Wangshu Mansion City.

Headquarters of the Datong Society.

Once a bustling and prosperous headquarters, now it is deserted and infamous in the hearts of the people.

In the inner courtyard.

Guishou, the current temporary leader of the Datong Society, holds a cup of tea. His hair is white, and he looks tired and weary.

It is not until the tea has cooled down that he sighs softly.

"Three years, another three years. When will this end?"

"The ten-year agreement has not even reached seven years, and I am already struggling to hold on."

Seven years ago, the president seemed to have provoked a formidable enemy and disappeared with all the Spirit Stones of the society, leaving the Datong Society in his care.

He consulted a divination and it was a sign of great misfortune. The outcome of choosing to stay would not be good.

But he still chose to stay.

As it turned out, his divination was accurate.

The Spirit Stones of the society were swept away, and the beloved project turned into a pit, causing hundreds of cultivators who had invested their entire fortunes to almost collapse.

Ordinary people who were scammed could report the case and hope that the government would help recover the stolen money. But these scammed individuals were cultivators, who possessed power. They would not accept their fate and would find the mastermind behind it, using their own methods to reclaim their debts and then kill him!

Especially since these debt collectors had the support of the major families in the city.

After Yu Xian fled, the major families in the city gradually regained their senses.

They realized that the industries they had acquired from the Datong Society at a great cost were not as valuable as they thought.

The reason these industries were profitable was not because they were inherently good, but because the market was prosperous due to the generous funding of the beloved project, attracting a large number of people.

Now that the beloved project has come to a halt, how can these industries sustain themselves?

Of course, some people have considered the relationship between the two.

But they never thought that the Datong Society would dare to commit such a heinous act, directly taking the money and fleeing. They also never thought that Lord Chu, the head of the Chu family, would cooperate with the Datong Society to set up such a scheme, causing their family's accumulated wealth of a hundred years to be scammed.

They wanted to confront Lord Chu and demand an explanation.

But Lord Chu only invited everyone to his mansion to attend the farewell banquet for his Master San Yang True Monarch, who was about to leave and return to the sect.

No one dared to say a word and instead put on a smiling face and presented farewell gifts.

Lord Chu was not someone to be trifled with, and with the support of True Monarch, he would soon attempt to break through the Nascent Soul Realm. Anyone who caused trouble at this time would likely be accused of disturbing the peace and would deserve to be killed.

So the Datong Society, which was still visible, became a living target.

Guishou has lost count of how many assassination attempts and kidnappings he has experienced.

If it weren't for the person behind the scenes wanting to keep him alive, he would have met King Yama long ago.

But even if he is cautious, the first thing he does every day is to expend mental energy to divine his fate, yet he is still unable to avoid the hidden dangers.

Now his body is riddled with injuries, his vitality greatly damaged, and he has lost at least forty to fifty years of life.

Qichunshen, who stayed with him, couldn't stand the trouble and joined the debt collection team to save his life, becoming a traitor.

In order to gain acceptance, he even set a trap and was almost killed by Qichunshen's Flying Sword piercing through his chest.

Fortunately, he had been alert and asked Duan Hong, the young master of the city lord's mansion, to intervene, barely saving his life.

After that, he stayed hidden in the headquarters of the Datong Society and began to implement a strategy of dividing the Outer Dao Gold Cores and Foundation Establishment Pills left by the president.

Such is human nature.

At first, when he had nothing to offer, those scammed cultivators went crazy and vowed to never let him off.

But now that he can provide something, they don't want him to die too quickly.

They are skeptical about his claim that the president will definitely return within twenty years to give an explanation.

It's not that they want to believe, but rather that they still have a glimmer of hope that they are deceiving themselves. If they don't believe, they will have nothing left.

In addition, he manages to produce an Outer Dao Gold Core and about ten Foundation Establishment Pills each year, barely maintaining the dignity of the beloved project.

Life in the Datong Society has become slightly better.

But Guishou himself is uncertain.

The president left him with so little.

He would like to subsidize himself a bit, but even if he is squeezed dry, he cannot come up with a single Outer Dao Gold Core.

After all, he has worked for the Datong Society for so many years and has never received a single Spirit Stone. All he has received are the merits of the society, a number that only needs to be recorded in a book.

