Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

210. Chapter 209 Hunter King (65K Chapter)

Chapter 209: Demon King Hunt (6.5k words)

Two months later.

Mount Wan Yao, Golden Peng Demon Vein.

The group concealed their figures but moved swiftly, covering a distance of over a hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

After half an hour.

The group stopped and looked ahead at a peak covered in poisonous miasma and vines crawling with various toxins.

"This is it, the Shocking Heaven Peak, the usual cultivation place of the Demon King of Mount Fu. This place has been occupied by the Demon King of Mount Fu for many years and is already filled with various poisonous gases. Once anyone, human or beast, steps in, they will be melted into a pile of bones in no time."

"But the Demon King of Mount Fu is only a lower-grade third-stage Demon King, equivalent to the early stage of Gold Core. With our combined strength, we can finish the battle quickly," said Wan Tianchou.

Wan Tianchou, as a Beast Tamer, had a deep understanding of various demonic beast habits. Therefore, even though his strength was not the strongest, under Yu Xian's arrangement, he became the leader of this temporary demon hunting team.

"No problem," Qi Chunshen followed behind the group and agreed with the flow, but he was quite anxious in his heart.

After all, just two months ago, he was still a Foundation Building cultivator waiting for his lifespan to come to an end.

As a result, he accidentally met the senior Cang Lang in front of him and now, the fellow Daoist Cang Lang, giving him an opportunity to join the Great Unity Society.

All his knowledge about the Great Unity Society came from the introduction of fellow Daoist Cang Lang, knowing that it was a very ancient and powerful organization.

He was excited and yearning; this was the legendary encounter.

Sure enough, with the help of the Great Unity Society, he quickly broke through to the Gold Core stage.

But before he could be happy for two hours, he was forced to hand over his soul power and became controlled by others in life and death.

Fortunately, the Great Unity Society gave him hope, to make contributions and regain his freedom.

According to fellow Daoist Cang Lang, he was not yet considered an official member of the Great Unity Society, at most, he was just a reserve member.

Only when he had no debts with the Great Unity Society could he have the freedom to choose to join or leave.

Of course, by that time, his soul power would definitely be returned.

At this moment, Qi Chunshen could no longer judge whether what fellow Daoist Cang Lang said was true or false.

After he handed over his soul power, almost all his beautiful fantasies about the Great Unity Society were shattered.

However, he had already boarded this thief ship, and whether he could get off or not was not up to him.

All he could do was believe.

After all, fellow Daoist Cang Lang gave him an accurate number - one thousand merits!

As long as he completed tasks for the society, he could earn merit points. Once he accumulated one thousand merits, then the favor of the society in helping him break through to the Gold Core stage would be fully repaid.

Today was his first task - to hunt and kill a Demon King. The spoils of war along the way would be shared, worth one hundred merits.

In theory, if he hunted and killed ten Demon Kings, he would regain his freedom.

However, any being worthy of being called a Demon King had awakened their bloodline and possessed bloodline abilities, equivalent to a Gold Core cultivator who had engraved their Gold Core abilities. They were not weak among Gold Core cultivators.

For him, a false Foundation Building cultivator, to compete with a Demon King was like an old man eating arsenic, complaining that he had a long life.

Fortunately, this operation is not just him alone.

In addition to him, there is Senior Cang Lang, as well as Senior Bao Yuan, who is known as a senior member of the Da Tong Society.

There is also a fellow preparatory member, a young man who looks to be in his twenties, a false Dan cultivator with the code name Lao Gui.

According to his own introduction, he was originally a Foundation Building cultivator under the jurisdiction of Wang Shu City, without any family ties. He has been preparing to break through to the Gold Core stage for these years.

Later, through an introduction from a mysterious person, he learned about the purpose of the Da Tong Society and came here with the idea of giving it a try.

He doesn't have much resistance to offering his own soul power. He believes that if you want to get something, you have to pay a price. How many people want to desperately but don't have the opportunity?

Qi Chunshen didn't comment on his words, but seeing that his side has four Gold Core-level combat powers, he feels somewhat relieved.

The Da Tong Society used a precious foreign Dao Gold Core to help him break through. They can't just let him die in vain, right?


The group took the detoxification pill, temporarily blocking the jungle miasma, and each displayed their concealment techniques, diving into the mountains and forests.

Getting closer, getting closer...

Qi Chunshen unconsciously held his breath and could already feel the huge demonic energy of the Fushan Demon King pervading the mountains.

He didn't use his divine sense to startle the snake.

Although the demons are not good at divine sense power, at their level, they still have basic sensing ability.

