Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

203.Chapter 202 Three Years Later (7K, 200 Monthly Tickets Plus Updates)

Chapter 202 Three Years Later (7k, Two Hundred Monthly Votes Plus More)

Without any surprises, Li Liangyu chose to make a desperate move, using secret techniques to exhaust his lifespan and squeeze out his potential, breaking through to the Gold Core realm in the shortest amount of time.

Yu Xian and his group settled down in the county town of Qiufeng and waited for the right moment.

They didn't attract too much attention, just buying a shop in a rather secluded corner of the city and opening a medical clinic specializing in treating cultivators.

In the world of cultivation, cultivators have strong abilities and various exotic beasts as mounts, making them highly mobile. Therefore, even forces like the Xuan Yang Sect cannot establish a household registration system for cultivators.

Population mobility is extremely normal.

Their appearance didn't cause much attention.

Only the residents near the medical clinic knew that the pharmacy, which had been declining in business since the untalented son took over after his father's death, was bought by a group of foreign cultivators. They renovated it and renamed it the Xinglin Medical Clinic, reopening for business.

However, there was no grand opening or any important figures coming to congratulate them. The front of the clinic was deserted.

Everyone couldn't help but speculate how long this newly opened shop could last.

Some residents who liked to join in the fun visited the clinic and then spread the news about the situation inside.

The chief physician of the clinic was an old man with white hair and a youthful appearance. He had a kind face and looked like a skilled doctor.

The owner heard that he was a young man who was not well-behaved. He didn't even show up for the opening of the clinic, so everyone became more certain about their prediction that the clinic would close again.

The location was already bad, and not only was there no grand opening, but they also had an unreliable owner. Closing down was just a matter of time.

And that was exactly what happened.

Since the opening of the Xinglin Medical Clinic, they hadn't seen any customers.

Occasionally, someone would come in for treatment but would be scared away by the clinic's expensive prices.

Some people advised the clinic to do more business with common people, with small profits but high sales.

The chief physician, Wu, would always smile and promise to discuss it with the owner, but then nothing would happen.

The clinic's fees remained unchanged, and the flow of people became even more scarce.

However, to everyone's surprise, the Xinglin Medical Clinic not only didn't close down, but it also managed to survive for three years with almost no customers.

And judging by the cheerful appearance of Chief Physician Wu every day, it wouldn't be a problem for it to last for another ten years.


In the year 5707 of the Jiuyang calendar, on the sixth day of the eighth month, the weather was hot.

Thump, thump, thump.

The sound of hurried footsteps came from the entrance of the clinic, and a tall and strong man rushed in carrying a young man with a dark complexion on his back.

"Doctor Wu, Doctor Wu!"

The man called out repeatedly until the kind face of Doctor Wu appeared in front of him, and then he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that as long as Doctor Wu appeared, his brother would be saved.

"Put him down first, and then slowly tell me what happened."

Doctor Wu glanced at the young man behind the man and knew that he had been poisoned. Fortunately, he had taken an antidote beforehand, so the poison was not enough to kill him yet.

Of course, if a few more hours pass, it's hard to say.

The man quickly put the young man down and looked at Wu Laozu, who was already taking the young man's pulse, explaining on the side:

"Qingbo, my brother here was stung by a poisonous scorpion while collecting herbs. It's strange, because we've been bitten by poisonous creatures before, but as long as we take your detoxification pill, the poison is cured."

"But this time, the scorpion was particularly fierce. My brother took three detoxification pills and still couldn't suppress the toxicity."

"I think it's not working, so I hurriedly brought him here to ask for your help."

Both the man and the young man were casual cultivators. They usually gathered resources for cultivation in the Jinpeng Demon Vein and were very cautious. They used to only dare to wander around the outskirts.

Until one day, they accidentally entered this Xinglin Medical Hall and saw that the fees were exorbitant, often requiring spirit stones as payment. They were scared away directly.

Later, they had an accident and he was poisoned by the spider venom of a demonic beast, the Black Widow.

If it weren't for his brother's timely discovery, he would have become the meal of that Black Widow.

According to the doctor in the most famous medical hall in the city, the best way to detoxify is to buy a first-grade high-quality detoxification pill.

However, the detoxification pills that cost dozens of spirit stones per pill made them choose conservative treatment and take herbal decoctions made from ordinary herbs.

