Chapter 312: Meeting

The voice of Venerable Jufu echoed in the quiet space.

The branch president respectfully stepped forward and used simple but sufficient language to explain the matter of Peach Blossom Venerable at the altar, remaining impartial and objective.

Obviously, he had practiced many times in secret.

Although it is said that there is only a small realm difference between Nascent Soul cultivators and Soul Formation Venerables, this small realm difference is like the difference between heaven and earth.

Disturbing the Supreme President without a proper reason, even if his identity already belonged to the high-level of the Chamber of Commerce, could result in a big or small offense, so there must be a suitable reason.

After listening to the branch president's report.

A wisp of light smoke rose from the teleportation altar, forming a hazy figure.

The figure was a middle-aged man, rich and noble in appearance, with a face like a full moon, fair and tender skin, and a pair of bright and sharp eyes, giving off a friendly aura.

It was indeed Venerable Jufu, the Supreme President of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce.

"Which friend is joking with me, Fan Mou? Please reveal yourself."

Venerable Jufu looked at Yu Xian with a smiling expression, his eyes kind, as if he had seen an old friend.

To be precise, he was looking behind Yu Xian.

Facing the gaze of a Soul Formation Venerable, Yu Xian remained calm.

Not to mention if it was just a strand of Venerable Jufu's divine sense, even if his true body came, he could still face it calmly.

At this moment, he had already obtained the power to control his own destiny.

Perhaps he couldn't dominate everything yet, but he had more than enough self-protection.

Moreover, from Venerable Jufu's behavior, he had not discovered his disguise.

In other words, his deception technique, after evolving into the power of laws, could also hide his true identity from Soul Formation Venerables and even deliberately mislead them.

Just like now, Venerable Jufu thought he saw the hidden power behind Yu Xian, but it was only something he wanted Venerable Jufu to see.

As an Independent Cultivator without bloodline, lineage, or background.

Yu Xian had always held great malice towards this world.

So even though he had broken through the Soul Formation Realm, he did not rashly expose his true strength. Instead, he had to spend effort to create a Peach Blossom Venerable to hide his true identity.

Because he didn't know what the ecological environment of Soul Formation cultivators was like, and there were no reference examples or detailed information around him.

If he thought that breaking through the Soul Formation Realm would allow him to act recklessly, he would be betraying his years of patience and low-key behavior.

Coincidentally, the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce was a business organization that had always presented itself as friendly and prosperous.

So the owner of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, Venerable Jufu, was a good person to communicate with.

He deliberately mentioned the name of Peach Blossom Venerable, not only to support the Great Unity Assembly, but also to intentionally bring up Venerable Jufu and test the intentions of the human Venerables.

A Daoist figure gradually appeared behind Yu Xian.

"It turns out to be Venerable Fan in person. Dreaming for five thousand years, not knowing the night under the mountain. I am Tao Hua Shanren, originally a recluse on Peach Blossom Mountain. I have come here with respect."

A young man with a face like peach blossoms, handsome and evil, bowed to Venerable Jufu.

But for some reason, there was a strong aura of twilight on him, forming a strange temperament with his youthful appearance.

"You are Peach Blossom Venerable."

Venerable Jufu's gaze suddenly became cold, and his attitude became much colder.

"Liu Cen, you all can withdraw."

Seeing this, the young man also asked Yu Xian to leave together.

Yu Xian naturally obeyed.

After the three of them left the room, a ray of light from a restriction flashed outside the room and disappeared.

"The currently active Soul Formation Venerables among the human race, I am acquainted with all of them, but you are not among them."

Venerable Jufu's tone turned cold. "So what are you here for?"

Yu Xian politely said, "Venerable Fan, I am willing to reveal myself to prove that I have no ill intentions. As for who I am, it is not important. I came here just to ask for a small favor for my obedient and well-behaved disciple. I hope Venerable Fan can give me a little face."

Having emptied the mind of the Golden Mad Monster Emperor, Yu Xian was not completely ignorant about the seventy-two Venerables of the human race. He also knew some anecdotes about the human Venerables.

The backgrounds of the seventy-two Venerables of the human race were very diverse.

Among these Venerables, there were those from the Immortal Dao and those from the demonic path.

There were those with pure human bloodline, those who were half-human and half-demon, and those with mixed bloodlines of other races and the human race.

There were those from sects, those from prestigious families, and Independent Cultivators.

But less than half of the human Venerables were currently active, and many of them had left behind their names but had long since hidden their identities, and their life or death was unknown.

So in order to not expose himself as a newcomer, Yu Xian deliberately arranged an immortal-like character for himself.

An old immortal who had slept for many years using secret techniques to prolong his life.

Feeling the impending calamity of ten thousand years, he came out of seclusion to fight for a chance of survival in the calamity.

The twilight aura on him was not fake.

