Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

282. Chapter 280 Last Words, Information (58K)

Chapter 280: Last Words, Intelligence (5.8k)

After half a day had passed, Yu Xian and Yue Jiu had already flown over 30,000 miles and arrived at Da'ai City.

Yue Jiu didn't want to meet with True Monarch Da'ai and the other women in the True Monarch's Mansion, so Yu Xian accompanied her to Da'ai Peak.

"I was really afraid that I couldn't hold you back."

Yu Xian stepped on the solid ground and inexplicably felt a sense of relief. Being high up was good, but without roots under his feet, there was always a sense of instability.

Yue Jiu, on the other hand, remained silent.

Ever since True Monarch Chunyang failed his tribulation, she had been like this.

According to reason, with her temperament, she shouldn't be so fragile, but Yu Xian's influence on her was too profound.

When she was contending with the Ghost Consort, her Dao heart was pure and as unbreakable as a diamond, with only a tiny insignificant crack.

Even the Ghost Consort couldn't do anything to her.

But after staying in the Da'ai Domain for a long time, that tiny crack gradually widened, like a deep abyss, causing her to sink continuously, and her temperament became more and more like an ordinary person.

Otherwise, even if she was in pain, she wouldn't show the slightest bit of it, and would even turn that pain into a tempering of her temperament.

However, Yu Xian didn't show any intention of helping her make up for it.

If he really let Yue Jiu cultivate a flawless Dao heart, he might not even rank among her future Dao companions.

Just like True Monarch Chunyang.

Didn't he love True Monarch Mingyue?

Of course, he loved her deeply, otherwise, when he broke through, the distracting thoughts and inner demons that surged forth wouldn't mostly be about that woman.

So even though Yu Xian hadn't spent much time with True Monarch Chunyang, he could see more clearly than most people whether a man loved a woman or not.

But True Monarch Chunyang loved True Monarch Mingyue, and loved the Great Dao in his heart even more.

So when True Monarch Mingyue conflicted with his Great Dao, he would give up on her, even if he regretted it, felt sad, or even remorseful.

Because he had something more important in his heart.

But seeing Yue Jiu's current appearance, Yu Xian couldn't help but feel a bit of pity in his heart.

He held Yue Jiu's hand and placed it on his chest, speaking gently, "I can lend you a shoulder, cry if you want to."

Yue Jiu looked at Yu Xian with a dazed expression, as if she had finally come back to her senses, and then she leaned into his embrace, tears streaming down her face.

"Now, I only have you!"

"I will always be by your side, taking care of you, spoiling you, loving you, so that you will never be alone."

Yu Xian gently stroked Yue Jiu's long hair, his voice filled with emotion.

After a while, Yue Jiu stopped crying.

She sniffled, her voice carrying a hint of petulance.

"Today's events must not be spoken of."

Yu Xian wiped away her tears with a smile, indulgently saying,

"Mmm, we won't speak of it. It'll be our secret."

Yue Ji gently held Yu Xian, as if cradling fragile porcelain, afraid of losing her at any moment.

"I don't want anything else right now, I just want to be with you forever. How about I resign as the Lord of Mingyue Tiancheng and stay by your side?"

Her eyes were clear and distinct, like agate gemstones, filled with the purest emotions and a hint of anticipation for the future.

Perhaps it was the death of the Pure Yang True Monarch that had caused a slight change in her state of mind.

Yu Xian's expression froze.

What kind of plot is this, where she doesn't love the country but loves handsome guys?!!

Does he need a Nascent Soul cultivator?

Well, it is quite important.

But what's more important to him is the position of the Lord of Mingyue Tiancheng.

Without her cooperation, his Datong Society would have been infiltrated by cult organizations long ago, and there would be no smooth development.

If they were to replace the Lord of the city, based on his reputation for being foolish and wealthy, they would definitely distribute shares of the Datong Society, and there would be no hope for further development.

So, until he breaks through to the Soul Formation stage, Yue Ji shouldn't even think about resigning.

However, he couldn't say such words directly. They were too utilitarian and would make people dislike him.

