I showed an amiable smile and stretched out to him who turned into a child.

But the child avoided me, looking at me vigilantly and exclaimed.

"Bad sister!"

Then he came to Bai Yuhui, who was wrapped in black mud, hugged her and said.

"Sister! Let go of her!"

Am I rejected?

"You were rejected. Regardless of other things, in the eyes of the child, Yuhui, who protects him, is a good person, while you are a bad person.

You talk so much.

"Aiya, she's so embarrassed. Yuhui hasn't lost yet.

The darkness is being dispelled by the light. The light is not dazzling, it is not even a light, it is just a filthy, turbid color that can't even tell what color it is.

Her body is no longer wispy, the curse pattern has spread completely, the whole body has been soaked in purple and black, and extremely colorful light is shining from above.

The pattern covers Bai Yuxuan's hands, body, and cheeks. Only the groove on the chest is the white color of the skin.

In that turbid light, is the color of her soul.

Ah, how filthy.

A cursed and fallen soul.

In the Akashic records, her soul information is recorded.

I touched the light, and in this soul named Bai Yuxuan, I searched for the reason why she can persist until now.


His words echoed in his mind, and every time he thought of his kindness and concern, he couldn't help blushing, and he began to care about his actions and the way he spoke in front of him. Maybe he did this to everyone. Looking forward, I want to confirm whether his words are true, but I am afraid that if I go deeper, I will be guarded by him.

In the hesitation and tossing and turning, he stretched his hand down uncontrollably, and aftertastes the aftertaste with the sound of moisturizing water.

Maybe I fell in love with him, but not necessarily...

Unconsciously began to talk about his daily life, with infatuation, and occasionally conveyed his good feelings directly, even if it was not accepted, it was like a snowball-like, more and more profound, became something more. powerful stuff.

Very happy, very happy, very happy time left in daily life.

His figure gradually occupied every corner of my heart, growing in my heart as I wished, and I longed to be held by his imagination to express my love, and the fantasy made me spend countless sleepless nights.

...he doesn't belong to him after all.

The fact of 'can't get it' made me gradually collapse.

He won't respond to his reality, making himself anxious

I couldn't help being jealous, but I didn't want to be hated, but I still wanted to get it, and finally I was punished by conscience and suffered...

Suppress it, suppress it, suppress it... I can't suppress it anymore.


The feelings that I had been trying so hard to endure collapsed all of a sudden. CE six 2 Xiaozhi

From the moment of a flaw, the doubts that split instantly took over the heart, and the love inside leaked wildly.

He was completely powerless, and his eyes gradually turned black.

The communication with him in the memory was gradually swallowed up, the heart that was full of sweetness became empty, and it began to rot and stink.

If you want to be sure of your own happiness, you have to struggle to the end.

It's like being put into Schrödinger's cat box. Before confirming, you can't know whether it will lead to the ending you want, so.

It is enough to restore all the experiences and start over.

Forget this painful and failed experience, leaving only the pure love of wanting to love him and throw it into the next reincarnation.

It's enough to just be by his side, it's enough to keep the 'box' in the 'unopened' state.

In this way, I can always, always love him...

There was a hint of admiration that never got a response.

Stepping into reincarnation with a little yearning.


"....is it not only love that supports you, but also the curse of reincarnation that chooses to restore and reset love?"

No wonder I hate you so much.

What really bothers me is not your love for Juncheng, but your inexplicable persistence.

"If I am the 'result', you are the 'process'...

It's like Juncheng has always been chasing after me, and you have always been chasing Juncheng.

But what she pursues is not the result of being with him, but the process itself.

All Bai Yuxuan's experiences have proved that the 'process' is more important than the 'result'.

I myself was denied.

"It's an eyesore

That's why I hate you from the bottom of my heart, Bai Yuxuan.


Chapter 64.64 Love and Fit

The scene in front of you can be said to be a miracle!

When I saw Yuhui slap her twice, I was completely stunned. I thought that Yuhui would be gone now, so I'll be on the spot.