But the condition dragged on day after day, and it seemed hopeless.

With a try-it-out attitude, his brother took out their last savings and bought a detoxification pill from this Xinglin Medical Hall, which they now consider fortunate.

Then the poison in his body was resolved, and after two months of recuperation, his body completely recovered.

Since then, the Xinglin Medical Hall has become a secret in their hearts.

Every time they go to the Jinpeng Demon Vein to collect herbs, they always buy two detoxification pills in advance, just in case.

You should know that for cultivators like them at the bottom, the most dangerous situation in the demon vein is not the demonic beasts inside, but the poisonous insects and miasma that appear mysteriously in the mountains.

Demonic beasts can still run away when they see them and won't bother them in their hunting range, but these poisonous insects and miasma are unpredictable. Moreover, spiritual herbs like to grow in these places, forming a natural protective circle.

With the detoxification pills, they gained confidence and dared to try places they didn't dare to go before, and they always returned with a full harvest.

But when you often walk by the river, your shoes are bound to get wet.

This time, they were injured by the poisonous scorpion guarding the spiritual herb in order to collect a hundred-year-old spiritual herb.

If it weren't for the powerful detoxification pill, his brother wouldn't have made it back.

After all, Qiufeng County is three hundred miles away from the Jinpeng Demon Vein, and that's the straight-line distance.

He was just a low-level cultivator who didn't even know how to fly with a flying tool, so he could only ride a horse and rush on the road, a journey far exceeding three hundred miles.

Fortunately, the young man was lucky.

Wu Laozu's divine sense swept discreetly over the poisoned young man's body, and he immediately understood the situation inside his body.

The poison in the young man's body had already reached his internal organs. If it weren't for the weak mana in his body protecting his vital meridians, even if he wanted to save him, it would take some effort.

And this kind of price is not something that two low-level casual cultivators can bear.

He only knew the two juniors out of boredom, just to pass the time, but he didn't really have the compassion of a true healer. Once it involved his own interests, he would be even more indifferent than anyone else.

With a serious expression, he took out a pill bottle from his sleeve and poured out a round black pill, feeding it into the young man's mouth, and then swept his own mana into the young man's body.

The originally overbearing poison was instantly crushed under the Gold Core-level mana, dissipating completely.

Black blood flowed from all seven orifices of the young man.

"Wu Lao, why is Qingbo bleeding so much? Is he not going to make it?"

"I've said it before, cultivation is not an easy task. We, ordinary people without background or qualifications, can't even enter the county school. It's enough for us to have a little bit of cultivation and honestly work hard to farm and make a living.

You insisted on cultivating, and now look, you've lost your life! My poor brother, you haven't even married a wife, and now that you're gone, how can I face our mother?"

The big man carried his brother on his back, riding a horse for three hundred miles. He had already exhausted himself and was mentally exhausted.

At this moment, seeing the young man bleeding from seven orifices, he thought he couldn't make it and couldn't help but feel sad. Tears flowed from his tiger-like eyes as he cried out in sorrow.

"This is the expulsion of poisonous blood. Your brother is fine, why are you crying?"

Wu Laozu said with a disgusted expression.


The big man was stunned, immediately turned from sorrow to joy, regardless of his disheveled appearance with tears and snot, he quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Wu Laozu.

"Wu Lao, you are the savior of our brothers, I kowtow to you, kowtow to you."

Wu Laozu dodged to the side and said lightly,

"No need to kowtow, it's more practical to give me spirit stones, twenty spirit stones."

The big man's expression froze, his face gradually turning red. After a long while, he managed to squeeze out a sentence.

"Wu Lao, we don't have enough spirit stones."

They were just ordinary low-level cultivators, their annual income was only slightly better than that of Yu Xian back then, less than ten spirit stones.

But the ten spirit stones were pure income, and they had to calculate their expenses.

Their cultivation and living expenses all needed to be spent, and they could only save two spirit stones a year from their teeth.

Once they encountered any natural disasters or man-made calamities, their savings would be used up.

Just like the time he was poisoned, all the savings in his family were exhausted, and they even owed some debts.

If it weren't for buying cheap and good detoxification pills at the Xinglin Medical Hall, they would have lost everything and even their lives.

Although they had saved some spirit stones in the past two years, it was still far from twenty spirit stones.

