Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

293. Chapter 290 The Steady Jinpeng Monster Emperor (59K, Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 290: Steady Golden Peng Monster Emperor (5.9k, seeking subscriptions!)

In the year 5781 of the Jiuyang calendar, on January 21st, the weather was drizzling.

Golden Peng demonic vein.

The rain curtain stretched for thousands of miles, and raindrops fell lightly on the ground, splashing small mud spots. The trees on the mountainside were covered with a layer of mist, hazy like fog.

Pairs of bloodthirsty and ferocious eyes opened, and the suppressed and heavy breathing sounded like the breath of the mountains.

The restlessness in their bloodline was gradually eroding their rationality.

In the clouds.

A trace of worry flashed in the eyes of the Golden Peng Monster Emperor.

According to past conventions, the beast tide would come, and even if the September True Monarch did not appear, she would secretly reveal her aura as a warning.

When he received this warning, everything was understood without words.

A person and a monster sat down to chat, play chess, and wait for the beast tide to disperse, and the curse in his body would also subside.

However, this time, it was too quiet.

A warning sign suddenly arose in his heart, as if warning him that danger lay ahead, an invisible net was spread out, ready to devour his life.

He heard that the September True Monarch had made a breakthrough in her cultivation. According to the classification of human cultivators, she had become a Nascent Soul cultivator, and her strength was completely incomparable.

He also heard that she had become Dao companions with a male cultivator named Da'ai True Monarch.

By the way, that male cultivator was said to be the chairman of the Datong Society.

The name of the Datong Society also reminded him of some unpleasant memories.

Could it be that she intended to break the previous understanding?

This was not impossible.

Every time the beast tide occurred before, the September True Monarch did not always peacefully coexist with him. Occasionally, they would have a confrontation.

He had no doubt that if the September True Monarch wanted to kill him one day, she would definitely not hold back.

Of course, he was the same.

Between humans and monsters, there had never been true peace.

The harmony between the Qinghuang Monster Sovereign and the Jiuyang Immortal Sect was only relative.

The curse of the bloodline was an eternal shackle, as long as the curse existed, there would never be peace between the two races.

The so-called harmony only temporarily interrupted this hatred, such as human cultivators not taking the opportunity to attack the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range and encroach on the territory of Demonic Beasts.

And the tide of Demonic Beasts would retreat after the curse of the bloodline subsided.

But the killings in between were real.

The previous deaths of the Monster Emperor and the True Monarch Chongming were examples. No matter who died, it would not shake the strategy of the Qinghuang Monster Sovereign and the Jiuyang Immortal Sect.

Jinpeng, the Monster Emperor, doesn't actually enjoy continuing this meaningless slaughter. He just wants to stay in his own territory as the Monster Emperor and live carefree.


Jinpeng, the Monster Emperor, suddenly feels something awakening in his bloodline. It feels as hot as magma, stinging him and making him want to roar and vent.

It is a power rooted in his bloodline and soul, as if it were innate.

"It's becoming harder to suppress."

Jinpeng, the Monster Emperor, lets out a long howl. His figure changes, and a huge shadow tears through the clouds. His golden feathers shine like gold and radiate like the rising sun, illuminating the world.

This sound is like a spark falling into a barrel of explosives.

Instantly, the earth shakes as if a floodgate has been opened, and countless Demonic Beasts rush out of the mountains and forests, flowing towards the distant land, engulfing everything.

Jinpeng, the Monster Emperor, glides slowly along the path of the beast tide like a cruising super-sized warplane.

On the ground, blood and resentment gradually emerge.

Jinpeng, the Monster Emperor, feels a long-lost sense of ease, like a drug addict taking medicine, where all the pain fades away.

A trace of self-mockery flashes in his eyes.

He remembers that when he transformed into a human form, he once traveled in the territory of the human race for a while.

By chance, he heard that some weak-willed people in the human race would become addicted to certain drugs.

Once they go without the drug for a long time, they would suffer unbearable pain, and eventually even self-harm or commit suicide. In order to continue taking the drug, they would be willing to give up their dignity and do anything.

Now, isn't the situation of these high-level Monster Race members the same?

The bloodline curse is their addiction.

No matter what their attitude towards the human race is, once the addiction takes hold, they can only resort to killing.

"September True Monarch! Aren't you coming out yet?"

