Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

232. Chapter 230 Fourth Rank Blood Puppet, First Rank Supernatural Power

Chapter 230: Fourth Rank Blood Puppet, First Rank Supernatural Power

Dealing with Doctor Qiu didn't take much effort from Yu Xian. After all, it's always much easier to deal with a good person than a bad person. Good people care about too many things, while bad people only care about themselves. With his pill refining skills reaching the third rank, the future output of Outer Dao Gold Cores would reach up to twelve per year, which temporarily satisfied his needs.

However, Yu Xian didn't let the remaining Spirit Stones go to waste. As he had mentioned to Gui Shou before, the Spirit Stones stored in the warehouse were just a pile of rocks. Only when they were put to use would they truly become Spirit Stones.


Four hundred miles north of Wang Shu Mansion, there is a small mountain range called Yao Wang Mountain, stretching for about two hundred miles. It is the residence of a Gold Core Sect. It is said that the ancestor of Yao Wang Mountain was originally from the Xuan Yang Sect's Outer Sect, but left the sect without any prospects of joining the Inner Sect. Unexpectedly, after leaving the sect, he encountered numerous fortuitous events. Not only did he successfully break through to the Gold Core Realm, but he also established the inheritance of Yao Wang Mountain.

Until now, the inheritance of Yao Wang Mountain has lasted for six hundred years. The current Gold Core Patriarch, Fu Huo Zhenren, is already very old and nearing the end of his life. However, the successors to the Gold Core realm within the sect have yet to appear.

According to reason, with Yao Wang Mountain's several hundred years of inheritance and the sect's income, even if they couldn't break through the Gold Core Realm through orthodox means, they could still use Outer Dao Gold Cores to break through the False Dan stage and maintain their foundation. Moreover, their ancestor was from the Xuan Yang Sect, so it would be easy to find connections and obtain an Outer Dao Gold Core.

Even if that wasn't possible, the Wan Bao Merchant Association in each mansion city holds an internal auction every few years, and Outer Dao Gold Cores are one of the means they use to attract attention. As long as one is willing to travel to several mansion cities, attend a few auctions, and spend some Spirit Stones, there will always be a way.

Unfortunately, Fu Huo Zhenren is a successor with ideals and aspirations. He is determined to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm and carry forward the inheritance of Yao Wang Mountain. So, relying on his status as the only true disciple of the sect, he acted arbitrarily, using most of the sect's annual income for his personal cultivation.

It was only in recent years that Fu Huo Zhenren finally realized the reality and began to consider the issue of meeting his ancestor after death. Finally, he no longer thought about monopolizing resources and started to cultivate disciples.

It was not easy to cultivate a Gold Core seed and accept it as a direct disciple. I thought that even if I had to grit my teeth, I would still be able to obtain a Golden Core spiritual treasure.

But in the end, just when the roof was leaking, a storm came. The horde of beasts attacked, and the Gold Core seed, for some reason, stubbornly resisted on the frontlines and died under the claws of the Demonic Beasts.

Fuhuo Zhenren collected the disciple's body, filled with anger and urgency. He rushed out of the beast tide and fought against a Demon King for three days and three nights... returning heavily injured.

Seeing that the great foundation was about to be destroyed in an instant.

Fuhuo Zhenren, dragging his heavily injured body, didn't think about the sect's retreat. He actually wanted to make a desperate move and sell the foundation of the Medicine King Mountain to heal himself and extend his life.

At this moment, the disciples who had always been suppressed by Fuhuo Zhenren rebelled.

One disciple revealed his false Dan Realm and invited three or five companions and friends.

Although they all had a false Dan Cultivation Base, it was still an unexpected sneak attack against a heavily injured Gold Core cultivator.

Fuhuo Zhenren died in astonishment, never expecting that the disciples who had always been obedient would have harbored evil intentions long ago.

And thus, the Medicine King Mountain became a secret branch of the Great Unity Society.

Deep within the Medicine King Mountain, there was a bottomless cave called the Snake King Cave. It was said to have been formed when a Thousand Year Snake King emerged from the mountain, giving it a mysterious aura.

Looking down from the side of the cave entrance, all that could be seen inside was pitch black, with the light being swallowed by the cave.

