Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 27 The Old Man Hates Thieves The Most!

Chapter 27: I Hate Lustful Thieves the Most!

Seeing the young man in the red robe fall to the ground, the scholar reached out and felt a corrosive tingling sensation in his hand. The mana in his hand melted away like ice and snow.

"What kind of poison is this? It's so powerful!"

The scholar silently withdrew his hand and let the young man lie on the ground.

"Lin Wenjun, who have you offended?"

"I was careless. This is not an ordinary poison, but a poison cultivated by a cultivator."

The young man's face was filled with pain and a hint of fear.

"Zhang Ge, save me!"

He didn't take ordinary poison seriously.

After all, the toxicity of ordinary poison could only harm the flesh and blood, causing organ damage.

But as a cultivator with spiritual awareness and at the mid-stage of Qi Refining, he could perceive the invasion of toxins within his body and use mana to cleanse and disinfect, making him immune to all poisons.

However, this poison was attached to his mana. He didn't notice it for a moment and instinctively wanted to use his cultivation to expel the poison, but instead gave it an opportunity.

The more he used his cultivation, the deeper the poison penetrated.

The scholar sighed and said, "Xiao Lin, I also want to save you, but I am powerless against this poison cultivated by a cultivator.

Hold on a little longer, I will contact our people to send you back to Guangnan County. There is someone in charge there, and he will surely have a solution."

"Go back to Guangnan County?"

The young man thought about his current condition, not to mention whether he could hold on.

Even if he returned to Guangnan County, his mission would not be completed. If he hadn't achieved anything, the person in charge would not waste resources on him. Most likely, he would be left to fend for himself.

Even if he couldn't die, his future prospects would be ruined.

"Zhang Ge, I beg you, save me!"

"I swear, if Zhang Ge saves my life today, I, Lin Wenjun, will forever be loyal to Zhang Ge and have no other intentions!"

"Ah, Xiao Lin, it's not that Zhang Ge doesn't want to save you, but I really have no ability to do so." The scholar shook his head and sighed.

The young man's eyes immediately turned dull, filled with despair.

"Xiao Lin, who is your opponent? To push you to such a state, we will avenge you when we meet him in the future!"

The scholar looked indignant.

"Our Lin family cannot be bullied by others!"

Upon hearing this, the young man burned with anger, but his expression quickly dimmed.

"I, I don't know who he is, but he is definitely from the Fu Wang Mansion. As long as we kill everyone from the mansion, we can seek revenge for me!"

The scholar, however, grasped the key point and felt a chill down his spine.

"You haven't even seen the person, and he has injured you like this?"

Although he looked down on the young man, he still recognized his strength. Otherwise, they wouldn't have traveled together.

In the eyes of the person in charge, their strengths were roughly equal. If even the young man couldn't withstand a single blow, their situation wouldn't be good.

The big man beside them also showed a horrified expression and had the urge to retreat.

"I was just careless!"

The young man said fiercely, "If that person is really powerful, why wouldn't he dare to show himself and instead use such a sneaky method like poison gas?

Even though I was poisoned, he didn't dare to chase after me. I think he only has a few tricks up his sleeve."

"What you said does make some sense."

The scholar felt relieved, but he still remained cautious.

"Regardless, the Fu Wang is a member of the royal family of Yue Kingdom. It's reasonable for him to have a powerful person by his side.

Fortunately, you accidentally exposed his whereabouts today. Otherwise, when we take action, we would suffer a great loss.

This poison cultivator is cunning and invisible. Once we are prepared, his threat will be greatly reduced."

"By the way, how are the undercover agents you contacted? What about the map of the mansion?"

"Our purpose in coming here to rob the silver and support the uprising in the south is just a side mission. Assassinating the Fu Wang is the main goal.

Once the Fu Wang is dead, Changning County will be leaderless and fall into chaos. That's when our people can rise up. It will also be an opportunity to test the reaction of the Yue Kingdom royal family."

The young man remembered Ding Le, who was burned to death by his own fireball, and his eyes showed a hint of avoidance.

"I haven't seen him."

"These ordinary martial artists all think highly of themselves. I don't think our control methods can necessarily make them obedient.

This time, if something goes wrong, it might be because he betrayed me."

"Is that so?"

The scholar was somewhat skeptical, but seeing that the young man didn't want to say more, he didn't press further and instead asked about the methods of the poison cultivator.

"...His poison is invisible and intangible. At that time, I only smelled a strange fragrance, hmm?"

The young man recounted the situation at that time, suddenly pausing.

"What's wrong?"

The scholar simulated the battle scene in his mind, imagining how he would defend himself if he were in the young man's position. Suddenly, the scene came to a halt along with the young man's words.

He was somewhat unhappy.

Everything had gone wrong, and now only this little effect remained. He couldn't perform well.

"Did any of you smell a fragrance?"

"It seems like we did?"

Upon hearing this, both the scholar and the big man took a deep breath. First, there was a faint scent of freshness, followed by a rich fragrance, like orchids and musk.

"It's this fragrance!"

In an instant, the three of them had a drastic change in their expressions.

"He's here!"

"It's too late!"

An old, hoarse voice suddenly sounded in their ears. "I have been living in seclusion here and had no intention of getting involved in your grievances.

But I have always detested wicked women who falsely claim innocence. The two of you can leave, but this wicked woman must stay!"

"This is a spiritual transmission. The person who came is a master at the late stage of Qi Refining!"

The scholar and the big man immediately backed against each other, guarding against the enemy whose whereabouts were unknown.

The scholar spoke the truth, and a layer of golden light appeared on both him and the big man, as if they were wearing golden armor. The big man's muscles bulged, and his figure suddenly grew taller.

But there was no joy on their faces; instead, they felt a chill.

Although there seemed to be only a small realm difference between the late stage of Qi Refining and the middle stage of Qi Refining, the difference in strength between the two was like the difference between an ordinary martial artist and a cultivator.

With just one move of spiritual manipulation, the enemy could kill without a trace.

No wonder the poison came without form or trace. The enemy wrapped it in spiritual power and delivered it directly to them. How could they have detected it?

By the time they smelled the fragrance, they were already heavily poisoned.

Fortunately, with the young man's experience, they didn't rashly use their cultivation to expel the poison. Instead, they immediately used their magical powers to envelop the toxin, preparing to find an opportunity to eliminate it from their bodies.

"Lin Wenjun! What else haven't you said? Who else did you harm, causing such a formidable enemy to come after us?"

The big man glared angrily and cursed the young man for involving them.

The young man stammered, unable to say anything.

No wonder he had felt a strong sense of warning at that time. Besides being poisoned, it turned out that there was also a master at the late stage of Qi Refining watching him from behind.

But at this moment, he was heavily poisoned and unable to escape.

"Zhang Ge, Yu Ge, you can't abandon me. Otherwise, you won't be able to explain to the person in charge."

The scholar, who had been hesitant, heard the young man's veiled threat and his eyes completely turned cold. He bowed to the air and asked.

"Elder, did you mean what you just said?"

"The old man will give you three breaths of time. After three breaths, even if the old man doesn't want to deplete his power for you here, don't blame the old man."


"Let's go!"

The scholar pulled the big man's hand and without hesitation, abandoned the young man and left. The two of them broke through the door of the room and leaped into the water.

The water surface rippled, and soon there was no movement.


The young man shouted in grief, his eyes filled with resentment.

"The person in charge won't let you off!"

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