So he took a deep breath, opened his arms, and hugged Yue Ji tightly, saying affectionately,

"No matter what you want to do, I will support you. Just because you are Yue Ji, the woman I love."

Yue Ji nodded gently, a smile appearing on her face.

"I feel the same way."

"But the Sect Master has just passed away, and it wouldn't be good for us to go against his wishes so soon. How about we wait for a while and also observe the situation within the sect?"

Yu Xian smoothly changed the topic.

Yue Ji looked confused, "Hmm?"

Yu Xian smiled helplessly, "Have you forgotten the Sect Master's instructions? After he fails to break through, he wants you to guard Mingyue Tiancheng and not have anything to do with anyone else in the future."

"And I also have a small selfishness. As an Independent Cultivator True Monarch, I still rely on you, the Lord of the city, to protect me. If someone comes after me in the future, I'll have to find a way to kill them."

With the comfort of her lover, Yue Ji's wisdom gradually returned.

She also knew that her decision was hasty and impulsive. Once she lost the title of Lord of the city, it would have a great impact and change the fate of many people.

But at a time like this, how could she admit her mistake?

So she thought for a moment and decided to change the subject.

"Why did you drag me along? The body of Brother You Yang hasn't been properly taken care of yet. Those guys are all trying to snatch his body, and who knows what they'll do with it."

"One You Yang here, another You Yang there. I'm jealous," Yu Xian pouted, looking very unhappy.

True Monarch Chongyang's original name was Zhang You Yang. It was said that he was given this name because he was tormented by the Nine Yang veins when he was young.

Just like how a lowly name is easy to support.

However, as Chongyang became more famous as a Perfected Being, few people knew his real name anymore.

For example, few people knew that the former direct disciple, Zhang Yan, who was personally taught by the sect leader, was actually a descendant of True Monarch Chongyang's family.

Seeing this, Moon Ji couldn't help but roll her eyes at Yu Xian.

She knew he was pretending, but his bold and straightforward words still made her happy.

"Alright, let's call him Sect Leader. He's already dead, do you still care about this?"

Moon Ji looked helpless.

Only then was Yu Xian satisfied. He reached out his right hand and revealed a blood-red sword mark in his palm, with traces of blood seeping out.

"Pure Yang Sword Intent?!!"

Moon Ji was quite familiar with the power of True Monarch Chongyang. Seeing this Sword Intent, she couldn't help but reach out and touch it.

"It really is Pure Yang Sword Intent. When did Sect Leader leave it on you?"

Yu Xian said, "Do you remember the last sword strike Sect Leader made before he died?"

"He gave me this little thing right under everyone's noses."

With a surge of his mana, a thumb-sized, wearing a red bellyband, and tied with a high bun, chubby doll appeared in his palm, covering its head.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

The chubby doll kicked Yu Xian's palm with anger.

"I'm like this, and you still hit me?"

The chubby doll's body was illusory and looked very weak. It directly lay on the blood mark in Yu Xian's palm, its buttocks raised, and opened its mouth to suck Yu Xian's blood.

As the blood was sucked in, the chubby doll's figure became more solid.

Yu Xian smirked.

He was always the one sucking others' blood. How could someone else suck his blood?

But thinking that this little brat still had great use for him, he temporarily gave him face.

"Pure Yang Sword Spirit!"

Moon Ji immediately recognized the origin of this chubby doll. It was the lifebound flying sword of True Monarch Chongyang, the Pure Yang Sword, a spiritual sword that had cultivated a sword spirit.

"Not bad, it's this little guy. I think Sect Leader probably wanted to tell us something through him."

"That's why I pulled you away from that troublesome place."

Yu Xian flicked the chubby doll's buttocks and said,

"Are you full? What does Sect Leader want to tell us?"

The sword spirit wiped its mouth and lay in Yu Xian's palm, looking satisfied, and praised,

"Your blood is so pure and fresh. I've never had such clean blood before."

Yu Xian: "..."

Of course, he was the man who cultivated the most filthy Blood Dao technique.

"The words the master wants to say are all in my mind, but if I tell you, I will die. I want to see this world a little longer."

The sword spirit's face showed a sense of vicissitudes that didn't match its appearance.

