Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

311. Chapter 308 A Battle With Yishan Demon Lord (1200, 1400 Monthly Ticket Added)

Mingyue Peak.

Yu Xian withdrew his gaze with satisfaction.

After breaking through Soul Formation, his divine sense covered a range of thousands of miles. If it was a one-time talisman like the Ten Thousand Li Blood Talisman, which had his divided sense of perception, he could clearly sense it within a million miles without any mistakes.

Therefore, his divine sense covered the entire Mingyue Tiancheng and half of the Chongming Tiancheng.

The jade talisman in Huang Xiaoliu's hand was a specially made sensing jade talisman for the Datong Society. Once it was destroyed, he could sense it and arrive in an instant.

Of course, the main reason was proximity.

Huang Xiaoliu was only more than ten thousand miles away from him.

He could travel through space with his Primordial Spirit and arrive in an instant, making it seem like teleportation.

If they were really separated by hundreds of thousands or millions of miles, even if he sensed it and rushed with all his strength, it would probably take more than ten breaths to arrive.

With him, a Soul Formation Venerable, personally guarding, the entire territory of the Datong Society was as solid as a golden soup. None of the Monster Emperors who showed themselves could avoid being captured alive and become the mother body of the breeding demon king.

As for the Monster Emperors below the Monster Emperor, that was something the Datong Society had to deal with on their own.

He was not a nanny.

The purpose of the creation of the Datong Society was to serve him, not for him to serve the Datong Society.

He always knew what was more important.

Even this sensing jade talisman was a special product of a certain era. When the situation in the Datong Society stabilized, this thing would be one less.

Otherwise, anyone could summon a Soul Formation Venerable and fight with him. He would be too cheap.

But in the future, it could be considered as a special contribution exchange for treasures within the Datong Society.

He was different from other Soul Formation Venerables who were indifferent to worldly affairs. As long as he could bring him enough value, what was the harm in helping out once in a while?

Thinking about it, Yu Xian reached out his palm.

His palm seemed to control the universe, and a lifelike winged White Tiger was trapped within it, like a statue, unable to move.

This was the control and application of spatial laws by a Soul Formation Venerable. It was no longer just used for escaping and running away.

Just like a mustard seed containing the universe, the palm contained the world.

If this ability was extended to the extreme, it would be a great Divine Ability that could encompass the heavens and the earth and create its own space with a single palm.

But now, he could only bully those who were lower than him in realm. The space was not stable and could not be maintained for long.

But even if he achieved this level, he had to thank Teacher Tiandao for his repeated teachings.

Otherwise, with his level, without a hundred or eighty years of closed-door comprehension, he would never have reached this level.

He gently threw it, and the White Tiger broke free from its confinement, its figure constantly growing in mid-air, about to reveal its ferocity.

But after thinking for a moment, the White Tiger quickly suppressed its ferocity and transformed into a young man, but there was still a hint of arrogance in its eyes.

"Who are you?"

The person in front of him had a profound aura. Although he was not the Venerable who had just attacked him, he was also a formidable opponent.

He was now a prisoner, and it was not the time to act recklessly.

Yu Xian did not answer, but instead showed a smile that seemed very strange to the young man.

"Evil creature, show your true form quickly."


The young Monster Emperor hadn't reacted yet when he felt a mysterious force washing over his body. His arrogant expression gradually became peaceful, and his eyes became calm. He once again transformed into a White Tiger and quietly lay down at Yu Xian's feet.

"...What a warm feeling."

"I feel more and more like a big baldy."

Yu Xian looked at the purple-patterned giant python, the three-headed monster bird, and the black and white iron-eating beast standing side by side with the White Tiger. These guys were all Monster Emperors who invaded or lurked in the territory of the Datong Society. Now they had become the objects of his conversion.

Killing a Monster Emperor was the least cost-effective method.

Turning enemies into friends was the right way.

However, their ultimate destination is still the Queen Mother of the Demon King Breeding Base.

As for his Great Love Law Domain, since he broke through Soul Formation, it has already merged with his Primordial Spirit. But this doesn't mean that his Law Domain abilities have disappeared. On the contrary, through the breakthrough in realm, this ability to influence others' wills has evolved.

Yu Xian named it - Law of Heavenly Demon, a power that can silently invade and change mental thoughts.

