Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

253. Chapter 251 Reaction

Chapter 251: Reaction

At the peak of Moyafeng.

A thatched cottage stood high above the clouds.

The occupant of the cottage was the true master of Moyafeng City - the Moyafeng Hermit.

The Moyafeng Hermit gained fame hundreds of years ago. He liked to wear white clothes and had the appearance of a mature and elegant handsome uncle, around thirty years old.

His eyes were bright, as if forever filled with hope. His usual hobby was simple - carving. He often stayed on the mountaintop for days without sleep, tirelessly carving.

At this moment, he was carving a stone statue. Using his finger as a knife, he lightly made a stroke on the stone, easily cutting through a layer of stone skin, even sharper than the sharpest divine weapon in the world.

The stone statue gradually took shape, a woman, with an ordinary appearance, but still considered beautiful.

But Lü Shan knew that this was the most important person to her master, the person he would never finish carving.

She didn't disturb her master and stood quietly by the side, waiting.

Two hours later.

Only the last pair of eyes on the stone statue remained unfinished.

The Moyafeng Hermit gently stroked the face of the stone statue, then sighed. The entire statue instantly seemed to have experienced thousands of years of wind and rain, collapsing into a pile of gray-white lime powder.

"What's the matter again?"

The Moyafeng Hermit lightly flicked his sleeve, and the lime on the ground floated away with the wind, like a mountain deep in the distance.

Lü Shan replied, "Master, there's a guy called Blood Sea Wanderer who recently appeared near the city. It is said that he is the Blood Demon Patriarch's junior brother and also a Nascent Soul True Immortal. He is recruiting soldiers and offering many good things, claiming to challenge the Blood Demon Patriarch. Many people from our city have left."

The Moyafeng Hermit nodded slightly.

"I know."

And then there was no more conversation.

Lü Shan saw this and became anxious. She couldn't help but say, "Master, the people in the city are restless now, all wanting to go to those two demonic True Immortals and gain some benefits. If you don't do something, the city will continue to lose people."

She was an orphan who had been struggling on the streets since she could remember. No one taught her cultivation, and she was considered the lowest of the low.

Until one day, she bumped into her master on the street.

She did it on purpose.

She couldn't stand the days of fear and worry, so she wanted to find a good family to sell herself to.

She washed her face and found her target.

When she bumped into her master, she looked up, revealing her thin, effortfully smiling face, and then heard the warmest words in the world.

Her master said her eyes were beautiful, like someone he knew. Then he took her to a small stall on the street and treated her to a full meal.

She knew she had met a kind-hearted person, so she didn't care about anything else and followed her master closely, not letting go no matter how much she was scolded or beaten.

Her master didn't say anything, just casually took her up the mountain, as if picking up a stray dog or cat.

She grew up on the mountain, confused and ignorant. Occasionally, her master would teach her something, but most of the time, he would give her books and jade slips for her to study on her own.

She stumbled along the path of cultivation until Foundation Building, when a group of people appeared and called her Young Master.

Only then did she realize that her master was the true master of Moyafeng City, the extremely mysterious Moyafeng Hermit.

Now she was nearly two hundred years old, already a cultivator in the later stage of Gold Core, but still far from the Nascent Soul realm.

And her master didn't take care of matters. Most of the city's affairs were handled by her.

Although she didn't do a very good job.

The city could stand tall because of the Moyafeng Spirit Mine, which continuously provided abundant spiritual stones for the city.

But she had long regarded the city as her home, so how could she not be anxious when someone was stealing from her home?

Who knew that the Moyafeng Hermit only asked one question.

"Do they violate the rules of the market?"

Lü Shan paused and shook her head, saying, "No, they don't."

The reclusive Mo Ya Sanren said indifferently, "Since that's the case, let them fight. But as long as those who escape to the market are willing to swear an oath and erase their past, they must not cause trouble again. Apart from that, everything remains the same."

Lü Shan held her breath for a moment before weakly responding, "Yes, Master."

When she was young, she had entertained conspiracy theories. She thought her master's move was extremely clever. After establishing the rules, the cultivators who fled to the market had no other way out except to serve her master. Over time, her master would have a tremendous amount of power. When she established her own sect in the future, with a single call, she would naturally have countless followers.

But later on, she watched as one by one, the cultivators who had sworn oaths violated their promises and left the market without facing any consequences other than the backlash of the oath.

Only then did she realize that her master didn't care about the growth of the market or whether the cultivators under his protection would be unfaithful. He only cared about that one rule.

She had asked her master why he cared so much about that rule, but he didn't answer. He just looked into her eyes for a while and said, "You don't understand."

So she never asked again.

"Master, disciple... takes her leave."

Lü Shan wanted to say something to her master, but when she saw his calm eyes, she felt that saying anything would be unnecessary.

Her feelings were already understood by her master.

She turned and left.

Just as she took a few steps, she heard her master's calm words.

"Focus on your cultivation and don't be disturbed by trivial matters. I have reserved a Nascent Infant Pill for you at the auction of the Ten Thousand Treasures Trading Company. You can go and collect it at the next auction."