"The master used to like watching the sunset with me, but I was always restless and never really watched it properly.

So I want to see it again. Can you wait a little longer?"

Under the calamity of the Thunder Dragon, even the body formed by True Monarch Chongyang's Great Sun Golden Essence was shattered. The Pure Yang Spirit Sword, as a Rank Four spiritual sword, could not escape unscathed.

It was only by relying on its unique rules and the last bit of power from True Monarch Chongyang that it managed to survive.

But its sword body was already broken, and True Monarch Chongyang's power would slowly dissipate, eventually leading to its death.

Fortunately, going with its master was also its wish.

Yu Xian and Moon Ji both nodded silently.

Time passed.

On a large black stone at the mountaintop, Yu Xian and Moon Ji sat side by side. In the distance, a golden sun sank into the clouds, and the sky gradually darkened.

Beside them lay a clean chubby doll, sitting with its legs crossed, swinging its chubby feet, looking very relaxed.

In its arms, it held a blood ball that looked like a watermelon, its face flushed, as if drunk.

It burped and looked at the last rays of the setting sun, sighing,

"It's so beautiful. No wonder the master liked watching it."


The blood ball fell to the ground, splattering a blood flower.

A firefly-like light spot remained in place, and the chubby doll transformed by the sword spirit disappeared without a trace.

The light spot trembled gently, and a figure appeared in the air.

It was True Monarch Chongyang.

He looked ahead with a calm expression.

"Little Moon, by the time you see this message, I'm probably no longer here. But this is the path I chose, and no one else is to blame.

So you don't have to be sad for me.

What I'm about to say is very important. You must listen carefully."

He fell silent for a moment before forcing a bitter smile and saying,

"The information passed down by the Ancestor is correct. The Dao Seed is the key, the ticket to the Thunder Tribulation. Without the Dao Seed, one must first overcome the three Thunder Dragon Tribulations before being able to pass the Soul Formation Thunder Tribulation.

There are fifty Great Daos, and forty-nine of them have disappeared. This is the only chance for survival.

However, I have ultimately failed.

Fortunately, my death is not completely without value."

"The so-called Great Calamity of Ten Thousand Years is a catastrophe that changes the rules of the world, blocking the path of Soul Formation for cultivators.

I do not know what this calamity is, but it has not ended.

The Dao Body is favored by heaven and earth, and our Profound Yang Sect has sought it for five thousand years without success. It is not because we have bad luck, but because heaven and earth do not allow it.

There has been no appearance of a Dao Body in the world for these five thousand years.

As for why there are still Soul Formation Venerables in the world, that is something I cannot know.

The information I obtained from the Thunder Tribulation is scattered and limited.

So, do not rush to break through. This is a limitation imposed by heaven and earth, beyond human power to break.

You are still young, patiently wait for the right time.

As for when that time will come...

I have sensed it, probably in five hundred years, or maybe six hundred years, eight hundred years, or it may have already happened. Who knows?

That will be the era for us cultivators, the true great era."

True Monarch Chunyang shook his head and suddenly grinned.

"But this fight was truly enjoyable. Farewell, do not worry about me."

The light and shadow suddenly disappeared.

This time, Yuejiu did not cry.

She quietly leaned on Yu Xian's shoulder, looking at the dim sky in the distance, and suddenly asked,

"Husband, why do you think the Sect Master did not tell others about the information, only telling us? He didn't even mention whether he wanted to inform the sect."

Yu Xian thought for a moment and said,

"If the Sect Master wanted to inform the sect, why would he go through the trouble of sending the Sword Spirit to us?"

"And as for the information about the Dao Seed, the Sect Master should have already taught it all during the ceremony of handing over to the next Sect Master.

These pieces of information are just supplementary to the secret teachings.

If we say too much, it will only lead to internal strife within the sect. Everyone will want to find the Dao Body to pave their way for Soul Formation.

He told us, or rather, he told you, without mentioning me at all. I think he is afraid that you will follow in his footsteps and sacrifice your life in vain."

Yu Xian patted Yuejiu's head and smiled,

"Unfortunately, the Sect Master probably didn't expect Little Yue'er to be so useless and has already planned to spend a lifetime with me. To hell with Soul Formation."