After all, Jiuyuan is a broken guy from the bottom of her bones. She looks plain on the surface, but in fact, she's a monster that no one can provoke.

As I expected, she really did it.

Yuhui was bound by the same black shadow, unable to move.

If... is there still no drama?

Just thinking about it, Yuhui slapped me in the face again. Not only did she physically punch Jiuyuan's face twice today, but she also punched me in the face.

When Yuhui was caught by the shadow, I was thinking that it would definitely be the end of the game.

But Yuhui broke free.

Missing? Love? Perseverance?

Anything is fine, because it doesn't matter, but I can see the possibility in Yuhui.

That sliver of hope.

Originally, it had already entered the final stage, and no matter how I thought about it, I was powerless to make a comeback.

But this time I saw the most important step that can revitalize the whole situation.

Even with Jiu Yuan, there was a hint of surprise, Jun Cheng was very generous, he didn't go directly into her arms, but chose rain wine.

I seized the opportunity to ridicule.

"You were rejected. Regardless of other things, in the eyes of the child, Yuhui, who protects him, is a good person, while you are a bad person.

A few survivors appeared around me and locked me.

But Jiuyuan doesn't seem to want to let her go.... That's good, so I can clearly grasp her attitude towards me.

I can do more things.

"Aiya, are you angry, but Yuhui hasn't lost yet."

It's not over yet.

Neither you nor me, none of us thought of it.

, F light novel

Probably no one present would have thought that it was Yuhui who stood up in the end.

We all underestimate the character Bai Yuxuan.

In the final analysis, no matter which sorceress she is, her fate with Juncheng only lies in one of her previous lives.

But she has been reincarnated by Juncheng's side + second.

A non-survivor pressed my cheek, but I could barely see it through my fingers. From my position, I could clearly see the purple brilliance radiating from the black mud.

Sure enough, Yuhui did not disappoint me,

Get rid of the **** and face the long-term fate that has already mastered the result.

The curse that covered the whole body, the ominous aura, the unknown body, the ghostly power.

People can't help but think in their hearts, what kind of curse did Yuhui put on herself to become like this? What is the content of the curse... What price did she pay to become like this? ?

And I feel like this is just an unfinished state.

The rain will continue to change.

I don't know what's going on, but there's no need to think about what's going on.

Anyway, this is the perfect opportunity.

But it's not enough to say that it's raining. It's hard to say that we can make a comeback. I'm still here, and I can still act.

What is left that can threaten Jiuyuan?

There is only one, and that is Juncheng.

Even Juncheng, who has become disjointed now, is still her weakness.

Because she sacrificed everything just to see Jun Cheng, devoured all the old witches, and forcibly came here.

Then what I have to do is also very simple, to secretly steal Jun Cheng.

You beat your own, and I stole the house.

Relax first. In theory, there is no problem.

Phew, I can do it.

Others may not be able to do it, but I can, because in essence, I have the same root with these things.

The dark shadow that seizes me is essentially a non-existent, and I myself are essentially a non-existent, all of which are non-existent, then I can... --- to erode it.

The non-existent has no thought, no body, no soul, no spirit, no self-will, and nothing.

They only act now because they have been ordered by Jiuyuan. Jiuyuan is like holding their remote control in their hands, ordering them to act according to their own wishes.

Then I should be able to do it too. Lan also often does this kind of thing. There is no need to install cameras in all places. It would be too complicated. Just design a program and use those cameras that have already been installed in the city.

The reason is the same, I can also design a \'program' that can reverse control these non-surviving people.

Concentrate, treat these guys as part of your body, spread your spirit over it, and occupy your brain..

Very good! It was a success!

To speed up the speed again, Yuxuan relies on curses to act. It is not surprising when he suddenly dies. Jiuyuan estimates that it is just a play mentality now.

Now is the only - chance.

He sneaked out quietly, and then approached the position where Lan and Lianbing were being swallowed up just now.

Leaning down, I tried my best to put my hand into the black water.

It should be... No, you must give it to me!

Jun Cheng's left hand!

. . . !

touched it

This is the hope of a turnaround!

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