"I do not know either.

I didn't know that!

"After all, it's something that 'never happened', but my simulation predictions for the future, which are the hunch in your human mouth, are often poor.

I still want to get in touch with Qiye. I remember Lan said that she has a solution, and she will tell me when it is necessary. I don’t know if it is the necessary time now.

I glanced at Lan, but this time she didn't seem to understand what I was thinking, she tilted her head and pursed her lips, meowing with a smile.

Malicious and cute, bad reviews.

But for the sake of being cute, I won't punish you. Punishing you will only make you excited anyway.

"I'm sorry, Juncheng, I don't know what that weird and disgusting gloomy guy in Qiye wants to do. I only know that man has some special abilities. I know him because he came to entrust me to investigate some things. It was then that I realized that someone could see me.

Lan Although she knows a lot, she is not omniscient. The reason why she knows so much is because she has been idle during this time and has been collecting information.

But Lan, like me, broke into this world after all, so it's impossible to know everything. Not Miss Shirley, how could she be omniscient.

"By the way, that Yang Shifan will find you Juncheng because of that gloomy **** in Qiye! He even pretended to be Miss Ben, everyone is the same, no one can pretend to be a good girl to please Juncheng. That's it.

You are also so dark (.-..2 put on the net

Tsk, it turns out that if Yang Shifan finds me, it's also Qiye's stumbling block. What is the idea? First provoke the other two parties, and then take advantage of the opportunity.

It's been calculated, you bastard.

Where did this Seven Nights come from? Deliberately erasing his own existence is really thoughtful.

After changing the world, many inexplicable guys appear like gophers. It's really annoying. Is this the impact of the world line change?

Uh, and it's not only the world line that has changed, the world itself has gone wrong, and it's only natural that messy things are emerging one after another.

"But I still don't understand, why on earth can you mistake Qiye for me...

"I haven't seen you before, and my impression of you comes from 'the information recorded in the complete world', and that person has a very similar aura to you.

"Aura? What kind of aura?"

...a nasty smell.

"You said that you didn't say it...

There are many kinds of dislikes, which one is it?

And recently, I've been said so many times that I don't even know the word anymore.

Speaking of which, what **** said that a woman who said hate is equivalent to acting like a spoiled child? It's not like that at all, okay!

"I don't know how to express this feeling, but it's very repulsive -- a feeling that is fundamentally unacceptable -- well, yes, let's put it this way, if you come into my body, I'm going to die on the spot. and die.

What is inside the body... It's very misleading. Hey.

Wait, shouldn't that really be referring to that thing?

"Is this physical disgust...

How much am I hated by the world. =

There's no possibility of a strategy at all, right? Doesn't she hate me just like Lianbing now?

"For example, the feeling you give me now is very contradictory, the feeling is reasonable and unreasonable, the feeling exists and does not exist, ambiguous, vague, and disgusting.

"Human intelligence is at this level.

Hey, don't fire map cannons, although I don't understand, but I believe there must be someone who can understand you!

Human beings are constantly moving forward on the road of exploring the truth. Don't underestimate the perseverance of human beings.

And what you said was messy, full of contradictions, reasonable and unreasonable, existence and non-existence, what the hell?

How could there be such a guy? Could someone suddenly disappear? 1

same novel

"It wasn't clear at the time, but now I know the difference between the two of you. The annoying feeling you gave me wasn't your own breath, it was someone else who attached to you. And the one called Qiye A man has the same breath as you. Although it is not as thick as you, it is very thin, but it is exuded by him.

I think I probably understand what she's talking about.

"You are all walking on mistakes, it's just that your mistakes are imposed on you by others, and he himself is wrong.

The unpleasant feeling she felt should come from the paradoxical ability that was still in effect in me.

The world is absolutely 'right', so it's natural to hate 'irrational mistakes'.

Ah, thinking about it this way, could it be that Miss Shirley is that... the complete opposite of the world...

It seems that something extraordinary has been speculated.

Well, but it doesn't matter, it's Miss Shirley anyway. Right, Miss Shirley, she's a reliable head maid, a bit of a miraculous head maid, a big sister-like head maid, and there's nothing special about it.

Forget it, let's talk about this matter, if I can't get you down, I can't get rid of the brain in the vat either.

Wait, that means---Am I going to take her down in a state of being hated by her?!

What kind of crazy difficulty GALGAME is this! Ah ah?! How can I make a person who hates me physically fall in love with me?

