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244.Chapter 242 When The Plan Is In Progress (Part 2) (400 Monthly Tickets Plus Updates)

Chapter 242: Ongoing Plan (Part 2) (400 Monthly Votes + Extra)

"Elder, the past is already gone, it's better to..."

Upon hearing this, Jin Dongliang knew very well the identity of the boy, the youth, and the young man in front of him.

He tightly pressed his palm against Jin Renjie's shoulder blade, his heart filled with extreme anger.

He didn't blame Jin Renjie for his absurd and malicious actions in secret, because it was he who had found that secret technique for Jin Renjie.

In the early years, Jin Renjie's aptitude was not enough, and he saw no hope in Foundation Building.

His mother, who was his nominal stepmother, begged him to think of a solution.

So he paid a great price to find this secret technique that could gather yin and replenish yang, and with the assistance of Foundation Building pills, he was quite confident that Jin Renjie could break through the Foundation Building realm before the age of sixty.

He only blamed Jin Renjie for doing such a thing and not eradicating the roots afterwards, giving birth to such a great disaster.

"Big brother, it hurts."

Jin Renjie felt completely weak, unable to muster any strength. If it weren't for Jin Dongliang holding him, he would have probably fallen down.

"Shut up!"

Fei Yi coldly shouted, still devoid of any emotions.

"The story isn't over yet, there's no need for you to rush to die."

"The youth suffered such a great humiliation, waking up in pain and crying several times in the middle of the night, and developed a desperate determination to fight to the death.

But he endured it.

Because his father was still alive, he could go to the underworld with his wife, but his parents were innocent.

But his endurance only resulted in the aftermath of Young Master Renjie's retaliation.

His parents died tragically, and he was severely injured.

Fortunately, the youth's life was not meant to end, and he survived.

From that moment on, he vowed to live on and seek revenge!

The youth slowly turned into middle age, but he still couldn't see a glimmer of hope for revenge, which was a profound despair.

He prayed to the heavens, as long as they gave him power, he was willing to pay any price.

Perhaps the heavens heard his prayers, and during a wilderness herb gathering, he unintentionally discovered an inheritance hidden in a tree hole.

It was a demonic cultivation inheritance, once cultivated, it would be unacceptable to the world.

But the middle-aged man was ecstatic and without hesitation, he switched to cultivating demonic techniques.

Middle age was the right time, with his age, only demonic techniques could give him greater power.

He slaughtered the innocent, killing countless beasts, using their flesh and blood as the foundation for his own Foundation Building.

Finally, he succeeded and became a Foundation Building cultivator.

He wanted to kill the nightmare in his heart.

But Young Master Renjie has also broken through the Foundation Building stage.

Hehe, in the middle age, after countless struggles between life and death, he finally achieved the Foundation Building stage with great effort. Unexpectedly, Young Master Renjie easily achieved it.

The middle-aged man is not ready to give up. He sneaked into the mansion and waited for the opportunity.

He waited.

But he failed. He didn't expect that Young Master Renjie would have a third-grade spiritual talisman on him, which blocked his fatal blow.

The middle-aged man fled in a panic, looking as miserable as a dog.

The middle-aged man practiced desperately, wasting decades, but his progress became slower and slower.

After all, he only practiced a low-level demonic technique, and the Foundation Building stage was already the limit.

He probably won't be able to seek revenge in his lifetime.

But it seems that heaven likes to appreciate this kind of alternating drama between despair and hope. The middle-aged man accidentally obtained a treasure called the Blood Demon Order.

The Blood Demon Order was a treasure deliberately spread by a demonic true immortal to select disciples. Whoever obtains this order can become a disciple of the true immortal.

The middle-aged man was full of hope and became a disciple of the Blood Demon Ancestor with this order.

The Ancestor took pity on him and bestowed him with high-level demonic techniques, top-level secret methods, and sent him top-grade treasures to assist in cultivation.

In just one year.

The middle-aged man's cultivation soared, and the Gold Core stage was within his grasp.

Fei Yi let out a sigh of relief and said to Jin Dongliang and the many people below who were listening intently:

"Tell me, should the middle-aged man forgive Young Master Renjie? Should he forgive the Golden Armor Manor?"

"How much blood does the pain in the middle-aged man's heart need to extinguish?"

A diary of revenge and counterattack with nine truths and one falsehood should be enough to spread the reputation of the Blood Demon Order among demonic cultivators and even ordinary cultivators in a short period of time.

Everyone is always most interested in this kind of neighborhood gossip.

Fei Yi smiled bitterly to himself.

If it weren't for the task given by his master, who would be willing to expose their scars for the world to see?

But precisely because of the authenticity of the story, the role of the Blood Demon Order can be highlighted.

In addition, he has wanted revenge for a long time.

And only in this way can he ensure that his life is spared by his master afterwards.

Otherwise, if he openly massacres a Foundation Building family today, it won't be long before the Demon-Slaying Squad of the Xuan Yang Sect comes knocking on his door.

High-profile demonic cultivators are not allowed in the Xuan Yang Realm.

So even if he can get revenge by then, he will have to pay with his own life.

But now, for the sake of his master's task, he has a reason to seek his master's protection.

He has long seen through the ruthlessness in his master's bones. His master will never exert effort just to protect him because of the master-disciple relationship.

Jin Dongliang saw the situation and, even though he knew that Fei Yi had already revealed his identity as a demonic cultivator, he pretended not to know and immediately made a decision.

"Senior, please calm down. This matter was all done by Jin Renjie alone. We were all innocent and unaware."