"If you don't come out soon, I, the Monster Emperor, will take action myself!"

Jinpeng, the Monster Emperor, roars in anger.

The painful curse in his bloodline and the invisible pressure in his heart make him urgently need an outlet.

He wants to force out the September True Monarch.

Whether it's fighting or cooperating, it's better than blindly guessing and wasting mental energy.

As expected...

In the next moment, a powerful aura rises into the sky, blocking his way.

Seeing this, Jinpeng, the Monster Emperor, actually feels relieved. Even the curse in his bloodline doesn't feel as painful anymore.

Because he knows that as the beast tide continues, his curse will gradually calm down.

But if the September True Monarch doesn't appear, he will have to worry and be on guard against the possibility of her ambush.

This feeling is truly uncomfortable.

"September True Monarch, what do you mean?"

Golden Peng Monster Emperor transformed into a man in a golden robe, with a dignified expression and sharp eyes.

"Do you want to break the rules that have lasted for hundreds of years?"

Moon Ji looked at the imposing Golden Peng Monster Emperor and sighed secretly.

Her impression of this Monster Emperor neighbor was actually quite good.

In the unavoidable situation of the beast tide, the Golden Peng Monster Emperor was not much of a threat to human cultivators in the Monster Race.

If the Golden Peng Monster Emperor were to be eliminated, there would definitely be other Monster Emperors to take his place.

It's hard to say what kind of Monster Emperor would come then.

"Golden Peng Monster Emperor, I don't want to break the rules that have lasted for hundreds of years, and I hope that Monster Emperors won't interfere."

Moon Ji still intended to give the Golden Peng Monster Emperor a chance to live.

After all, during the last beast tide, the Golden Peng Monster Emperor half lost and half gave her a Moon Dew Tea Tree, which had such a fitting attribute. It must have taken him a lot of effort.

And this tea tree had helped her a lot.

The Golden Peng Monster Emperor didn't understand the deep meaning behind it, but seeing that September True Monarch was willing to maintain the unspoken agreement between them for hundreds of years, he suddenly felt much more relaxed and smiled.

"What kind of person am I? Doesn't True Monarch know after so many years? Is this still a game?"

A few years ago, this Emperor visited the Cave Mansion of the Ape Flying Monster Emperor thirty thousand miles away and was given several jars of Monkey Wine brewed for a thousand years. It tasted delicious and he was willing to share it with True Monarch."

The Golden Peng Monster Emperor clenched his palm, and in an instant, the wind and clouds surged, turning into a cloud platform.

But September True Monarch did not sit down, but gave another reminder.

"Monster Emperor's goodwill, I understand, but please remember my words, don't interfere in the battles under your command."

After saying that, she retreated and disappeared.


The Golden Peng Monster Emperor frowned, sat on the cloud platform, drank the wine in one gulp, muttered, and no longer cared.

The reputation of September True Monarch could still be guaranteed.

Since she didn't interfere, it seemed that this beast tide could still be easily overcome. The previous speculation was just scaring himself.

That great love True Monarch was ultimately just a newly promoted True Monarch, and he had to give September True Monarch some face.

Besides, in the beginning, a little conflict was a bigger loss for them. So many demon kings were hunted down for nothing.

"Good wine!"

The Golden Peng Monster Emperor suppressed a trace of uneasiness in his heart, indulged himself, and shouted happily.

His momentum was grand, and the killing tide below seemed to have become his side dish.

Just a moment later.

Monster Emperor Jinpeng suddenly sensed something was wrong.

He saw invisible vortexes appearing on the ground below the horizon, constantly moving.

These vortexes had a range of thousands of miles. Once the charging Demonic Beasts fell into them, they would lose all signs of life.

In just the moment he observed, tens of thousands of Demonic Beasts disappeared without a trace, and millions of fierce wild beasts in the mountains and forests were swept away by the vortexes.

Especially the Demon Kings among the Demonic Beasts, they were like delicious snacks on a plate, being swallowed one by one by the vortexes.

"Who set up this Daoist Formation!!!"


Monster Emperor Jinpeng crushed the wine glass in his hand, and a pair of golden wings quickly spread out behind him, turning into a golden light and flying away.

He wanted to see who had invested so much capital to set up a formation so close to the Demon Vein.

Even a thousand miles away, it was completely blocked!

