Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

266.Chapter 264 Throwing In The Arms Vs Sit In The Arms (62K Last Month, 800 Monthly Tickets Plus Mo

In front of True Monarch in September, after pointing out the matter of the Ghost Consort, Yu Xian never saw the Ghost Consort again.

I don't know if True Monarch in September privately sought out the Ghost Consort, or if it was because the Ghost Consort knew that he had betrayed her by becoming a spy.

But he has always been uncompromising when it comes to desires. If he doesn't seek something, he won't care about losing something else. Without desires, he won't step into a trap.

Since the Ghost Consort no longer came to provoke him, he treated it as if he had never seen this person.

Anyway, he had already taken what he needed.

No matter how you look at it, he didn't lose out.

Even his attitude towards True Monarch in September was neither cold nor warm, just like an ordinary friend.

This kind of behavior actually made True Monarch in September more certain that the changes on his body were caused by the Ghost Consort.

Time flowed slowly.

The Great Unity Society was still in a financially tight stage.

After all, the Great Unity Society was essentially just a financial tool, without substantial output.

Even the theoretically most profitable loan business was in a perennial state of loss.

Before the fake Alchemy soldiers took shape, these fake pill cultivators were all losing money, one more loss for each additional one.

At first, these fake pill cultivators wanted to make money and be free.

But later, as everyone became more and more involved, the fleeing cultivators were chased and killed one by one, even involving their family and friends, with a very low chance of survival.

So everyone simply accepted it.

It was only a hundred years, so it was better to sign the contract early to avoid the interest rolling higher and higher until despair.

And the only positive income of the Great Unity Society was actually the land under the Great Love City, with an annual total output value of several million Spirit Stones.

However, most of these Spirit Stones were still grown from farming.

And these spiritual fields all had owners.

Although the Profound Yang Sect allocated the land to Yu Xian, it did not mean that the already cultivated spiritual fields became his private property.

The land deeds of these spiritual fields still belonged to those prominent families.

It's just that the object of their annual 50% agricultural tax payment changed from the Profound Yang Sect to the Great Love City.

With Yu Xian's current status, it was impossible for him to forcefully seize them and ruin his reputation for hundreds of thousands of mu of spiritual fields.

Of course, he could choose to increase taxes.

But that was his prerogative.

However, as someone who came from a tenant farmer background and had experienced the hardships of the fields, he had a certain amount of empathy for the lower-class spiritual farmers.

Although he wouldn't reduce taxes, he also wouldn't increase them.

Because he knew that if he added another 10%, it would be the spiritual farmers who cultivated the land who would receive 10% less.

As for those prominent families in the middle, they would never be treated unfairly.

People work hard all year to farm and only earn a few Spirit Stones as their hard-earned money. Why would he need to withhold even these few Spirit Stones?

Furthermore, with just this amount of tax revenue, it's not enough for him to refine a demonic Gold Core every year.

The unexpected windfall of ten million Spirit Stones every year in September is just right for True Monarch Jiuyue, allowing Yu Xian more financial flexibility.

With the smooth development of the Hope Project, more cultivators who are interested in joining the Datong Society membership system are increasing, so advertisements are becoming more and more frequent and larger.

Nowadays, the Datong Society no longer lacks Foundation Establishment cultivators who are in the final stage.

In the past two years, elderly Foundation Establishment cultivators from other Tiancheng cities have traveled long distances to Daai City. At first, it was to extend their lifespan and live for a few more years.

Later, after hearing the promotion of the Great Love Project, they naturally joined as well.

The continuous influx of external cultivators has brought sufficient funds, which has prevented the financial chain of the Datong Society from breaking.

But Yu Xian knows that this model is not sustainable. He must find a sustainable profitable project to keep this model running for a long time.

As for real estate and tourism, those are things he played with before.

These industries make money, but the foundation of Daai City is only so big, with only one Rank Three high-grade spiritual vein. Even if it breaks through the sky, its value still has a limit.

Compared to the annual shortfall of tens of millions of Spirit Stones, these things are just a drop in the bucket.

Fortunately, as time goes by, Yu Xian has repeatedly used Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi to deduce the formation of the Alchemy Army.

The concept of the Alchemy Army is gradually becoming a reality, and the unique Alchemy Army belonging to the Datong Society is about to be born.

