Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

222. Chapter 221 Ten Years Of Silence

Desolate mountain peak.

Yu Xian stood alone, gazing at the sunset fading on the horizon, its color as red as blood, radiant and splendid.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

"They're all dead."

Yu Xian touched the storage ring on his hand, and a pile of broken jade plaques floated in front of him. These were the blood soul charms left behind by the fake Dan cultivator, captured by the Golden Peng Demon Emperor.

"Truly thunderous methods, showing no mercy at all."

Yu Xian sighed and with a thought, the jade plaques turned into powder, scattering in the wind between the mountains.

The attitude of the Golden Peng Demon Emperor was clear. He had no need to risk sending someone to confront a Demon Emperor head-on in the Golden Peng Demon Vein.

He could even predict that for some time to come, the Golden Peng Demon Vein would become a forbidden place for Human Cultivators.

As for further retaliation, it was highly unlikely that the Golden Peng Demon Emperor would continue. Otherwise, he could have left the lives of those fake Dan cultivators, slowly investigating and finding out more, even if he couldn't find Yu Xian, he could implicate many others.

After all, in the world, one has their own network of interpersonal relationships.

But the Golden Peng Demon Emperor, by killing everyone so decisively, was sending him a message from afar - this matter ends here.

Humans kill demons, demons kill humans.

Yu Xian didn't feel any anger.

If the Golden Peng Demon Emperor could find him, he would undoubtedly kill him without hesitation.

But if one day he also had the power to control life and death, he would not hesitate to take action either.

There is no right or wrong in this matter, only the naked law of the jungle - the weak are prey to the strong.

"In this world, there are probably very few things that are as certain as the Ruyi Scepter. This matter has taught me a small lesson - greed should have its limits.

If I had limited the hunting task to a lower frequency from the beginning, not engaging in such thirsty and fishing activities, then even if I did it for decades, I believe the Golden Peng Demon Emperor would not care about such trivial matters."

"But human greed knows no bounds, not caring about what is and isn't, only wanting faster and more."

Yu Xian considered himself to be mediocre, so it was easy for him to admit his own mistakes and not stubbornly continue down one path.

"Fortunately, although the losses this time are a bit big, they haven't reached a point where I can't bear them. But even if everything is lost, it's just starting over from scratch.

I can live for several hundred years, so what does a momentary gain or loss matter?

Now that there is Chu Fuzhu in the Wangshu Mansion City to help cover up, the Dayong Society can develop steadily for a while.

Even if there are temporarily no resources from the Golden Peng Demon Vein, and even with the fake Dan cultivator taken away by Wantian Chou, with the remaining few true cultivators, together with the already growing Yojian Trading Company, the annual profits are enough for me to cultivate another fake Dan cultivator."

Indeed, there is no future in doing business properly.

Once you've tasted the quick money, it's hard to calm down and develop slowly."

Thoughts flashed through Yu Xian's mind, countless thoughts flying, and finally, with a long sigh, they all fell silent.

Finally, he glanced in the direction of the Golden Peng Demon Vein and turned away.


Yu Xian, who was hit hard by the Golden Peng Demon Emperor, not only lost tens of millions of Spirit Stones in investment, but also lost his restlessness and most of his ambitions.

Yulan was pleasantly surprised to find that her familiar husband had returned.

Every day, he slept until he woke up naturally, food came when he opened his mouth, clothes came when he stretched out his hand, and he was lazy beyond words.

Every day, he enjoyed the flowers and brewed wine, occasionally drew talismans, studied formations, pondered pill refining techniques, and then engaged in intimate activities.

Life was plain, but very happy.

In short, Yu Xian activated his passive skill, embodying the spirit of a salted fish, and began to lie down and heal.

Of course, while some people enjoy a peaceful life, others continue to bear heavy burdens.

In the city, Yojian Trading Company received help from the remaining fake Dan cultivators of the Dayong Society, and the strength of the caravan greatly increased.

Moreover, due to the Golden Peng Demon Emperor's blockade of the Demon Vein, the survival difficulty of Human Cultivators in the Demon Vein increased significantly, causing the market price of resources from the Demon Vein to skyrocket in a short period of time.

Yojian Trading Company, which had accumulated a large amount of resources, benefited from this, and its business expanded to neighboring cities and even opened a small branch in the Mingyue Tiancheng.

However, Zhao Shiwen, the manager of the trading company, was exhausted.

However, she finds joy in it.

Time passed by in a flash.

When she came back to her senses, it was already ten years later.

On this day.

In the peach blossom forest, Yu Xian looked at the panel in front of her and helplessly rubbed her forehead.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation Base: Gold Core middle stage (344532/2600000)]

[Dao companion: Yu Lan, Luo Han (2/3)]

"After ten years of meditation, my cultivation base has steadily increased by more than 300,000 points, with more than 200,000 points obtained through cultivation with my dao companions, about 100,000 points provided by Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi, and less than 10,000 points obtained through my own cultivation...

Indeed, with my aptitude, it's a dead end without cheating.