After all, he has personally experienced the feeling of approaching the end of life.

Now it's not difficult to imitate.

The reason for arranging this persona is twofold. One is to give himself a reason. He doesn't know some common knowledge about the Immortal Cultivation World, only because he has been asleep for too long and doesn't know the current situation. The other is a warning.

He is a dying old immortal.

Such a person hides a crazy gene because he doesn't care about fighting desperately since he won't live long.

So don't provoke him.

But Venerable Jufu seems to have misunderstood something. He sneered and said, "If you really just want to make it convenient for your disciple, I won't stop you, and I'm willing to accommodate. But if you want to do something else, you have to ask if our Nine Venerables will agree."

"...Nine Venerables?"

Yu Xian asked tentatively.

"It seems that you have indeed slept for too long. The Nine Venerables appeared five thousand years ago. You actually don't know?" Venerable Jufu seemed to truly believe in Yu Xian's persona as an old immortal and didn't doubt his ignorance.

"The Nine Venerables were established by the human race after the war between righteousness and evil five thousand years ago. The human race Venerables suffered heavy losses and almost let the Monster Race escape from the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. Later, led by the Venerable of the Yu family, the first family of the human world, the nine Soul Formation Venerables united to form the highest war council of the human race.

Since then, the human Venerables have been restrained and there has been no more infighting.

Currently, there are twenty-one human Venerables in the Nine Venerables, actively participating in the frontline of the human-demon battlefield.

If anyone disturbs the order of the human world from behind, the Nine Venerables will not spare them."

Venerable Jufu explained, half explaining and half threatening.

The Nine Venerables, the war between righteousness and evil, internal strife within the human race, the first family of the human world...

The amount of information given was too much and too scattered, causing Yu Xian's brain to freeze for a moment.

He seemed to suddenly see a magnificent epic scroll slowly unfolding before him.

Indeed, some things can only be known when reaching a certain level.

But thinking about it, it makes sense.

In addition to the human Venerables, normal people cannot live for such a long time and cross the river of history spanning five thousand years.

"At that time, signs of the war between righteousness and evil had already appeared, and I didn't want to get involved, so I went into seclusion. I didn't expect it to happen after all."

Yu Xian shook his head with a sigh, expressing regret, like someone who has been through it.

"I don't know if Venerable Fan can give me some information so that I can know what has happened in the human world in the past five thousand years?"

Yu Xian appeared calm on the surface, but his heart was tense.

As long as Venerable Jufu is willing to give him this information, it will be the biggest gain of his trip.

Even more valuable than billions or hundreds of billions of spiritual stones.

Because that means he will no longer be ignorant of the highest level of this world.

With enough information, he can face the future calmly without always being passive.

But Venerable Jufu is not so easily fooled.

"If you want this information, it is not difficult, but there is a prerequisite. Please tell me your true identity, Venerable Fan," Venerable Jufu said with a cold expression.

Yu Xian smiled bitterly, "Venerable Fan, why do you have to force me like this? I have been hiding from the world for five thousand years, avoiding everything in the world, and have long been determined to cut off the past. I think now there are no acquaintances in the human world and I don't want to seek trouble again.

I don't know if Venerable Fan can tell me why it is necessary to know my identity?"

Venerable Jufu, upon hearing this, showed a cold expression and said, "As the Great Calamity approaches, there have been several reclusive Venerables in the past thousand years, including two demonic Venerables. In order to prolong their lives, they didn't hesitate to sacrifice millions of people from a domain of the human race, causing countless casualties and turning thousands of miles into a hell on earth.

It is still a forbidden zone for our human race.

I don't know if you are also such a person?"

Yu Xian: "..."

Damn it, what's with this Supreme forbidden zone plot twist?

No wonder Venerable Jufu's attitude suddenly became so cold after discovering his identity as an old immortal.

With precedents like this, it is not excessive for them to be cautious.

He seems to have made a mistake in his cleverness.

But he doesn't regret his caution.

Just as Venerable Jufu doesn't trust him completely, he also won't completely trust Venerable Jufu.

"Although I have dabbled in demonic cultivation techniques, I have never actively harmed anyone since I started my cultivation. Whether you believe it or not," Yu Xian shook his head.

"As for my true identity, I'm sorry, I can't disclose it."

Even if he can come up with a fake identity, a fake identity is still a fake identity, like a bubble that bursts when touched.

It's better not to say it from the beginning.

Venerable Jufu looked deeply at Yu Xian, pondered for a moment, and said:

"Okay, I believe you."

Upon hearing this, Yu Xian smiled and reassured him, saying,

"In fact, Venerable Fan, you don't have to be so guarded against me. Before the Great Calamity of Ten Thousand Years arrives, I will stay with my disciple and won't cause any trouble.

