Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

278. Chapter 276 A Sect Is Not Allowed To Have Two Shameless People (61K 400 Monthly Votes Plus More

The law domain unfolds, and the heavens and earth darken.

In the air, strands of ice-blue flames gather, emitting a faint cold aura.

This is the True Monarch law domain that Moon Jiuhua condensed after breaking through to the Nascent Soul Late Stage - the Cathode law domain that belongs solely to her.

The law domain contains only the purest power of extreme cold, but because her cultivation technique originated from the extremely strong and yang "Supreme Yang Domineering," the form of power within the law domain is the Ice Prison Cold Fire.

This fire is said to come from the icy hell and possesses the power to freeze all things.

Of course, Moon Jiuhua's Ice Prison Cold Fire is only derived from legends and imitations, but it is not something that a mere Nascent Soul Early Stage Purple Yang True Monarch can withstand.

Although Purple Yang True Monarch is shocked, his excellent combat instincts still prompt him to immediately reveal his Great Sun law domain to resist the pressure of the Cathode law domain.

Both of them are ultimately cultivators of the same level.

Although Purple Yang True Monarch retreats under the Cathode law domain, as the range of his law domain shrinks, his power becomes more condensed.

Until the end, his law domain is reduced to a mere ten zhang in radius, and he himself becomes like a giant purple sun.

This is precisely the Great Sun law domain from the "Great Sun Fire Scripture" inherited from the Great Sun Peak. When it reaches completion, one can transform into a Great Sun, manipulate the true fire of the Great Sun, and burn everything.

Before breaking through to the Nascent Soul stage, Purple Yang True Monarch cultivated the advanced technique "Purple Cloud True Technique." Every day, at the time just before sunrise, he would refine a strand of purple qi from the east. Over time, his magical power contained a trace of the essence of the Great Sun.

After breaking through to the Nascent Soul stage, he switched to cultivating the "Great Sun Fire Scripture" and also cultivated the Purple Cloud True Fire. This is the origin of his title, Purple Yang True Monarch, as well as his personal ambition.

He wanted to comprehend his own Purple Yang True Fire from the "Great Sun Fire Scripture."

But at this moment, his Purple Yang True Fire is still the Purple Cloud True Fire, just one word different, but it represents an absolute gap between Nascent Soul Late Stage and Nascent Soul Early Stage.

If the other party had any intention of killing him, Purple Yang True Monarch suspected that he might have been devoured by the backlash of the Great Sun law domain.

The ubiquitous pressure even made him feel a hint of long-lost coldness.

"True Monarch Jiuyue, since you have already broken through to the Nascent Soul Late Stage, I will have the Great Sun Peak send you all the Hundred Demon Fruit Trees on this mountain as a gift, and consider the matter settled. As for the accidental injury to True Monarch Dali, I will also offer an apology later to show my remorse. We are all fellow disciples, so it's better not to damage our relationship."

Purple Yang True Monarch suppressed his shock and tried to speak calmly.

Since he couldn't win, it was better to admit defeat. There was no shame in that.

To fight desperately for the sake of pride when unable to win might make one a hero, but it would never make one a Nascent Soul True Monarch.

After all, even the most talented cultivators grow up from weakness and will always encounter opponents they cannot match.

Moon Jiuhua's eyes turned cold.

"You dare to threaten me!"


The law domain contracts, and countless cold fires pounce onto the purple sun, gradually melting it.

Purple Yang True Monarch almost spits out a mouthful of blood.

I am here to remind you!

Being a Nascent Soul cultivator is impressive, but does that give you the right to casually kill your fellow disciples?

Purple Yang True Monarch gritted his teeth and resisted, but could only watch as strands of cold fire entered his domain. In just a few breaths, a patch of frost appeared beneath his feet.

If he didn't do something soon, he would turn into a big block of ice.

Purple Yang True Monarch held his palm out, and a purple-golden lamp appeared, with faint golden sparks at the wick.