When a stone fell into the cave, there was no echo.

On this day, a group of disciples wearing Medicine King Mountain attire and carrying large sacks arrived at the cave entrance. One young disciple couldn't help but look down into the cave.

"Wow, it's really deep. I wonder if there really is a Snake King down there?"

"The Elder from the sect has already gone down to take a look. It's a cold pool down there, along with underground water veins, with no end in sight."

"But that was in the past. Now, who knows what's down there. Even the Sect Master probably wouldn't dare to go down casually."

"Alright, stop talking. This place is very sinister. Let's finish our work quickly and leave."

"That's right. A few days ago, Senior Brother Chen just glanced down and a cold wind blew up. He fell seriously ill afterwards, and he still hasn't fully recovered."

As the group of disciples spoke, they untied the sacks, revealing layers upon layers of storage bags.

"Oh my god, they're all storage bags?!"

"There's a disciple who's here to work for the first time, exclaiming in surprise."

"Don't make a big fuss, stop talking and open the storage bags. Pour everything out, and our task will be considered complete."

An experienced disciple had already opened a storage bag and skillfully put on a mask before pouring out the contents of the bag.

Then, they saw...

Palm-sized scales, black-purple blood clots, claws with scales, eyeballs the size of a bowl, and flesh and blood remnants with long arms as toes suddenly appeared, and the strong smell of blood instantly filled the air.


Someone couldn't help but retch.

"What is all this?"

"Fresh Demonic Beast flesh and blood. They say it's to feed the spirit beast below."

An older disciple who knew some inside information said, "Our mountain lord spent a lot of money to buy a young offspring of a powerful Bloodline Kuaijiao Crocodile Dragon. It's currently being raised in the Snake King Cave."

"I heard that as long as the Kuaijiao Crocodile Dragon grows horns and wings, it will be considered a successful transformation. By then, it will be a powerful spirit beast of the King Grade. It can at least protect our Medicine King Sect for a thousand years."


"How could it be false? It's better with the new mountain lord. Since taking office, the benefits for the disciples within the sect have improved a lot. It's not like the previous old ancestor who was stingy, causing disciples to leave. Feeding the crocodile dragon this time is also for the future of the sect. I wonder how many resources it has consumed. I heard that the mountain lord has reduced his own cultivation share to the minimum. Only when compared do we realize what kind of days we used to live."

"The previous old ancestor never thought about these things. I heard that even that Gold Core seed, the guy named Song Qingshan, is said to be his illegitimate child. Otherwise, why would he go crazy and fight desperately with the outside demon king?"

"I think so too, but with so many storage bags, how many Spirit Stones must have been spent?"

A disciple suddenly thought of something. They watched as one storage bag after another was opened, and they were all one or two dozen cubic meters in size. Each large sack contained at least four to five hundred items.

"Wow, I suddenly realized that each of us is carrying tens of thousands of Spirit Stones. Do you think anyone would notice if we secretly took one?"

"If you want to take it, you can refer to Senior Fang from before. I heard his body is still hanging on the Warning Stone."

"Um, I was just joking."

A group of disciples remembered Senior Fang, whose body was pecked by hawks and falcons all day, and immediately stopped joking and started working seriously.

They used their Spiritual Sense to open each storage bag and then controlled them to pour into the Snake King Cave.

The deep cave entrance was like a greedy mouth, enjoying this endless feast, as if it would never be satiated.

Even just the simple act of opening the storage bags made them, with their Qi Refining middle stage and Qi Refining late stage cultivation bases, feel deeply exhausted in the end.


A disciple looked at the empty large sacks and then at the small mountain of storage bags on the ground. They sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

"I never thought that one day I would feel suffocated from opening storage bags."

"How many Spirit Stones do you think the mountain lord spent to buy all this Demonic Beast flesh and blood? Just now, I felt that some of the flesh and blood in many of the storage bags gave me the feeling of a tiger standing next to me. I think they are at least second-tier Demonic Beasts, or maybe even third-tier demon kings."

"Yeah, we were so focused on how many Spirit Stones the storage bags were worth, but the valuable things are actually what's inside the bags."

"How many Spirit Stones did we spend on this trip?"

