Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

298. Chapter 295 Using Yourself As Bait

Chapter 295: Using Oneself as Bait

True Monarch Chongming and Monster Emperor Gaosi fought fiercely on the spot.

The domains of True Monarch and Monster Emperor clashed violently, incompatible like water and fire. Their magical and demonic powers rubbed against each other in the air, manipulating the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to emit various bright colors, like a grand fireworks show.

But everyone knew that the apparent beauty of the light contained extreme danger.

Most people didn't even have the qualification to watch the excitement.

"Monster Emperor Gaosi, I, Gu Qingqing, swear here that no matter what dangers and difficulties I have to face in the future, I will take your life and avenge the members of the Gu family who died!"

Gu Qingqing, who had left the formation, looked back at the ruins of Chongming City, revealing a hint of sadness.

Since she could remember, she had lived, grown up, and practiced in this city. Decades had passed in the blink of an eye. She had become the most outstanding successor of True Monarch Chongming, but she was forced to separate from the place she loved so deeply.

"Qingqing is right, if this grudge is not avenged, I will not be human!"

At this moment, there were three members of the Gu family around her, two men and one woman, all of them Gold Core cultivators and quite young in appearance.

They were the most outstanding bloodline of the Gu family, and they were all under the age of sixty. They were comparable to the reserve true disciples of the Profound Yang Sect and had a chance to break through to the Nascent Soul stage in the future. They were also the Gu family's fire seeds that True Monarch Chongming would spare no effort to preserve.

"Shut up!"

A gray-clothed old man in front of them whispered in a low voice.

"True Monarch is using his life as a bargaining chip to fight for your slim chance of survival. Your most important task is to stay alive. As for avenging, until you reach the Nascent Soul stage, no one should mention it!"

The gray-clothed old man was Gu Tong, True Monarch Chongming's attendant. Although he was surnamed Gu, he was not of the Gu family bloodline. After True Monarch Chongming bestowed him with the surname Gu, his cultivation reached the Gold Core Late Stage.

His great-grandfather was a generation of attendants to True Monarch Chongming. Later, he was chosen from among the many descendants of his own family by True Monarch Chongming. After his cultivation broke through the Foundation Building stage, he began to serve True Monarch Chongming personally.

Later, when his great-grandfather retired due to old age, with True Monarch Chongming's approval, he passed on the position of personal attendant to him.

Therefore, Gu Tong's lifelong creed was to live for True Monarch, to live for the Gu family, and he was most loyal to True Monarch Chongming.

This was also why True Monarch Chongming entrusted him with the important task that concerned the glory of the entire Gu family.

In Gu Tong's more than three hundred years of life, he had proven his loyalty time and time again.

Gu Tong pinched his fingers, and a stream of mana entered a soil-yellow spirit bead in his hand.

"Activate your mana and protect yourself!"

The spirit bead in his hand was called the Earth Travel Bead. It was a treasure obtained by True Monarch Chongming from a certain secret realm. It had the ability to burrow into the ground and could go deep underground without being oppressed by the earth, just like swimming in deep water.

Now the sky above Chongming City had long been occupied by Demonic Beasts.

Once they revealed their escape light, they would definitely be hunted down.

If they couldn't go up, they could only go down.

Even some Demonic Beasts with burrowing abilities couldn't go deep a thousand feet underground, so as long as they were careful and used high-level concealment talismans to hide their aura, they had a good chance of escaping while the two sides were engaged in a big battle.

Just then, the Earth Pearl emitted bursts of yellow light, enveloping everyone.

As the spiritual light overflowed, the solid ground beneath their feet seemed to melt, and they sank into it.

Ten zhang.

One hundred zhang.

One thousand zhang!

In the blink of an eye, the five of them had successfully submerged into the depths of the earth below one thousand zhang.

Sweat beads appeared on Gu Tong's forehead, indicating some difficulty.

Although the Earth Pearl had the ability to burrow underground, the deeper they went, the more spiritual energy it consumed. The more people there were, the more spiritual energy it required.