So it's best to rely solely on his own vision, preferably using peripheral vision, and it's best not to have any malicious or killing intent.

He has been cultivating for over a hundred years, so he still has some experience in this regard.

Soon, he saw the Fushan Demon King lying on the mountaintop, swallowing spiritual energy.

True to its name, the Fushan Demon King is named because it lies on the mountain. It is a large toad lying on the mountain.

The Fushan Demon King is about ten feet tall, lying there like a small palace.

Its belly is bulging, and there are colorful lumps on its back. As it swallows and spits, strands of poisonous gas emerge from the lumps and merge into the poisonous gas of the entire mountain peak.

What should they do?

Qi Chunshen looked at his esteemed senior, Cang Lang, who he considered a great expert in his heart.

He doesn't have any experience dealing with the Demon King.

He saw Cang Lang flip his palm and a formation plate the size of a palm appeared. He exchanged glances with Bao Yuan beside him, then muttered something and pressed the formation plate into the void.

The formation plate merged seamlessly with the void.

Then, one by one, formation flags were thrown out, all with the same characteristics as the formation plate, but there was no trace of spiritual energy fluctuation.

Qi Chunshen couldn't help but feel awe.

He has been cultivating for over a hundred years, and while he may not be proficient in all aspects of cultivation, he has some knowledge in various areas.

To his knowledge, every formation must interact with the surrounding environment, allowing the formation to merge with heaven and earth. This is the foundation of establishing a formation.

However, the technique used by Senior Cang Lang just now was extraordinary. During the formation, there was no slightest disturbance, as if it was naturally formed, without any trace of smoke or fire.

Truly worthy of being an ancient organization with a thousand years of heritage, their actions are extraordinary.

When Qi Chunshen appeared in a continuous manner, three formation discs had already been set up consecutively. Strands of white mist emerged from the void, forcibly isolating the poisonous gas emitted by the Demon King of Mount Fu.

At this moment, the Demon King of Mount Fu finally realized that something was wrong.

Its large grinding eyes suddenly opened, emitting a "gua" sound. The air violently shook, and visible ripples spread out from under its body, carrying a sonic attack.


The Demon King of Mount Fu spoke.


Wan Tianchou made a decisive decision, and with a hand gesture, strands of mist emerged like venomous snakes. The four of them disappeared directly into the void.

Qi Chunshen summoned a green flying sword named Chunshen Sword, which was only a high-grade spiritual weapon.

Having just broken through the False Dan realm two months ago, he didn't have the time or resources to replace it with a magic treasure.

But under the stimulation of Gold Core mana, this high-grade spiritual weapon still displayed tremendous power.

The flying sword turned into a rainbow and directly pierced the back of the Demon King of Mount Fu.

Qi Chunshen's divine sense clearly felt the resistance. The Demon King of Mount Fu's skin was like silk woven from silkworm cocoons, seemingly thin and smooth, but actually very tough.

He exerted all his strength and only managed to make a small cut.

Green pus and blood spurted out, hitting the ground and corroding large blood pits the size of basins.

"The blood is poisonous, don't engage in close combat with it!"

Qi Chunshen shouted, about to command the flying sword to withdraw.

With his strength, he didn't dare to confront the Demon King of Mount Fu head-on. Naturally, he wanted to leave the battlefield after making a move, waiting for an opportunity to strike again.

However, suddenly his movement paused because it seemed that the attention of the Demon King of Mount Fu was not on him at all.

After being injured, it only made frantic "gua gua" sounds.

The sound waves were like knives, cutting through the air, but they couldn't tear apart the invisible white mist. The chains of mist were endless, constantly lashing at the Demon King of Mount Fu like tentacles.

"It can't see me?"

A thought flashed through Qi Chunshen's mind, and then he realized that there was a thin mist enveloping him all along.

Originally, he thought it was the protection provided by the formation.

Now it seems that it also has the function of concealing perception. He and the Demon King of Mount Fu were only a hundred zhang apart, but it seemed that the Demon King of Mount Fu couldn't see him at all.


Qi Chunshen took a deep breath, feeling amazed once again by this extraordinary formation, and at the same time, an infinite excitement rose in his heart.

Since the Demon King of Mount Fu couldn't see him, then he shouldn't blame him for being ruthless.

Sword light splits!

Qi Chunshen pinched his fingers and recited a spell, his divine consciousness surged, and in mid-air, the Spring Shen Sword transformed into twelve, raining down like a snake.


Bloody holes the size of palms burst open behind the Demon King of Fushan.

Although these holes were insignificant compared to the size of the Demon King of Fushan, their quantity was overwhelming.