Although I don't necessarily work hard in my daily cultivation, the average annual cultivation points I earn are only a measly 1,000 points, which is really ridiculous.

No wonder it is so difficult for cultivators with mortal bodies to break through the Gold Core Realm.

Without significant resources, they can basically only reach the Gold Core Preceding Entry Stage and cannot even break through to the middle stage."

The cultivation points required for the Gold Core Preceding Entry Stage are 600,000. Even if a cultivator with a mortal body cultivates day and night in Closed Door Training, they can only earn about 3,000 cultivation points in a year. Even without the existence of a bottleneck, it would still take two hundred years.

But due to various trivial matters and the existence of realm bottlenecks, this ideal state basically does not exist.

Of course, most cultivators who break through the Gold Core Realm start with a spiritual body, and the existence of cultivators with mortal bodies is extremely rare.

Even if there are, most of them are false pill cultivators.

Now that Yu Xian is clear-headed, with a turn of her mind, she deduced that at the current rate of cultivation point acquisition, it would take her at least seventy years to break through to the Gold Core late stage.

It should be noted that when the Great Unity Sect was flourishing before, the maximum time limit for her breakthrough was fifty years.

Now, ten years have passed, and it has increased by twenty years instead.

"It's slow, but it's safe."

Yu Xian didn't know why she was so anxious to catch up with others before.

Clearly, she still had plenty of time to squander, but she insisted on following the geniuses and talking about how ten thousand years is too long, only striving for the present.

Her level and their level are not the same.

They don't belong to the same circle, so there's no need to force integration.

"Chen Yi, oh Chen Yi, it's not that I haven't tried hard, but reality is too cruel. If you want to blame someone, blame that stingy guy who gave me cheats.

I wish you well in the distance, we probably don't have any fate left."

Yu Xian took out a yellow calabash, shook it, listened to the sound of water swirling inside, opened the stopper, and poured out a cup of fragrant aged wine.

The wine was crystal clear, swaying like jelly.

Yu Xian took a small sip and felt a coolness rushing to her head, followed by a burning sensation in her Dantian, and the magic power in her body quickly started to circulate.

In her Dantian, the magic power condensed into golden cores in an instant.

"Damn, the medicinal power is so strong!"

Yu Xian only had time to exclaim before she fell into a deep state of meditation.

The surrounding spiritual qi gathered and slowly turned into a vortex, with Yu Xian at the center of the spiritual qi vortex, practicing her cultivation.

She never expected that the breakup wine left by her ex-girlfriend would be so powerful.

She didn't take many pills on a regular basis, mainly precious elixirs that enhanced the cultivation base of Gold Core cultivators.

And all the spirit stones she earned were reinvested in her business.

After all, cultivating a false pill cultivator not only allowed her to improve her supernatural power, but also equaled half a year of her own cultivation.

And the so-called elixirs only enhanced one's own cultivation efficiency.

But with her cultivation efficiency, if it were to be described in numbers...

If the average Gold Core cultivator's level is ten, then hers is one.

Increasing the cultivation efficiency by ten percent for a level of ten would be eleven, but increasing it by ten percent for a level of one would be one point one.

Using the same amount of spirit stones and taking the same elixirs, her cultivation efficiency is only one-tenth of others.

This is probably only one percent compared to an ordinary Gold Core, and even less compared to a genius.

A genius only needs to take one pill to achieve the same effect as him taking a hundred pills.

This is also why the wastrel cultivators are not popular. It takes ten times or even a hundred times more resources to cultivate an ordinary cultivator with average aptitude compared to a normal cultivator.

Similarly, the dominance of sect organizations is the reason why the lower class has a channel for advancement.

Two equally powerful cultivation forces, one is a sect with a nationwide talent selection and preferential cultivation for those with close bloodline relationships.

The other is a cultivation family that only values bloodline. Only those with the same surname and bloodline as the rulers can receive cultivation.

Perhaps it is not obvious at first.

After all, the decisive power still lies in the high-level forces of each family.

But when the high-level forces begin to naturally decline, the sect forces, having cultivated more cultivators with the same resources, will have a higher probability of breakthroughs to higher realms compared to the family forces.

So as time goes by.

Pure family power gradually disappears into history, while sect forces that can continuously draw power from all levels can continue to exist smoothly.

Of course, sects can also be seen as a union of various cultivation families.

Going off on a tangent.

Returning to the topic, Yu Xian rarely takes pills because the effect of taking elixirs is not cost-effective for his cultivation.

He takes auxiliary elixirs like the Red Peach Blossom Pill instead.

These elixirs are complementary to Cultivation Techniques and have much better effects. They are much more effective than directly taking those cultivation elixirs.

But this time, the spirit wine he drank is not of this kind.

This wine does not increase his cultivation efficiency, but rather has a similar effect to giving him a boost in cultivation, directly increasing his Dantian Magic power, bypassing the cultivation process.

It's just that.

Yu Xian now knows how powerful the breakup wine his ex-girlfriend gave him is.

"Dammit, I misunderstood."