"Freedom, future, life and death..." Guishou muttered, habitually taking out his own turtle shell Magic Treasures to divine his fortune.

In fact, one should not rely too much on divination to determine one's fortune, as it will inevitably diminish one's lifespan. Guishou calculates his fortune every day, which may seem insignificant, but over time, it amounts to a terrifying number.

Half of the decades of lifespan he has lost were due to his own calculations.

But Guishou feels that he cannot be at peace without divining his fortune.


Guishou's expression changed in surprise.

The divination today has unexpectedly changed.

"The sign of a turning point in fortune, am I about to change my luck?!"

Heaven has finally taken pity on him. Ever since he took over the great burden left by the former leader, his fortune has been constantly overshadowed by dark clouds, with signs of premature death at any moment.

He has almost gotten used to it.

Suddenly, the clouds have cleared and his fortune has greatly improved, and he feels a bit uncomfortable.

But one's lifespan cannot deceive.

This is his way of making a living. If he cannot trust even this, then he would not have come this far.

Guishou caressed the ancient turtle shell Magic Treasures and fell into deep thought.

He had a vague guess in his heart, but he dared not confirm it.

It has only been less than seven years.

The former leader had said it would be ten years, but in order to be more cautious, he announced it as twenty years.

Guishou finished the cool tea in his hand, straightened his hunched body, and his gray hair turned completely black. The fatigue and sorrow on his face disappeared, and he once again became the steady and handsome young cultivator.

His previous appearance was meant to deceive his creditors. He had been forced into this appearance, and if he were forced any further, it would have killed him.

"I have calculated my own fate for a lifetime. I can't afford to make a mistake this time. If I am wrong, then it is my own incompetence and I deserve this calamity."

A confident smile appeared on Guishou's face. The long-suppressed spirit in him rose, shining brightly in his thoughts, like refined steel forged from the flames.

No one knows the pressure he has endured over the years, but this pressure has also brought him astonishing refinement.

Even though he is a fake pill cultivator, restricted by his cultivation base, his thoughts have advanced further.

Even so, he can feel the sublimation and progress of his spiritual soul.

The restriction for a fake pill cultivator lies in the Dantian Magic power, which cannot be increased by a single bit.

But his spirit is not restricted and can be infinitely refined.

"It is indeed a sign of a turning point in fortune. The inheritance I obtained before was not wrong. After so many years of life and death struggles, I have finally encountered my true opportunity."

Guishou tightly grasped the turtle shell Magic Treasures, took a deep breath, and felt the excitement in his heart. His eyes sparkled with brilliance.

He has always been lucky. Despite his mediocre aptitude, he managed to accidentally consume Spiritual herbs and smoothly undergo Qi Refining Initiation.

As a mere Qi Refining cultivator, he accidentally entered an ancient cultivator Immortal Cave in the Great Unity Society and obtained the turtle shell Magic Treasures in his hands - a magical treasure that can accumulate Luck.

Since then, his Luck has been low, either facing danger every day or walking on a path to danger.

Because his aptitude was so poor, he had no choice but to rely on this method to stimulate his Luck and reach the peak of Foundation Establishment.

However, the Gold Core bottleneck was too difficult for him. He had a premonition that even if he risked his life, he might not be able to break through to the Gold Core Realm.

Until he encountered the Great Unity Society.

He divined that entering the Great Unity Society would be a matter of life and death, but seeking life in death became his opportunity for Gold Core.

Opportunities are opportunities, but his Gold Core turned into a fake pill.

Although he became a fake pill cultivator, he still had five hundred years of carefree life. He knew the limits of Daoist power, so he accepted his fate quickly.

But when he became a fake pill cultivator and could truly refine Magic Treasures, he discovered that his own turtle shell Magic Treasures had another mystery.

Inside, there was actually a method of spiritual cultivation.

Spiritual cultivation is a practice similar to ghost cultivation, but ghost cultivation requires giving up the physical body and only cultivating the soul, ultimately achieving the body of a Ghost Immortal through the transformation of yin and yang.

Spiritual cultivation, on the other hand, cultivates the power of the mind and spirit, interfering with reality through the mind, and ultimately achieving the unity of mind and spirit, reaching an omnipresent level.

This cultivation method does not place much emphasis on physical aptitude, but rather on the profoundness of the mind.