Moreover, it wasn't just him attacking.

In the mist, the attacks of three Gold Core cultivators followed one after another, causing the Demon King of Fushan to cry out in chaos.

Every time it attempted to forcefully break through the formation, not only did the intensity of the mist increase, but the strength of the attacks from all sides also suddenly soared.

Qi Chunshen continuously made moves and realized that the Demon King of Fushan could only rage helplessly. Suddenly, he became confident, as he had never fought such a rich battle before.

How could this be him fighting desperately? It was clearly him being sent to complete a mission.

It turned out that he had misunderstood the Great Unity Society.

This was simply a harmonious and loving organization.

The haze that had been lingering around Qi Chunshen for the past few days disappeared completely, as if a general with a drawn sword, the mana surged within him, without any intention of saving it.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!!

Under his control, the flying sword, like the most precise surgical knife, gradually dismembered the Demon King of Fushan.

In addition, there were also the demonic wolf souls summoned by Daoist Cang Lang. Although their strength was only at the Foundation Building level, their quantity was overwhelming. Every bite on the Demon King of Fushan would tear off a piece of flesh.

The most important thing was that even if the demonic souls were corroded by the Demon King of Fushan's poisonous blood, they could quickly regenerate.

Daoist Bao Yuan seemed to be a physical cultivator. Large stones the size of his body were blasted out of the mist like cannonballs.

Even the thick-skinned and tough Demon King of Fushan was left with bulging eyes from the attacks.

The last Daoist, Old Turtle, took out a turtle shell magic treasure.

That's right, it wasn't a spiritual weapon, but a magic treasure!

Qi Chunshen clearly felt the powerful spirituality emanating from the turtle shell in his hand. This was the biggest difference between a magic treasure and a spiritual weapon or tool.

A spiritual weapon carried mana, a spiritual tool engraved spiritual arts, while a magic treasure possessed spirituality, had a certain automatic protection effect on its owner, and could activate spiritual arts on its own.

At this moment, a virtual image of a turtle head grew out of the magic turtle shell, a pair of intelligent eyes staring at the Demon King of Fushan, and it spat out spirit treasures resembling copper coins from its mouth.

These spirit treasures seemed to have no direct offensive ability, but whenever they brushed against the Demon King of Fushan, Qi Chunshen felt that his flying sword could more easily break through the Demon King of Fushan's demonic qi defense and penetrate into his flesh.

These copper coins could actually reduce demonic power and had the ability to break through spells!

Qi Chunshen swept his gaze around, silently comparing, and realized that he seemed to be the weakest among the four-person team.

"You human cultivators, invading our demonic mountain range, today you kill me, but the Demon Emperor will avenge me in the future!"

The Demon King of Fushan jumped up with all his strength, his body momentarily suspended in mid-air, and the bumps on his back lit up one by one, then exploded like fireworks, instantly filling the entire formation space with dense poisonous smoke.

"Use your ultimate moves and quickly finish it off!"

Wan Tianchou's expression changed. As the host of the Mist Prison Formation, he felt the spiritual energy on the formation disk being rapidly consumed.

If this continued, even if they could kill the Demon King of Fushan, the forty-eight high-grade spirit stones on the formation disk would soon be on the verge of being scrapped.

Remembering the young master's instructions, Wan Tianchou dared not delay any longer.

If it costs nearly 500,000 spirit stones to kill a demon king with the strength of four Gold Core cultivators, the young master would kill him. After all, a third-grade demon pill is only worth a million spirit stones in the market.


While Qi Chunshen was still thinking, he heard a roar and saw a silver-white giant ape the size of a small mountain, howling towards the sky, emitting a deafening roar, with the fur on its head quickly turning blood red.


The giant ape leaped into the air, grabbing the Fushan demon king in mid-air, ignoring the corrosion of its own palm by the poisonous blood, and forcefully pulled it down, slamming it onto the Zhen Tian Peak. A huge section of the wall collapsed and rolled down the cliff.

Then, a iron-backed wolf king jumped out from the mist, slashing the Fushan demon king's belly with its claws, causing red, white, and yellow to scatter all over the ground.


The wolf king's claw pierced through the heart, directly pulling out a shiny green demon pill.

The Fushan demon king's corpse fell to the ground without closing its eyes.

Only then did Qi Chunshen come back to his senses and realized that the battle had already ended.

"Find the Fushan demon king's cave and quickly clean up the battlefield."

The wolf king shrank its body and transformed into human form, putting the large toad on the ground into a large storage bag that had been prepared in advance, while taking out a formation disk and instructing the others.