It should be noted that formations rely heavily on the environment, and setting them up around spiritual veins is the most cost-effective way.

If you want to forcefully set up a formation outside the spiritual veins, you can only rely on formation discs and flags. Even the most ordinary formations would require astronomical amounts of spiritual stones.

Not to mention that these formations can actually move.

As far as he knew, only Daoist formations could be like ordinary military formations, constantly moving without breaking the formation.

However, when he approached.

This was clearly not an ordinary Daoist formation, but an extremely profound high-level Daoist formation!

Even though he hadn't entered the formation yet, he could already sense a faint sense of threat.

He was shocked, but still opened his Monster Emperor domain to test it out.

Suddenly, a huge tornado appeared out of thin air, with a range of nearly thirty miles in all directions.

But when this tornado collided with the invisible vortexes, it did not show the power to destroy everything. Instead, it seemed like gears jamming a iron rod, creating a sense of stagnation.

However, this sense of stagnation was quickly eliminated.

The wind roared, and the invisible vortexes were blown apart, revealing twelve people wearing faceless masks inside.

"Who are you? How dare you block the advance of our Monster Race tide!"

Monster Emperor Jinpeng shouted loudly, his aura surging, and his Monster Emperor domain crushed down like a tornado.

"Under the command of the Great Unity Society, Mist Shadow Corps, Sixteenth Squad of Mist Shadows, I have seen Monster Emperor."

All twelve people emitted an aura comparable to a Gold Core Perfected Being. Seeing the formation being broken, they were not panicked. Instead, their auras connected with each other, and a cloud and mist battle flag danced in the center. The twelve people transformed into an ever-changing mist spirit.

The refining of the Mist Shadow battle flag of the Mist Shadow Daoist Formation has no standard, it depends on whether it can fit the attributes of the Mist Prison Formation and whether it can withstand the Yu Xian Divine Ability imprint.

This Mist Shadow Sixteenth Squad is the sixteenth squad of the Mist Shadow Daoist Formation, and the battle flag is made from the core of a cloud and mist spirit.

Therefore, when the Daoist army formation was activated, it became a Great Monster covered in clouds and mist.

Although they were much weaker compared to the imposing aura of the Monster Emperor Jinpeng, it seemed like they would be torn apart by the storm in the next moment.

But they managed to barely hold on.

"The Great Unity Society?!"

The Monster Emperor Jinpeng had amazing vision, being able to see thousands of miles away from high in the sky.

At this moment, he could see that with his arrival, within a few hundred miles, there were actually three invisible vortexes swirling and killing.

If these vortexes were all like the Mist Shadow Legion, possessing the strength of Nascent Soul cultivators, even if they were just the weakest Nascent Soul cultivators, he would probably not fare well.

Because he had seen far more than just ten invisible vortexes before.

Once he was delayed, it wouldn't be long before he was trapped in endless killing.

The Monster Emperor Jinpeng made a decisive decision. With a shake of his golden wings behind him, countless wind blades were generated in his domain and instantly broke through the air.

The cloud and mist Great Monster couldn't withstand it, as if it was being subjected to a thousand cuts, and its mist was completely torn apart.

The twelve Mist Shadow Daoist soldiers all grunted, stabilizing their figures and gathering their mist again, transforming into Great Monsters, ready to kill the Monster Emperor Jinpeng.

The Monster Emperor Jinpeng, on the other hand, exerted his strength and ascended three thousand zhang, directly escaping.

The strength of this Great Unity Society was too powerful. They actually formed an army of hundreds of Daoist soldiers in one go.

That Great Love True Monarch hadn't even appeared yet.

Thinking about the grudges between the two of them, the Monster Emperor Jinpeng dared not linger any longer.

These ordinary Demonic Beasts were all expendable resources in the demonic veins. Every few decades, a new batch would grow, and he wouldn't feel heartache even if they all died.

Only those underlings at the King Level were the ones he cared about. Without these Demon Kings guarding the demonic veins and obeying his orders on weekdays, he would just be a commander in name only.

But compared to his own safety, these underlings could also be abandoned.

This time, the other party came prepared. If he continued to fight to the death, he would probably leave behind his life.

The Monster Emperor Jinpeng remembered the warning from the True Monarch Jiuyue. Now it seemed that it was a reminder to him time and time again, telling him not to get involved in the war.

"It seems that the gifts I usually give weren't in vain."