With the Alchemy Army formation, not only does the Datong Society have more confidence, but it is also a great money-making tool.

In a worst-case scenario, even if they cannot become a mercenary legion, they can still restart the original model of the Datong Society and enter the vast Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range to hunt demons.

As long as they don't stay in the same demon vein for too long and change locations after each shot, they can always earn some.


In the blink of an eye, True Monarch Jiuyue has been in Daai City for more than three years.

For a Nascent Soul True Monarch who has lived for a thousand years, three years is not enough for them to take a nap during a Closed Door Training.

But for True Monarch Jiuyue, these two years have witnessed the earth-shaking changes in Daai City.

Most of the settlements in the Immortal World are built near spiritual veins.

The same goes for cities.

However, due to the limited carrying capacity of the spiritual veins, super large cities have not appeared.

Even though cultivators have the means to solve various difficulties in accommodating tens of millions of people, cultivators intentionally reduce the urban population and achieve the standard of sparsely populated areas.

But True Monarch Yu, who has nothing better to do, can't stand having people under his command who are even more idle than him.

Although he mostly lies at home, the authority of a Nascent Soul True Monarch combined with the position of the Datong Society's president is enough to allow his will to be implemented smoothly in this city.

After all, True Monarch does not follow any rules. If he is unhappy, there will be many people losing their heads.

Rules are for True Monarch to govern others and cannot be applied to himself.


True Monarch Yu is like playing a real-life version of a city-building game.

The appearance of Da'ai City changes every day.

Infrastructure, infrastructure, continuous infrastructure.

For mortals, infrastructure requires various funds, materials, manpower, and overcoming various artificial or natural difficulties.

But for cultivators, there is no difficulty that cannot be solved by a spiritual technique. If there is, then another spiritual technique can be used.

False Dan cultivators who sell themselves to repay debts are forced to join the infrastructure army and become free labor, resulting in buildings springing up instantly.

Although they may not compare to true Gold Core cultivators, they can still travel thousands of miles in a day.

Carrying large storage bags, they venture deep into the mountains and cut down thousand-year-old giant trees, use thunder techniques to open mountains and extract stones, and return with various materials.

The city walls of Da'ai City quickly disappeared.

Because the city keeps growing.

And the city keeps growing because the population keeps increasing.

And the population keeps increasing because True Monarch generously distributes houses for free - as long as one has a Foundation Establishment Cultivation Base, they can apply for a house for free at the city gate.

These are houses personally built by a true Gold Core cultivator.

Even for the sake of this gimmick, there are still many people who want to receive a house.

After all, why not take advantage of it?

As the population increases, the demand for various supplies for life also increases, attracting more and more merchant caravans.

In just a few years, Da'ai City already needs to import food.

It should be noted that due to the existence of Spiritual Qi, the land is generally fertile, and even low-grade spiritual rice can be harvested once a year, not to mention ordinary crops.

Planting in one month and harvesting in two months is a common occurrence, and the yield per mu is astonishing.

Only during the rampage of the beast tide did a famine occur for a while.

However, even in this situation, it is still not enough to meet the food needs of the entire city.

However, even Yu Xian himself never thought about what Da'ai City would become.

He initially just wanted to give the people something to do and enjoy the feeling of playing a game as he witnessed the city's rapid changes.

Coupled with his thinking inertia from his previous life, he believed that the more people there were, the better.

More people mean more wealth and opportunities.

And then things spiraled out of control.

But seeing this prosperous scene, True Monarch Jiuyue had a faint sense of unease.

Da'ai City is on the verge of collapse - the foundation of Da'ai City cannot support such a large population.

Thinking of the ideal society described by President Bai - where the elderly have a place to spend their final years, the strong have a purpose, the young have opportunities to grow, and the disabled, widowed, lonely, and abandoned have support - men have their roles, and women have their place.

This city embodies his ideals.

September True Monarch shook her head secretly.

After these years of getting along, she believed that she had gained some understanding of President Bai. He was an idealist.

He had ideals of changing the world, a love for the world, yet he was not pedantic. He was decisive in killing, but he had a heart that did not belong to this world.

The current state of this City of Great Love was all because of his suppression as the True Monarch, which allowed the city to develop according to his desires.

