Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 52 Tiger Leopard Pills

Chapter 52: Tiger Leopard Pill

Two days later.

Fuwang Mansion, main hall.

Yu Xian sat in a guest seat with a large plate in front of him, piled high with braised tiger meat.

He grabbed a piece and threw it into his mouth, chewing it like a piece of beef jerky. The meat was tough and chewy.

As he swallowed it, his stomach made a gurgling sound, as if there was a pot of boiling water inside.

This was the sound his body made as it rapidly digested the tiger meat.

Until he could find suitable food, Yu Xian had to resort to the simplest method to deal with hunger - drinking alcohol and eating meat.

But the alcohol he drank was a tonic that focused on nourishing qi and blood. If an ordinary person took a sip, they would become hot-tempered, nosebleeds would occur, and they would become excited to the point of exhaustion.

The meat he ate was from tigers and leopards in the mountains and forests. The meat was full of qi and blood, although not as good as the meat of demonic beasts, it was enough to temporarily satisfy his current situation.

At least he wouldn't have the urge to use the toilet right after eating.

While he was eating the meat, footsteps could be heard outside. The person who came was Li Gonggong, a broad and fat man, carrying a package and calling out affectionately.

"Master, I have brought all the medicines that can be found on the market."

Li Gonggong opened the package, revealing a pile of bottles and jars inside.

"This is the Bone Marrow Pill, the treasure of the Holy Hand Medical Hall. It can nourish the liver and kidneys, and replenish essence and blood."

"The Eight Treasure Nourishing Mother Pill, it nourishes qi and blood, and treats the spleen and stomach."

"The Modified Ten Complete Soup, it replenishes qi, raises yang, and promotes blood circulation to relieve pain."

"The Yang Nourishing Qi Pill, the Angelica and Rehmannia Pill..."

"And the Tiger Leopard Pill that we obtained through our previous connections in the palace. It is said to be a secret medicine used by the elite Forbidden Army in the palace, but it should not be taken in large quantities."

As Li Gonggong introduced each medicine, Yu Xian would take a closer look and examine it. Nowadays, he would also read the medical books left by Doctor Huang in his spare time. Although he couldn't diagnose and prescribe medicine yet, he was quite knowledgeable about medicinal herbs.

After all, he had to prepare the Ten Complete Tonic Wine himself, and he couldn't do it without being familiar with the ingredients.

Li Gonggong didn't deceive him. These medicines were all good medicines available on the market, capable of nourishing qi and blood.

But they were all tonics, in line with medical principles, gradually enhancing the physique by adjusting the body's systems.

They were suitable for ordinary people to take.

In terms of actual effectiveness, they were not as good as the Ten Complete Tonic Wine he made himself.

Until the last Tiger Leopard Pill.

Yu Xian picked up the pill, about the size of a longan fruit, black-red in color, with a rough surface. When he held it, he could smell a strong earthy odor, as if it was casually made from mud. But upon closer inspection, he could also smell a faint smell of blood.

The raw materials for this Tiger Leopard Pill might actually contain the essence and blood of tigers and leopards.

After all, he had been eating tiger meat these past two days.

Yu Xian licked it with his mouth, and it didn't taste as bitter as he had imagined. Instead, it had a spicy taste, mixed with saliva, and swallowed it.

Immediately, a burst of heat spread from his abdomen, but before he could sense it carefully, the heat was eagerly swallowed by his body.

No poison.


Yu Xian swallowed the whole pill directly, and immediately felt as if he had swallowed an exploding fireball. His entire stomach felt warm, and heat was rising.

Crack, crack, crack!

His muscles twitched, and his whole body made cracking sounds. Sweat appeared on the back of his head, but it quickly evaporated by the heat emanating from his body.

Soon, mist rose from the back of his head.

After about a quarter of an hour.

Yu Xian opened his eyes with satisfaction and sighed softly.

"It's been a full two days, and I finally had a satisfying meal."

This Tiger Leopard Pill, made from unknown medicinal ingredients, actually had a certain effect on him. He could feel that his hunger had been temporarily suppressed, and his physical fitness had subtly improved.