A thought popped into the Monster Emperor Jinpeng's mind, while at the same time, he was glad that he had always been polite to the True Monarch Jiuyue.

After all, he considered himself a victim too. There was no need for him to fight to the death. That was the job of his subordinates.

Otherwise, if the True Monarch Jiuyue intervened now, he might not be able to leave smoothly.

The Great Unity Society!

The Monster Emperor Jinpeng, high in the sky with his wings spread, looked back and saw the Demon Kings below disappearing one by one. He wanted to say something harsh to maintain his momentum.

After all, he was the Monster Emperor who had caused a commotion outside the Profound Yang Sect's mountain gate and still managed to retreat unscathed.

But after thinking about it, Jinpeng Monster Emperor swallowed his harsh words and flew towards the neighboring demonic vein without looking back.

Bloodline curses are no joke.

Now that Mingyue Tiancheng is facing obstacles, his subordinates, the Demonic Beasts, are likely to become souls under the knife. So he can only borrow some bloodthirsty aura from the neighboring neighbor, deal with his own curse first.

"A powerful force has emerged within the Xuan Yang Territory, and the Daoist Army is comparable to a large sect's heritage. I wonder what the Profound Yang Sect will do when they find out.

Hmph, humans love internal strife, there will definitely be a battle among them.

When that time comes, I will come to seek guidance and repay today's grudge a hundredfold!"

Jinpeng Monster Emperor comforted himself and increased his speed.


"He's running pretty fast."

Yu Xian watched Jinpeng Monster Emperor go far away, but had no intention of stopping him.

It's not that he didn't want to kill Jinpeng Monster Emperor, but he didn't have full confidence. Once Jinpeng Monster Emperor wasn't killed, they would become mortal enemies.

Unfortunately, Jinpeng Monster Emperor's cultivation was not weak, his bloodline was strong, and he had extreme speed in the wind. If they didn't confront him head-on and only harassed him in retaliation, it would give him a headache.

So either don't take action, or make sure to kill him.

It's just that Jinpeng Monster Emperor's sense of smell is too sensitive, and he moves like a rabbit. Faced with a Daoist team that he could easily handle, he didn't show any intention to fight.

He just made a probing move and left decisively, which was a disgrace to the Monster Emperor.

But thinking about Jinpeng Monster Emperor's past deeds, it wasn't surprising that he acted cautiously. When the Great Unity Society stepped on him and killed so many monster kings, he only cut off the grievances within the demonic vein and didn't think about expanding his influence or seeking more revenge in the human territory.

This was enough to show that Jinpeng Monster Emperor was conservative in his actions. As long as his core interests were not harmed, he wouldn't care too much.

So this time, Jinpeng Monster Emperor escaped smoothly, and Yu Xian wasn't worried that he would come back for revenge.

With his character of self-preservation, as long as Jinpeng Monster Emperor wasn't pushed to the limit, he would obediently stay behind and lick his wounds.

"Spread my command, let those monster kings with golden bird feathers go."

Since Yu Xian had decided to let Jinpeng Monster Emperor go, he didn't want to kill any more of his bloodline descendants. He gave him face, so as not to push him to the point of desperation.


The Daoist soldiers behind him dispersed and quickly passed on the order.

Yue Ji stood beside Yu Xian, looking at his expressionless face, hesitated for a moment, and still said:

"I'm sorry, I ruined your plan."

"It's just that I have some relationship with him after all. When I first arrived in Mingyue Tiancheng, my strength was far from being strong, and I didn't know anything. It was him who taught me a lot when I dealt with the first beast tide.

Now I have repaid his favor. Next time, I will listen to you in everything."

"You and I are of one mind, there's no need for explanations. No matter what you do, I will support you."

However, Yu Xian shook his head and suddenly smiled.

"Moreover, once he runs away, there will never be a chance for him to catch up with me again. The next time we meet, I am confident that I can kill him with just one hand.

But this monster is quite interesting. As long as he doesn't provoke me, it doesn't matter whether I kill him or not.

On the contrary, seeing you unhappy makes me quite annoyed. I feel that this monster has hurt our relationship as husband and wife, and I don't want to let him off easily."

Yu Xian's Dao heart was still in a mess, causing her to fall from the clouds and experience some ordinary human emotions. It was not surprising that she felt nostalgic at this moment.