Even though he was a Perfected Being at the Gold Core Late Stage, burrowing underground with four people at once, and reaching a depth of one thousand zhang, was a bit excessive. He suspected that if they added one more person, they might run out of spiritual energy as soon as they burrowed underground and end up burying themselves alive.

Even so, at this moment, the spiritual energy in his body was flowing out like a flood.

Gu Tong crushed a high-grade Spirit Recovery Pill in his mouth, quickly replenishing his dantian's spiritual energy. Although it couldn't match the consumption rate, it could at least support them for a while longer.

Underneath the earth, there was no light, only the faint glow emitted by the Earth Pearl.

"From now on, I'll trouble the two young masters and the young miss to explore with their divine senses. I can't spare any more energy," Gu Tong said.

"No problem," the four of them said in unison, each responsible for a different direction.

They had already rehearsed how to move forward underground several times. It was just that because of the defensive formation that was previously in place, the underground of Chongmingtian City was also filled with formations, making it impossible for the Earth Pearl to burrow too deep.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have had to deliberately leave the range of the defensive formation.

Just at this moment, there was a wave of vibrations from above the ground, and shockwaves passed down, causing the spiritual light of the Earth Pearl to sway.

Gu Tong groaned, pouring out his spiritual energy to stabilize the spiritual light of the Earth Pearl.

"Perhaps a Demonic Beast has discovered us. Quickly guide the way!" he said.

"There's a large stone blocking the way two li ahead, turn left!"

"There's also a stone fifty zhang to the right."

"There's one on the left too."


At this moment, the four of them didn't hide anything. Their divine senses were connected, like a living map, guiding Gu Tong through the surrounding terrain.

The group quickly moved forward.

The strange noise from above gradually faded away, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

It seemed that the previous shockwave was just an accident.

After about a quarter of an hour.

They had traveled dozens of miles, but due to the twists and turns, the straight-line distance was only about twenty or thirty miles.

But Gu Tong was about to give up.

He took another high-level Spirit Recovery Pill and forced himself to endure another thirty miles.

At this time, the consumption of the Earth Pearl's power became greater and greater, and Gu Tong had to rise in height.

Nine hundred zhang,

Eight hundred zhang,


Two hundred zhang, one hundred...

And then they emerged from the ground.

The earth seemed to open its mouth and spit out the five of them.

Gu Tong didn't have time to speak, he sat down and adjusted his breath, but he didn't dare to absorb spiritual energy too much to avoid attracting attention. He just held a High Grade Spirit Stone in each hand, trying to restore his own power as much as possible.

"It should be temporarily safe here."

After escaping from the dangerous place of Chongmingtian City, the faces of the Gu family members couldn't help but show a hint of joy.

Hatred is one thing, but the joy of surviving is also there.

"But you guys are thinking too much."

A mocking voice came.

The Gu family members looked in the direction of the sound and saw a group of cultivators wearing faceless masks around them. There were twelve of them, forming a mysterious formation.

It's unclear whether they were lucky or unlucky, but they happened to emerge from the location where the Mist Shadow Legion was lurking.

However, the places where the Mist Shadow Legion lurked were relatively remote and suitable for hiding. Coupled with the characteristics of the Mist Shadow Dao soldiers, the several Gold Core cultivators couldn't detect them at all, so it was not impossible to encounter them by chance.

"How is this possible? I clearly used my divine sense to see that there was no one here..."

One of the two male cultivators from the Gu family said in a hesitant voice.

"Divine sense can also deceive people. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, please don't act rashly. Otherwise, according to the wartime regulations, all of you will be treated as war criminals!"

The captain of the Dao soldiers team looked at the young Gold Core Perfected Being of the Gu family with a gaze like a big gray wolf looking at a little white rabbit, making them feel a chill in their hearts.


The battle in the sky gradually came to an end.

Chongming True Monarch fought with all his might, relying on the Spiritual Treasure passed down by the first generation Chongming True Monarch, which had been nurtured for over two thousand years and was extremely Spirit Communication. It was almost equivalent to a second Nascent Soul True Monarch, and it was completely a strategy of burning jade and stone, so his combat power was at its peak.