If this Law ability reaches perfection, it can turn people into spiritual puppets, which is extremely terrifying.

But as the saying goes, Yu Xian's realm is not high, and it is his first time encountering and controlling the power of the Law.

This power of the Heavenly Demon, he can only bully those with lower realms, like children.

If it's a cultivator of the same level, it would be very difficult for him to influence them, at most, he can create a favorable impression.


Three days later.

White Tiger transformed into human form again, looking at Yu Xian in front of him, inexplicably feeling a strange fondness, as if Yu Xian was his half-brother from a different mother.

But he has always regarded the human race as prey and looks down on them. He believes that if it weren't for the human race occupying fertile land and relying on their numerical advantage, they would have long been ruled by the Monster Race.

So he felt very conflicted at the moment.

Seeing this, Yu Xian secretly shook his head, knowing that this guy in front of him couldn't be turned into an insider.

Monster Emperors and Demon Kings are fundamentally different.

Monster Emperors already possess Monster Emperor Law Domain, which is an extension of their bloodline power. The characteristics of the Law Domain can also be seen as the embryonic form of the power of the Law, so they naturally have resistance to the power of the Law.

If the thoughts he wants to change are not in line with his true intentions, it would be difficult to influence him.

This is the firmness of the Dao Heart, unshakable in its determination.

Unless it is to destroy the spirit and forcefully control it.

But doing so not only takes a long time, but also only results in a puppet without self-will.

Perhaps when he has a deeper understanding of the Law of Heavenly Demon, he can improve this situation.

In the next moment, the power of the Heavenly Demon once again permeated, forcibly suppressing the anomaly in the mind of the White Tiger Monster Emperor, and began to inquire about the information he mentioned.

It should be noted that the Monster Race cannot compare to the human race. Although they also have the method of refining treasures, most of them are exclusive Law Treasures that target their own bloodline abilities, unlike the diversity of the human race.

Monsters like the Golden Peng Monster Emperor still fight with their talents and claws.

It's not that they are so poor that they can't even afford a Spiritual Treasure.

It's just that human cultivators simply wouldn't sell such treasures to the Monster Race.

After all, they don't have enough for themselves.

And the junk they refine is not as useful as their claws.

But this White Tiger Monster Emperor can use a Spiritual Treasure, obviously indicating that his status is not low. For someone like Yu Xian, who has high strength but shallow foundation, the information on him is more important than his own.

Soon, guided by Yu Xian, the White Tiger Monster Emperor revealed his origin and identity.

The White Tiger Monster Emperor is named Jin Kuang Monster Emperor, a High Grade Monster Emperor. He is the 104th son of the Mountain Moving Demon Venerable and one of the vanguard generals invading the Xuan Yang Realm this time.

He appeared in the Chong Ming Tian City this time for two reasons: one was to gather intelligence, and the other was to test the power of the Golden Thunder Twin Wings on his body.

The Golden Thunder Twin Wings are Spiritual Treasures produced by the Multi-Treasure Immortal Sect. They are extremely powerful. Somehow, they ended up in the hands of the Mountain Moving Demon Venerable and were specially given to him for this expedition to the Xuan Yang Realm.

The Multi-Treasure Immortal Sect is the number one refining sect of the human race. Not only do they have the formidable strength of the Multi-Treasure Venerable, who ranks in the top five among the seventy-two Venerables of the human race, but they also possess a Rank Five Heaven-Connecting Spiritual Treasure refined from a rare treasure of heaven and earth, which is comparable to a Soul Formation Venerable.

The seventy-two Venerables of the human race are the complete number of Venerables in the human race. Each Venerable is a living legend, capable of suppressing a domain with their luck.

Correspondingly, there are thirty-six Demon Venerables in the Monster Race, which, combined with the Venerables of the human and demon races, represents all the positions of power in this world.

As for other races, it has been a long, long time since a Venerable has appeared.

The Nine Yang Immortal Sect only has one Soul Formation Venerable named Jiuyang Venerable, whose strength ranks in the middle among all the Venerables of the human race. He doesn't make many moves, but he has a wide network of connections.

Because of the relationship with the Phoenix Demon Venerable, the Nine Yang Domain faces very little pressure from the Monster Race.

So Jiuyang Venerable even has a lot of time to support other Venerables and has gained many favors.