Moreover, it was his cautious and alert nature that truly allowed Golden Peng Monster Emperor to escape. So he wouldn't blame Yu Xian.

Golden Peng Monster Emperor had ways to survive, and even if he died, he had plans for it. He always prepared for both possibilities. And even if Yu Xian had taken action just now, it wouldn't necessarily have been able to keep him.

Back when Golden Peng Monster Emperor caused a commotion in front of the Profound Yang Sect's mountain gate, there were Nascent Soul cultivators who took action, but he still managed to escape.

"You always speak so eloquently."

Hearing Yu Xian comforting her in turn, Moon Ji's anxious mood unconsciously eased, and a smile appeared on her face.

Yu Xian raised an eyebrow at Moon Ji with a proud look, deliberately appearing a bit frivolous.

"Because everything I say is sincere, and sincerity is always moving."

"Alright, if you really feel embarrassed, then help me guard Da'ai City. I can only block a range of a thousand miles here, and there are more waves of Demonic Beasts coming from behind."

After thinking for a moment, Yu Xian added, "I only trust you."

Upon hearing this, Moon Ji was suddenly filled with a sense of gratitude.

"I won't let you down."

Moon Ji immediately flew towards Da'ai City.

Now that the tide of beasts from the Golden Peng Monster Clan was blocked at the edge of the monster vein, it relieved her, as the Lord of Tiancheng, of a lot of pressure.

When Moon Ji left, Yu Xian flicked his finger, and a blood-colored flag expanded in the air. A blood-colored vortex appeared on the flag, spitting out a bald man.

Then the blood sea flag transformed into a complex-looking Perfected Being of ten thousand beasts.

"All of these are ours!"

Yu Xian pointed at the ground filled with Demonic Beast corpses, where blood gathered and formed a lake.

More than a dozen teams of Dao soldiers transformed into various Great Monster beasts, like tireless reapers, turning the tide of Demonic Beasts into fields of wheat, harvesting one after another.

These Demonic Beasts had their bloodlines stimulated. Except for those Demon Kings who could maintain their clarity, almost all of them kept charging forward without stopping.

So there was no need to worry about them collapsing and fleeing.

Those Demon Kings became the primary targets of the Dao soldier teams, and less than thirty percent of them could escape.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, do you remember our helplessness in Donghua Heavenly City? Do you want even greater power?"

Yu Xian was like a tempting demon, leading the Perfected Being of ten thousand beasts step by step into the abyss.

"Go and devour everything you see, and completely evolve the blood sea flag!"

As a Rank Four Spiritual Treasure, with the mature spirit of the Perfected Being of ten thousand beasts, and the tempering and evolution of the Da'ai Domain, its power was actually quite high, but it lacked the necessary nourishment to develop.

If it could devour this thousand-mile blood feast, it should not be difficult to reach Rank Four High Grade, let alone ascend in one step.

As for his blood puppet, it could just eat some leftovers, a symbolic gesture.

The Perfected Being of ten thousand beasts seemed to smell the tempting aroma in the air. When Yu Xian pushed aside True Monarch Jiuyue, he had already guessed what was going to happen.

But he found it very difficult to refuse.


What a wonderful word.

And these blood feasts were not human, just a group of Demonic Beasts, not of their own kind. It was also his cultivation philosophy after falling into demonic path.

He shouldn't refuse.


A blood-colored flag that covered the sky opened up, and a blood curtain descended upon the earth. A blood-colored giant mouth opened, turning everything it saw into nourishment for its own evolution.

However, after a moment, Yu Xian's expression froze, followed by a helpless bitter smile.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, you really have a firm Dao heart."

In the blood sea flag, endless blood converged, forming a blood pool. The Perfected Being of ten thousand beasts only took a small portion of it, while the rest was infused into the blood puppet, causing its aura to continuously soar.

"Eating too much and becoming fat is not necessarily a good thing. I also don't want to be held hostage by power and become a monster that pursues power.

So I will only control the power I can currently control."

The voice of the Perfected Being of ten thousand beasts reached Yu Xian's ears.

"Besides, I won't fall behind in terms of blood feasts if I follow you."


Yu Xian burst into laughter.

Although his hands were not stained with any blood, he seemed more like a demon than anyone else.

But in this vast wilderness, where only the sound of flesh and blood disappearing could be heard, no one could appreciate his madness at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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