Once this True Monarch was gone, the city would return to its previous state.

This reminded her of that eccentric hermit on the cliff.

The strange rules of the Cliffside Market were also a similar situation.

It was because of the personal will of the hermit that the so-called peaceful market and the sinful market were formed.

But when compared, undoubtedly, President Bai was the one she preferred.

Because the concept of "great unity" carried the beauty in people's hearts.

Thinking of the illusion of the City of Great Love being shattered, September True Monarch suddenly felt a twinge of heartache for President Bai.

This shouldn't have been her emotion, but now it appeared naturally.

Witnessing everything along the way, September True Monarch arrived at the Peak of Great Love to cultivate as usual.

On the mountaintop, that familiar figure was holding a piece of animal skin covered in various symbols, muttering something.

Seeing this, September True Monarch couldn't help but smile.

She didn't know when she had gradually become accustomed to having this person by her side while cultivating.

This feeling made her feel as if she had returned to the days when she cultivated at the Profound Yang Sect.

At that time, because of her cold temperament and outstanding appearance, she was ostracized by her fellow disciples after her initiation, so she secretly hid in the mountains to cultivate.

One day, a senior brother suddenly appeared and practiced spiritual arts in her usual spot.

She felt resentful in her heart, but she also knew that she had no reason to blame the other party.

This place was meant for everyone, so how could she differentiate between "you" and "me"?

But she was quite dissatisfied in her heart, so she stood aside and cultivated, with neither of them disturbing each other.

Later on, she gradually became accustomed to the feeling of having someone accompany her.

And then, she began to learn about this senior brother's name, background, and lineage. She learned that he was one of the top ten disciples of the Outer Sect.

Although she had recently undergone initiation at that time, her talent had already begun to show.

It was just because of the usual ostracism from her fellow disciples and her solitary nature that she couldn't properly recognize her own position.

So she thought this senior brother was amazing and that many people liked him.

And she gradually developed a fondness for him.

Until one day, she finally gathered the courage to approach and talk to that senior brother.

Then she discovered that this senior brother actually shared the same interests as her, and he could casually talk about the things she liked.

The two of them grew closer as they walked.

Then, Senior Brother died, died during an ordinary mission, without even a decent reason.

She couldn't remember how she felt when she received the news, nor how she spent that period of time. She couldn't even remember the name or appearance of that Senior Brother.

She only remembered that she worked even harder in her cultivation afterwards.

Her talent fully revealed itself, stunning everyone at the Outer Sect's grand competition. She joined a renowned master's sect and made steady progress despite facing some difficulties along the way.

Gold Core, Nascent Soul, suppressing those of the same rank, and eventually becoming the ruler of Mingyue City.

But because of her own temperament, she offended some fellow disciples, resulting in her name being included in the most dangerous sect missions.

Mission after mission, she remained in the Nascent Soul middle stage for a full three hundred years.

Until now, Yu Xian's appearance seemed to overlap with the vague memory in her mind.

True Monarch of September shook her head slightly, kicking out this ridiculous thought from her mind.

She closed her eyes, forcing herself to immerse in her cultivation, forgetting to discuss her concerns about Dali City with Yu Xian.


Under the influence of the constant interaction in the Dali Law Domain, the woman who spent time with Yu Xian had fallen into another trap.

Because his attitude towards True Monarch of September had always been clear - if he wanted to sleep, he would sleep, and he wouldn't pretend to be a righteous gentleman who wouldn't be tempted.

But he wouldn't force it.

At this moment, he was immersed in his own world.

"After working so hard for such a long time, and even delaying part of my cultivation, finally, finally... it's done."

Yu Xian took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, calming his pounding heart.

After a few more breaths.

His mind finally cleared, and he focused on the beast skin in his hand.

This beast skin was taken from the physical body of a Rank Four Demon Emperor, and it was a raw material for high-rank talismans. Yu Xian spent a considerable amount of Spirit Stones to buy a batch of them from the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce.

Ordinary talisman materials couldn't withstand the formation traces he recorded during his experiments.

He had been a Rank Three formation master many years ago and even developed the Mist Prison Formation, a top-grade formation.

Even now, with his current perspective, his ideas and operations were excellent.