Yuejiu looked embarrassed.

"Anyway, I have been completely won over by you."

"Speaking of reason, it has always been you who has won me over, okay?"

Yu Xian looked innocent.

"Go to hell!"



Yuejiu did not resign from her position as the Lord of Tiancheng, nor did she return to the sect.

She continued to fulfill her duties as she had for the past three hundred years, paying taxes to the sect on time every year, but she ignored the sect's requests.

No one dared to assign her any more tasks to take the blame.

If anyone had any objections, they had to personally come to Mingyue Tiancheng to persuade her.

As for the newly appointed Sect Master True Monarch, he couldn't even unify the voices within the sect, let alone manage the Nascent Soul True Monarchs outside the sect.

As for issuing an order for someone to return to the sect...

Someone had to be willing to listen.

If someone really refused to listen, would they send people to besiege them?

A Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator, taking advantage of the Rank Four Spiritual Vein and cooperating with a Rank Four Formation, would be able to handle two more Nascent Soul cultivators with a high probability.

If they won, countless lives would be lost, and both sides would suffer heavy losses.

If they lost, not only would the sect's prestige be lost, but they might also lose a piece of territory.

Most importantly, it would encourage others to follow suit.

By then, the sect would be divided, and the Sect Master True Monarch would be impeached and disgraced.

Such things had happened in the five thousand years of the Profound Yang Sect's history.

At least for now, Mingyue Tiancheng still paid taxes on time and followed the rules by sending talents to the sect every year.

After all, even for the Profound Yang Sect, the annual tax revenue of billions of spirit stones was not a small amount.

Over time, the Profound Yang Sect had also become accustomed to having a semi-independent Lord of Tiancheng.

After all, in the five thousand years of the Profound Yang Sect's history, everything had happened.

Not to mention this kind of semi-separatist Lord of Tiancheng, there had even been cases of complete independence.

But in the end, the Profound Yang Sect was still the Profound Yang Sect, while those troublesome Nascent Soul True Monarchs had long been submerged in the river of time.

Time was the most powerful Divine Ability in the world.

True Monarch Jiuyue was not the first, nor would he be the last.

By the way,

The body of True Monarch Chunyang, which the other sects disputed over and argued whether it should be handed over to the sect or to future generations, suddenly collapsed during the debate and turned into dust, leaving nothing behind.

And the words left behind by True Monarch Transcending Tribulation, the Pure Yang True Monarch, have been passed down. It is said that whoever can comprehend these words will be able to find the true secret to breaking through Soul Formation. Of course, such legends are not lacking in the Immortal Cultivation World, and as time goes on, fewer and fewer people pay attention to them. Everything is overly calm, and the Profound Yang Sect is still the Profound Yang Sect, standing as the absolute ruler of this land. ...

It has been half a year since the succession ceremony of the Sect Master of the Profound Yang Sect.

The Grand Love True Monarch's residence.

Yu Xian lazily lies in a bed of flowers, with magnolias accompanying him to drink and relieve boredom.

Luo Han is refining pills in the pill refining room. This is her hobby and her cultivation.

Liu Yueru, also known as the Sect Master Liu, is also diligently cultivating.

After obtaining the cultivation technique of the Ghost Clan and with the assistance of a Rank Three High Grade spiritual vein, her cultivation progress is good. She has already reached the Late Stage of the Ghost General realm, and in another ten or twenty years, she will be able to make a breakthrough.

Moreover, as Yu Xian's companion spirit, when necessary, she can directly receive support from Yu Xian, making her breakthrough almost certain.

It is too easy for a Nascent Soul True Monarch to guide a Ghost General.

If Yu Xian didn't care about Sect Master Liu's strength at all, even now, there would still be a certain degree of certainty in her breakthrough.

Zhao Shiwen's identity has changed from being the female boss of a trading company to the vice president of the Great Unity Society.

Now, most of the affairs of the Great Unity Society are specifically handled by Zhao Shiwen, with assistance from the heads of various departments.

Yu Xian is not polite to these department heads at all.

