Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

241. Chapter 239 Start A Business Again (57K)

Fei Yi swore that he would never forget this scene in his lifetime.

The pear was just an ordinary wild pear, with rough skin, not much juice, and a slightly sour taste. But he ate it very seriously, even swallowing the seeds.

Because at this moment, his thinking was sluggish, and the only thought in his mind was to nod and kowtow in front of the old ancestor.

It wasn't until the sour pear entered his mouth that his thinking slowly returned to normal.

Seeing how deliciously he was eating, Yu Xian couldn't help but pick another wild pear, but spat it out after taking a bite.

Damn, it was sour and astringent again.

The "lucky one" in front of him was the first demonic cultivator he found after spreading the Blood Demon Order.

They were in the silent formation he had set up, combined with the True Immortal's domain, which theoretically counted as a half-realm.

After all, a so-called half-realm was formed when the Nascent Soul True Immortal fell and their own domain intertwined with the laws of heaven and earth, attaching itself to the world.

And the Blood Demon Order was the token of this half-realm.

In addition to the three Blood Demon Orders he sent out that day at the Chunfeng Teahouse, he secretly threw out three more, and even personally took action, transforming into a water army, spreading rumors about the Blood Demon Order throughout the city.

Unfortunately, perhaps because the time was too short, coupled with the natural vigilance of demonic cultivators, they were all waiting for the first person to take the risk.

So it took two months before a lucky person finally appeared.

After Fei Yi finished eating the whole pear, his mind had already cleared up.

He saw that Yu Xian didn't blame him, but even accompanied him in eating a sour pear, which made him feel somewhat surprised and favored.

He wiped his mouth randomly a few times, then knelt down in front of Yu Xian, holding up the Blood Demon Order with both hands, and shouted.

"Junior Fei Yi, fortunate to receive the Blood Demon Order bestowed by the old ancestor, today I meet the old ancestor and ask for the old ancestor's teachings!"

Yu Xian liked ambitious young people.

He smiled softly and said, "Teachings cannot be given lightly, but since you have obtained the Blood Demon Order and have passed the illusion of the Blood Sea Refining Heart, you have some fate with me."

"I will give you a chance to become my named disciple."

Fei Yi looked up in surprise, then bowed again.

"Disciple pays respects to Master!"

"Don't be in a hurry to pay respects, have you prepared to give everything to become my named disciple?"

Yu Xian asked calmly.

Fei Yi, thinking of such a great surprise falling on his head, didn't dare to hesitate at all.

"As long as I can become Master's disciple, this disciple is willing to give everything!"

Yu Xian smiled and said, "Very well, then I will teach you the first lesson of the demonic path. The demonic nature is only for oneself. We demonic cultivators, in this world, besides ourselves, there is no one to trust, and no one we cannot kill."

He flicked his finger, and a jade plaque stopped in front of Fei Yi.

"My disciple, quickly offer up your soul. If I cannot control your life and death at any time, how can I dare to accept you as my disciple?"

Fei Yi's expression immediately struggled.

"Mas...Master, I..."

At this moment, he didn't dare to casually call him Master.

Although he had known that it wouldn't be so simple to join the sect of a true demon lord, he never expected to pay such a heavy price.

If his life was in someone else's hands, what meaning would his cultivation have?

But if he dared to refuse...

Fei Yi looked at the Confucian scholar in front of him, who seemed like a private tutor, and felt a suffocating pressure even stronger than before sinking into a sea of blood.

Since he chose to bring the Blood Demon Token to become a disciple, he had no other choice.

Either he might anger the Patriarch in the future and be crushed to death, or he would be crushed to death by the Patriarch right now.

Both options led to death, it was just a matter of dying sooner or later.

Fei Yi's expression became resolute. He reached out and took the jade plaque, pressed it against his forehead, and showed a painful expression as he willingly cut out a trace of his soul power and placed it within.

He chose to die later.

Because only by being alive did he have a chance to change.

"My good disciple."

Yu Xian accepted the jade plaque and, in front of Fei Yi, quickly refined a fresh Blood Soul Talisman.