The Purple Yang Lamp!

It was only a step away from transforming into a Rank Three Supreme Grade Spiritual Treasure, and it was also Purple Yang True Monarch's lifebound Law Treasure.

The flame that ignited the wick was the Great Sun True Fire cultivated by the Great Sun True Monarch of the Great Sun Peak. It was the most yang fire in the world, capable of breaking evil and exterminating demons, especially sharp.

And the Great Sun True Monarch was a Nascent Soul cultivator.

The Purple Yang Lamp slowly rose into the air, and the Great Sun True Fire scattered down, dispelling the frost beneath Purple Yang True Monarch's feet, barely resisting the cold fire.

But the Great Sun True Fire in the lamp was ultimately a rootless source, how could it withstand the continuous influx of the Ice Prison Cold Fire?

But what Purple Yang True Monarch wanted was precisely this delay in time.

As expected.

After about ten breaths, an extremely hot fiery sun broke into the cathode domain, incorporating the purple sun into its own domain.

"September True Monarch, Purple Yang has made a mistake. A small punishment from you is enough. Why do you have to be so aggressive and take someone's life?"

The newcomer was powerful, and even September's True Monarch's domain had to shrink and resist against this round of the Great Sun.

"If I want to kill him, do you think you can save him in time, Great Sun True Monarch?"

The person who came was the peak master of the Great Sun Peak, who was considered one of the top figures in the entire Profound Yang Peak.

The Great Sun Peak inherited from the founding of the Profound Yang Sect. The first generation Great Sun True Monarch was one of the twelve True Monarchs who followed the first generation Xuan Yang True Monarch, and they were considered to be of the same generation.

And this generation's Great Sun True Monarch was an old man with a fiery red beard, with a dignified appearance and a shiny bald head that was even more dazzling than a light bulb.

Yu Xian stood behind September, only taking a glance, but was deeply impressed by this person.

September had mentioned the Great Sun Peak yesterday when talking about various floating peaks, saying that the Great Sun Peak's inheritance was even longer than that of the Profound Yang Sect, and it was one of the few remaining war fortresses in the sect.

It was said that the Great Sun Peak itself was equivalent to a Nascent Soul cultivator, and if combined with the sect's protective array, it could even withstand a few moves from a Soul Formation Venerable.

However, this level of intense warfare had never occurred since the founding of the Profound Yang Sect, so whether the Great Sun Peak could still move was still uncertain.

Such war weapons were known to be expensive to maintain.

But this did not affect the position of the Great Sun Peak in the Profound Yang Sect.

It was unexpected that the person planting the Hundred Demon Fruits in the Mingyue Peak was actually from the Great Sun Peak, but upon careful consideration, it made sense.

Ordinary cultivators, even True Monarch cultivators, did not have the courage or permission to enter and leave another True Monarch's private territory without authorization.

And as the first generation noble of the Profound Yang Sect, the Great Sun Peak might even control part of the authority of the sect's protective array.

Yu Xian's clever little brain quickly turned, thinking about how to benefit his wife.

Fortunately, he just persuaded Yue Jiu, otherwise with Yue Jiu's "straightforward" personality, he might really dare to kill Zi Yang True Monarch on the spot.

Even if he didn't kill him, just severely injuring him would make this matter unreasonable.

This is the sect, not an arena. As long as the fist is not powerful enough to dominate the entire sect, one can only rely on verbal arguments as the main approach, with strength as a supplement.

Even Nascent Soul cultivators must abide by certain rules.

For example, killing fellow disciples.

When Da Ri True Monarch heard Yue Jiu's impolite words, he showed no reaction on his face and only asked:

"September True Monarch, no matter what Zi Yang did to anger you, it should not have escalated to a life and death situation. Do you really think so little of the lives of fellow True Monarchs in your eyes? Or is it that you have been outside for too long and have forgotten the rules within the sect? Infighting among fellow disciples is the greatest taboo in the sect!"

