There is only one place in the field of vision that is lit with dim light, and at a far distance, that is a... kind of tower?

Because it was too far away, I couldn't see anything clearly. I could only see the clock on the clock tower. The time was designated at midnight, and it was not turning.

At least there is some way to illuminate the surroundings.

Yes, the phone!

I don't know when I started to develop the habit of holding my phone while sleeping. Although I woke up with Sister Xinran this time, I vaguely remembered that I still held my phone.

He suddenly fell down just now, and he let go when he landed, so he should have fallen nearby.

After groping around for a while, I found my mobile phone.

With my mobile phone, I feel a little relieved, at least I don't feel so helpless.

But I looked at the phone's battery, and it's already less than 5%. If I turn on the flash, I don't think I can last for three minutes. But now it's necessary!

At least figure out where you are!

The flash is on! Illuminate the surroundings!

Unexpectedly, I was in the middle of the crossroads.-.

What the hell!

I remember that I was sleeping with Sister Xinran, why did you come to this place all of a sudden?

Judging by the scale and size, this should be a crossroads in the most prosperous center of the city, but I don't have the impression of such a crossroads.

At least there is no such crossroads in the city where I live.

In other words, this is not the city I am in.

And there are a lot of weird places.

For example, there is no car at all. It is impossible for a place like this to be without a car, and there is no sound at all. It is quiet like a ghost town.

At least the traffic lights should be on, right?

Could it be that there is no one in this city?

how is this possible!

Ah, now is not the time to study this, the phone is about to run out of battery, time is precious, we must first confirm the location of the store...

Thirty seconds later, the phone ran out of the last bit of power, and I lost my only light, but I knew where the surroundings were.

Anyway, let's go to the nearest clothing store first and find some clothes to wear.

After all, I am only wearing a semi-transparent lace nightdress and no underwear, and this sleeping gentleman belongs to Sister Xinran, which means something to me.

It was Sister Xinran who said that she would catch a cold if she fell asleep, so she just pulled me up, who was too tired to open my eyes, and put it on.

Now that I think about it, fortunately I wore it at the time, otherwise I would be wearing nothing now.

No shoes, bare feet on the hard asphalt...


elder brother

where have you been...

A gust of wind blew, and I, who was thinly dressed, hunched up and hugged my body.

Well, it's so cold

I want to go back, no matter where it is.

I want to go back to them.

There is the warmest place.

Before I walked to the clothing store, I tried to open the door, but it really did.

Originally, I was prepared to smash the glass, but I didn't expect the door to be unlocked.

Sure enough, it's so strange here, the store doesn't lock the door. Factory worker Ding "Shen

If it is said that I am dreaming now, this physical sensation is too real, and my brain is too active. I can think about things and recall previous things. This state should not be dreaming.

Anyway, let's get some clothes to wear first.

I felt the darkness and found the switch of the light in the store, and the light was on.

Just now I was too far away to see what kind of clothing store this is, but now I finally see it clearly.

School uniform, teacher's uniform, nurse's uniform, kimono, school swimsuit, sports shorts, magical girl's transformation costume -- looking at the strange clothes around me, I curled my lips and couldn't help but complain.

"It turned out to be a cosplay clothing store, why did it open in the center of the block!"

It's so strange!

Forget it, it's better than no clothes.

And I don't hate cosplay so much either, thinking about what my brother might like to wear, I have tried a lot of clothes.

There are no men in the world who don't like cosplay, even gays would like to see their favorite 'he' play various roles for themselves

The same is true for my brother. His favorite is the servant costume, right?

In short, after searching around, I found a more suitable maid outfit to put on.

After putting on the garter, she stood up and turned around in front of the mirror, the lace skirt floated gently-..

Mmmm! I'm so cute!

No matter how you look at it, I'm the cutest in the world! My brother doesn't understand at all, the most innocent and sweet girl like me is the cutest!

- Make sure he understands!

Me, An Keling is the cutest!

The most~~cute~~love~!

A little over excited, she turned her head, and her skirt was lifted up.

It's not that I don't want to wear them, it's just that this store doesn't have normal bottoms, only those kind of bloomers. As a beautiful girl, I refuse to wear such earthy bloomers!

So I simply don't wear them. Anyway, no one is there. It doesn't matter whether they wear them or not... Let's put on the bloomers, at least they can be used as raw towels, otherwise it will be a bit inconvenient to walk naked like this. One-a pharmacy, get a Band-Aid here..

After I went to the pharmacy to find the Band-Aid, I went to the hardware store I wrote down to find a large flashlight. The light range was enough.

Okay, let's find a way to get out of here next!

Walking to the middle of the intersection where I first fell, I set my target on my hips, but suddenly a strong wind blew.

The strangest thing is that the wind turned up!

"...what the hell!"

The wind was so strong that it couldn't hold down the skirt! I think it was an overturned umbrella--like, the whole person was blown up.

What are you doing! The wind is blowing too much!


Fortunately, this strange updraft only lasted for a short time---...

But it must be enough E. scary

I sat on the ground. Trembling, it took me a while to relax...



Dying in every sense..

I-I didn't pee my pants!

Get out of the scene now!

I can't afford to lose this person!

I left the scene in a hurry, ran out a long way, and stopped when I couldn't see the store when I looked back.

Then, suddenly the shoelaces opened...

How did I do it? I obviously used the shoelace method used by runners, and I wouldn't untie it even if I ran vigorously. It opened after just a few steps?

Could it be that my method was wrong?

Really bad.

I squatted down and started tying my shoelaces.

At this time, the wind suddenly blew from overhead.


No, it doesn't seem to be the wind?. SE-style novel

It felt more like \'something had to fly past, bringing wind pressure. suck

A few hairs were cut off.

It seemed that what flew past was still a sharp blade, maybe it was a knife or something.'s very dangerous, fortunately I squatted down, otherwise I'd definitely be hit.

Thinking about it this way, I heard a crackling sound, the street light suddenly fell down, and so did other things... as if they were cut off by something, turning into two halves.


Is this some kind of prank?

Still wondering, I saw something flying over from afar.

The destination seems to be... me here?

Zoom in, zoom in, until I can see... that's it!

"Wow ah ah ah!

That's a truck! And a lot of them!

Why is it raining on trucks all of a sudden?

About a dozen trucks fell from the air, and I had no time to dodge, so I could only hold my head and squat to defend!

Another loud crackling sound...

When it was finally over, I found that.-.

I have nothing at all.

Fortunately, I was relatively lucky. Although these trucks landed around me, none of them hit me. They just smashed the ground.

A few pieces of the wrecked truck were also flying around, but luckily none of them touched me.

One of the trucks had a lot of blood on its head, and a hand could be seen...

..then shouldn't it be a human hand?


This place is really weird!

Can not continue to wait for the next post

To leave as soon as possible..-

Brother! Sister Xinran! Where have you all gone!


Chapter 25.52 Can Ling and Misfortune

Walking out of the truck maze, I looked back at the large cargo trucks that smashed the road into a mess. Some of them had already begun to leak oil and felt that they might explode at any time.

I quickly evacuated back, and when I ran to the point where I couldn't see a truck...-Boom! Boom boom boom!

- A series of loud explosions sounded, and those trucks really exploded.

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