Although he only had the cultivation level of the mid-stage Nascent Soul, at this moment, he could be regarded as a slightly weaker Nascent Soul cultivator.

The Monster Emperor who was about to die was actually afraid of injuring himself.

Therefore, it seemed that he was retreating step by step and was no match for Chongming True Monarch.

He wanted to use his bloodline Divine Ability to exchange his life, but he forcibly suppressed it.

His bloodline Divine Ability consumed a hundred years of lifespan each time it was used, and there was no way to use it partially.

In other words, even if the other party only had a lifespan of one hundred and one years, he would have to use it twice to make the other party die of old age.

An old guy who didn't have much time left to live, without a few decades of good life, had to give up a hundred years of lifespan. How could he agree to that?

"You old thing, let you live a few more days!"

The dying Monster Emperor left behind harsh words and retreated into the group of Demonic Beasts.

Chongming True Monarch didn't dare to pursue, otherwise, the other party still had three Great Monster Emperors who were not easy to deal with.

He could gain the upper hand only because he was fighting alone.

Once it became a one-against-many situation, he could only rely on the defensive formation to fight a war of attrition.

Chongming True Monarch slowly landed on the city gate tower, and a cheer came from behind him, full of praise for Chongming True Monarch.

Previously, they had been suppressed by the Monster Race, but now they were able to vent their anger. Even though they knew it wouldn't have much impact on the overall situation, everyone was excited.

Chongming True Monarch sighed in his heart, but maintained a confident smile on his face and said a few words of encouragement to everyone.

"With me here, Chongmingtian City will not be broken!"

"From today onwards, I will stay here as the city lord. As long as I'm here, the city will be here. Even if I die, the city will still be here! If the Monster Race really attacks the city, it will be over my dead body!"

"Everyone must believe in hope. I have already sent someone to ask for reinforcements, and they will arrive soon. Just hold on a little longer!"

The crowd fell silent for a moment, and then cheered again.

"Hold the city! Drive away the Monster Race!"

"The city lord is invincible!"

"The city lord is mighty!"



All the cultivators in the city were shouting and yelling, pouring out all their anxieties and worries. The previous decline seemed to have disappeared.

True Monarch Zhongming nodded slightly again, but in the instant he turned around, his previously upright body suddenly hunched over. Although his appearance did not age further, even an ordinary cultivator could sense the twilight aura emanating from him.

He had reached the end of his rope.

But they should have escaped successfully, right?

True Monarch Zhongming looked into the distance, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Gu Tong, Gu Tong..."

True Monarch Zhongming called out twice in a row before realizing.

"Gu Tong took Qing'er and the others and left. I'm really confused."

However, at this moment...

A familiar voice came.

"Lord True Monarch, I'm here."

True Monarch Zhongming turned around in surprise and saw Gu Tong, whose aura was weak and trembling, approaching.

"What's going on?! Where are Qing'er and the others?"

Seeing Gu Tong in this state, True Monarch Zhongming knew that the plan had gone awry.

Could it be that even the slightest hope was denied to him by the heavens?

True Monarch Zhongming's mouth bled, and the deathly aura on his body grew heavier as he staggered backwards.

Gu Tong quickly supported True Monarch Zhongming, who almost fell, and explained,

"Lord, Qing'er and the others are fine. Our reinforcements have arrived!!!"


True Monarch Zhongming's emotions fluctuated like a roller coaster. If he weren't a Nascent Soul True Monarch with a strong physical constitution, he would have fainted right here.

"Our reinforcements have arrived?!"

Gu Tong nodded heavily and said, "The September True Monarch of Mingyue Heavenly City, as well as the Great Love True Monarch of the Datong Association and a Daoist army of over a hundred people under the Datong Association, have all arrived."

"You're not lying to me, are you? Since they've arrived, why haven't they shown themselves?"

True Monarch Zhongming tightly grabbed Gu Tong's arm, and a new vitality seemed to surge from deep within his body.