But Wu Laozu was quite unsympathetic, saying, "I've already used up the medicine, your brother's life has been saved, the lack of spirit stones is your problem, not mine."

For him, twenty spirit stones were just a matter of not drinking a cup of tea.

But this precedent couldn't be set. If someone pitied them for free, they would come knocking on the door whenever they encountered any problems. Then, would he help or not?

If he helped, he would become their free babysitter. If he didn't help, it would easily turn into a grudge and invite hatred.

So these two brothers had to leave behind a price that would make them feel pain.

The man knelt in front of Wu Laozu, his body stiff. Seeing Wu Laozu's gradually indifferent expression, his face also turned pale.

"Wu Lao, can we owe it for now? The two of us brothers will work like oxen and horses in the future, and we will definitely repay you."

Wu Laozu did not speak.

Just then, a clear laughter came from outside the hall.

"What debt? Today, this young master is in a good mood, so the medical expenses are waived. Wu Daifu, close the clinic today, there's good news."

The man turned his head and saw a handsome young man walking towards them.

The young man was dressed in luxurious clothing, made of high-quality spirit silk. Despite the scorching sun, there was a cool sensation coming from the fabric, which turned out to be the silk produced by the rare ice silkworms, making it quite valuable.

Just this robe alone would be enough for the two brothers to buy medicine for their entire lives.

Not to mention the accessories he had on him, which were shining and dazzling, almost blinding his eyes. Those were treasures he didn't even dare to imagine.

The man quickly lowered his head.

"Young master, what is this?"

At the right moment, Wu Laozu's face turned bitter, nodding his head.

"Alright, since the young master has spoken, even if he's lucky, Tie Tu, you should thank our young master."

The man went from hell to heaven, then from heaven to hell, and back to heaven again. It was more thrilling than anything else. Upon hearing this, he quickly kowtowed to Yu Xian.

"Thank you, master, thank you, master!"

"Don't kneel. If you get used to it, you won't be able to stand up."

Yu Xian waved his hand, letting him leave.

He had seen these two people a few times before. They were both young men with dreams, giving up their stable farming jobs to become freelancers, commonly known as scattered cultivators. In a county like Qiufeng, there were probably at least eight thousand people like them, all inexperienced youngsters who wouldn't settle for anything less than ten years of struggle. If they were placed in an environment like Shangyang City, they would have probably given up long ago.

It was the abundant spiritual environment here that allowed ordinary people to cultivate their powers with a little effort and become honorable cultivators.

However, the majority of people would still end up as ordinary folks, working hard their whole lives and not being able to save a few spirit stones. And then the next generation would continue the same fate.

Occasionally, there would be outstanding individuals who would rise from humble backgrounds, such as the son-in-law of the Li family, the old ancestor of the Xiu family. He had excellent aptitude and was selected to enter the county school, where he had the opportunity and environment to learn higher-level techniques.

The so-called county school was a selection mechanism under the jurisdiction of the Xuan Yang Sect. Every year, the county school would recommend students to join the Xuan Yang Sect's selection process, which was also one of the achievements and important assessments for the local county magistrate.

Therefore, the county magistrate would be delighted to have as many students from the county school as possible. As long as they met the admission criteria, there were almost no obstacles.

The county school was also the best way out for ordinary people. If their aptitude was so poor that they couldn't even join the county school, it was mostly because their efforts would be in vain.

For example, the two brothers who had been struggling for years, risking their lives but still unable to gather twenty spirit stones.

The man knew that the owner of the medical clinic had other matters to attend to, so he once again carried his brother and gratefully left.

"Young master, by doing this good deed, you will inevitably be troubled in the future. I dare to bet that if these two encounter any trouble, the first thing they will think of is the medical clinic and me."

Wu Laozu shook his head with emotion.

Yu Xian was in a good mood and smiled.

"Wu Daifu, you've been a doctor for so long, have you gotten used to it? Pack up, we don't need to open today. Those two little guys will have to find you."

Wu Laozu actually thought being a doctor was not bad. After all, he couldn't make any progress in his cultivation, and his family wasn't around. He was practically a loner. Besides going to the brothel to listen to music and exchange skills with the local courtesans, he didn't have any other hobbies.

It would be best to live like this for the rest of his life.