Also, I have learned that the Phoenix Demon Lord, Nirvana, and three Great Monster Venerables of the Monster Race are coveting the Beast Realm territory and plan to send troops to the Jiuyang Domain.

Since I am here, I am willing to contribute to the human race's front line, and I will take charge of the Xuan Yang Realm."

Venerable Jufu exclaimed in surprise, "Are you serious, sir? You won't leave the Xuan Yang Realm before the Great Calamity of Ten Thousand Years?"

Yu Xian smiled confidently, "Do I need to swear to prove it?"

"That's not necessary."

Venerable Jufu's attitude softened.

Regardless of the Peach Blossom Venerable's intentions, the worst-case scenario did not happen, and if he was truly a demonic Venerable who sacrificed lives to prolong his own, he wouldn't have revealed himself at this moment.

Moreover, he was willing to confine himself here, showing his sincerity.

As a Soul Formation Venerable who traversed the world, the Xuan Yang Realm, which spanned ten thousand miles, was just a small corner, too insignificant.

With a thought, he planned to do a favor.

"In that case, I remember that there is a war fortress in the Xuan Yang Realm that was built with the assistance of the Nine Profound Venerable by the Jiuyang Sect. I am willing to speak to the Nine Venerables and invite you to be the highest commander of this defensive line.

If you have any requirements, you can ask them for assistance."

Since there was a Soul Formation cultivator here, the war fortress was just a decoration.

The power of a Rank Five formation was indeed formidable, but it couldn't move.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xian almost couldn't control his excited heart and trembling hands.

If he remembered correctly, the so-called war fortress was now the Profound Yang Sect.

Did it become his subordinate just like that?

Stay calm.

He was now a Venerable of the human race!

Yu Xian might not care about a Nascent Soul-level sect, but the Profound Yang Sect held a different meaning to him.

It was the existence he had looked up to when he first entered this realm.

Back then, his highest goal in coming to the Xuan Yang Realm was to be recruited by the Profound Yang Sect.

This feeling was somewhat similar to when an ordinary person just wanted to take a photo with an unattainable goddess, but ended up not only taking a photo but also getting close to her.

Compared to that, the transaction of several billion spirit stones was indeed insignificant.

Yu Xian once again refreshed his understanding of the four words "Soul Formation Venerable."

"In that case, thank you, Venerable Fan, for your kind words. However, if I remember correctly, the Profound Yang Sect is a subordinate sect of the Jiuyang Immortal Sect. Aren't you afraid that the Jiuyang Immortal Sect will be displeased with your actions?"

Yu Xian asked tentatively.

"Haha, the Jiuyang Venerable is also a member of our Nine Venerables. For the sake of the overall situation, he will understand. Isn't your face worth more than the Xuan Yang Realm?"

Venerable Jufu saw Yu Xian's cautious appearance and believed his words even more.

Yu Xian smiled apologetically, "Venerable Fan, you overestimate me."

"That's good. There is still some time left on this altar. Venerable Fan, I want to discuss some matters with my subordinates. I will send the information you need later and have them deliver it to you."

Venerable Jufu said.

Yu Xian thanked him with a cupped fist, "I owe you a favor, Venerable."

After saying that, he left the room, allowing Chairman Liu, who was waiting outside, to enter the room. After a few pretentious exchanges, he disappeared.

Qi An pretended not to see this.

With a Venerable present, all of them combined were not enough to fight against him.

At the same time, he was secretly excited. After returning, he would promote Qi Shaowei to be the first heir of the Qi family. The responsibility of maintaining a relationship with the Great Love True Monarch would be entrusted to him.

The position of a Venerable was too high for him to climb.

But a Venerable's disciple was more suitable.


Liu Cen entered the room and respectfully bowed to Venerable Jufu.


Venerable Jufu nodded slightly, "Two things."

"First, secretly send someone to investigate the background of Peach Blossom Venerable's disciple. I see that his aptitude is nothing special, but he can be taken as a personal disciple by an old immortal and even expose himself for him. There must be something extraordinary about him."

"Second, is there any clue about the inheritance secret realm of Yellow Sand Venerable?"

Liu Cen nodded at first, then apologized, "We have already searched eight possible locations for the inheritance secret realm of Yellow Sand Venerable and arranged people to guard them. However, so far, we haven't discovered anything unusual."

Venerable Jufu pondered for a moment and muttered to himself,

"Five thousand years have passed, and now no one remembers the original name of the Jiuyang Domain, which was the Huangsha Domain. The Huangsha Venerable was once renowned, possessing the divine ability of the Samadhi Divine Wind. If it weren't for the flaws in heaven and earth, he would have had the hope of ascending.

Unfortunately, for the sake of eradicating demons, he died and disappeared. Before his death, he condensed his Dao essence and left behind a heritage cave mansion, waiting quietly for someone with fate.