Qi Chunshen released his divine sense and quickly found the Fushan demon king's cave with the others. It was a damp cave filled with poisonous creatures, as well as many poisonous flowers and grasses, and several storage bags.

They didn't let go of any of these things and packed them all up.

Until they left Zhen Tian Peak, Qi Chunshen still felt as if he was in a dream. He looked back and saw the smoke and dust rising from the falling cliff, which had not yet dissipated.

Who could have imagined that a demon king would fall in such a short period of time.

When everyone left, a faint figure appeared in the air, and it was none other than Yu Xian, who had been secretly guarding.

As the demon hunting team he had spent all his wealth to build, he couldn't afford to be careless. He had to pay attention to the first time and recover the cost first.

Fortunately, the result was satisfactory.

Although the power of the third-grade formation disk was strong, and it incorporated his deceitful divine ability, making it unpredictable, the energy consumption was still too high.

If they were to fight for a long time, the cost of the formation disk would be painful.

If the demon king escaped again, he would be at a loss.

In addition, the two new recruits seemed to be slacking off. If things continued like this, the external Gold Core cultivators would only be benefiting them.

But problems can only be solved by seeing them.

After a brief thought, Yu Xian's figure disappeared into the air, slowly dissipating.

As for the turmoil caused by the death of the Demon King of Fushan, there is no need to worry for now.

After all, with the Mist Prison Formation in place, all traces have been eliminated. As long as we don't see the Demon King's body, who dares to say that it is dead?

This kind of wild Demon King doesn't have the means to leave behind a soul lamp.

But when a large number of Demon Kings go missing for no reason, it will catch the attention of the Demon Emperor Jinpeng.

If he has the ability, he will launch a retaliatory beast tide, and it will depend on whether Xunyang Sect can withstand it.


Now, let's talk about the group of people who hunted down the Demon King of Fushan. They directly fled three hundred miles away to the edge of the Demon Vein.

In a forest.

Qi Chunshen honestly handed over the spoils he had collected from the Demon King's cave, some poisonous flowers and plants, as well as some ore and spirit stones.

The Demon King of Fushan is not a bloodthirsty creature and is willing to trade with human cultivators.

For example, the previous cultivator had some relationship with the Demon King of Fushan, which naturally came from their trade.

The Demon King of Fushan would exchange the natural resources in the Demon Vein for human cultivators' elixirs, magical tools, and even spirit stones.

But now, these things have become the spoils of others.

Wan Tianchou collected the spoils from everyone's hands one by one, secretly estimating in his heart, finally feeling relieved.

Although the Demon King of Fushan is a bit poor, it is not a problem to exchange these miscellaneous things for over a million spirit stones.

There are also several treasures whose origins he cannot determine.

For example, one of them is a green ore, with a bright color, as heavy as mysterious iron, difficult to melt with alchemical fire, and it carries a strong toxicity that can even corrode his own mana.

There is no doubt that it is a treasure.

In addition to the body of the Demon King of Fushan, which is a third-level demonic beast, it is all valuable. Even though the flesh and blood contain toxins, it can still be sold for a good price.

Calculating it all, just the Demon King of Fushan alone has brought them nearly three million spirit stones in profit, not to mention those few treasures whose value cannot be estimated for now.

After counting the treasures one by one, Wan Tianchou nodded in satisfaction at Qi Chunshen and Lao Gui.

"Very good, you didn't hide any spoils, otherwise, even if we have some relationship, I wouldn't be able to make any concessions."

Qi Chunshen smiled awkwardly.

He did have some thoughts, after all, this was the inheritance of the Demon King. For him, who was only a Foundation Building cultivator not long ago, everything was worth the risk.

But after careful consideration, he decided to be an honest person.

This was his first mission, and if he didn't keep his hands clean, it would be difficult for him to gain trust in the future.

The result of not gaining trust could very well be becoming cannon fodder in the next mission.

He didn't take the easy completion of the first mission lightly.

As a result, he heard Wan Tianchou coldly snort.

"But you didn't do well enough. When I told you to use your killer moves just now, why did you hesitate?

If the Demon King of Fushan hadn't already been exhausted and powerless, even if I and my friend Baoyuan joined forces, we might not have been able to kill it on the spot.

Once it escapes, do you know the consequences?"

Qi Chunshen's face changed, and another cultivator with the code name Old Turtle opened his mouth as if he wanted to explain, but he remained silent.

"So, to serve as a warning, half of your reward will be deducted for this mission."

Just now, Wan Tianchou, who had received instructions from someone, said coldly, "Do you have any objections?"


The two of them replied in unison.

"Good, since you have completed the first assessment task given to you during the meeting, according to the rules, you have one year of rest time.