Feeling the connection between himself and the jade plaque, although Fei Yi didn't know the power of the Blood Soul Talisman, he knew that his life was now linked to this small jade plaque.

But he didn't show any surprise.

At this point, revealing resentment would only lead to death, so he might as well accept everything calmly.

Seeing Fei Yi's calm demeanor, Yu Xian couldn't help but admire him.

"My good disciple, since you are willing to entrust your life, I will not treat you unfairly."

As he spoke, he flipped his palm and two jade slips appeared.

"Within these jade slips, one is the high-level demonic technique 'Tai Yin Blood Demon Technique.' It is the inheritance technique of the Tai Yin Demon Sect, the ruler of the Tai Yin Demon Realm. Its power is formidable and unpredictable, enough to allow you to cultivate to the early stage of the Gold Core realm.

The other is the Soul Ignition Life Sacrifice Technique. With your current cultivation level, by overdrawing thirty years of lifespan, it can allow you to quickly cultivate to the peak of the Foundation Building realm."

He wasn't spreading the glory of the demonic path out of boredom, but rather looking for expendable resources.

The former was a modified version of the Tai Yin Blood Demon Technique, weaker in power compared to the original, but still equivalent to an ordinary high-level technique.

It wasn't that he was stingy and unwilling to bring out the original version of the technique.

It was just that with his current level of cultivation, he was not yet capable of inscribing a complete high-level demonic technique.

Previously, it was mentioned that advanced cultivation techniques are not just about written records; the most important aspect is the visualization diagram within the technique.

Even though he had already cultivated to the later stage of the Gold Core realm, controlled four-tier blood puppets, and had a preliminary understanding of the power of the Nascent Soul realm, he was still lacking a bit to completely replicate a visualization diagram.

According to his calculations, he would have to wait until his own cultivation breakthrough to the Nascent Soul realm and reach the state of perfection in the Blood Demon Technique in order to fully replicate a visualization diagram.

Moreover, engraving the visualization diagram would greatly deplete his own spiritual power, making it a truly arduous task.

Even with this stolen version of the demonic technique, it almost left him bedridden for half a year.

Fortunately, with the help of his two Dao companions, Yu Lan and Luo Han, his recovery speed from mental exhaustion greatly increased.

This is also why advanced cultivation techniques are precious and easily lost.

Who would have the leisure to do such a thankless task?

As for the latter, the Soul Ignition Life Sacrifice Technique, it was a demonic secret technique that Li Liangyu had cultivated at the expense of his potential and lifespan in order to seek revenge.

He wasn't really taking in disciples; he only wanted resources, and insufficient cultivation was unacceptable.

Seeing the advanced demonic technique he had longed for right in front of him, the smile that was just starting to appear on Fei Yi's face suddenly froze.

The former was still understandable, but what did the latter mean?

"Does Master mean that he wants his disciple to cultivate both techniques?"

Yu Xian nodded slightly, "A disciple can be taught. Since that's the case, don't waste time and go cultivate quickly."

"In this secret realm where I am, it is peaceful and harmonious, and there is also a second-tier spiritual vein. It is most suitable for your cultivation. When you reach the peak of Foundation Building, I will have a great gift for you."

Fei Yi's mouth twitched, but he didn't dare to refuse. He thought he would pretend to comply first and then make plans. But then he heard his good Master's reminder:

"By the way, good disciple, if you cannot reach the peak of Foundation Building within a year, then your aptitude is too poor. I cannot let such a mediocre disciple embarrass me, so I will have to reluctantly send you to meet your eighteen senior brothers underground."

A surge of anger and inexplicable fear welled up in Fei Yi's heart, but he respectfully kowtowed.

"Disciple will definitely not disappoint Master."


Another month passed.

On a large slab of bluestone, Fei Yi sat cross-legged, exhaling a breath of turbid air. The mana within his body suddenly boiled, and the originally slightly impure black-red mana burst into invisible flames.

His complexion became pale, but the mana became purer bit by bit, as if it was being refined by invisible flames.

After an hour.