Because once the young master starts using him, he will definitely use him to death.

He has a premonition that the life in the medical clinic these years is likely to be the most relaxed time for him in a long time to come.

But at this moment, he dare not say a word of disagreement. Instead, he has to put on a happy face and say, "Is it because Li Liangyu has succeeded, that the young master wants me to close down?"

Yu Xian sighed, "Whether he succeeds or not is still uncertain, but it's highly likely. I didn't expect his potential to be so terrifying. In just three years, he has broken through from the early stage of Foundation Building to the peak of Foundation Building."

I suspect he must be some kind of special spiritual body, but unfortunately, knowledge about this aspect has always been sealed off by the sect and rarely circulated among the people.

But it doesn't matter. The higher his potential, the greater the chance of a breakthrough. After all, even the Five Elements Yuan Dan cannot guarantee a hundred percent success."

Wu Laozu couldn't help but take a cold breath.

If he remembered correctly, Li Liangyu is still under forty years old.

In other words, he is about to witness the birth of a Gold Core cultivator who is less than forty years old. This kind of age is extremely terrifying even within the Xuan Yang Sect.

However, considering the cruel secret technique he practices, as well as the fact that there is no room for further improvement in the future and his lifespan will be halved, the terrifying price of sitting in meditation earlier than him may be even earlier.

This sense of astonishment became less horrifying.

"No problem, young master, I will pack up right away."


The spiritual veins of Qiu Feng Mountain are divided into two parts.

One part is occupied by local forces dominated by the Xiu family, and the other part is publicly owned and belongs to the City Lord's Mansion.

A high-level cave mansion, with the quality of the spiritual energy inside reaching the third-order spiritual vein, is only available for rent and not for sale. The rental price is not cheap, and it is one of the sources of income for the City Lord's Mansion.

On this day, the wind suddenly rose in the sky, and dark clouds gathered from a distance. Thunder flickered in the clouds, and a heavy momentum suddenly pressed down, immediately alarming the cultivators who were practicing or enjoying themselves in the mountains.

As the calamity clouds approached, before the people arrived, their divine senses were already colliding and exchanging information in the air.

"Gold Core tribulation!"

"Who is transcending the tribulation here?"

"Besides the Xiu family ancestor and the county magistrate Yan, is there going to be a third Gold Core cultivator appearing in Qiu Feng City?"

"The internal turmoil of the Li family has just been settled a few years ago, and now a new Gold Core cultivator has appeared. It's a troublesome autumn."

"News is here!"

"According to the staff of the cave mansion management office, the cultivator who rented the cave mansion is a mysterious cultivator wearing a mask. He has been living there for three years and rarely goes out."

"Only a cultivator named Yu Xian has some connection with him and often enters his cave mansion, and he is there now."

"Who is this Yu Xian?"

"Yu Xian is an outsider cultivator who appeared in Qiu Feng City three years ago and opened a medical clinic in the city. But I heard that the business is very poor."

This person has average cultivation, but he likes to wander around in taverns and teahouses, mingling with common people. However, he is generous and once spent a lot of money in the Meixian Pavilion, gaining some fame.

"Yes, I have heard my grandson mention this person before."

My grandson said that his identity is extraordinary, very likely a young master from a prestigious family who is traveling. The guards around him have profound cultivation, even the guardian I arranged for my grandson couldn't tell their strength.

Unfortunately, this person usually keeps to himself and I haven't heard of him having any connections with any family.

"He doesn't seem like a good person."


The group of people discussed animatedly.

The thunder tribulation over there was nearing its end.

Inside the cave, the top of the stone wall had already been pierced, revealing a spacious courtyard. At this moment, the dark purple thunder tribulation fell through the courtyard, hitting a cultivator below who was screaming in pain.

It was Li Liangyu, who was currently breaking through to the Gold Core realm.

Compared to three years ago, Li Liangyu's long hair had turned gray, his face was scarred with scabs from rotting wounds, covered in spiderweb-like blood vessels. His eyes were bloodshot, almost completely replaced by his beastly nature.

Three years of relentless pressure had caused significant mental problems for him.

There is always a price to pay for shortcuts.

In order to complete the cultivation that would normally take ordinary cultivators nearly a hundred years in just three years, he had almost given everything he could.

But the power of hatred is also immense.