Yu Xian thought that she wanted to sever their worldly ties, so she returned the Calabash wine, which was considered a token of their relationship.

He even thought that when he became awesome, he would drink a cup of wine with her using this Calabash. Then he would casually mention that the wine had gone through a hundred years, and in the end, it was still drunk by the two of them, just like their fate, unable to be cut off no matter how it twists and turns.

He had already planned the lines.

But it turned out that after all this time, it was an investment from his ex-girlfriend, and he didn't know how many elixirs were stored in this Calabash, how much effort was put into it.

Perhaps Chen Yi wanted to use this Calabash wine to help him break through the Gold Core Realm.

Tsundere women, they never give an instruction manual.

Who knows how long has passed.

The sun rises and sets outside.

Yulan, who came to find her husband, saw Yu Xian practicing and silently retreated, guarding outside the peach forest, not allowing anyone to disturb.

Yu Xian woke up from his meditation and looked directly at the green panel in front of him.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation Base: Gold Core middle stage (353232/2600000)]

[Dao companion: Yulan, Luo Han (2/3)]

"A cup of wine is worth nearly ten thousand cultivation points. What did I miss before?"

Yu Xian sneakily glanced at the remaining amount of wine in the Calabash through the opening, which was less than half.

"But at least I can still drink dozens of cups."

Yu Xian clenched his teeth.

Clearly, he had planned to end the relationship with a drink, but he didn't expect that his fate with Chen Yi would be magically connected again.

The favor of a beauty is heavy, and he is not an ungrateful person.


Yu Xian fell backwards, lying in a bed of peach blossoms in the shape of the character "大" (meaning "big"), feeling somewhat withdrawn.

At that moment, a voice cautiously sounded in his ear.


Yu Xian rolled over like a salted fish and turned his head to see Yu Lan standing beside him, looking lively and beautiful.

"Come here, I want to hug you."

He beckoned.

Yu Lan obediently lay down, her dress stained with petals and dirt, but she didn't mind at all.

"Still, my Yu Lan is the best-behaved."

Yu Xian rested his head on Yu Lan's shoulder, deciding not to think about it anymore. The person in his arms was the most real.

"What's wrong?"

Yu Lan seemed to sense the complex emotions in Yu Xian's heart, and she nestled in his arms like a cat.

"I thought of something, but it doesn't matter. I don't have any other good qualities, just a bad memory. If something makes me unhappy, I just sleep it off."

Yu Xian sighed, letting Yu Lan's hair playfully tickle her face.

"So, my dear Miss Gu, can you give this sad person some comfort?"

Yu Xian's hand automatically found its way.

Blushing, Yu Lan grabbed Yu Xian's hand, her voice as soft as a spring cat.

"Lord, not now. Something has happened outside."

Yu Xian didn't care and said, "Hmph, even if it's a big deal, don't think it can disturb me. I've figured it out. If I can't make it here, I'll just run away. Once I figure it out, I'll have grievances to settle and revenge to take."

But Yu Lan was quite serious. "Lord, it's a big deal, a huge one."

She continued, "Li Liangyu sent someone a few days ago to invite you. He said the beast tide in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains is about to erupt, and he wants to ask for your opinion."

Yu Xian immediately became spirited, as if awakening from a dream. He stood up, holding Yu Lan in his arms.

"Damn, I almost forgot."

He had originally planned to trigger the beast tide himself, forcing the Golden Peng Demon Emperor to confront the Xuan Yang Sect, so he could take advantage of the chaos to hunt down the Demon Kings safely and conveniently.

But in the end, he gave up the plan out of compassion.

However, the beast tide belonged to the reserved program of the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains. Giving up was useless; it would still come.

He calculated the frequency of the beast tide, which occurred about once every fifty years.

When he was forty years old, there was an outbreak in Shangyang City. Although there was another outbreak later, it was a retaliatory beast tide and did not count as part of the normal cycle.

Last year, he celebrated his ninetieth birthday, and considering the timing, it was time for another one.

"This matter is indeed important. It seems our happy program will have to be postponed."

Just as Yu Xian was about to leave, he thought of something and turned around to give Yu Lan a peck on the cheek.

"You really are my treasure. Good news as soon as you arrive, haha!"

He had waited for ten years, not to show off how great he was, but to let everyone know that what he had lost, he would take back with his own hands.

Before, he couldn't openly hunt the Demon Kings.

But now it was different.

Once the beast tide erupted, it wouldn't be like the small-scale disturbances in Shangyang City. It would be a massive exodus.

Not just the Golden Peng Demon Lineage.

The Xuan Yang Realm spanned tens of thousands of miles, bordering over a dozen demon lineages, facing tens of thousands of Demon Kings under the command of over a dozen Demon Emperors.

As long as he could get a small share of it.

Whether it was a Demon Emperor or a Nascent Soul True Monarch, their threat to him would be greatly reduced.

Because of his first-rank Gold Core Supernatural Power, he possessed the power of a True Monarch!

"Oh, remember to send a message to Shi Wen, telling her that she can send a signal—Niu Lai, return quickly!" (End of this chapter)

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