Just as the group of disciples discovered this blind spot, one of them's eyes flashed, pretending to be casual as they said, "Hey, what's it worth? Do you guys remember the friends our mountain lord invited to visit Medicine King Mountain before?"

"How could we not know? I heard that they and the mountain lord together... brought down the old ancestor."

A quick-witted disciple almost revealed the well-known truth of the sect.

But rebellion is never a good thing, and even though everyone had been looking forward to it for a long time, they still had reservations.

"I heard they are cultivators from the Demon Extermination Army. These Demonic Beast flesh and blood are all remnants cleaned up from the battlefield. The valuable parts have long been cut off."

These things were almost given to us for free, just to save face for our mountain lord. Look, there's even the symbol of the Demon-Exterminating Army on the storage bags.

Otherwise, Senior Fang would have suffered so much. He stole military supplies from the Demon-Exterminating Army, so of course he would be heavily punished."


The disciples looked through the storage bags on the ground and indeed found the symbol of the Demon-Exterminating Army, all exclaiming in agreement.

Actually, they didn't intend to investigate further. They were just casually expressing their thoughts.

They rested for a while.

The group of people packed up all the storage bags and carried them towards the mountain gate.

Only the senior disciple from earlier looked back, as if seeing through the boundless darkness and glimpsing the situation deep inside, his eyes filled with anticipation.

That was the hope of the Sect.

Deep inside the Snake King Cave.

The water flowed gently, crashing against the smooth stone walls, making a clear sound. The walls were covered with dark green water plants, emitting a faint glow.

In the center of the pool, there was a blood-red whirlpool.

The whirlpool was large, covering the entire surface of the water. The flesh and blood remnants that fell from the sky into the water hardly splashed any water, as they were immediately gathered by the current and converged at the center of the whirlpool.

In the center, there stood a blood-red sphere, about thirty feet in diameter.

Once the flesh and blood approached the sphere, it seemed as if they had experienced a thousand years in an instant, withering and turning into white ashes. They sank with the water flow and were washed into the underground water veins by the dark currents.

Only the gloss on the sphere became even more vibrant.

Through the faint glow on the stone walls, one could vaguely see a tall bald figure inside the sphere.

He had his eyes closed, and his aura became increasingly terrifying with time.

Blood Devil Dao, devouring countless flesh and blood to become a true demon.


"With the capital raised by the Datong Society, we can purchase the Demonic Beasts' flesh and blood hunted by the Demon-Exterminating Army at a low price. This not only allows us to spend Spirit Stones, but also stabilizes Lord Chu's position.

Only when he sees substantial profits will he be willing to continue this model.

And my blood puppet will also devour the flesh and blood of the Demonic Beasts in the Chu Mansion. With the accumulation from before, I should be able to touch the edge of Nascent Soul.

Those Devil Daoists outside only know how to slaughter cities and villages, harming lives, tarnishing the reputation of Devil Dao for nothing.

Once I become a Devil Venerable, I will definitely make you Devil Daoists learn what the new Devil Dao method is.

But that is still too far away.

Now, even if I only control a fourth-grade inferior blood puppet, I am still no match for a true Nascent Soul True Monarch. But at least I have the ability to confront them head-on with my first-rank Gold Core Supernatural Power.

With strength, I can sustain the model of the Datong Society and truly have the confidence and time to break through in the future."

Thoughts floated in Yu Xian's mind as he looked through the pill furnace at the thunderclouds gathering naturally.

That was a Gold Core Heavenly Tribulation brought about by a cultivator who temporarily did not have the qualifications to possess a name.

Soon, a freshly baked Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi would be sent into the furnace.

It wouldn't take half an hour.

The heavenly tribulation in the sky had already ceased.

A gasping old cultivator with a blackened face reluctantly watched as the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi was sent into the distant pill furnace.

There was no choice, he was poor and short-sighted.

He owed a debt to the Datong Society. If they wanted something, could he possibly disagree?

But once the debt was paid off, he would be free.

With a beautiful vision of the future, the old cultivator closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, recovering from the injuries caused by the thunder tribulation.

Inside the pill furnace.

Yu Xian felt the constant inspiration bursting forth in his sea of consciousness. A mysterious power permeated his heart, and the final missing piece of the puzzle about the Deception Technique was finally completed. The ninth dan pattern on his Gold Core in his Dantian slowly emerged.

