Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 56 You Help Me Attain The Tao, And I Will Save You From Becoming A Fairy!

Chapter 56: You Help Me Achieve Immortality, I Help You Become a Deity!

After breaking through, Yu Xian didn't rush back to the Wang Mansion. Instead, he spent two days playing with the two women at the Luli Temple before returning with a satisfied heart.

The meals at the Luli Temple were decent for two days, but after eating a few more meals, their stomachs felt heavy. They even dreamed of holding a pig and gnawing on it.

Upon returning to the Wang Mansion, everyone returned to their previous rhythm of life.

The young prince began studying at the National Academy, and every few days, a teacher would come to complain.

The princess recently became obsessed with flower arrangement. She bought many flowers for the Wang Mansion and personally took care of them, finding joy in it every day.

Yu Xian continued to spend time between Yulan and the princess. Occasionally, he would go out to change the taste, enjoy music, spend lavishly, and accompany courtesans. He had become a high-level member of many high-end entertainment clubs in the capital.

Yulan and the princess had no objections to this.

In their eyes, it was normal for a man to go out and have fun as long as he didn't neglect his family. Moreover, Yu Xian never stayed outside overnight.

He was simply the epitome of a good man.

Only Li Gonggong was worried sick, his hair turning white.

The princess had promised him before, but why did she become so unreserved after going out once? Several times, he had seen the princess sitting in Yu Xian's arms with his own eyes.

Even though he strictly controlled the rumors in the Wang Mansion, rumors spread like wildfire, and there were ears behind the walls. The story of the princess having a lover had quietly spread.

Countless men in the city envied the protagonist of the story, who was able to be with the wealthy and beautiful young widow, the princess.

Even the princess's family, the former Minister of Rites, rarely visited because of this.

But everything was denied by the princess, who firmly rejected the suggestion to dismiss Yu Xian.

After all, no one had substantial evidence, only rumors and gossip. As time went on, it became just another tabloid news in the folk, soon to be drowned out by new stories.

Li Gonggong finally breathed a sigh of relief.


In the blink of an eye, the New Year was approaching.

The backyard of the Wang Mansion.

The princess's chamber was equipped with underfloor heating, making the whole room warm.

On the carpet.

Yu Xian and Yulan were only wearing their underwear. One was sitting, and the other was standing, both looking very serious, not at all like they had just fought a battle.

The princess put on a simple robe, revealing a large area of snow-white skin, sitting on the side, propping up her chin, staring at them with envy in her eyes.

"Don't be afraid. I have refined your meridians with my mana these days. Now that all your meridians are open, as long as you make a breakthrough with all your might, you will definitely succeed this time."

Yu Xian's voice sounded in Yulan's ears, and at the same time, he pressed his palm on Yulan's heavenly spirit, pouring out vigorous mana.

This was the method Yu Xian came up with to help Yulan cultivate after breaking through Foundation Building. Using his pure Foundation Building mana, he refined Yulan's body and protected her cultivation.

Even if Yulan had poor aptitude, with a Foundation Building expert constantly monitoring her body and guiding the flow of mana, her cultivation speed in the early stages would not be inferior to that of a normal Qi Refining genius.

And this method could also greatly reduce the influence of the external spiritual energy environment.

Yu Xian's body released droplets of Foundation Building mana, and the rich and pure spiritual energy enveloped Yulan, forming a natural gathering formation.

Even though this spiritual energy would dissipate quickly with time, it was enough for Yulan to circulate dozens of large cycles.

Only cultivators like Yu Xian, who had a special way of replenishing mana, had the ability to do this.

Ordinary Foundation Building cultivators, even when facing their own blood relatives, would not be willing to make such sacrifices. After all, it would consume mana and delay their own cultivation.

Helping the younger generation cultivate like this would waste half a month of their own cultivation.

Only those Foundation Building cultivators who were nearing their limit would help their juniors in this way.

In the time it took to drink a cup of tea.

Yulan let out a soft hum, and then a strong suction force came from her body, attracting all the surrounding spiritual energy.

She had made a breakthrough!

Yu Xian's face lit up, and he immediately released another droplet of mana, replenishing the rich spiritual energy.

Soon, Yulan's aura stabilized, and the fluctuations of mana gradually subsided.

Yulan opened her eyes, looked up at Yu Xian with joy, and said, "Husband, I succeeded!"

Yu Xian rubbed Yulan's head and felt a surge of excitement himself.