In fact, this practice requires even higher aptitude, but unfortunately, it cannot obtain a stronger power than orthodox methods of cultivation, so it has gradually been eliminated.

However, he, who has experienced hardships and should have lived a peaceful and happy life, has chosen to suffer, growing up in bitter water and honing his mind to an extremely powerful state, which happens to meet the requirements for Initiation.

Now that the omen of the great calamity that has plagued him for seven years has dissipated, his spirit is once again elevated. The spiritual cultivation method called "Celestial Secrets of Theft" has finally been successfully practiced.

From now on, the False Dan is no longer his shackles, and his Cultivation Base will evolve along with the power of his spirit.

"Hahaha... Ga!"

Gui Shou's smile abruptly stopped as he looked at the person slowly appearing in front of him, feeling that he had laughed too early.


Yu Xian, who had been standing for who knows how long, looked approvingly.

"I knew that our Great Unity Society hides many talented individuals. No wonder I recognized you at first sight. It turns out that heroes recognize heroes. Not bad, not bad."

Gui Shou has already cultivated a special amount of Spirit Power. Under this blessing, his perception of danger has long surpassed that of a normal cultivator of the same rank.

So he clearly realizes how terrifying the president standing in front of him is.

That feeling is like being an ant standing under an elephant's foot, where a lift of the foot could crush him to death.

Clearly, he has become stronger.

So there is only one answer: his respected president has become even stronger.

Gui Shou's thoughts raced in an instant, filled with various terrifying ideas.

In the end, driven by his instinct for survival, he decisively offered up the Turtle Shell Magic Treasures and activated the inheritance of the "Celestial Secrets of Theft" with a secret technique.

"President, this is a spiritual cultivation inheritance that I accidentally obtained. I specially ask the president to appreciate it."

He doesn't know how long the president has been standing there, nor does he know how much the president knows or if he has any other thoughts about him.

But he doesn't want to gamble.

The reason for this is complicated, but one of the more important reasons is that the president in front of him is trustworthy.

Can a scoundrel who ran away after swindling billions of Spirit Stones also have integrity?

If such words were said to those creditors who cursed the Great Unity Society, they would definitely laugh until their teeth fell out.

But in Gui Shou's view, if the president wanted to take away all the Spirit Stones, he wouldn't leave him behind, nor would he leave behind the Outer Path Gold Core and Foundation Establishment Dan worth tens of millions.

From this perspective, the president has a certain level of integrity.

Even if someone like him covets his treasures, he should use gentler means.

So he used the word "appreciate," leaving himself enough room to maneuver.

"Tsk tsk, how can I accept this?"

Yu Xian spoke politely, but his Divine Sense had already rudely scanned through the "Celestial Secrets of Theft" that recorded the spiritual cultivation method.

After all, he was very interested in the special power that appeared on Gui Shou just now.

It was a special power different from Divine Sense, Magic power, and Qi and blood, and it was quite clever.

After looking through the Celestial Secrets of Theft, he nonchalantly shook his head and said, "Such a dangerous method, and yet you worked so hard to cultivate it."

"Put it away. You even made such a defensive posture against me. Do you think I, as the president, would covet your treasures? Moreover, this kind of spiritual cultivation method has long been abandoned by the mainstream. If you cultivate this method, it's like crossing a river by feeling the stones. If you want to progress, you have to rely on yourself."

This was the first time he had heard of the spiritual cultivation method.

But that didn't stop him from bragging.

After all, he was a member of the mysterious organization with a ten thousand-year heritage, the Great Unity Society, and had outstanding disciples with a Venerable overseeing them. It was only natural for him to be knowledgeable.

Before, it might have been a bit empty, but since he broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, this organization became a reality.

As for why he was certain that the spiritual cultivation method had been abandoned by the mainstream...

Hmm, it was just a guess.

But it was almost certain, because now everyone is cultivating the Law Force Realm, at most adding a body cultivator who focuses on Body Refining.

Body cultivators and cultivators who focus on the Dao of Laws ultimately reach the same level, just with different emphasis.

Just like he never focused on Body Refining, but relied on the continuous tempering of his own Magic power, the free refinement of Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi, his body had become as strong as Magic Treasures.

It's just that he might be a low-grade Magic Treasures, while the body of a body cultivator is a medium or high-grade Magic Treasures.