Yue Jiu's eyes were cold, but she didn't say a word.

In terms of arguing, even if she cultivated for another two hundred years, she still wouldn't be a match for Da Ri True Monarch.

So silence is golden.

Seeing this, Yu Xian knew it was time for him to speak up.

His wife was a Nascent Soul cultivator, and her prospective master was the sect's sect leader. He also had the righteousness on his side. He had never fought such a well-off battle in his life.

"Cough, may I have a word, senior?"

"What kind of thing are you? How dare you speak in front of me!"

Da Ri True Monarch snorted coldly, showing no respect.

Yu Xian felt humiliated, and Yue Jiu was even more anxious than him. She immediately became furious.

"You old thing, you're asking for death!"

A halo resembling a bright moon rose behind her head, making her appear even colder and noble. It was her Law Treasure - the Bright Moon Dharma Wheel.

This treasure was passed down from Ming Yue True Monarch and had been nurtured by two generations of master and disciple. It had already reached the level of a Spiritual Treasure, but it had not yet developed complete spirituality.

Da Ri True Monarch's eyes widened, and his beard curled up when he was scolded.

No one had dared to speak to him like this in many years.

His expression turned slightly cold, and he clenched his palm. A crimson bead was secretly held in his hand. If September True Monarch insisted on making a move, he wouldn't be blamed for being merciless.

"Hold on!"

Yu Xian stopped his own wife and showed no shame or humiliation on his face. Instead, he smiled and took out a token.

"Senior, there's something wrong with what you just said. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Da Ai True Monarch. I am the Dao companion of September True Monarch and also a guest elder of the Profound Yang Sect.

Furthermore, I would like to add that it was the True Monarch, the head of the sect, who personally invited me to join as a guest elder.

Earlier, the senior said that I am not a good person, which means that the guest elder of the Profound Yang Sect is not a good person.

In other words, it implies that the Profound Yang Sect is not a good sect, and it also implies that the True Monarch who invited me lacks discernment.

So, I would like to ask the senior again, am I really not a good person?

True Monarch Dari's lips slightly parted, suddenly speechless, and several times he tried to speak but found himself in a deadlock.

Whether I am a good person or not, it is an insult to True Monarch Dari, saying that he lacks discernment by inviting someone like me to be a guest elder.

After a while.

True Monarch Dari slapped his bald head, making a crisp sound, and sneered,

"What a sharp-tongued little brat!"

Yu Xian cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for the praise, senior. It seems that I now have the qualification to speak."

True Monarch Dari sneered, neither confirming nor denying.

"I believe everyone is very curious about why True Monarch Jiuyue and True Monarch Ziyang had such a fierce fight. Let me explain the reason first."

Yu Xian could already feel many divine senses lingering in the surrounding void.

Obviously, the brief battle just now caught the attention of the other Nascent Soul True Monarchs who were staying in the Profound Yang Sect.

No matter how old or high their cultivation level is, the first line of spectators is always full of onlookers.

As for cultivators below the Nascent Soul stage, they don't even have the qualification to approach.

"As we all know, True Monarch Jiuyue is beautiful and kind-hearted, and has always dedicated herself to the sect, tirelessly guarding the Tiancheng. She rarely returns to the sect in three hundred years, and has experienced homesickness because of it.

This time, when True Monarch Jiuyue returned to the sect to pay respects to her predecessors, she suddenly discovered that the Bright Moon Peak, where she resides, was filled with Baiyao fruits that hadn't been there for three hundred years.

Bright Moon Peak is True Monarch Jiuyue's personal Cave Mansion, and outsiders are not allowed to enter. When did these Baiyao fruits appear?

After rational analysis by me and True Monarch Jiuyue, we finally thought of a possibility, which is..."

Yu Xian smiled brightly, raising his voice.

"—It is a gift from nature. It must be the spirits of our predecessors that allowed the spirit birds to bring tree seeds and spread them all over the Bright Moon Peak.

