Chapter 62: Lin Zhen

In the midst of the continuous collapse of the situation in the capital.

There have been changes in the frontline situation as well.

In front of Cangbei City.

The rebels unexpectedly abandoned their advantageous position and actively left the city to engage in battle. The morale of the imperial army is currently high, so they naturally won't miss this opportunity.

The two sides quickly clashed and became embroiled in a desperate war.

Tattered war flags fluttered under the crimson setting sun, and the ground was covered in muddy flesh and blood. Broken arrows and shattered swords were stuck in the gaps between bones.

Looking around, blood was the only color to be seen.

The soldiers in the front continued to swing their swords numbly, while soldiers from the rear continuously replenished their ranks like a tide.

At this moment, they were just expendable pawns of war, insignificant numbers to be recorded in the future.


Until a near-wolf-like roar, the imperial army erupted in cheers.

A group of black figures suddenly appeared on the bloody carpet, as swift as lightning. They were dressed in black armor, wore airtight masks, and had a large wolf head embedded on their chests.

They were the Black Wolf Guards, who had proven countless times that they were invincible in battle!

Whenever the Black Wolf Guards appeared, it meant the end of the war.

Indeed, wherever the Black Wolf Guards passed, the enemies there fell like chives, without any resistance. The imperial army in the rear only needed to follow up and reap the rewards.

The eyes of the Black Wolf Captain were already filled with a red light.

In his eyes, the carpet of flesh and blood on the ground was simply a supreme delicacy. Even just the smell of it made him tremble with excitement.

As long as he set foot in this sea of flesh and blood, his power would be endless and unmatched.

This was the power of demonic blood.

The gaze of the Black Wolf Captain turned towards the enemy's command camp.

At this moment, both sides' armies were exhausted, which presented him with the best opportunity.

If he killed the rebel leader, he would obtain everything he desired.

Power, wealth, and strength!


The Black Wolf Captain howled towards the sky. Under his armor, layers of black fur, resembling steel needles, grew. His hands also transformed into wolf claws, and anyone who stood in his way was no match for him.


In the rebel camp, or rather, the camp of the uprising army.

On the observation platform, a young man dressed in silver light armor, with a handsome face filled with anger, looked at the bloody slaughterfield ahead.

This young man was the rebel leader and also the leader of the Mahayana sect, Xue Bai.

Originally, he was just a charlatan.

Relying on his made-up teachings and his handsome face, he claimed to be the incarnation of a god and created the Mahayana sect, worshipping the White Lotus Mother.

Originally, he only deceived ignorant village women and tricked them into offering their wealth for his enjoyment.

Until one day, a masked person found him and asked if he wanted to become emperor.

He thought that person was crazy.

But in less than seven or eight years, he had already gained control over half of the Yue Kingdom, with millions of followers, and obtained the power and wealth he had never dared to dream of.

"Where are our immortal masters? Why haven't they made a move yet?"

"Just like before, if we kill their main general, we can easily win the war!"

"These sacrifices are meaningless now!"

"We still need the army to suppress those who don't obey us!"

Xue Bai shouted angrily at the masked person standing beside him.

This masked person was the one who had assisted him in obtaining everything and had protected him from countless assassinations.

Of course, he believed that it was his destiny.

Countless people believed in him, and with just a word from him, thousands of people would die for him.

"Are you ordering me?"

The masked person let out a low hum.

The air trembled, and an invisible pressure fell on Xue Bai, as if a mountain was pressing down on him and he couldn't bear it.

He let out a miserable scream and knelt down on the spot, but he stubbornly refused to beg for mercy.

The masked person looked at Xue Bai with interest and chuckled.

"So, the former charlatan actually believed himself to be a king. What gave you the illusion that I truly submitted to you? What made you think that?"

Xue Bai felt increasingly suffocated, and blood began to flow from his nose. His chest was under heavy pressure.

"I, I was wrong."

Finally, he felt fear.

Facing life and death, he was still the cowardly charlatan.

But the masked man only glanced at him emotionlessly, then slowly took off his mask, revealing a face that horrified Xue Bai.

"You, you..."

"Look just like you?"

The masked man chuckled lightly. "It's just a simple little spell. Let me introduce myself, my name is Lin Zhen, from a place called Shangyang City."

"Thank you for your contributions over the years, it saved me a lot of trouble."

"Now, you can die."

