Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

212. Chapter 211 Elder Yan's Purpose

Chapter 211: Elder Yan's Purpose

In Yu Xian's view, the banquet at the City Lord's Mansion was no different from a high-end feast. It was simply that the attendees had higher status, the women were more beautiful, and the drinks were more upscale.

Yu Xian didn't enjoy socializing and had no interest in being ostentatious. After taking his seat, he didn't get up and instead focused on admiring the girls in the hall.

Because he had heard that the inner sect elder at tonight's banquet had intentions of accepting disciples, each family had brought their most outstanding children. They were all handsome men and beautiful women, each with extraordinary cultivation, ranking among the best of their peers.

Of course, in Yu Xian's eyes, he automatically filtered out the men.

He had never realized before that there were so many beautiful girls in Autumn Wind City. Perhaps it was because he had been busy with his career.

Yu Xian secretly criticized himself and vowed to go out more in the future. Otherwise, how could he encounter a beautiful woman and have a chance at love?

No one knew about his restless thoughts. If he hadn't been sitting next to Li Liangyu, hardly anyone would have noticed him.

Most people's gazes lingered more or less on Li Liangyu. As one of the only two Gold Core cultivators in Autumn Wind City, his status was self-evident. His seat was arranged closest to the main stage, at the center of the banquet, naturally becoming the focus of the crowd.

Moreover, Li Liangyu was not aloof. He had always received praise for his appearance, and his prestige was increasing day by day.

In addition, he was still young, and his long gray hair added a touch of vicissitude, making him very popular among girls.

Many families had thoughts of marrying their daughters to him.

In fact, in the past few years, Li Liangyu had married seven or eight concubines in order to expand the Li family's branches. At the same time, he was also building relationships with various families.

Unfortunately, even though he sowed seeds every day, not a single offspring appeared.

A Gold Core cultivator was already an extraordinary existence. Although he still appeared to be an individual, his internal structure was already quite different from that of an ordinary person. It was somewhat similar to reproductive isolation, but not completely isolated.

This was also the law of the Heavenly Dao's operation.

The more powerful the individual, the rarer their offspring.

But once offspring were conceived, their innate talent for cultivation was generally excellent, surpassing ordinary people from the very beginning.

However, the higher the cultivation level, the less strong the desire to have offspring.

After all, the probability was too low, and every time they sowed seeds, it would consume their own essence and delay their own cultivation.

Otherwise, under the operation of their cultivation techniques, refining essence and transforming it into qi, all vitality would be refined.

Furthermore, high-level cultivators had long lifespans. If they put in so much effort to raise a son or daughter, only to die before them, it would be a painful separation. Why bother?

Generally, if a cultivator didn't have confidence in the future, they wouldn't choose to have offspring and continue their family line.

Li Liangyu had achieved the False Dan stage, with no future prospects, so he didn't care about the slight loss of essence when sowing seeds.

In addition, the Li family's orthodox bloodline was scarce. If he wanted the Li family to quickly break free from the influence of the cultivation family's bloodline, he had to raise his own children as soon as possible.

In this background, despite Li Liangyu's young age, he had already become a diligent old ox behind the scenes, working tirelessly every day.

Yu Xian watched as Li Liangyu quickly got up and gathered around a group of young ladies, a very intimate scene. Suddenly, he felt that the wine in his hand was no longer enjoyable.

Damn it, he, as the master, had never enjoyed such treatment before.

It was all because his career had consumed him too deeply!

But if he didn't pursue his career, it wouldn't work either.

If he didn't pursue his career, how could he attract higher-level girls? Why would those fairy maidens and saintesses favor an ordinary cultivator like him?

In the end, how could he have the confidence to put on his pants and not recognize people?

Although he could now wave his hand and countless women would be willing to climb into his bed, this kind of loveless low-level desire would soon become boring.

Just like in the wild days of Yue Country, when those courtesans were sent to him, he had no interest in even raising an eyelid.

During his time in Shangyang City, he had also had his fair share of adventures, but in the end, it was still tasteless.

But still... he was angry.

Yu Xian drank a cup of wine in one gulp, out of sight, out of mind, and began to close his eyes and rest.