Even though he hadn't put much effort into formations in recent years, he still understood them thoroughly.

Especially as his realm improved, many problems that were difficult to solve before no longer posed such high difficulties.

Until today, with the assistance of Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi and his personal efforts, he not only successfully broke through to the realm of a Rank Four formation master but also personally created a set of weapons based on the Mist Prison Formation, called the Mist Shadow Dao Weapons, which were exclusive weapons that complemented the Mist Prison Formation.

Of course, at present, he had only solved the most basic inheritance of the Dao Weapons.

To create a powerful army of Dao soldiers, there was one more important thing he needed to accomplish. That was to perfectly engrave the formation onto the Dao soldiers.

Just like his eldest martial uncle back then, who not only could form a battle formation alone and withstand a Rank Three Demon King with a Rank Two high-grade Realm without dying, but also could form a formation with multiple Dao soldiers, gathering their power and converging into a force that reached the level of Rank Four.

"So how do those formation masters solve the problem of not being blown up by the formation after engraving it onto the Dao soldiers?" Yu Xian pondered to himself.

The Mist Shadow Dao soldiers he designed required even the skin of a Rank Four Demon Emperor to withstand the traces of the formation, let alone the physical bodies of those fake pill cultivators who, no matter how well-trained, couldn't compare to the level of a Rank Four Demon Emperor.

Wouldn't it be like engraving one and blowing one up?

These cultivators were not animal skins; if they were blown up, they would truly be gone.

He wasn't rich enough to treat fake pill cultivators as disposable items.

But he knew there must be a solution.

"Is it the materials, or the technique? Or is there some secret technique exclusive to formation masters? I can't fail at the last step, right?" Yu Xian furrowed his brow and looked towards the nearby September True Monarch.

Then he shook his head to himself.

It wasn't the right time yet. Once September True Monarch became wary of him, the effect of the Great Love Domain would be greatly reduced.

Only when there was no desire or demand would it be the best way for the two of them to get along.

"Being born as Rogue Cultivators, with no inheritance and pitfalls at every step, it's really difficult. Fortunately, I have a cheat." Yu Xian sighed lightly, thinking that he would have to trouble Heavenly Dao Lord again.

The Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi contained fragments of Heavenly Dao will, theoretically present in everything in this world.

The secret technique of formation masters only depended on whether there was enough Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi.

"I hope it won't be like the Nascent Soul of the Outer Path, with an elusive target."


Suddenly, Yu Xian exclaimed softly, as there was a change on September True Monarch's side.

He saw that the pulling force of the internal power within the Great Love Domain on September True Monarch suddenly increased significantly, reaching the intensity she had when she first cultivated in the Great Love Domain.

It should be noted that since September True Monarch knew that she exerted great pressure on Yu Xian when she cultivated with all her strength, she restrained herself in subsequent cultivation, no longer experiencing situations where Yu Xian would spend a day cultivating without any progress and instead lose some Magic power.

But abnormal situations always had their reasons.

Even if Yu Xian wanted to question, he could only wait until September True Monarch finished her cultivation.

He apologized casually, then threw out the other members who were cultivating in his domain, and then contracted the domain, fully supplying September True Monarch's cultivation.


In September True Monarch's mind.

"In September, do you really want to break the net and die with this emperor fish?!"

The long-silent ghost princess roared.

Countless Ghost Qi filled the air, spreading from the sea of consciousness, heart, and Dantian, competing with September True Monarch for control of the body.

She had not been idle these years, secretly accumulating power. Once it erupted, wisps of black energy instantly rose from the surface of September True Monarch's body.

And the secret technique on September True Monarch's body could no longer be sustained, revealing a stunning face in front of Yu Xian without any warning.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the real person is more beautiful than the imposter. These eyes, so sharp and perfectly matched."

Yu Xian admired the beautiful face of September True Monarch, completely unconcerned about the increasingly intense consumption of her own magic power.

The more this was the case, the more it proved that September True Monarch had reached a critical moment.

After this battle, his relationship with September True Monarch would definitely be closer, a relationship that could not be shifted by September True Monarch's will.

Because he had absorbed so much power from his domain, there would be a price to pay.

"Ghost Princess, the more you act like this, the more it proves your fear."

