Building cultivator would need some effort to escape once trapped. Its reputation had long spread throughout the city.

Helping the crowd come in only adds sacrifices.

"Yu Zhen Shi has something to say."

Liu Qing muttered to himself, then hurriedly called out, "It's Zhao Zhongliu from the Zhao family who wants to trouble you. I'm just doing a favor. It's true that I did something inappropriate. I'm willing to offer compensation that satisfies Yu Zhen Shi."

Upon hearing compensation, Yu Xian, who had no intention of killing Liu Qing in the first place, paused.

"Oh, how much are you willing to compensate me?"

"One hundred spirit stones?"

Liu Qing hesitated to ask, but when he saw the giant log reappear in the sky, he swallowed his saliva and forced a smile, saying, "I heard that Yu Zhen Shi used a Purple Thunder Talisman today. I'm willing to compensate on behalf of Yu Zhen Shi with these spirit stones."

Yu Xian immediately snapped his fingers, and all the logs dispersed like shadows. Then the formation flags rotated and gathered together, along with the formation plate, which he collected with one hand.

"The Purple Thunder Talisman was something I obtained through a small favor and an additional two hundred spirit stones at the Yingxian Pavilion. Tomorrow, have someone deliver the spirit stones to my residence. Let's consider this matter as if it never happened. As for the Zhao family, I will handle it myself. If they ask you anything, just answer truthfully."

Seeing Yu Xian casually landing in front of him, with a hint of fierceness in his eyes, Liu Qing hesitated for a moment but ultimately didn't make a move.

The fact that someone dared to appear in front of him clearly indicated confidence in their own strength.

If he failed to kill the person, he would be the one living in fear in the future.

As for his father, who was undergoing a major repair in Foundation Building, perhaps he would seek revenge for him if he died. But before he died, his plea for help was more effective than spirit stones.

After all, his father was young and ambitious, with the sole desire to become a Gold Core cultivator. And he, his son, was just an accident.

Liu Qing reminded him, "From what I know, this matter was done by Zhao Zhongliu alone and has nothing to do with the Zhao family. Yu Zhen Shi, don't let Zhao Zhongliu deceive you with his grandstanding."

Yu Xian looked at Liu Qing in surprise and said, "Thank you for the reminder, Master Liu."

Liu Qing awkwardly smiled and said, "If I had known earlier that Yu Zhen Shi had such abilities, why would I have bothered to get involved in this mess?"

Yu Xian jokingly replied, "It's not too late for Master Liu to know now."


Yu Xian bowed and left the residence of the Liu Ye Gang in a grand manner.


"Master, this person was so arrogant today. Why don't we report it to the respected elder and ask him to take action? We should teach him a lesson! Otherwise, he will think that our Liu Ye Gang is easy to bully."

The cultivator in the green robe, who was present during the day, was sweating profusely and quickly stepped forward to offer advice.

If only they had known that Yu Zhen Shi was so powerful, they would have been more polite during the day.

Upon hearing this, Liu Qing slapped the cultivator in the green robe, causing him to spin several large circles in place.

"Damn it! Do you think it's cheap for me to ask the old man to take action once? I just compensated him with two hundred spirit stones! Where do I have the money to invite him? I told you to act according to the situation, but this is how you handle things. You've needlessly provoked a formidable enemy for me! If I hadn't reacted in time, I would have lost my life by now."

Liu Qing scolded the cultivator in the green robe, venting his anger.

"By the way! Spread the word about today's events. Whoever dares to gossip, don't blame me for being impolite."

"I heard that this Yu Zhen Shi is also a son-in-law of the Zhao family. Now he's confronting that Zhao young master. Let's see how they fight each other!"

The cultivator in the green robe was stunned, covering his face in confusion. "They are all on the same side, why are they plotting against each other?"

Liu Qing smirked and said, "This Zhao young master boasts of having a wide network of friends and has always considered himself the successor of the Zhao family. The concubine that Yu Zhen Shi recently took in is the legitimate daughter of the Zhao family. It is said that she was promised to a young master from the Lin family by Yu Zhen Shi while he was drunk. But in the end, she was taken into Yu Zhen Shi's room. Can you imagine how angry he must be?"

"And then?"

The cultivator in the green robe looked curious.

"And then..." Liu Qing slapped him again.

"And then, quickly gather people and clean up the place for me. Otherwise, I'll stay at your house tonight and have your wife warm my bed!"

The cultivator in the green robe covered his face on both sides, answering bitterly, "I understand, Master."

The editor's storytelling is dropping, and I don't see much increase in bookmarks in the backstage. I'm a bit anxious because it's about to be published, so I'll add one more chapter to see the effect.

(End of this chapter)

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