The air fell silent.

Yu Xian opened his eyes and saw the County Magistrate Yan walking into the hall with a dignified middle-aged cultivator in a red robe. Even standing next to the three-meter-tall County Magistrate Yan, the cultivator exuded an imposing aura.

All eyes were drawn to them, and even their breaths unconsciously became subdued.

County Magistrate Yan smiled and introduced, "Everyone, this person standing beside me is Elder Yan Zijing from Shangzong. Elder Yan has a special connection with all of us here."

A thousand years ago, the Yan family took root in Qiufeng City. The ancestors of the Yan family worked hard, entered the county school, and joined the selection process of Shangzong, gradually establishing themselves in the sect.

Now, with the presence of Elder Yan, it is a blessing for the Yan family and a fortune for our Qiufeng City!

Not long ago, after Elder Yan finished paying respects to his ancestors, he intended to leave quietly. But since Elder Yan has arrived, how can we not let him meet the people of his hometown?

So, at my strong request, Elder Yan decided to meet everyone.

Now, please warmly welcome Elder Yan with your applause!"

As the words fell, everyone in the room stood up and, whether sincere or not, offered the most enthusiastic applause. Some even clapped until their faces turned red, showing more excitement and admiration than if they had seen their own fathers.

In a sense, Elder Yan is their role model. If everything goes well in the future, after hundreds of years of effort, their families will also take root and grow in Xuanyang Sect, just like the Yan family.

However, in a thousand years, only one Elder Yan has emerged from Qiufeng City.

Elder Yan smiled faintly, coughed lightly, and although his voice was not loud, it suppressed all the noise in the room.

"County Magistrate Yan warmly invited me, and I couldn't refuse. That's why I bothered all of you.

But there's no need to see me as some extraordinary figure. I'm just a few hundred years older than all of you, taking a few steps ahead.

Who knows, a hundred years from now, all of you might be standing shoulder to shoulder with me.

Alright, I won't disturb you any longer. Please take your seats."

Elder Yan's attitude was very friendly and humble. If it weren't for County Magistrate Yan's introduction, no one would believe that he was an inner disciple of Shangzong, a high-ranking cultivator in the Gold Core stage.

However, although he said so, no one was foolish enough to treat Elder Yan as an ordinary person.

Clearly, since Elder Yan and County Magistrate Yan entered, everyone's actions and expressions became somewhat restrained, and their peripheral vision never left for a moment.

On the other hand, Yu Xian became one of the most casual people in the room. He ate and drank as he pleased.

He didn't deliberately stand out, but he didn't hide himself either.

If he still acted timid and fearful in front of a cultivator in the Gold Core stage, then his decades of cultivation would have been in vain.

Li Liangyu, who had sat down at some point, was somewhat restless. Although he had obtained a high position, his scheming and city were still lacking.

When County Magistrate Yan and Elder Yan approached him, he even had springs under his buttocks and stood up with a "swoosh."

"Elder, Magistrate."

Yu Xian also stood up, clasped his hands, and greeted them.

"Elder Yan, County Magistrate."

"Haha, you must be Li Liangyu. I heard that you broke through from the Foundation Building stage to the Gold Core stage in three years. This Elder couldn't believe it when he heard the news.

Seeing you today, it's true that seeing is believing. You have your own style."

Elder Yan looked at Li Liangyu with a sharp gaze, his admiration evident in his words.

Seeing this situation, Yu Xian suddenly realized.

It turns out that Elder Yan came for Li Liangyu.

He had been deceived.

In his eyes, Li Liangyu had exceptional talent, and with the help of his life-extending secret technique that consumed life essence and the assistance of his Five Elements Yuan Dan, he achieved the miracle of reaching the Gold Core stage in three years.

But this miracle was a reasonable development.

However, in the eyes of others, this miracle seemed terrifying.

Even Chen Yi, who was considered the successor to the next generation's sect master as soon as he entered the sect, even without considering the deliberate stagnation of ten years to come and see him, it would still take him ten years of serious accumulation in the Foundation Building stage to break through to the Gold Core stage.