Especially during the three years, he had hardly communicated with anyone else. Every day, he looked at his ugly face, sinking deeper and deeper into hatred.

So, under the brewing of time, this hatred became even stronger.

Supported by this hatred, he could surpass his limits.

"I can't die!"

"I still want revenge! Revenge!"

Li Liangyu let the thunder tribulation pierce through his body, letting out a beast-like roar. The violent spiritual power erupted from his body and quickly condensed.

He was actually using the power of the thunder tribulation to temper his massive and restless spiritual power.

But this method undoubtedly brought him great pain.

Once he couldn't bear it, lost his sanity, he would truly be devoured by the thunder tribulation and turned into ashes.

This was why he dared to take such a risk, relying on the Five Elements Pill he had taken to withstand the pressure of the thunder tribulation.

After all, the Gold Core thunder tribulation was no joke. When Jiang Laozu trained his body to resist the thunder tribulation, he only persisted until a dozen strikes before being reduced to a skeleton, his body completely destroyed.

But at this moment, Li Liangyu was enduring far more than a dozen strikes.


The thunder tribulation gradually came to an end, the heavenly clouds in the sky began to dissipate, and a golden light faintly appeared on the thunderclouds. Strands of heavenly spiritual energy descended from the sky.

Yu Xian, who had been observing in the dark, couldn't help but show some excitement when he saw the mature leek that he had cultivated for many years. What surprised him was that the amount of heavenly spiritual energy this time far exceeded that of when Wu Laozu and Wantian Chou broke through, almost surpassing half.

"What is this? Is it the favoritism of the heavens? Indeed, the advantage of geniuses is all-encompassing. Even the amount of heavenly spiritual energy is greater than others. And this is just a breakthrough with a fake pill. If it were a genuine Gold Core breakthrough, wouldn't the amount of spiritual energy have to go even higher?"

Thoughts raced through Yu Xian's mind, but it didn't stop him from stepping out of the shadows and enjoying the benefits that others had obtained through hardships and dangers.

Although this was a prearranged matter, Li Liangyu couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment in his gradually rational eyes as he watched the alluring Tian Dao spiritual energy being absorbed by Yu Xian.

He was not like those rural cultivators who were ignorant of the preciousness of Tian Dao spiritual energy. He was a legitimate direct disciple of the Gold Core lineage, and even though he had fallen from grace, his knowledge inheritance was not inferior to anyone else's.

The importance of Tian Dao spiritual energy to cultivators was crucial. If he could absorb this spiritual energy, his strength would undoubtedly take another step forward.

Clearly, cultivators were unable to absorb the Tian Dao spiritual energy of others. If he were to make a move at this moment, could the unguarded young master withstand it?

Various thoughts surged in Li Liangyu's mind, but he quickly suppressed these thoughts and began to absorb the abundant spiritual energy in the cave, consolidating his cultivation.

These three years of cultivation under the pressure of resentment had already greatly changed his temperament.

On the other hand, Yu Xian once again became immersed in the mysteries of the Tian Dao.

As for Li Liangyu, he is being watched by the True Person of Ten Thousand Beasts in the Soul Banner and the Willow Sect Master, who he keeps close to him.

If he dares to act suspiciously, the Willow Sect Master will not hesitate to activate the Blood Soul Charm in his hand, causing Li Liangyu's soul to instantly scatter.

The spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao cannot last long and will soon merge with the surrounding spiritual energy.

When he reaches the Profound Yang Realm, the matter of absorbing the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao cannot be hidden from others, unless he kills the Gold Core cultivators who have broken through every time he absorbs the spiritual energy.

But this is naturally impossible.

How can he only harvest one crop of the good leeks he has worked hard to cultivate? He can't even recover his investment.

So even though he issued a gag order, he never thought about how long he could hide it.

Anyway, being able to hide for a while is enough for now.

When it is truly exposed, it doesn't matter.

Because many people have absorbed the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao, it is normal for someone like him, a carefree young master, to try it out for fun.

Moreover, he is absorbing the spiritual energy from the chives he cultivated himself. At most, others would say he is harsh to his subordinates, so why would they cause trouble for him because of this?

If we go deeper, some people might associate him with having a special physique that allows him to gain benefits from the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao that others don't have.