"I've put in so much effort these days. If you hadn't succeeded, I would have found a tofu to smash my head against. But don't be proud, this is just the beginning."

Yulan's success today meant that his direction was correct.

Next, he felt even more at ease staying in the mundane world.

Yu Xian knew his own business.

His background was too low, his foundation too weak, and his cultivation techniques, magical tools, and spiritual arts all belonged to a weaker group at the same level, and could even be said to be the weakest.

If he were to go to the immortal cultivation world now, he would naturally have no problem bullying Qi Refining stage cultivators, but when facing Foundation Building stage cultivators at the same level, he would most likely not be their match.

So he decided to stay in the mundane world for another five years, until he broke through to the mid Foundation Building stage. That way, he would be able to rely on his cultivation level to bully those in the early Foundation Building stage.

For example, in the previous city he stayed in, the main power was the cultivation families, but most of the Foundation Building families had a maximum cultivation level of only the early Foundation Building stage.

With him at the mid Foundation Building stage, he had the confidence to deal with almost all of the problems, unless he happened to provoke families like the Lin family or the Jiang family.

But the only problem was that he could wait, but Yulan couldn't.

If he delayed for another five years, Yulan might not even have a chance to reach the Foundation Building stage.

Fortunately, it seemed that Yulan was willing to accompany him in the mundane world for another five years. With his help, her cultivation would not be delayed.

Yulan softly murmured in agreement, rubbing against Yu Xian's hand like a little cat, and whispered, "Darling, you are so good to me."

Even though she was a novice cultivator, she knew that Yu Xian had made great sacrifices for her during these days.

This was a Foundation Building cultivator delaying his own path for a Qi Refining cultivator to assist her cultivation. Even the direct disciples of those cultivation families would rarely receive such treatment.

Yu Xian smiled faintly and said, "Who made you able to win my favor?"

You help me achieve immortality, and I will help you become a celestial being!

Perhaps this is the true meaning of being Dao companions.

Yu Xian did not give up on Yulan, despite having a second Dao companion slot.

On the contrary, whether it was emotionally or for practical reasons, he sincerely hoped that Yulan could keep up with his pace.

Emotionally, Yulan was loyal and devoted to him, considering him as her everything. After several years of being together, she had even developed feelings for a pet.

Practically, as his first Dao companion, Yulan already had Qi Refining cultivation.

Even if he found a second Dao companion, it would be impossible for him to find a Foundation Building cultivator at this stage, and there was no guarantee that they would be as obedient as Yulan.

Based on his speculation, the help provided by a Qi Refining cultivator as a Dao companion would be the same.

So for him, whether the Dao companion was at the peak of Qi Refining or at the second level of Qi Refining, there was not much difference.

Of course, the specific verification would have to wait until Yulan broke through to the mid Qi Refining stage.

So for Yu Xian, Yulan was the most suitable Dao companion at this stage.

Yulan had no idea about Yu Xian's calculations. She only thought that he was the best person in the world to her. In the past, she was just a insignificant maid by the side of the princess, who could be given away at will.

But she met such a good person as her husband for the first time.

She was extremely moved, and her eyes turned red instantly.

"Don't cry, first consolidate your cultivation. Also, don't neglect martial arts. I can't always be by your side. With innate martial arts, you can protect yourself."

Yu Xian tapped Yulan's forehead and stopped her from being too touched.

Yulan made a pitiful sound, obediently got up, and stood aside, assuming a fighting stance. After a while, her muscles started to tremble, and then heat rose from her body.

Her meridians had been refined by Yu Xian's Foundation Building cultivation, and now all her meridians were connected. In addition, her physical body had been tempered by the second level of Qi Refining cultivation.

Her progress in martial arts was extremely fast, almost one step forward every day.

Originally, it would take a year to break through to the innate realm, but now it would take at most half a year.

"Xiner, come here, you can have what Yulan has."

Yu Xian beckoned to the princess.

If one sheep is driven, two sheep are also driven.

Besides, he didn't plan to let the princess cultivate. It would be enough to send her to the innate realm. It was enough to repay the fleeting fate between them.

"I can have it too?" The princess was surprised.

Yu Xian smirked, "Don't you want it? Then I won't bother."

"I want it!" The princess was overjoyed and pounced on him, tightly wrapping her plump legs around him.

"Ah..." Yu Xian couldn't help but gasp, and with both hands, he felt a smooth touch.

"Cough, that can wait. Let me collect some interest first."

(End of this chapter)

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