September True Monarch sneered.

However, even though she had gained preliminary ability to resist the ghost princess through the Soul Refining technique of the Great Love domain, she was still oppressed by the ghost princess's eruption.

But she had waited for three years, just for today.

If she could withstand the ghost princess's eruption this time, then the offensive and defensive roles would be reversed, and the ghost princess would fear her.

"September, do you really think this emperor hasn't prepared anything in these years?"

The ghost princess responded with a cold smile, and then September True Monarch felt her head starting to heat up, an inexplicable emotion surging in her heart.

"This is the infatuation curse I tailored for you. Do you feel it?"

"How could this be?"

September True Monarch clenched her teeth, closed her eyes, tightly controlled her own heart, but a stream of chaotic thoughts kept surging in her mind.

Her usually confident and clear Dao heart had lost its effect at this moment.

"Hehe, this emperor has already told you that there is something suspicious in that kid's domain."

If it weren't for you practicing in his domain for such a long time, this emperor wouldn't have found the flaw in your Dao heart.

Who would have thought that the way to break your Dao heart would be the word "love."

This emperor really thought you didn't lack men."

The ghost princess disturbed her with words, seizing the opportunity to snatch control of September True Monarch's body.

In order to suppress the desire surging in her body, September True Monarch had no choice but to use most of her power to suppress her own thoughts, losing the purity of her previous Dao heart.

At that time, the ghost princess was strong, but her power was like a rootless source. As long as she had a single thought and withstood the impact, she could briefly gain breathing room.

Now that her divine soul was stronger than before, she was using less power than before, so how could she be a match for the prepared ghost princess?

September True Monarch opened her eyes and suddenly looked at Yu Xian, who was leisurely eating melon seeds, with a look of astonishment.

"Dear fellow Daoist, please lend me a hand!"

The current plan is to disperse the desires in our hearts and break the infatuation curse on the ghost maiden, so that she can regain her strength.

Yu Xian looked at September True Monarch, her teeth lightly biting her lip, her face blushing, and her eyes filled with desire. This was a familiar sight to him.

Because when he and Yulan were cultivating, they often had this expression.

But Yu Xian didn't think it was a good thing at all.

He had resisted these thoughts for so long, how could he let them ruin everything now?

It was clear that September True Monarch had fallen into a trap and didn't really want to sleep with him.

After she woke up, who knew if she would be with him because of his abilities or out of resentment and wanting to harm him.

Hmm, he thought the latter was more likely.

So he decisively dropped the melon seeds in his hand and quickly asked, "Fellow Daoist September, what exactly happened? How can I help you?"

September True Monarch was almost infuriated by Yu Xian's clueless appearance. It was widely known that he not only had a Dao companion in his back residence, but also kept several concubines.

She couldn't help but take a step forward.

But Yu Xian took a step back.

"Fellow Daoist September, how can I help you? Just tell me, but please don't come any closer."

September True Monarch's voice carried a hint of coquettishness.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, I'm just telling you the truth. The ghost maiden you saw earlier is actually a powerful ghost emperor who escaped from the Yin Ghost Vein. Due to an accident, she forcefully occupied my body. Now, her soul is trying to seize control of my body and she's using the infatuation curse to harm me. Please help me break the curse, I won't blame you. Hurry, I can't hold her off much longer!"

Yu Xian nodded understandingly.

"I see, Fellow Daoist September, don't worry. I, Bai, have traveled the world for many years and have never taken advantage of others. Even though I have had some feelings for you, I would never... offend you!"

Before September True Monarch could react, she saw a pair of cold and indifferent golden eyes appear in her sea of consciousness.

Then, she felt a sharp pain in her head, as if her soul was being burned by the sun, but at the same time, she felt a sense of purification. The various distracting thoughts caused by the ghost maiden's infatuation curse suddenly dissipated.

On the other hand, the ghost maiden, who had been confident of victory, let out a miserable scream. Her furious voice even transmitted through September True Monarch's body.

"Damn hypocrite! You don't even want what's delivered to your doorstep. Where did your lust for me go all those years ago?"

Yu Xian's face turned dark, and his eyes sparkled.

Astonishing Divine Gaze!

Dammit, why did I blurt out the truth! (End of this chapter)

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