But they would never think that because of the existence of an external force, he was able to break through the Gold Core stage without experiencing the Gold Core Tribulation, causing him to receive the blessings of the Heavenly Dao every time he absorbs the spiritual energy.

Countless insights and inspirations emerge in his mind at this moment.

In these years, while he appeared to be indulging in eating, drinking, and having fun, he did not forget his main task. He has seen and heard many strange stories and events, which greatly broadened his horizons.

There are also some folk techniques and secret arts that have been passed down, although most of them are low-level and incomplete versions, they are enough to give him some inspiration.

Especially the inheritance he obtained from Li Liangyu, it is a genuine Gold Core inheritance, a high-level technique.

The accumulation in his daily life quickly points him in the right direction.

"The Deception Art of the Ninth and Eighth Ranks only allows me to hide better. Even a Nascent Soul True Immortal may not be able to see through my disguise at a glance, but that is only superficial concealment.

The matter of the Blood Curse reminded me that if someone wants to find me, it is not just through my aura, but also through the concepts of causality and laws.

The next step in advancing the Deception Art is to move towards a direction that is free from causality.

Even if I kill another Lin Ancestor, the Blood Curse will not be able to find me.

However, this kind of secret art cannot be achieved with a Third-Rank Divine Ability. What I need to do now is to conceal the aura of the Blood Curse on my body, otherwise, it will always be a hidden danger."

With a determined thought, the previously scattered inspirations seem to have found a thread and begin to weave step by step.

Yu Xian enters a deep state of meditation.

It's unclear how long had passed.

When Yu Xian opened his eyes, a blood-red snake-like spell gradually appeared on the palm of his hand. The color was bright and vivid, exactly the blood curse that had entered his body that day.

For years, he had been searching for the location of the blood curse, but had been unsuccessful.

This time, with the help of the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao, he finally perfected his deceitful divine ability and also deduced a way to make the blood curse visible.

He couldn't deal with the invisible blood curse, but now that it had taken form, he could use his divine consciousness and magical power to gradually weaken the curse's energy day by day.

The blood curse, which originally took thirty to forty years to dissipate, could now be broken in just three to five months.

Although it was not the perfect concealment he desired, it was still a choice.

However, he was confident that when his divine ability advanced again, he would be able to comprehend a way to conceal the blood curse.

"Master, you're awake."

Li Liangyu had already regained his elegant and noble appearance. The scars on his face had been removed when he broke through to the Gold Core stage, but his gray hair remained unchanged.

This was an external characteristic of his halved lifespan.

The hostility and hatred in his eyes seemed to have disappeared, leaving only a gentle and jade-like warmth.

He smiled faintly at Yu Xian and said, "It seems that Master has gained a lot. Congratulations, Master."

Yu Xian glanced at Li Liangyu and returned the smile.

"I have gained some insights. With further cultivation, I believe I will be able to break through soon."

In his field of vision, a green panel flashed and disappeared.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Early Gold Core stage (164344/600000)]

[Soulmates: Yulan, Luo Han (2/3)]

The Heavenly Dao spiritual energy contributed by Li Liangyu not only helped him perfect his deceitful divine ability, raising it to the seventh rank, but also added over twenty thousand cultivation points to him, equivalent to a year of his hard training.

This made Yu Xian secretly sigh.

Indeed, only by cutting fresh and tender leeks can they be nutritious.

Old leeks like Wu Laozu and Wan Tianchou lack moisture and have much poorer nutrition.

However, except for wild geniuses like Li Liangyu who had no other choice, other cultivators probably wouldn't choose the path of fake pills.

Such good leeks are hard to come by.

"Now it's time for your performance."

Yu Xian nodded at Li Liangyu.

Li Liangyu nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and suddenly a fierce and violent aura burst out of his eyes. He flew out of the cave courtyard directly.

Outside the cave, many cultivators had already gathered.

The Gold Core tribulation had ended successfully, and some people had witnessed the descent of the Heavenly Dao spiritual energy. It was clear that they had successfully broken through, and now they all wanted to see the true appearance of the newly promoted Immortal.

As a result, a young man flew out of the cave, his voice thunderous, and the sound waves spread rapidly, shaking the entire Qiufeng Mountain.

"Old thief Xiu Yuan! I, Li Liangyu, have returned!"

(End of this chapter)

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