The murky color of impurity in the power of Fei Yi's Fei Yi Law has been completely purified, and he himself has become withered and haggard. Compared to when he first entered the secret realm, he looks five or six years older.

In this month, he exhausted his body's potential and lifespan using the Burning Spirit Sacrifice technique, finally transforming his low-level demonic power into the pirated Blood Demon Power in a short period of time.

As a result, he paid a price of twenty years of lifespan.

Originally, if he slowly transformed, it would take him at most three to five years. But now he only has one year, and he can't afford to waste too much time.

This Burning Spirit Sacrifice technique is indeed a demonic secret technique. Although the side effects are astonishing, it is also extremely domineering.

He feels that although his power has been slightly depleted and his cultivation level has slightly regressed, he can deal with himself from a month ago with just two of him.

When his cultivation level is restored, his combat power will be greatly improved.


Fei Yi reached out his hand, and even the skin on the back of his hand showed some wrinkles.

When he reaches the peak of Foundation Building in his cultivation, his remaining lifespan will probably be very limited.

Just at this moment, his mind moved, and he leaped from the large bluestone, controlling his Law Weapon to fly to his master's place of cultivation.

He saw his master standing under that familiar wild pear tree, still holding a cultivator who was in a life-or-death situation.

This cultivator had a strong aura, even though he was unconscious, the aura he emitted still made Fei Yi feel palpitations.

"Disciple pays respects to Master. I wonder what instructions Master has for calling me?"

"Good disciple, not bad. To be able to complete the transformation so quickly, it seems that reaching the peak of Foundation Building in one year of cultivation is not a problem. Come, this is a gift from your master."

Yu Xian threw the recently breakthrough False Core cultivator in front of Fei Yi.

"This person has just broken through the Gold Core realm not long ago. You should absorb his essence, blood, and soul to enhance your cultivation technique. It should also save you some time."

The orthodox cultivation method of the Blood Demon Path has always been centered around devouring blood. It's just that Fei Yi is too lazy by nature, and coupled with his conscience, he has always insisted on not using people to cultivate, at most using them as sacrifices for Blood Refining Puppets.

The False Core cultivator fell to the ground and actually woke up directly, glaring at Yu Xian.

"Even if I die, I won't let you make me submit!"

After speaking, his eyes widened and he stared at Fei Yi.

"Come on! If you eat me, my soul will haunt you for the rest of your life, making sure you never find peace!"

Fei Yi felt immense pressure. Even though the cultivator in front of him had all his powers sealed by his master, the intimidation of a higher-level cultivator on a lower-level cultivator is on a spiritual level.

If he were to feel fear in his heart, he might even be scared to death.

"Master, who is he?"

Yu Xian casually replied, "In theory, he should have become your junior martial brother. Unfortunately, he received the benefits from me as his master but refused to contribute. Where in this world can you find such a good deal? So, I had to take back what I had given him."

This cultivator is naturally the second cultivator who came to his secret realm with the Blood Demon Token. Moreover, he is a peak Foundation Building demonic cultivator.

After waiting for a suitable candidate for so long, Yu Xian naturally wouldn't let him go. In the name of opportunity, he directly bestowed an unorthodox Gold Core, allowing him to forcefully break through. Although this cultivator had the intention to form his own Core, he couldn't resist the unorthodox Gold Core being fed to him. If he didn't break through, he would be struck by the Heavenly Tribulation.

After swallowing the unorthodox Gold Core, he successfully broke through to the Gold Core stage. Then, the Heavenly Dao spiritual energy was stolen, and he himself became a prisoner.

However, he was quite stubborn and refused to lose his freedom. So, Yu Xian had no choice but to fulfill his wish. Even though it was a great waste to do so. After all, an unorthodox Gold Core costs several hundred thousand taels, but in return, he only gained a bit of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy and the body of a fake Core Formation cultivator. Moreover, the Gold Core of a fake Core Formation cultivator cannot be used to refine an unorthodox Gold Core, so it was a big loss. But who made him so poor that he only had spirit stones left?