Suddenly, he didn't want to die anymore.

Although he only had a few decades left to live, with some Life Extending Pills and a bit of health preservation, he could easily support himself for another hundred years. By then, there might still be hope to cultivate the next generation of True Monarchs Zhongming.

Gu Tong's face was filled with sorrow as he said, "Lord, they said you deceived them and didn't tell them that there are four Monster Emperors here, so they are hesitating. If they suffer any injuries, how should we calculate the losses?"

True Monarch Zhongming fell silent for a while.

He knew he was in the wrong, but he couldn't help but feel resentful deep down.

Since they had come, was it really that difficult to lend a hand?

Especially the September True Monarch, who was also a Nascent Soul cultivator. As long as she appeared, even if the Divine Abilities of the Monster Emperors were sharp, they wouldn't dare to be too reckless. They would surely retreat obediently, so what losses would there be?

"Now that they have sent you back, tell me, what do they want?"

True Monarch Zhongming said coldly.

He had already prepared himself to make sacrifices.

Gu Tong said, "They said that all the spoils of war from this battle should belong to them."

True Monarch Zhongming unexpectedly felt that the conditions were not bad and said very reasonably, "Since they are willing to help, there's no harm in giving them the spoils. Is there anything else?"

"There is one more thing. They want you to leave the city and fight again in three days, while also putting on a show."

Gu Tong revealed Yu Xian's conditions.

True Monarch Zhongming's face turned pale, and he sighed, "Is this my fate? What if I refuse?"

Gu Tong said, "Miss Qingqing is in their hands, and Lord, we have no other choice."

True Monarch Zhongming fell silent again for a while before nodding, "Yes, we have no other choice."


Three days later.

True Monarch Zhongming forced himself to be spirited and walked out of the formation to challenge once again.

But this time, the Monster Emperors did not respond to him.

And True Monarch Zhongming seemed relentless, actively charging into the midst of the Demonic Beast horde, slaughtering them without mercy. For a moment, he seemed like a war god, with no Demonic Beast able to match him.

His True Monarch's domain suppressed the Demonic Beasts, causing them to fall like grass.

"Brother Ya, why don't you stop him?"

Under the sky, the four Great Monster Emperors stood side by side, watching True Monarch Zhongming's massacre without any reaction.

Jinpeng Monster Emperor asked in confusion.

The Monster Emperor who was about to die laughed and pointed at the seemingly insane True Monarch Zhongming, saying,

"What does he look like now? He's half-mad. If I were to approach him at this moment, he would definitely drag me down with him. Even if he can't kill me, he will definitely injure me."

"Are we just going to let him continue killing?"

Monster Emperor Jinpeng had a lot to say today.

Monster Emperor Gao Si died with a thought flashing through his mind, but it quickly disappeared. He thought that the Monster Emperor wanted to improve their relationship.

He smiled and said, "Why did I say that he's already half crazy? It's because he didn't even see through such a simple trap. These Demonic Beasts were all sent by me for him to kill. Look, isn't he getting farther and farther away from Chongming City?"

Monster Emperor Jinpeng played the role of a sidekick very well.

"Oh, is that so!"

"Yes, although I consider True Monarch Chongming a dead man, I also recognize his strength. He could have died together with us just now, or he could have retreated and defended Chongming City. But looking at his current situation, if he takes one more step forward, he won't be able to go back. That will be the time for us to make a move. With the combined power of the four Great Monster Emperors, even if he wants to escape, he won't have a chance."

Suddenly, Monster Emperor Gao Si let out a long roar.

"Now is the time! Attack!"


The small and large Bear Emperors beside him roared, and their blood and demonic energy surged, intertwining to form a nearly hundred-zhang tall bear phantom, which was their true form - the Great Strength Demon Bear.

The small and large Bear Emperors were both land-traveling Demonic Beasts. Once they revealed their true forms, they would become hundreds of zhang tall giant beasts, comparable to a mountain in size, but relatively cumbersome in movement.

Therefore, they would also condense their Qi Gathering Blood Gold Bodies like human cultivators, which, although not as powerful as their true forms, were more convenient.