It's impossible, ah-!

It's over, I'm over, and the world is over.

Everyone, let's finish it together.

Just write END like this and enter BE.

Alright, alright, it's over, it's over, there's nothing to see, it's time for GG.

Next, as long as there is an explosion scene, an absurd ending can be formed.


I'm not kidding, why did it really explode?

The blasting sound was very loud, and the distance seemed to be not far from here. No buildings collapsed. Could it be that someone was firing cannons?

But I can't see it when I look up..-What kind of explosion is this? Why is there no follow-up response?

No, no, there seems to be something falling in the sky above... Not sure...

What is that--wait-a moment, until those things fall within the range of the streetlights to see what it is.

"Huh? It's snowing? It's really early to snow this year."

Because it was late at night, I couldn't see clearly just now, but there was actually black snow falling in the sky.

Is air pollution this serious?

No, although the air quality is really not very good, it doesn't mean that black snow will fall, and the speed of falling is much slower than that of snow, like dandelion seeds - falling very slowly.

What the heck is this... a species of parasitic beast... or is it black ash...

I stretched out my palm to catch the falling black snowflakes, and when my fingertips touched the black snow, my heart contracted sharply and the pain spread from the palm of my hand, and then from my body. Another heat flow appeared in it to fight against it, and after a fight, it was forced out of the body.

And I was already sweating.

"Wait! Don't touch this black snow! Put on your hat and wrap up!"



Damn it. - Lan's maid outfit is a bit too revealing! Lou Ling too! Why are you still wearing super shorts? Isn't it cold?!

At this time, it was too late to remind them, I had to throw the two of them down on the spot, then roll to a nearby bench with the two of them, and immediately take off their clothes to cover their exposed skin in the air. .

I know what this is. I have been occupied by this thing, but I have never seen its real appearance.

And this thing doesn't work for me because I have 'resistance'.

This..-Morning-Virus! Impossible! Why?!

"Don't move either! Stay under my body!

"Yeah~~~ Juncheng, you are great! Let's get fit! Let's make children! Be happy!"

"Don't **** at this time! It's a terrifying situation!"

Directly pressed the blue wrapped around my body, then inserted three fingers into her mouth and pressed her tongue, which made her honest

Then I said to Lou Ling, who was indifferent to the status quo and did not resist at all.

... Floor Zero.

"Anything like that is fine, tell me first, what about Li Nai?"

What about Li Nai?

where is she?

"She should be with you, right? Where is she now?"

"She wasn't with me.


FSF Light Novel

"How is that possible! She brought you home!"

"I don't know, when I 'woke up', I didn't see the Li Nai you mentioned, I just lay on this bench, my body lost consciousness, that's why I was able to appear for so long.

"Ha ah ah ah?\'

Where did the disappeared Li Nai go?

Why did Lianbing suddenly disappear?

The zombie virus is falling from the sky, and this range will turn everyone in the city into a zombie--

The only person who can spread the virus in this way is Li Nai, but why did she do it?

Damn, could it be that something bad is happening where I'm not here now?

Here again.. Enough is enough! I will accompany you to the end!

"Very well, that's it."

"Is this all right? But what's the point..."Zombie virus that only works for people who have turned into zombies" or something

"Because of this, it's definitely Juncheng~ Hehehe~"

"However, ordinary people will not change, generally speaking, they will definitely find out.

"No, if it was him, he would definitely be hooked. Even if he didn't see a zombie, he would feel that there was a great danger.

"What about you? Deliberately ordered your maids to force me here, and forced me to be your accomplice. What are you trying to do? Do you just want Juncheng to feel pain?"

"Hehehe... I just let myself fall in love with him again, it's a very common idea."

"It's not ordinary at all, you can't distort your thoughts and you can distort the facts, you are really a distorted woman.

"But even if you say that, you still do as I say. This can already explain a lot of problems, don't you think so? Li Da, sister, sister?

"Hehe, I just don't want him to leave me, do you?

"So, we have the same purpose, hehehe.

"Why aren't you the same as me, hehe.

"Yeah, I'm sick too, /hahaha 1 heart:":

"That's right, the disease is called love~ Hahaha~


Chapter 99 Conservation of Yin and Yang

The zombie virus has spread!

How many people will be involved in this disaster? It's not easy to change that ending and avoid the death of me and most people. Is it going to repeat the same mistakes now?

Under normal circumstances, Li Nai would never do such a thing.

That is to say, she is now in the

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