"I am willing to hand Jin Renjie over to you, senior, in exchange for sparing us innocent people."

Fei Yi stared at Jin Renjie, who had a look of despair on his face, and nodded slightly, suddenly revealing a faint smile.


Jin Renjie was immediately shocked, afraid, and anxious. The secret he had buried in his heart for decades also slipped out.

"Big brother! No, father! I am your biological son. Can you justify what you did to my mother?"

"Shut up!"

Jin Dongliang became furious and slapped Jin Renjie's mouth hard, silencing him.

That woman had actually deceived him. They had agreed that only heaven and earth would know, but now it seemed that she had told their son as a life-saving measure.

Fei Yi was initially stunned, but then the smile on his face suddenly widened, and he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! Jin Clan Leader, you deserve to die!"

His figure flashed, and the sound of rushing water could be heard in the air. Then, the sky suddenly turned red, with endless blood colors spreading, and a virtual image of a blood wave, hundreds of zhang tall, struck the protective formation of the Jinjia Manor.

Blood Demon's high-level spiritual art - Boundless Blood Sea!

It was said that its strongest power could simulate the arrival of an endless blood sea, capable of destroying the heavens and earth, and submerging mountains and rivers for thousands of miles.

However, Fei Yi had just recently broken through to the Gold Core realm, so he could only summon a blood wave with this high-level spiritual art.

But just breaking through to the Gold Core realm was still the Gold Core realm. His attack power had already reached the level of the Gold Core realm.

The protective formation of the Jinjia Manor was only a third-level formation, possessing the power of the Gold Core realm, but it could only passively withstand attacks.

A loud rumbling sound echoed! The protective formation trembled uncontrollably, but under the control of Jin Dongliang and the formation masters within the clan, the situation was still stable.

After all, Fei Yi was just a newly advanced Gold Core cultivator.

Fei Yi made a slight move to test, and he realized that he couldn't break through the formation for the time being, but he wasn't in a hurry.

As the saying goes, if you defend for too long, you will lose.

Given enough time, he would be able to erode this formation.

However, reality wouldn't give him that much time. The commotion caused by his actions was enough to alert Gold Core cultivators within a hundred li.

If the commotion continued for too long, local Gold Core cultivators would likely come to investigate.

By then, there would be many variables.

But he still had a fake Nascent Soul puppet. When he planned to seek revenge on the Jin family, it had already infiltrated the manor.

The defensive power of the Jinjia Manor couldn't stop a fake Nascent Soul puppet.

Not to mention that he lived in Jinjia Manor in his early years and did a lot of dirty work for Jin Renjie. He was familiar with every blade of grass and every tree in the manor.

He knew a lot about the secret doors of the formation.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have had a chance to escape from that assassination back then.

And the Jin family couldn't afford to keep a third-level formation master.

So as long as the formation didn't have major problems, they wouldn't spend a fortune to hire a third-level formation master to redesign it.

This time, when the Blood Demon Puppet infiltrated, he found that although many secret doors had been sealed, there were still some loopholes.

Obviously, these were specifically left for certain people to bypass the formation and do dirty work.

Jin Dongliang breathed a sigh of relief, but then he heard screams coming from below. He scanned with his divine sense and could only vaguely see a blood shadow constantly moving through the manor.

Every time the blood shadow paused, several people would die.

And the third Foundation Building cultivator in the clan had long since disappeared, as if he had fled when the war started.

He couldn't help but show a look of despair as he looked down at Jin Renjie, who was in his hands, covered in blood and crying.

"Evil child!"

He slapped down, and Jin Renjie's head exploded like a watermelon, allowing the body to fall to the ground like mud.

Then he disappeared into the manor.

The Jin family had been operating Jinjia Manor for hundreds of years, so how could they not leave a few escape tunnels? However, whether they could withstand the pursuit of a Gold Core cultivator was still unknown.

Fei Yi saw Jin Dongliang kill Jin Renjie on the spot, not even caring about the body, and couldn't help but show a look of satisfaction.

He knew that Jin Dongliang did it on purpose, just to tell him that the mastermind had already been punished, buying him some time to escape.

But with this living example right in front of him, how could he make the same mistake?

He had been staring at Jin Dongliang's figure, so when he fled, the Blood Demon Puppet had already stopped killing and chased after him.

After a moment, Jin Dongliang's voice sounded in the air with a desperate explosion.

"I hate it!"

Once again revealing his skeletal frame and with a broken arm, the Blood Demon Puppet flew out carrying the body in a torn sack.

Obviously, Jin Dongliang, at the peak of Foundation Building, had extraordinary strength. Although the Blood Demon Puppet had the power of a false pill, it was still seriously injured when it took him down.

Fei Yi, however, felt no heartache at all. Instead, he raised his hands high, and within a radius of seven to eight miles, countless corpses on the ground released an endless flow of blood, gathering together.

The Blood Demon Puppet devoured the blood essence, and its flesh and skin gradually grew.

"Jinjia Manor, destroyed!"

Fei Yi quickly looted the wealth in Jinjia Manor and hurriedly left.

Upon receiving the distress signal from the escaped cultivators, the local county magistrate, who arrived late, saw the tragic scene and became furious. At the same time, he pieced together Fei Yi's name through the testimony of the survivors and issued a wanted document.

The name of Fei Yi, the Blood-Handed Demon, spread from this point on.

Of course, along with it spread his tumultuous revenge story and the crucial Blood Demon Token!

(End of this chapter)

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