Li Liangyu, on the other hand, only took three years!

Such talent, how terrifying. Once confirmed, it would probably be enough for Xuanyang Sect to make an exception and focus on nurturing him.

This Elder Yan is most likely here under the pretext of ancestral worship to conduct an investigation and verification.

With this thought, Yu Xian's last bit of worry was put aside, and he quietly observed the development of the situation in the field.

When Li Liangyu heard Elder Yan's praise, he smiled awkwardly.

"Elder, you flatter me. Li Liangyu is humbled."

"Humble, this child is quite humble."

Elder Yan seemed like a kind elder, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

"I feel like we've known each other for a long time. Instead of calling me Elder, you can just call me Yan Lao. Even calling me Lao Yan is fine."

"Yan... Yan Lao."

Li Liangyu not only didn't feel happy, but his face became even more unpleasant, and anyone could see the stiffness in his smile.

He probably understood what Elder Yan saw in him.

But others thought he was just too nervous and excited.

Although both he and Elder Yan were at the Gold Core stage.

But Elder Yan was a big figure from the main sect, comparable in status to the Nascent Soul True Immortals in seclusion. In terms of strength, not to mention being crushed with a finger, it was unlikely that he would need to use more than a few moves.

Elder Yan's smile grew even more when Li Liangyu spoke.

"Liangyu, since you call me Yan Lao, then I won't treat you as an outsider."

I was cultivating in seclusion in the sect, but I accidentally heard about your three-year miracle at the Gold Core stage.

To be honest, I didn't believe it at first, but after multiple verifications, I realized that there was actually such a rare talent as Liangyu in my hometown.

So I took the liberty to come and invite Liangyu to join our Xuan Yang Sect, so as not to waste such a talented and beautiful jade like you."

Li Liangyu swallowed his saliva and could almost imagine Elder Yan's anger after learning the truth, but if he didn't explain it clearly now and dared to agree, it would be even more terrifying later.

A fake pill was still a fake pill, not a real one.

"Elder Yan, actually, I am..."

Li Liangyu's lips moved, revealing the truth that he was a real person with a fake pill to Elder Yan.

"Is it true?"

Elder Yan's smile froze on his face, and his voice suddenly became low, carrying a powerful sense of oppression and the threat that only top predators possess.

He felt angry at being deceived.

But his rationality told him that it wasn't Li Liangyu's fault.

On the contrary, after hearing the news, he not only deliberately blocked the news, but also disguised his intentions and eagerly came to invite Li Liangyu to join the Xuan Yang Sect, without ever asking for Li Liangyu's thoughts.

"Sorry, Elder Yan."

Li Liangyu smiled bitterly and nodded.

"Are you willing to let me test it?"

Elder Yan still held a glimmer of unrealistic hope.

"Please test it, Elder Yan."

Li Liangyu voluntarily released his mana defense.

Then, Elder Yan's vertical eye on his forehead opened, and a faint divine light emerged.

Li Liangyu suddenly had a feeling of being seen through from head to toe. If it were an ordinary time, this kind of peeping would be very offensive.

But since Elder Yan gave a warning in advance, he could only endure it and suppress his instinct to counterattack, allowing Elder Yan to continue the test.

After a while.

Elder Yan's vertical eye on his forehead closed, and he frowned, somewhat frustrated, saying:

"A top-grade Earth Spirit Body. If you could cultivate a top-tier earth attribute technique, there would be a glimmer of hope to break through the Nascent Soul stage. Why did you choose the path of a fake pill and cut off your own bright future?"

Li Liangyu's face changed slightly.

But he still smiled bitterly and said, "Liangyu had no choice at the time..."

"Let's forget about it."

Elder Yan interrupted Li Liangyu's words somewhat impatiently.

Since he intended to accept Li Liangyu as a disciple, how could he not investigate his background? Naturally, he knew that a few years ago, Li Liangyu was a destitute young master who was being chased by others.

He had thought that Li Liangyu had awakened some extraordinary physique in a desperate situation, but he didn't expect it to be an overdrawn potential and a path of fake pills.