Lü Shan paused, and a big smile bloomed on her face.

"Master, I will definitely not disappoint you."

Mo Ya Sanren's gaze turned towards the clouds, no longer speaking, but a pair of clear eyes and a blurry face appeared in his mind.

"Wan Rong, there are only 196 years left until 500 years."

"Time will prove who is right and who is wrong."


Mingyue Heavenly City.

Mingyue Mountain, the core spiritual vein of the Heavenly City, is sufficient to support several Nascent Soul True Immortals to cultivate together without worrying about insufficient spiritual energy affecting their cultivation.

And this is also where Jiuyue True Immortal's Cave Mansion is located.

Yu Xian stood at the foot of the mountain, displaying a calmness as if Mount Tai was collapsing in front of him.

Soon, he would meet the ruler of this area, the feudal lord of the Xuan Yang Realm, the owner of Mingyue Heavenly City - Jiuyue True Immortal.

When he first entered the Xuan Yang Realm, he roughly understood the various ecologies from top to bottom.

The Xuan Yang Sect was high above, the largest ruler, and most of the lower-level cultivators worked hard to farm, mine, and pay taxes to support this lord.

Then there were the eight heavenly cities under the Xuan Yang Sect.

Mingyue Heavenly City was one of them, belonging to the local faction. In other words, Jiuyue True Immortal was cultivated from within the Xuan Yang Sect, a true direct disciple, and the appointment of the city lord of Mingyue Heavenly City was also assigned by the Xuan Yang Sect. He was once a renowned disciple of the Xuan Yang Sect.

Since there is a local faction, there are also affiliated factions.

As mentioned before, nearly half of the city lords of the eight heavenly cities are not from the Xuan Yang Sect. These true immortals were powerful cultivators who were recruited by the Xuan Yang Sect. They formed their own lineages, and the position of the lord of the heavenly city was passed down internally.

Unless there is a real shortage of successors, to the point where they can't even cultivate a Nascent Soul True Immortal, the Xuan Yang Sect will not easily interfere with the position of the city lord.

Yu Xian's previous goal was to become such a city lord.

But now he has witnessed the power of the masses and feels that he can set higher goals.

For example, leading the cultivators of the entire Xuan Yang realm to achieve the grand unification program.

To get to the point, the reason why Yu Xian came to see the September True Lord is because the reputation of the Blood Sea Master and the Blood Demon Ancestor, two Nascent Soul experts, is too prominent, even alarming the September True Lord.

They are two Nascent Soul cultivators who naturally attract attention.

As a ruler, the September True Lord should not ignore the fact that there is a war happening right under her nose, so she called the person directly responsible, Zhan Hong, to inquire about the situation.

Yu Xian is not surprised by this, but he didn't expect to be personally summoned by the September True Lord.

"Although I have confidence in my deceitful techniques, it's better to avoid meeting if possible. Who knows if Zhan Hong has had any private dealings with the September True Lord before.

It's really annoying. I really want to search his soul."

But on the surface, Yu Xian remains calm and composed. When the September True Lord's beautiful maid opens the restriction, she smiles politely at him.

"Zhan Xian, the True Lord said that you just need to hand over the information to me."

Yu Xian is taken aback.

"The True Lord doesn't want to see me?"

The maid covers her mouth and smiles, "Zhan Xian is joking. The True Lord prefers solitude and rarely sees outsiders."

Seeing that Yu Xian looks a bit lost, the maid extends her fair and tender palm.

"Don't think that the True Lord is targeting you. Last time, a True Lord from another sect passed by and only exchanged a few words with our True Lord from a distance.

The True Lord's true appearance is not so easy to see. Just give me the things."

Yu Xian disguises a smile and presents a jade slip and a small pink storage bag.

"Thank you for your trouble, miss."

The maid thinks he is feeling neglected and unhappy, but in fact, he is almost happy enough to laugh out loud.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't refuse, he would never have wanted to see the September True Lord.

Even if the legendary September True Lord is exceptionally beautiful, it's useless if she doesn't let him sleep.

When the maid sees the pink storage bag, her beautiful eyes narrow slightly.

"Zhan Xian, what do you mean by this?"

Yu Xian shows a pleasing smile.

"The young lady has been working hard up and down, and I just wanted to show a little bit of gratitude. If the young lady doesn't like it, feel free to throw it away."

His main task now is to delay time.

The chances of success with these high-ranking figures' attendants may not be high, but the chances of causing trouble are greatly increased.

But it's really fucking annoying. He, a quasi-True Lord with two Nascent Soul-level combat powers, has to get close to a little girl.

It's really beneath his dignity.

"Don't do this next time. Wait here for now. If the True Lord has any instructions for you, don't be hard to find."

The maid takes the storage bag with a smile and flies back to the mountain with the jade slip.

After the maid leaves, Yu Xian stands upright and waits.

On Mount Mingyue.

The September True Lord is dressed in a pink and white flowing fairy dress, resembling a goddess from the Moon Palace, sacred and untouchable, making people dare not have any impure thoughts.