In addition, this demonic cultivator was quite wealthy. He not only had a high-grade attack Spiritual Weapon and a high-grade defense Spiritual Weapon, but also a rare Law Weapon for spiritual attack. All these miscellaneous items on him were worth around four to five hundred thousand spirit stones.

"I understand, Master," Fei Yi recalled the first lesson taught by his master and his heart trembled. This unlucky guy probably didn't want to give up his divine soul, so he was dealt with by his master. He didn't know if this was a warning to others or a warning to himself. But he couldn't deny that with such a sudden turn of events, the dissatisfaction that had been accumulating in his heart had dissipated to a large extent. People fear comparison the most. Previously, he was the only one threatened by his master, so naturally, he grew more resentful day by day. But now, he saw a cultivator who was one realm higher than him being slaughtered by his master like a pig or a dog. He felt that his grievances were nothing. At least he was still alive, and soon he would have a Gold Core cultivator as his cultivation resource. How many demonic cultivators could have his current conditions? Although his master was cruel and demanding, at least for now, he was treating him quite well.

After Fei Yi bowed and left, Yu Xian's eyes suddenly dimmed a lot. Standing under the tree, he looked like a sculpture, waiting for the next person with fate.


Moyafang City.

An isolated dilapidated mansion.

Yu Xian withdrew his consciousness and left only a small part of his spirit in the Blood Puppet as a warning. When the person with fate took the bait, he could go online and take action immediately.

"Where are the things?"

Standing in front of him at this moment was a cultivator shrouded in a black robe, which had the function of concealing others' divine sense.

But it couldn't block Yu Xian's Nascent Soul divine sense.

At a glance, he saw that under the black robe was a young cultivator, at the late Foundation Building stage, with both vitality and decay in his body.

This was a cultivator who had practiced a secret technique that consumed his lifespan, just like Li Liangyu in the past and Fei Yi now.

"Where are the spirit stones?" Yu Xian flipped his hand and produced a blood-colored jade talisman.

His main job now was to sell Blood Demon Tokens.

Starting a business again, he chose the dark path. If it was spread out, it would damage his positive image, so he had to personally handle it and keep the secret hidden. "There are one hundred thousand spirit stones inside."

The cultivator in the black robe took out a storage bag but didn't immediately hand it over to Yu Xian.

"I need to check it first."

"Here you go." Yu Xian casually gave the Blood Demon Token to the cultivator in the black robe.

The main cost of this thing was the jade talisman, which could contain a trace of divine sense. He could make as many as he wanted, completely a risk-free business.

The cultivator in the black robe carefully took it and used his divine sense to sense it. He felt as if he had touched a vast sea of blood, but soon the sea of blood dissipated, revealing the image of a Confucian scholar.

Even though it was just a shadow, it made him feel immense pressure.

"As expected, there is the spiritual imprint of Blood Demon Ancestor in the Blood Demon Token. If you want to forge it, you would need to be a true demon lord who practices Blood Refining demonic cultivation."

The cultivator in the black robe secretly pondered.

"It's fine now."

He handed the storage bag containing the spirit stones to Yu Xian.

"Wait a moment."

Yu Xian called out to the black-robed cultivator and said,

"You're not a demonic cultivator, are you? The Blood Demon Token is the disciple's proof of Blood Demon Ancestor. Even if you take it, it won't be of much use."

The black-robed cultivator's aura suddenly turned cold.

"Blood Demon Ancestor has said that he doesn't accept non-demonic cultivators. You're just a middleman, so don't meddle in other people's business."


Yu Xian watched the black-robed cultivator walk away quickly, shaking his head with emotion.

"It's hard enough to want to do a good deed, but I didn't expect to be lectured."

"Fine, I would feel bad not accepting you now."

Just as he was thinking, the gate of the desolate mansion was pushed open, and a Gold Core male cultivator looked at him coldly, but didn't make a move.

After all, this was the Mo Cliff Market, protected by the Mo Cliff Hermit.

"I heard that you have the Blood Demon Token?"

Yu Xian spread his hands and said, "I'm sorry, you're too late. The Blood Demon Token has already been traded."