In Xuan Yang Sect, even after the death of a Nascent Soul cultivator, there was no chance of being enshrined in the inheritance pavilion.

Only those from the Nascent Soul families, who were still favored Foundation Building cultivators with no hope for the future, would turn to the unorthodox path of Gold Core cultivation to increase their lifespan.

However, for ordinary cultivators, achieving the realm of fake pills was already a remarkable achievement.

It's just that it was far from his expectations.

"County Magistrate Yan, I'm tired, so I won't accompany you any longer."

Elder Yan saw that the most important task of this trip had already failed, so he was not in the mood to accompany a group of rural wealthy people pretending to be something they were not.

His previous performance was more to leave a good impression on Li Liangyu, the future pillar of the sect.

But at this moment, everyone here, tied together, was not worth a second glance from him.

"Elder Yan, let me see you off."

County Magistrate Yan quickly caught up.

From beginning to end, Yu Xian seemed like a transparent person, but only after Elder Yan left did a hint of a smug smile flash in his eyes.


They left the banquet hall.

County Magistrate Yan caught up with Elder Yan, with a look of apology on his face.

"I'm sorry, Elder Yan, for making you come here for nothing."

"Eight or nine out of ten things in life don't go as planned. Besides, being able to come and pay respects to my ancestors is not in vain."

Elder Yan didn't show any displeasure to County Magistrate Yan, maintaining the demeanor of an inner sect elder.

First of all, it was he who brought up this matter, and County Magistrate Yan just went along with it. If the matter succeeded, he would owe a small favor instead.

Secondly, County Magistrate Yan's position in the sect was not low. Although he was currently just a county magistrate, he was still an elite disciple who had competed for the position of successor to the true transmission.

If it weren't for his foreign bloodline, which prevented him from successfully joining the true immortal sect, his future prospects would not be much worse than Elder Yan's.

County Magistrate Yan smiled faintly.

"Elder's broad-mindedness surpasses mine. In addition, I wonder if there are any results regarding the matter I entrusted to you?"

Yu Xian, who suddenly appeared under his jurisdiction and whose origins were unknown, was still a concern in his heart.

As the lord of a city, he instinctively refused to allow uncontrollable individuals to appear.

In fact, Elder Yan only wanted to invite Li Liangyu, but Yu Xian was a name he deliberately added.

Elder Yan shook his head. "He's just an ordinary mortal body, but his cultivation is not bad. He has already broken through the Foundation Building realm."

But someone like him in Xuan Yang Sect is only an outer sect disciple at best. The chance of breaking through to the Gold Core realm is extremely slim.

Why does County Magistrate Yan attach so much importance to him? Is there any hidden agenda?"

County Magistrate Yan shook his head. "From what I know, this person is the key figure behind Li Liangyu's rise. His background is mysterious and has always made me curious, thinking that he has some ulterior motive."

But who doesn't know about Elder Yan's extraordinary experiences in his youth, cultivating a Mirage Dragon Eye that can break through 99% of illusionary restrictions in the world.

Since he was seen by Elder Yan's divine eyes, he knew that even if he had something to hide, it was not worth worrying about. It allowed me to breathe a sigh of relief."

Elder Yan was pleased with the mention of his divine eyes.

"County Magistrate Yan, you flatter me. But it's not that I'm boasting, my divine eyes have yet to encounter an opponent. Even the Nine-tailed Fox lineage of the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range, unless they reach the Demon Emperor realm, they can't hide their true form from my divine eyes."

County Magistrate Yan flattered him a few more times.

The two of them walked to Elder Yan's residence and talked about the current situation in Xuan Yang Sect for a long time. Finally, County Magistrate Yan bid farewell with a worried expression.

As for the many guests who were invited, they entertained themselves until late at night. Some family heads criticized severely the news of Elder Yan accepting disciples, and then they dispersed in small groups.

Yu Xian didn't expect to gain anything by just being there, so he didn't care much about Li Liangyu's private meeting with a certain young lady after the banquet.

Hmph, a group of ignorant people who don't recognize a true person. None of them came over to chat with him, and he had already prepared the words to refuse them.

(End of this chapter)

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