"No... please!"

Xue Bai covered his neck, but still felt unable to breathe, like a fish out of water. Until his tongue stuck out, his face turned purple, and finally there was no sound or movement.

But the surrounding soldiers acted as if they didn't see anything.

Lin Zhen looked ahead at the Black Wolf Guards who were killing ruthlessly and advancing fiercely, and chuckled.

"The Jiang family's demonic cultivation technique actually allows a group of ordinary people to possess the strength of a first-order demon beast. The leader even has the strength of a high-grade first-order. Truly extraordinary."

"But I would rather let the half-demons come and die than come and stop me personally. It seems like you really can't leave Kyoto."

"What are you guarding? What is in that blood pool?"

Lin Zhen knew that the Jiang family cultivator guarding Yueguo was a Foundation Building cultivator. As long as he was willing to make a move, the rebel army was nothing more than chickens and dogs, easily defeated.

And he had never revealed the methods of a Foundation Building cultivator, not even the Qi Refining cultivators from the Lin family had rarely made a move. The purpose of all this was to lure the Jiang family's Foundation Building cultivator into a trap.

But the rebel army had come all the way, smoothly beyond belief.

The entire Yueguo was like a stiff giant, only able to passively endure the beating, being gradually consumed by them.

Smart people always tend to overthink.

The less the Yueguo royal family acted, the more Lin Zhen suspected that they were plotting some kind of conspiracy or trap. He even doubted if he had been exposed.

The old Foundation Building cultivator of the Jiang family was just trying to make him relax, reveal his flaws, and then deliver a fatal blow.

At first, he just wanted to cause some trouble, confirm the situation of the Jiang family's old ancestor, and it would be even better if he could kill one of the Jiang family's Foundation Building cultivators.

So he proceeded steadily, using the ordinary army to conquer cities and territories. Once news of the appearance of the Jiang family's old ancestor came, he would be ready to withdraw at any time, leaving the other Lin family cultivators as scapegoats to vent the Jiang family's anger.

But because things went too smoothly, his ambition also grew.

The land of Yueguo was a piece of fat meat.

The Jiang family's reaction was so slow, most likely their old ancestor was really in trouble.

If he could take over Yueguo, not only would he have a source of resources for cultivating in the Foundation Building realm, he could even try to break through to the Gold Core realm.

The reason why the Jiang family could remain prosperous for so long was because of the foundation of Yueguo.

If the Jiang family could become the number one family in Shangyang City, why couldn't the Lin family?

"No matter what schemes you have, I will crush them with my own power. When my army reaches the city, any Foundation Building cultivator who can't move will be a living target! Even if I have to pile up corpses, I will bury you!"

The Black Wolf Guards in front had already broken through numerous defenses and charged straight in. The guards in the camp sacrificed themselves to stop them, but they were no match.

Lin Zhen sneered, a bright light radiated from his body, and a layer of silver armor covered him, with a style identical to Xue Bai's, only more exquisite.

"The royal family of Yueguo nurtures monsters. The emperor cultivates demonic arts, causing the people to suffer. I, Xue Bai, as the son of the White Lotus Mother, have been born here by the heavenly order to eliminate these monsters and recreate the world!"

Lin Zhen's body actually flew up into the air, his gaze cold, his voice spreading in all directions.

Under the setting sun, Lin Zhen emitted a holy white light from his body, as if he truly was a divine being descending to the mortal realm, causing many guards to be stunned for a moment, forgetting to come to the defense.

"Sacred Sword!"

A golden light descended from the sky, splitting open the armor of the Black Wolf Guards, revealing the wolf demons inside with human heads and wolf bodies.

"Exterminate the demons!"

The Black Wolf Guards had no resistance, all killed with a single sword.

"Exterminate the demons!"

"Exterminate the demons!"

"Exterminate the demons!"

The morale of the rebel army soared, roaring loudly.

The imperial army, seeing the corpses of the wolves, lost their composure, either fleeing or surrendering.

From that battle on, the elite forces of Yueguo's imperial court were completely wiped out.

The common people were influenced by the rumors of the divine child and the existence of demonic creatures, and for a short time, they had no power to resist.

Three months later.

The rebel army advanced all the way, crossing mountains and rivers, sweeping away local garrisons without stopping, and finally, with a claimed million-strong army, surrounded the capital city of Kyoto!

(End of this chapter)

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