This unexpected joy came about because of this.

This should have been a happy event for everyone, but unexpectedly, True Monarch Ziyang suddenly came and claimed that the Baiyao fruit trees all over the mountain were planted by Dari Peak.

Of course, we don't believe it!"

Yu Xian pointed at True Monarch Dari and said,

"I can tell at a glance that senior is the kind of person who is jealous of others, doesn't recognize his own kin, cough, no, I mean the kind of person who clearly distinguishes between public and private matters. How could he condone his disciples to secretly plant Baiyao fruits on the Bright Moon Peak?

But this True Monarch Ziyang insists that it was True Monarch Dari who ordered it."

"As everyone knows, True Monarch Jiuyue grew up in the Profound Yang Sect since she was young and loves the sect deeply. She cannot tolerate anyone slandering senior like this.

By the way, she used to admire True Monarch Dari, an elder in the sect, the most. He was a model for nurturing talents in the sect.

Think about it, Dari Peak is just one of the hundred peaks of the Profound Yang Sect, but it has cultivated so many True Monarchs, which can be considered as a great contribution to the entire Profound Yang Sect.

Based on the status of the elder and Dari Peak, is it necessary for them to secretly infiltrate a junior's private Cave Mansion and take possession of the junior's unexpected wealth?

Yu Xian shook her head disappointedly, looking ashamed.

"So, at that time, True Monarch Jiuyue was furious. Such behavior of using false power and bullying others actually appeared in Dari Peak. Isn't it damaging the reputation of the elder?

As a result, True Monarch Jiuyue is about to capture True Monarch Ziyang and bring him to Dari Peak to hold the elder accountable.

Of course, even though True Monarch Jiuyue was angry, he didn't intend to harm True Monarch Ziyang, considering the face of Dari Peak.

Otherwise, with his limited skills, if True Monarch Jiuyue used a little force, he would have been defeated..."

Seeing that True Monarch Dari's face was not good, Yu Xian cleared her throat a few times and brought the topic back.

"Just at that moment, the elder arrived and insisted that True Monarch Jiuyue was bullying the weak and thought that he was going to kill True Monarch Ziyang and harm fellow disciples.

But the fact is that True Monarch Ziyang didn't even have a scratch on him.

Of course, I don't blame the elder for this. On the contrary, it shows the elder's outstanding character.

When a junior disciple is wronged, the elder can appear instantly, which shows that he is always paying attention to the disciples.

That's why I didn't have a chance to join the Profound Yang Sect. Otherwise, I would have tried my best to join Dari Peak.

Just to avoid being bullied by others and having someone to support me, it would be impressive to walk with such confidence."

Yu Xian sarcastically said a few words before summarizing:

"Now that the elder is here, this person who slanders the reputation of Dari Peak and attempts to rob in secret can be handed over to the elder for handling.

But I personally think that based on the elder's character, he will definitely give everyone a satisfactory explanation."

True Monarch Dari's face gradually calmed down as Yu Xian spoke.

Although he knew that there were hidden barbs in these words, he could only endure and listen.

But if they thought that they could put him in a difficult position and publicly punish True Monarch Ziyang just because of some face and reputation, they were completely wrong.

He suddenly smiled and looked at Yu Xian with a caring gaze as an elder to a junior.

"I never expected that True Monarch Jiuyue would say such things about me in private. I am truly ashamed. I was just doing what I should have done for the sect.

True, Ziyang made some mistakes in this matter.

But if we really want to discuss it, it's not entirely his fault at this moment. He heard that I liked to eat the Hundred Demon Fruits and remembered it. It was probably because he heard that Mingyue Peak was growing the Hundred Demon Fruits, so he came early to ask for some.

And since Ziyang entered Dari Peak, he has been focused on cultivation, not good at words, and easily offends others when speaking.

I remember that before True Monarch Jiuyue left the sect, he had several fights with his peers because of language issues.