Of course, you can also choose not to rest and continue hunting demons.

Each third-grade demon pill is worth one hundred merit points, which are necessary for submitting tasks. In addition, the spoils you obtain along the way can also be exchanged for merit points.

But Bo Yuan and I will no longer assist you. All tasks need to be completed by your own abilities.

Of course, you can also apply for assistance from Bo Yuan and me, as well as the use of props during the mission.

For example, the Heaven and Earth Concealing Formation I used before.

It just requires deducting the corresponding merit points."

Wan Tianchou continued to supplement the rules.

Qi Chunshen's face turned bitter, thinking that it wouldn't be so simple.

The first task was to broaden their horizons and give them benefits.

In this way, he regretted even more not obeying the order and taking action in time, wasting fifty merit points for nothing.

The market price of a third-grade demon pill is one million spirit stones, worth one hundred merit points, which means he just gave up five hundred thousand spirit stones.

The total amount of spirit stones he has spent on cultivation so far is not even close to this number.

With this calculation, Qi Chunshen felt a bit heartbroken and couldn't catch his breath.

In addition, he finally understood how huge a number one thousand merit points was.

In order to break through the False Pill stage, he had unknowingly accumulated a debt of ten million spirit stones!

Indeed, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world.

He swallowed his saliva, feeling a bit unsteady on his feet, and saw a dark future ahead, not knowing how many years it would take to repay the debt.

But suddenly, he heard the calm voice of Old Turtle beside him asking, "I wonder how much value Senior Cang Lang and Senior Bo Yuan have? And how many merit points are needed to apply for the Heaven and Earth Concealing Formation, which is an extraordinary formation I have never heard of?"

Wan Tianchou looked at Old Turtle with appreciation and said, "Both Bo Yuan and I charge fifty merit points for each action, and the merit points needed to use the Heaven and Earth Concealing Formation once is one merit point. However, after each use, the formation plate needs to be replenished with enough spirit stones.

By the way, there are a total of forty-eight top-grade spirit stones embedded on the formation plate."

Qi Chunshen's vision went black again.

This is such a scam!

As a False Pill cultivator, he definitely couldn't deal with the Demon King alone. At least he needed to ask for help from a fellow cultivator, and the Heaven and Earth Concealing Formation was definitely indispensable.

Forty-eight top-grade spirit stones are equivalent to forty-eight merit points.

This means that the cost of one mission alone is ninety-nine merit points.

Even if he completes the mission, the final profit is only one merit point!

One merit point!

To accumulate one thousand merit points, he would have to complete one thousand missions.

But Old Turtle remained calm and continued to ask, "I wonder if there are any other props available in the meeting and what their prices are?"

Wan Tianchou shook his head and said, "Sorry, as preparatory members, there are not many props you can apply for. For now, these are the only ones."

He wanted to prepare more, but his young master didn't prepare any.

Old Turtle still had a calm demeanor and nodded, saying, "I have no more questions. When can the next mission start?"

Wan Tianchou smiled and said, "Anytime."

Old Turtle said, "I would like to apply for the assistance of Senior Bo Yuan and the Heaven and Earth Concealing Formation, but I am one merit point short."

Wan Tianchou smiled and said, "No problem, the meeting cares for newcomers. It's absolutely no problem to owe one merit point."

Old Turtle said, "Thank you, Senior."

After speaking, he looked at Bo Yuan and said, "Senior Bo Yuan, how about three days from now?"

Bo Yuan, also known as Yang Hou, said, "No problem."

"Three days from now, same place, I'll be waiting for you, Senior."

After that, Old Turtle left gracefully.

Wan Tianchou looked at Qi Chunshen and said, "Qi Daoist, what are your plans? Start the mission immediately or take a year of rest?"

Qi Chunshen's face was full of despair as he said, "Mission? Do I still have hope of accumulating enough merit points?"

Wan Tianchou couldn't help but shake his head and said, "Qi Daoist, if there is no opportunity, why would that Old Turtle be so eager to start the second mission?"

Qi Chunshen felt hopeless and said, "Who knows what he's thinking."

Wan Tianchou sighed and said with some frustration, "Qi Daoist, since you are the first member I introduced to the meeting here, let me give you another piece of advice.

A demon pill is worth one hundred merit points, but the spoils obtained along the way can also be exchanged for merit points."


Qi Chunshen suddenly woke up as he remembered the spoils of the Mountain Suppressing Demon King that Wan Tianchou seemed to deliberately show him just now.

His spirit immediately soared.

"Senior Cang Lang, I want to take on the mission!"

(End of this chapter)

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