Both are at the same level, just with different grades.

But the corresponding Magic power of a body cultivator cannot compare to that of a cultivator of the same rank.

As for the spiritual cultivation method, he had never heard of it before. At first glance, it seemed to be a niche profession that had been excluded by the mainstream, or a special profession with high talent requirements.

He was already destined to follow one path to the end, so how could he be distracted and interested in it? At most, he would use it as a reference to broaden his horizons.

Upon hearing Yu Xian's words, Gui Shou's face blushed slightly, feeling that he had underestimated the president.

Although the president had a history of fleeing with money, his background was extraordinary, and besides, he had come back now.

The spiritual cultivation method that he treasured might be just ordinary to the president.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Given my background, to have this method is already a great opportunity."

Yu Xian coldly snorted, "What is your background? But do you know what my background is? I was just a small tenant farmer in a desolate wilderness back then, and I made it to where I am today by my own efforts. How can you belittle yourself?"

Then, he took out the Blood Soul Talisman.

"When I left, I promised that when I returned, I would give you your freedom. Today, I will fulfill that promise."

With a thought, a bloodline in the Blood Soul Talisman moved like a tadpole and drilled out of the jade pendant, then returned to Yu Xian's body.

Guishou was suddenly hit with a great surprise, and his head became dizzy. Only one thought lingered in his mind.

Fortune has turned!

The symbol of fortune turning, Daddy's divination is so accurate!

In just one day, not only did he receive the Initiation of the spiritual cultivation method and solve the false Dan shackles, but he also easily gained his freedom, never to be constrained again.

But this surprise only lasted for a short period of time, and his mind quickly regained clarity.

Yes, as the president said, this spiritual cultivation method is different from the mainstream. He is practicing alone, like crossing a river by feeling the stones, without the guidance of predecessors. He doesn't even know if he will experience Qi Deviation.

Even if he regained his freedom, he was still a pitiful Rogue Cultivator.

Moreover, he had been working for the organization for so many years, putting in so much effort. How could he just leave?

He couldn't help but feel a bit aggrieved.

"President, are you trying to drive me away?"

Yu Xian looked puzzled, "When did I try to drive you away? Don't people want freedom these days? Or do you think that having your life in my hands gives you a sense of security?"

He was willing to give Guishou his freedom not only because he had fulfilled his promise to deceive Guishou into working hard before, but also because his strength had now increased, and his influence had grown.

If he couldn't even suppress a Gold Core cultivator, then his title as president would be meaningless.

Using one's life as a threat was not a long-term solution. Even Devil Dao Sect didn't use Blood Soul Talismans on their own Gold Core cultivators.

No matter where you are, the relationship based on interests is the most solid.

As long as Guishou could benefit from following him, he didn't have to worry about him betraying him.

Furthermore, even if he did betray him, it wouldn't matter.

He wasn't so fragile that he would feel like the sky was falling and didn't want to live anymore if he was betrayed.

Whoever betrayed him, he would kill them, that's all.

Guishou quickly shook his head, "No, no, it's just that I was too happy just now and my mind didn't turn the corner."

The president is broad-minded and helps the world. I have long been convinced by the president's charisma and I am willing to work hard for the president."

Yu Xian nodded, "I like your shameless style, it's somewhat similar to mine."

"Come closer, I have a task for you."


With a triumphant expression, Guishou walked out of the Datong Association.

Immediately, someone approached him with a hint of teasing and said, "Oh, President Gui, why are you so spirited today? Not pretending to be miserable? When will your president come back? Are we really going to wait twenty years?"

Guishou knew this person was responsible for monitoring him.

But he was in a good mood now and had no intention of arguing with this subordinate role.

"Our president, he will be back tomorrow."

The teasing person's face froze for a moment, then turned to look at his companion.

"What did he just say?"

The companion's face also froze, repeating dumbfoundedly, "He said the president will be back tomorrow?"

"Damn it!"

Both of them were shocked at the same time, disregarding the city's ban on flying, they directly flew away, heading towards the main family behind them to report this heavyweight news.

Shortly after.

A freshly baked news exploded throughout the entire Wangshu Mansion.

The president of the White Association who had fled with the funds—

He's back!

The next moment, countless cultivators sharpened their knives and eagerly awaited. (End of this chapter)

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