Over the years, we have made great efforts to try to get ahead, but we have only managed to locate the location of the heritage in the Xunyang Realm.

Now, the great calamity of ten thousand years is approaching, and the shackles of heaven and earth are loosening. It is time for it to emerge.

If someone obtains his heritage, they will inherit the Huangsha Venerable's Dao essence and divine ability, becoming a great force in no time."

Liu Cen waited respectfully. He knew this information, otherwise how could he search for the secret realm of the heritage?

"Sir, do you suspect that Peach Blossom Venerable also came for the Huangsha Venerable's heritage?" Liu Cen asked.

The Wealthy Venerable shook his head and said, "I suspect that he has already found the clue to the Huangsha Venerable's heritage, but as he is already a Venerable, the Dao essence is useless to him. So, keep an eye on his disciple. Having a Venerable personally search for the secret realm saves us a lot of trouble."

"But what if Peach Blossom Venerable secretly takes the heritage?" Liu Cen worriedly asked.

"If the heritage of the Huangsha Venerable emerges, no one can hide its anomalies. You must inform me immediately," the Wealthy Venerable instructed.

"I will send something over later, you can give it to Peach Blossom Venerable," the Wealthy Venerable said.

"Yes," Liu Cen respectfully replied, but when he looked up, the Wealthy Venerable had already left.

He quickly replaced the spirit stones on the altar for the formation, and waited for about the time it took for an incense stick to burn.

The altar once again lit up.

After a while, the light faded, leaving behind an ancient jade slip.


That night, Yu Xian received the jade slip sent by Chairman Liu and casually removed the restriction left by the Wealthy Venerable. He couldn't wait to start reading it.

Five thousand years ago, to be precise, more than five thousand years ago.

At that time, the human race was powerful, and the seventy-two Soul Formation experts suppressed the Monster Race, forcing them to retreat to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

Unfortunately, they declined after reaching their peak.

Internal strife is an inevitable process for every ethnic group's development.

The conflict between the righteous and demonic paths grew, but it was still within a controllable range. However, one event changed everything.

Back then, the first family of the human realm, the Yu Family, had a Soul Formation cultivator who fell into demonic cultivation.

The identity of this cultivator was not mentioned by the Wealthy Venerable, only that in order to kill this demon, it directly triggered the subsequent righteous and demonic war. In just a hundred years, nearly half of the seventy-two Venerables of the human race perished.

The roles of attacker and defender between the human and monster races reversed.

There were also several mixed-blooded races that stole the luck of the human race and seized positions of power.

Later, the Nine Venerables Association was established, quickly supporting the human race's breakthrough in Soul Formation, preserving their vitality. After five thousand years of cultivation, they once again gained the advantage, but they no longer had the power to crush their opponents.

Because of the hatred passed down from that time, each family and sect remained vigilant.

So, in the face of the war between humans and monsters, they each defended their own territory and refused to unite.

There were also figures like the Forbidden Zone Venerable who consumed the internal power of the human race.

Many old Venerables fell into a deep sleep, waiting for the ten thousand-year calamity to arrive and for heaven and earth to be restored, so they could ascend to the upper realm and extend their lifespan, yet they still held positions of power.

If it weren't for the Nine Venerables Association's coordination and suppression, they would have long since left the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

According to ancient legends, once the Monster Race leaves the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, the human race will lose the favor of heaven and earth and become a vassal of the Monster Race.

On the other hand, the strength of the Monster Race is relatively weak. Although they also have internal conflicts, they can set aside their differences and help each other at critical moments.

The key is that they live longer, with many old demon Venerables having lived through the ten thousand-year calamity.

Five thousand years ago, the Monster Race completed their last demon Venerable, and there has been no change since then.

Regarding this, the Wealthy Venerable felt emotional. The strength of the human and monster races is obvious, yet they can still fight back and forth. It is all because there hasn't been a person who can unite everyone and eradicate the Monster Race.

So, he shifted the topic and provided a detailed introduction of a Venerable named Yu Tian in the jade slip, praising him as unparalleled in the heavens and earth, the most outstanding cultivator in ten thousand years. With him, the war between humans and monsters that has lasted for thousands of years can be ended.

Of course, the jade slip also contained a map of the current distribution of major forces in the human realm, such as the Twelve Immortal Sects, the Nine Great Demon Sects, and the Five Great Aristocratic Families.

"Wow..." Yu Xian took a deep breath, then sighed, "The human realm has become a mess, but it's so familiar, such a cliché plot."

"And, is this an advertisement? Are you kidding me? You, a Venerable, are sending me an advertisement."

"Furthermore, the person mentioned as the one who will unite everyone is clearly me."

"Give me three hundred years, and I will unify the human realm and teach you guys what it means to have a harmonious world!"

"Damn it, I knew it would be all about fighting and killing, wasting the lives of so many workers."

(End of this chapter)

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