Of course, if you make a mistake, you have to admit it.

This time, Ziyang said something wrong and should be punished, but I also ask True Monarch Jiuyue to consider his filial piety and my face, and let this matter go, without pursuing it further.

In the future, I will let Ziyang ascend to the Bright Moon Peak to apologize to the True Monarch in September.

As for the Hundred Demon Fruit Trees, they naturally belong to the Bright Moon Peak. The idea of sneaking in to steal and plant them is purely imaginary.

However, in this lifetime, I only have such a small desire for food and drink. If the True Monarch in September doesn't mind, I am willing to purchase these Hundred Demon Fruit Trees at a high price.

Seeing the Great Sun True Monarch effortlessly resolving all his attacks, Yu Xian couldn't help but gasp in awe, realizing that he had encountered a formidable opponent.

This old man has no sense of martial ethics. Not only shamelessly accepting the title of a respected senior, but also skillfully protecting others. It seems like he's being punished, but he hasn't paid any substantial price at all.

The key point is that he doesn't even blush. Where is your dignity? Where is your reputation?

At least there are so many people watching.

He secretly made a note to himself that when he takes over the Profound Yang Sect in the future, the first person he will kill is this old man.

A sect cannot tolerate two shameless people.

But now is not the time to tear off their faces.

Yu Xian smiled and replied, "Since the senior likes it, there's no need to talk about buying or not. I will have someone send some to you another day. I can't let the senior not have a single fruit to eat."

Damn it, who doesn't know how to speak politely.

If that old man can eat a fruit for free, it's because he didn't guard it properly.

And at this point, the old man still wants to keep all the fruits on the mountain. Obviously, the Hundred Demon Fruit has a special meaning to the Great Sun Peak.

"Thank you, Great Love True Monarch. What a good title, a really good title. I will remember you," said the Great Sun True Monarch, looking deeply at Yu Xian with a smile.

Then he left with Ziyang True Monarch in a decisive manner.

Yu Xian watched the two of them leave, holding onto Yuejiu and turning around. The formation behind him gathered, blocking all prying eyes.

"Yue'er, do you blame me for making decisions on your behalf?"

Yuejiu, on the other hand, looked obedient, with even a hint of admiration in her eyes.

"We are of one mind. If my husband makes the decision, it's fine. Actually, if we really fought, I might not be a match for the Great Sun True Monarch. In the end, I would only be humiliated for nothing.

On the other hand, what my husband said about him being able to do nothing but talk big makes me even happier.

In the past, others would make me angry like this, but I could never argue with them. I could only keep my anger to myself.

Now, finally, there is someone who can teach them a lesson for me."

Yuejiu understood this reasoning, but knowing is easier than doing. It's another matter to actually put it into practice.

Others can be shameless, can distort right and wrong, can speak eloquently.

But she can't.

"Hehe, in that case, should I reward my husband properly?"

Yu Xian has always been generous in rewarding himself, and looking at Yue Ji's new skin, he is filled with power.

Yue Ji's face turns slightly red.

"Then I'll go change my clothes first."

"Don't change, just wear this outfit. And use that cold and unfeeling tone that no one can resist. Just thinking about it makes people excited."


Not long after, a rippling voice echoes in the Cave Mansion.


On the way back.

Purple Yang True Monarch falls behind Da Ri True Monarch and apologizes in a low voice.

"Please forgive me, Lord Peak. I was timid before the battle and did not expect that Jiuyue True Monarch had already broken through."

The original plan was for him to provoke Jiuyue True Monarch and let her injure him, then Da Ri True Monarch would come forward to question her.

He easily took out a mountain of Hundred Demon Fruit Trees by using his injuries.

Jiuyue True Monarch has always been a loner, and has been away from the sect for many years. She has no foundation within the sect, and if you catch her by the hair, she won't be able to fight back and can only suffer a loss. In the end, she can only eat a dumb loss.

But who would have thought that she would break through.