This is also one of the reasons why many Demon Venerables are dissatisfied with the Phoenix Demon Venerable.

Originally, the number of Monster Race Venerables was already fewer than that of the human race. As a result, there was one who didn't work and had multiple Soul Formation Venerables causing chaos in his own family. This created a gap between the two Venerables.

The Monster Emperor, Jin Kuang, was indeed the favored disciple of the Mountain Moving Venerable, and he had heard some news about Venerable-level matters.

In addition, there was an unwritten rule between the human and monster races.

That is, under normal circumstances, Venerables would not interfere in low-level battles. This was also the reason why Jin Kuang, the Monster Emperor, was initially surprised.

However, this kind of unwritten rule is just a blank sheet of paper that can be torn apart if one wishes.

Rules are used by the strong to restrain the weak, not to restrain themselves.

Unless there is the power to destroy Venerables, all rules must make way for Venerables.

Just like Yu Xian, who didn't understand anything, but after he took action, Jin Kuang, the Monster Emperor, could only accept his fate, rather than relying on any unwritten rules to believe that he wouldn't die.

Jin Kuang, the Monster Emperor, was only ranked 104th, so his understanding of Venerable-level matters was relatively shallow, and he didn't truly know the secrets.

But for Yu Xian, this bit of information was worth the price.

The level of Venerables was too high, so there were very few rumors circulating among the people, and it was impossible to guess the direction.

Slowly, Jin Kuang, the Monster Emperor's intelligence was emptied.

Yu Xian removed the influence of the Heavenly Demon's power, and Jin Kuang, the Monster Emperor, quickly recalled everything.


He was both shocked and angry, instantly breaking through the influence that the Heavenly Demon's power had exerted on him for the past few days.

Obviously, among the Monster Race, this Jin Kuang, the Monster Emperor, could definitely be called a genius, with a very firm will that was not easily influenced.

"Indeed, my power is still too weak."

Yu Xian sighed, his appearance suddenly changed into that of a handsome young man with rosy lips and white teeth, and eyes filled with charm. Then he pressed his palm on Jin Kuang, the Monster Emperor's head.

"I'm a bit rusty in my skills, so it might be a bit painful. Don't blame me."

In the next instant, the two of them had already arrived in the Gangfeng Layer, 90,000 meters away.

Soul Searching Technique!

Jin Kuang, the Monster Emperor, let out a painful cry, feeling his divine soul being stirred and constantly pulled and torn.

But soon, a strand of golden light bloomed from his mind, and a voice like a grand bell and great music sounded.

"Who is searching the soul of this disciple's soul?!"

It was the prohibition left by the Mountain Moving Venerable in Jin Kuang, the Monster Emperor's sea of consciousness. A virtual image of a golden lion slowly condensed, constantly pulling in the surrounding spiritual energy, trying to construct a body.

However, Yu Xian had already anticipated this.

If even the imprint left by the Monster Emperor could be left by the Mountain Moving Venerable, let alone his own disciple.

That's why he didn't use such a domineering technique like the Soul Searching Technique at the beginning, for fear of empty-handed efforts.

Now that he had emptied the intelligence from Jin Kuang, the Monster Emperor's mouth, he could use the Mountain Moving Venerable to measure his own strength.

If he couldn't suppress even a spiritual imprint of a Venerable, then he would be unworthy of the teachings of the Heavenly Dao.

Without waiting for the incarnation of the Mountain Moving Venerable to successfully condense, a mysterious power spread from Yu Xian's body, covering the surrounding space.

Law · Deceive Heaven!

Then, a palm fell, and the heavens and earth darkened.

The Mountain Moving Venerable was first stunned, then his face filled with shock, "Who among the human race Venerables are you? Your power is so unfamiliar?"

"It's impossible. The Great Calamity of Ten Thousand Years has not yet begun, and there can't be any newly promoted Venerables in the world. We also haven't sensed any changes in the laws of heaven and earth?"

Yu Xian secretly paid attention to the information conveyed in the words of the Mountain Moving Venerable. His face, however, coldly snorted, regardless of whether the incarnation of the Mountain Moving Venerable could still contact the main body under the isolation of the Deceive Heaven Technique. He would give false information first.

"I am the Peach Blossom Venerable. How dare a small monster disturb my secluded cultivation. Die!"