She is tending to a tea tree that is only about two meters tall, which is the Moon Dew Tea Tree she won from the Golden Peng Demon Emperor.

This tea tree is extraordinary in its effects, especially when combined with her cultivation technique. For her, it is like a treasure that continuously produces fourth-grade spirit pills, and there is no risk of pill poisoning.

She spent a lot of money to exchange for a bottle of thousand-year spirit marrow from the Xuan Yang Sect to cultivate this tree, in addition to the nourishment from the core spirit veins of the fourth-grade spirit land.

Now the tea tree can produce two tea leaves in a year.

With the help of this tree, she has hope of breaking through to the later stage of Nascent Soul.

Jinpeng Yao Huang only knew that this Spirit Tea Tree was beneficial to her, but she greatly underestimated its role.

The maid landed from a distance and then took small steps, walking quickly.

"Miss, this is the information organized by Zhuhong Zhanzhen from the Demon-Slaying Squad."

In private, Jiuyue Zhenjun did not like to be called Zhenjun or City Lord by the people around her, as she felt it was too old-fashioned.

Jiuyue Zhenjun casually took it and scanned it with her divine sense, then organized the information.

"Two foreign Demon Lords are recruiting demon cultivators from the Moyafang Market, which actually makes the local demon cultivators more obedient. Are they crazy?"

"As for Moyafang's hermit, it's not surprising that he's not doing anything. He's just a madman, obsessed and unable to extricate himself."

Thinking back to three hundred years ago, when she had just arrived in Mingyue Tiancheng and served for several decades.

Moyafang's hermit suddenly appeared and established the Moyafang Market right under her nose, setting up those ridiculous rules.

Naturally, she couldn't tolerate it and went to confront him on the spot.

As a result, she was completely defeated after a battle.

It should be noted that three hundred years ago, she was already a mid-Nascent Soul stage cultivator, otherwise she would not have been qualified to hold the position of Tiancheng Lord.

She used all her means, but Moyafang's hermit easily withstood them, without even revealing his true strength.

If it weren't for the background of the Xunyang Sect, she would have been suppressed on the spot.

Naturally, she was not convinced afterwards.

She was not a hermit, but a true disciple of the Xunyang Sect, and had never suffered such humiliation.

So she invited the Elder of the sect, and as a result, the Elder went to talk to Moyafang's hermit and actually made her admit defeat.

She speculated that Moyafang's hermit might already be a late-Nascent Soul stage cultivator, only with such strength could the sect tolerate his unruliness.

Fortunately, Moyafang's hermit rarely left the Moyafang Market, and for so many years, he had always adhered to his absurd rules, so she turned a blind eye to it.

Jiuyue Zhenjun scanned all the information in the jade slip.

"It seems that they have put in effort and haven't neglected their duties."

"The suggestion of sitting back and watching the tigers fight is not bad. With his strength, he really can't intervene. Since there hasn't been any major trouble, let's wait and see for now."

"There's a message from the sect. The Extreme Yin Ghost Vein has produced anomalies again, and it may not be long before a Great Ghost Emperor is born."

"I shouldn't get injured at this time. Otherwise, when the sect summons me and goes to subdue the Great Ghost Emperor, it would be laughable if I were to fall because of it."

Thinking about it, her divine sense suddenly swept down the mountain, and she saw the young cultivator standing straight, with a very upright attitude.

"I remember this child is from the Kuimu Peak lineage."

Unfortunately, this time Wuliu Zhenjun's disciple broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, causing Kuimu Zhenjun to lose the position of the Law Hall Master and suffer a great loss. The marriage alliance with Qunxing Peak also came to a halt, and it seems that there is no way to consider this disciple anymore.

Jiuyue Zhenjun's thoughts turned, and she wrote a word in the jade slip with her divine sense, summoning the maid.

"Take this and deliver it."

"Yes, Miss."

The maid respectfully took it.


Yu Xian took the jade slip and scanned it with his divine sense, feeling an extremely domineering power, which turned out to be just a single word.

Jiuyue Zhenjun was indeed a true mid-Nascent Soul stage cultivator, and she had immersed herself in this realm for many years. He, who had only barely broken through to the Nascent Soul stage with his divine sense, was no match for her.

Even if it was combined with Blood Sea's person and Blood Demon Ancestor, it might not be enough for her to handle alone.

He remained calm and thanked the maid again, also learning the maid's name, causing the maid's eyes to sparkle and she laughed lightly.

For a true immortal's attendant like her, although her status was high, the mountain was cold, and she didn't have many opportunities to interact with male cultivators.

Not to mention that Zhan Hong's appearance was outstanding, coming from a prestigious background, and his cultivation was strong, making him an excellent partner.

Unfortunately, Yu Xian had no interest in being a mistress, but being a true immortal had some appeal.

After receiving Jiuyue Zhenjun's reply, he felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted, and even his steps back became lighter.

Now, he just had to wait for his breakthrough.

(End of this chapter)

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