So Purple Yang True Monarch didn't dare to gamble.

Nascent Soul Late Stage and Nascent Soul Mid Stage are two different concepts.

To give a simple example, if a Nascent Soul Mid Stage cultivator and a Nascent Soul Early Stage cultivator fight to the death.

For the Nascent Soul Early Stage cultivator, the worst result would be physical damage, escaping with the Nascent Soul, and then seizing another body for rebirth.

After all, the Nascent Soul has the ability to teleport and escape, even if they are both Nascent Soul True Monarchs, it is not easy to stop them.

But the True Monarch's domain of Nascent Soul Late Stage can already interfere with space, greatly reducing the teleportation ability of the Nascent Soul, making it a true existence that can kill Nascent Soul True Monarchs.

This is also the reason why there is a difference in the title of Nascent Soul cultivators.

If Jiuyue True Monarch loses her mind and kills him on the spot, he will have nowhere to reason.

Based on Jiuyue True Monarch's personality, she is capable of doing such a thing.

So he was really scared.

Failing to do things for the Peak Master is just a small punishment, but if he gambles wrong, it will be a complete loss of life, and hundreds of years of cultivation will be lost in an instant.

Both options have their pros and cons.

Anyone with a little bit of brains knows how to choose.

Da Ri True Monarch naturally understands Purple Yang True Monarch's considerations, but he can't blame him. He can't let his subordinates risk their lives for a little benefit.

Not to mention that Purple Yang True Monarch is not just a disposable lackey, but the core strength of the Da Ri Peak.

"It's okay, Jiuyue True Monarch comes and goes without a trace. No one knows when she will return or when she will return to Mingyue Peak.

The last time she temporarily returned to the sect, she didn't even go back to take a look.

Mingyue Peak is her place of sorrow, and we took advantage of this and planted the Hundred Demon Fruit on Mingyue Peak.

Who knew she would find a partner.

It seems that this is what made her resolve her grievances and caught us off guard.

Jiuyue True Monarch is a solitary person, not a leader, so there is no need to worry. On the contrary, this incident will expose us, and other True Monarchs in the sect will probably be on guard against us in the future.

If it weren't for the difficulty of finding high-level spiritual land and the inconvenience of other floating peaks, I wouldn't have targeted Mingyue Peak.

But she did find a good partner.

Great Love True Monarch, a unique title."

Da Ri True Monarch thinks of that sharp-tongued boy.

Purple Yang True Monarch's face changes slightly.

When he broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, he was full of confidence.

At the Nascent Soul Conference, all the True Monarchs returned to the sect, and he saw Jiuyue True Monarch, who stood alone. He felt that he had found the love of his life, and then there was a period of passionate self-indulgence.

Later, he gave up.

After all, it's not just him who failed.

And that person who only knows how to hide behind women with a sharp tongue easily embraced the woman he had longed for.

This is even more uncomfortable for him than Jiuyue True Monarch breaking through to Nascent Soul Late Stage.

Jiuyue True Monarch's breakthrough only widened the gap between them. After all, they didn't have much chance to begin with.

But with Jiuyue True Monarch having a partner, their last faint possibility has turned into nothing.

"Peak Master, but we have cultivated the Hundred Demon Fruit for more than two hundred years. People's cultivation cannot do without it."

Purple Yang True Monarch is a bit embarrassed.

Da Ri True Monarch strokes his red beard with confidence.

"It's just a matter of spending some money. The Hundred Demon Fruit is useless to Jiuyue True Monarch. I will hire an intermediary to easily retrieve it."

Purple Yang True Monarch knows that his provocation is useless and sighs.

"They got lucky."

"Some benefits are not obtained for nothing."

Da Ri True Monarch snorts coldly.

Purple Yang True Monarch agrees with a bow, but there is a hint of a smile in his eyes.

ps: It's a bit watered down, but the word count is longer. Well, it's also a kind of progress. (End of this chapter)

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