The incarnation of the Mountain Moving Venerable had almost no resistance and was instantly shattered by Yu Xian's palm.

"Too weak."

Yu Xian stood with his hands behind his back, appearing aloof and lonely like snow.

"So, I'm already this powerful."

This incarnation of the Mountain-moving Demon Lord was just a spiritual imprint, with strength only at the Nascent Soul level. Even for a Nascent Soul True Monarch, it would be quite difficult to deal with.

Because this incarnation controlled the power of the laws, its essence was superior to that of a Nascent Soul True Monarch.

If he had dared to take the risk and kill the Monster Emperor, he would have faced a formidable enemy and been in a dangerous situation.

But for him, who had already reached Soul Formation, it was as easy as snapping his fingers.

On the other side, the Golden Mad Monster Emperor's face was filled with pain, his soul almost shattered into pieces. In the end, Yu Xian only obtained fragmented memories.

Obviously, when the Mountain-moving Demon Lord manifested, it also tore apart the soul of the Golden Mad Monster Emperor.

Otherwise, a simple spiritual imprint would not be able to support the manifestation of the Mountain-moving Demon Lord's power.

Otherwise, when he killed the Monster Emperor back then, he wouldn't have had to destroy his physical body and escape. He could have directly triggered the spiritual imprint of the Mountain-moving Demon Lord.

"I can't be so reckless next time. I wasted a good monster body. This guy has excellent talent, and the monster king he bred must be good too. Fortunately, there is still a Spiritual Treasure, which can be considered a consolation prize."

Yu Xian looked at the rapidly weakening aura of the Golden Mad Monster Emperor, until it completely disappeared, with a regretful expression.

This High Grade Monster Emperor could have helped him cultivate hundreds or even thousands of instant monster kings, earning him billions of spirit stones.

Now, he could only use it for meat, alchemy, and refining.

However, just as he had just made a breakthrough, he felt like a child who had received a beloved toy, always having the desire to show off.

Not directly going to fight the Demon Lord was already him showing restraint.


Beast Realm, Mountain-moving Beast Cave.

Yu Xian, who was cultivating in the Cave Mansion, suddenly had a thought and felt the dissipation of a spiritual imprint.

He waited for a while, but there was no information coming back.

The spiritual imprint was originally one with him. Even if it dissipated, it would still transmit the memories before death, letting him know what had happened.

But now, there was nothing.

"Someone has cut off my spiritual imprint. Could it be that I encountered one of the top five Venerables of the human race? Only they have the strength of the Late Stage of Soul Formation to forcibly erase the power of the laws in my spiritual imprint, resulting in no information being transmitted."

The Mountain-moving Demon Lord fell into contemplation.

The Monster Race had a lifespan far surpassing that of the human race but had lost its growth rate.

Only the true descendants of the true spirits could break free from this constraint.

And after cultivating bitterly for nearly ten thousand years, he was still just a Low Grade Demon Lord, ranking below average among the human Venerables. If he encountered one of the top five Venerables of the human race, he might not even have a chance to escape.

"The gold-crazed guy whose spiritual imprint disappeared, the approximate location he was in..."

The Mountain-moving Demon Lord waved his hand, and a large map appeared in front of him.

Based on his last sense of the spiritual imprint.

"...Xuanyang Realm!"

"I remember that there is a war fortress built by the Jiuyang Immortal Sect in this place, a tough nut to crack. I even specially gave the gold-crazed guy a Spiritual Treasure. As long as I can gather intelligence in advance, it will be fine."

Now it seemed that this place was unfathomable...

"Well... let the Fox Lord and Black Dragon handle it. There are three war fortresses on the first line of defense of the Jiuyang Immortal Sect, one monster and one fortress. I have already eliminated one."

"Gold-crazed, don't blame me. Your sacrifice was worthwhile."

As for revenge, he had many adopted sons. He couldn't seek revenge every time one died.

The Mountain-moving Demon Lord settled one matter and once again immersed himself in cultivation.

As he cultivated, the clouds formed by the gathering spiritual energy were swallowed into his body, creating a magnificent scene, which was the origin of the name Swallowing Cloud Cave.

PS: Rare double update. Dear brothers, can we have some more votes? I want to break through 2,000 votes. (End of this chapter)

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