"Li Gonggong, I need these Tiger Leopard Pills, the more the better."

Li Gonggong was taken aback and cautiously said, "Master, I heard from a friend in the palace that although these Tiger Leopard Pills have a great effect on martial artists, they should not be consumed excessively.

There was once a palace guard who, in his eagerness to break through the innate realm, took several Tiger Leopard Pills in succession.

As a result, his blood exploded, damaging his brain, losing his sanity, and turning into a bloodthirsty beast.

He said that even for a martial arts master, it is best to take three pills a month.

Master, you are now the pillar of our Wang Mansion, so we cannot afford any accidents."

Li Gonggong willingly became the deputy as the chief steward of the Wang Mansion, knowing that as a eunuch, he alone could not support the mansion.

And Yu Xian was powerful and not aging, with enough time to protect the smooth growth of the Wang Mansion.

If anything were to happen to Yu Xian, it would be the last straw for the Wang Mansion.

Hearing Li Gonggong's concerns, Yu Xian knew he was right.

Because he could indeed sense a violent and bloody aura hidden within the Tiger Leopard Pills.

If martial artists do not cultivate their spirits, they can easily be influenced by this aura, so it naturally takes time to eliminate this violent aura.

But with his powerful spiritual awareness, once he detects this aura, he can expel it from his body immediately.

Therefore, the side effects of the Tiger Leopard Pills do not exist for him.

"Gonggong, there's no need to worry. I am well-versed in the medical skills left by Doctor Huang. I will pay attention to controlling the potency of the medicine. If anything goes wrong, I will stop taking it immediately.

You just need to find the medicine. Will there be any trouble?"

Seeing Yu Xian so confident and determined, Li Gonggong didn't want to persuade him further.

He thought for a moment and said, "I can get the medicine. Although the Tiger Leopard Pills are powerful, consuming too many can affect one's state of mind.

Many palace guards, after receiving rewards, do not consume the pills themselves and instead sell them.

But now that we are no longer part of the palace, we have to go through intermediaries to obtain the medicine. So the price is a bit high, around one hundred taels of silver per pill."

"It's fine, let's go with one hundred taels of silver. Gonggong, you go to the accounting room and withdraw thirty thousand taels of silver as your operational funds. Just buy as much medicine as you can.

I will talk to the princess about the silver matter, so you just use it."

Yu Xian now comfortably enjoyed the princess's favor and didn't hesitate to spend the Wang Mansion's money.

After all, he had moved the entire Fu Wang Mansion to the capital.

Of course, what he moved were just some movable assets, while the real estate remained in Changning County.

But even just these movable assets could be converted into two or three million taels of silver, which wouldn't be a problem as long as the young prince didn't get involved in gambling and squander it all.

"Well... alright."

Li Gonggong reluctantly nodded.

The princess trusted Yu Xian too much, and if he were to become obsessed with wealth one day, the Wang Mansion would be in danger.

He had to find an opportunity to advise the princess so that he could hold the financial power in his own hands.

Suddenly, a thought crossed Li Gonggong's mind.

He looked at Yu Xian's handsome appearance and knew of his reputation as a playboy. Then he thought of the princess, who was still in her twenties and in the prime of her life. What if she felt lonely in her chamber and was seduced by Yu Xian...

The two of them, with their chemistry, might already be...

Otherwise, why would the princess trust Yu Xian so much?

Li Gonggong took a deep breath and felt like the sky was falling.

Ah, why did Yu Xian have to be a man? It would have been so much better if he were a eunuch like me.

Yu Xian had no idea of Li Gonggong's thoughts and, seeing that he hadn't taken any action yet, asked, "Gonggong, is there anything else? If you have any difficulties, you must speak up. Even if I can't help you, there's still the princess."

Li Gonggong suppressed his mixed thoughts and forced a smile, saying, "No, I just got lost in thought. I will go and buy the medicine for you now."

"Alright, this matter is very important to me, so please put in extra effort, Gonggong."

Yu Xian earnestly clasped his hands, feeling quite emotional.

It's not easy to have a good meal these days.

(End of this chapter)

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