Monster Emperor Jinpeng didn't have this kind of trouble.

His golden wings behind him flapped, and in the blink of an eye, he was thousands of meters away, quickly surrounding True Monarch Chongming with the three Great Monster Emperors.

True Monarch Chongming seemed to be trapped in an unstoppable killing spree. It wasn't until the four Great Monster Emperors attacked that he suddenly woke up, his face changing drastically. He fled, his blood and energy burning, and a layer of blood color appeared on his escape light.

"Don't run!"

Monster Emperor Gao Si and Monster Emperor Jinpeng were both avian Monster Emperors, especially Monster Emperor Jinpeng, who had a bloodline Divine Ability related to speed, making him extremely fast.

"Trying to escape!"

Monster Emperor Jinpeng actually ran directly in front of True Monarch Chongming. He grinned, and his golden wings behind him suddenly spread open, spanning hundreds of zhang in width. Countless wind blades appeared beneath the wings and shot out in an instant.

Puff puff puff!!!

True Monarch Chongming endured the attack, and the spiritual power shield on his body suddenly contracted, but blood stains still scattered in the air.

Monster Emperor Gao Si saw that his archenemy was about to be finished by him, and couldn't help but feel overjoyed. He didn't care to investigate why True Monarch Chongming was seeking death. Death energy rose from his body, and a black feather slowly condensed.

With a swoosh.

The black feather flew through the air and struck True Monarch Chongming heavily.

Just as the escape light of True Monarch Chongming dissipated, revealing his lifeless face, there was a black feather inserted behind him, and the visible position where the black feather injured was continuously losing vitality.

And this is precisely the top-level demon technique derived from the bloodline Divine Ability of the Monster Emperor of Death—Dead Spirit Feather.

After all, his bloodline Divine Ability cannot be used as a conventional attack method.

Once the enemy is hit by the Dead Spirit Feather, they will be continuously eroded by death energy. If it drags on for too long, it will gradually devour all vitality, and even immortals will find it difficult to save them.

You chase, I escape.

True Monarch Chongming flew away, his physical body was beaten to a ragged state, and there seemed to be almost no need for salvation.

The Monster Emperor of Death secretly held a dark golden talisman in his hand.

The strongest escape technique for Nascent Soul True Monarch is the Nascent Soul Escape Technique, and he had been prepared for it, otherwise he would not dare to easily take True Monarch Chongming's life.


True Monarch Chongming seemed to be unable to hold on any longer and let out a long howl in the sky.

"Monster Emperor of Death, I will not let you go!"

Just as he said that, a baby with a face similar to True Monarch Chongming's but younger, holding a Spiritual Treasure shaped like an eyeball, broke free from his body and was about to escape into the void.

"This is what I've been waiting for!"

The Monster Emperor of Death's face brightened and he struck the talisman in his hand.

"Chaotic Void Talisman!"

An invisible ripple flashed through the space within a hundred miles, causing it to fall into a state of chaos. True Monarch Chongming's Nascent Soul tried its best to teleport, but could only move a few hundred meters.


The Monster Emperor of Death's voice was sharp as he laughed madly, but suddenly stopped.

His gaze swept over the space that was affected by the Chaotic Void Talisman, only to see a series of runes appearing from the void. Within a radius of tens of miles, it was filled with mysterious symbols, like chains, sealing everything off.

Cultivators wearing faceless masks occupied the four directions, motionless like mountains, their auras interconnected, making him feel a great threat.

Looking at True Monarch Chongming again, his Nascent Soul flew to a beautiful and cold-looking female cultivator, and he arched his hand with a bitter smile.

"True Monarch Jiuyue, fortunately I didn't disgrace myself."

In order to lure the Four Great Monster Emperors into the trap, he couldn't even tell if he was acting or really seeking death.

After all, even his physical body was shattered.

Jiuyue nodded slightly.

"Leave the rest to me."

A moon wheel rose slowly behind her, emitting a cold radiance that even stole the sunlight.

(End of this chapter)

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