He naturally wouldn't be foolish enough to take out a bunch of Blood Demon Tokens to sell.

He had always been changing locations after each transaction, with a different appearance each time.

Since the appearance of the Blood Demon Token three months ago, including the one he sold today, there were only four in total, averaging one transaction per month.

After completing this deal, he would rest for a month.

When the Blood Demon Token had a grand promotion, it would have to wait until the demonic cultivators in the secret realm had greatly increased their cultivation, with everyone breaking through to the Gold Core stage and appearing in a stunning manner.

At that time, with the power of example, there would naturally be countless cultivators flocking to it.

"Since that's the case, then come with me."

The Gold Core cultivator was not polite and gave orders.

In his eyes, Yu Xian was just a small Foundation Building cultivator who could have a conversation on equal terms, all because of the face of the Mo Cliff Hermit.

Yu Xian walked up to the Gold Core cultivator without fear.

"I'm sorry, I'm busy today, um, I'm also busy tomorrow, and probably busy for the next few days."

He swaggered out.

The Gold Core cultivator's eyes were cold, but he didn't do anything.

No one knew if this person was protected by the Mo Cliff Hermit. As long as he didn't leave the Mo Cliff Market, this possibility would always exist. To rashly make a move against him would be to slap the Mo Cliff Hermit's face.

The wrath of a true immortal, even if he came from the Xuan Yang Sect, would not end well.

This was also one of the important reasons for the calm atmosphere in the Mo Cliff Market.

Everyone had concerns, and unless it was absolutely necessary, they wouldn't engage in a big fight.

"Senior Brother, why did you let him go?"

A beautiful female cultivator walked out from the corner of the street.

"We finally received news of the Blood Demon Token being traded here."

"The Blood Demon Ancestor has emerged, but he hides like a rat, not doing anything bad. We need to investigate thoroughly before we can apply to the sect for support at the Nascent Soul level."

These two people were members of the Demon-Slaying Squad who hurried here after hearing the news of the emergence of the Blood Demon Ancestor.

And a Nascent Soul true immortal was already a ruler of the sect and couldn't be easily mobilized.

"Junior Sister, what nonsense are you talking about?"

The Gold Core male cultivator frowned and said,

"Do you have to see rivers of blood and corpses everywhere? Even if he is a demonic cultivator, he has already reached the Nascent Soul realm. We should give him enough respect. It's better not to conflict with him."

Otherwise, the first ones to die would be us, the ones doing the work.

As for this person, I have already left a spiritual mark on him. When he leaves the market, I will naturally capture him for interrogation."

The female cultivator stuck out her tongue and looked admiringly at the male cultivator.

"I know, Senior Brother. Why are you scolding me?"

The male cultivator shook his head and said, "Under the peaceful atmosphere of the Mingyue Heavenly City, your master brought you here to let you gain merits peacefully."

"Don't always try to prove yourself. When the time comes, I won't be able to protect you either."

The Blood Demon Token is related to a demonic true immortal. This matter needs to be carefully considered. You must not act on your own."

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to Senior Brother. I heard that there are several places in the Mo Cliff Market that make delicious spiritual food. Senior Brother, accompany me to taste it."

The female cultivator linked her arm with the male cultivator and walked away into the distance.

After the two of them left.

At the end of the street, Yu Xian's figure slowly appeared, casually throwing the male cultivator's spiritual mark onto a stray cat nearby.

"The Xuan Yang Sect, the Demon-Slaying Squad, they've sniffed out the scent and come so quickly. It seems that I have underestimated the weight of a demonic true immortal."

"But you probably wouldn't have thought that I'm not here to cause trouble. On the contrary, I'm here to eliminate demons and uphold justice."

"Speaking of which, we can be considered colleagues."

Yu Xian touched his chin, shook his head and laughed, then took another step forward, already changing his appearance.

The Heaven-Defying Technique of the First-Rank Divine Ability, although it couldn't be used for combat, was unparalleled in changing appearances, concealing one's aura, and was truly a top-notch technique. (End of this chapter)

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