They have all been tested within the realm of the Grand Love Law, and their sense of belonging to the Great Unity Society is higher than their own lives. Therefore, there is no need to worry about betrayal, corruption, laziness, and other issues. They are the best tools.

Now, Yu Xian only needs to provide the overall strategic direction and rarely personally intervene.

After all, he worked hard to build the foundation of the Great Unity Society. If he had to worry about everything, what would be the meaning of the Great Unity Society?

"Master, this is the intelligence sent by the Profound Yang Sect."

Zhao Shiwen is dressed in a light red robe, with a touch of makeup on her face. Compared to her previous pretentiousness, her current appearance is even younger.

Especially when she personally comes to see Yu Xian, her advantages are highlighted, coupled with her naturally doll-like face, there is an indescribable taste.

She knows that there is a True Monarch of September by Master's side, the Lord of the Bright Moon Heavenly City, the top woman in this land.

Even if she dresses up as a strong woman, she can never catch up, so it's better to play to her own strengths.

And it is indeed the case.

Since she adjusted her temperament and appearance, the number of times Master has called her to serve him has noticeably increased.

Men always prefer something new.


Yu Xian glanced at Zhao Shiwen, pulled her into his arms, and read the information in the jade slip while exploring the dangers.

The Bright Moon Heavenly City has not separated from the Profound Yang Sect and sends talents to the Profound Yang Sect every year.

And the reputation of the Great Love Law Domain has long been spread throughout the jurisdiction of the Mingyue Tiancheng. Most talented young people with some family wealth will be sent by their families to undergo the baptism of the Law Domain to enhance their aptitude.

However, due to time constraints, most of these young people who aspire to the great harmony are still outer disciples, at most they can only inquire about some public news.

But in a few decades, these young people will delve into the inner sect and even be sent out to govern a region.

By then, the tentacles of the Great Harmony Society will also deeply penetrate the entire Xuan Yang Realm.

This is a slow process.

But Yu Xian is not in a hurry, he has always been patient.

"The three sects who came to observe the ceremony at the Profound Yang Sect have already left. The True Monarch Wanmiao of the Profound Yin Sect was successively provoked by the three sects and became impatient. At the same time, he invited the newly promoted True Monarchs of the three sects to fight.

Among them, the Profound Yang Sect sent the True Monarch Pori, one of the true inheritances of the previous generation.

True Monarch Wanmiao, with just the early stage of Nascent Soul, has already reached the realm of having a spiritual element without even revealing his Law Domain, and easily defeated the three True Monarchs.

Yu Xian remembered the face he caught a glimpse of and thought to himself:

"It's worthy of being my designated strongest fighter, Chen Yi. Just wait, it won't be long before you fulfill your promise."

In his field of vision, a green panel appeared.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Mid Nascent Soul Stage (3.23 million/26,000)]

[Spiritual Companions: Yulan, Luo Han, Yue Jiu (3/4)]

"Although the matter of the Profound Yang Sect has delayed my cultivation time a bit, with my current ability to withstand the spiritual energy of the heavens, even if ten or eight come at once, it will be easy for me to catch up soon.

The promotion of Spirit Rice Pills has already shown initial results, and alchemists are being urgently trained.

The Spirit Rice piled up in the warehouse will soon turn into a continuous stream of spirit stones.

Cultivators from other places are also flocking to the Great Love City, and there is no shortage of materials for false pill cultivators.

If I can cooperate with the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, if they help me promote Spirit Rice Pills, the profits will be... enormous.

But I can't grasp these profits right now.

I still have to wait, the premise of cooperation is equality."

Yu Xian buried his head and took a deep breath, feeling very good.

"Perhaps it won't be long before I can challenge the limit of the impact of the spiritual energy of the heavens on my divine soul."


Zhao Shiwen's voice was tender, and her whole body felt like ants crawling, a tingling sensation surged from her heart and spread throughout her body.

"I still have unfinished work."

Yu Xian, like a tyrant, chuckled:

"Work can be done at any time, but the pleasure is not always there. We cultivators should enjoy ourselves in a timely manner."

Zhao Shiwen grabbed Yu Xian's arm, but her resistance weakened.

(End of this chapter)

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