That was the symbol of the first-rank Gold Core Supernatural Power!

"Forty-five Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi, the contributions of forty-five pseudo-Core Formation True Immortals, nearly thirty years of cultivation, all achieved today!"

Yu Xian's mind seemed to merge with the Gold Core in his body, and in the unfathomable depths, he saw a faint and ancient gaze.

Just one glance.

He felt as if his own soul was burning.

At this moment, the dan patterns on the Gold Core lit up, and a transparent film appeared on his soul.

The burning sensation disappeared.

His Divine Sense was like a seed breaking through the soil, constantly ascending and growing rapidly towards the sky.

In just a moment, his Divine Sense entered a mysterious realm.

A sudden realization surged in Yu Xian's heart.

That gaze was the will of the Heavenly Dao contained in the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi he had absorbed for a long time, integrated into a gaze of the Heavenly Dao.

Even though it was only a fragment of the will, he was able to look directly at it under the protection of the Gold Core Supernatural Power.

Just one glance meant the sublimation of his soul and a high resistance in the spiritual aspect.

In the future, even when facing a Divine Transformation Venerable, he would be able to contribute the most perfect acting.

The first-rank Supernatural Power, Deception Art, still had no direct killing power, but the first-rank auxiliary Supernatural Power was far more terrifying in certain aspects than the first-rank killing Supernatural Power.

At the same time, a faint halo appeared under his feet, covering an area of about ten zhang in diameter.

This was the Supernatural Power domain inherent to the first-rank Gold Core Supernatural Power, and it was also the reason why Gold Core cultivators could resist Nascent Soul True Monarchs.

Only with a Supernatural Power domain could one counter the domain of a Nascent Soul True Monarch.

Without this Supernatural Power domain, even the most talented Gold Core cultivator would not be able to exert their normal strength while in the domain of a True Monarch, let alone challenge a True Monarch.

Moreover, this Supernatural Power domain could be superimposed on one's own domain after breaking through the Nascent Soul.

As for its effect...

Anyway, it was very powerful.

This understanding was something he had dug out from Chen Xiao's mouth.

There was no way around it, this dead sister lover would boast about her own Little Sister whenever she had the chance.

The first-rank Gold Core Supernatural Power, Profound Yin Annihilation Light, was only in its preliminary stage, but it allowed her Little Sister to easily defeat the true disciple of the Xuan Yang Sect who had cultivated the third-rank Gold Core Supernatural Power.

"Dammit, we complement each other, one main force and one support."

Yu Xian shook his head and took out a yellow gourd, pouring a mouthful of wine for himself.

In front of his vision, a green panel appeared.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation Base: Gold Core middle stage (523688/2600000)]

[Dao companion: Yu Lan, Luo Han (2/3)]

"I was a little worried before that the cultivation base of the Gold Core middle stage would not be able to perfectly control the fourth-order Blood Puppet, but now..."

With a thought, a pair of indifferent eyes appeared in the air, emitting a faintly terrifying aura.

"A semi-solidified Divine Sense, capable of staying in reality for a long time, is another sign of a Nascent Soul True Monarch. Even without practicing any Divine Sense secret techniques, it can directly harm the soul of others with Divine Sense."

It is just right for controlling the fourth-order Blood Puppet.

And the Divine Sense secret technique I practiced before, Astonishing Divine Gaze, was originally only a second-order secret technique, which was not enough in the Gold Core Realm.

But with the glance I saw before, and the rapid improvement of my Divine Sense under the advancement of my Supernatural Power, it unexpectedly brought out a few traces of Divine Partition.

This secret technique is probably a threat to Nascent Soul True Monarchs."

"When the fourth-order Blood Puppet is cultivated, I, a mere Gold Core middle stage cultivator, will have the strength of a Nascent Soul level."

Yu Xian calculated by pinching his fingers and found that with all his various methods combined, he could barely be considered a monstrous genius capable of fighting against higher-level opponents.

Of course, it was just barely.

"I can finally sleep peacefully in the future."

"Such a fortunate event should be celebrated!"

The old cultivator who was still meditating watched as the large pill furnace flew up into the air, and somehow, he even sensed a hint of joy.

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