Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 287: Manshu Yuan snake

The bloodthirsty silverback bear showed his paw.

A sudden roar seemed to be about to dig out Li Zongjiu.

And Li Zongjiu also stood with that sharp claw and climbed out of this pothole regardless of his body. If it was not for the cultivation of this ancient gold body, otherwise he would have to kill the bloodthirsty silverback. Already.

It is not difficult for Li Zongjiu to kill such a bear.

This body is also in this continuous repeated break, recovered several times, and Li Zongjiu finally got up.

When the bloodthirsty silverback attacked again.

Li Zongjiu also seized the opportunity and punched the bloodthirsty silverback bear's neck with a punch. The whole neck of the bloodthirsty silverback bear suddenly clicked and was broken by Li Zongjiu's horrible force.

Because after many battles, Li Zongjiu also found that his body was too strong to recover. This bloodthirsty silverback bear's attack did not bring much improvement to him except for his pain.

This is the outbreak.

The body of the bloodthirsty silverback bear slowly crooked, and it slammed on the ground, causing a strong shock.

"What !?" When San Santong saw this scene, he had already eaten it. Previously, Li Zongjiu's actions were naturally able to be seen. This Li Zongjiu seemed to be using this bloodthirsty silverback bear to cultivate something, and it seemed to be in harmony with this What is tempting between bloodthirsty silverback bears


Looking at Li Zongjiu's easy punch, he brought down the bloodthirsty silverback bear, and San Tong's eyes were full of shock.

In fact, when he saw that Li Zongjiu could fight with this bloodthirsty silverback bear, he already knew that Li Zongjiu's strength was not simple.

How many people can resist this bloodthirsty silverback bear punch.

Even a Yuanzong-level strong man would not dare to do so, not to mention, Li Zongjiu was still in a state of not exerting his power, which was even more powerful.

As far as Li Zongjiu's strength is concerned, beating and killing Yuanzong-level people is all in between, and it's no wonder that Zhang Yu can be beheaded so easily.

If it weren't for Li Zongjiu's killing Zhang Yu, she wouldn't have to go into exile everywhere.

However, she chose another way, which is not bad for her.

After this bloodthirsty silver-backed bear fell down, he never got up again, and there was a sense of shock and dissatisfaction in the depths of the bamboo forest, which turned out to be the killer of his primitive beast.

San Tong heard this sound, and soon jumped into shape, chasing past the bamboo forest.

However, the two bloodthirsty silverback bears also got up suddenly, crushing towards Li Zongjiu.

They watched the battle for so long, and now they were beheaded and killed by that companion, and naturally they were going to run wild.

Immediately under the rumbling noise, two huge bodies kept chasing after him.

"Out of your own power!"

Li Zongjiu shook his arm and twisted his body. When the two bloodthirsty silverback bears chased them down, they jumped in shape and suddenly chased up the two grizzly bears.


The body was shaking instantly.

These speeds made the two bloodthirsty silverback bears feel a shock.

It was found that the back seemed to be loaded with lead blocks. The bodies of the two grizzly bears fell down suddenly and collided with each other. This degree also made the bloodthirsty silverback bear growl. .

Obviously, the power of this collision is quite great.

When the figure fell, the bloodthirsty silverback bear found that his body could not move.

"Damn, my silverback is hurt!"

"mine too!"

In the bamboo forest, the three figures communicated quickly, but apparently when Li Zongjiu launched a counterattack, the three had realized that it was not good.

The uncontrollable bloodthirsty silverback fell to the ground and couldn't move.

Suddenly, the three were alert, and it seemed that someone was approaching them.

"Dead to me!"

Three copper found three.

I also understand why the four primal beasts never acted.

It turned out that they stayed in place to protect the three.

So never shot.

So when the three coppers found the three people gathered here, their bodies jumped up, and when they were killed, they were immediately discovered by the beasts guarding around them.

I saw a dark poisonous snake crawling down from that bamboo.

Instantly bite towards San Copper's neck.

San Tong also had a quick eye, and the long knife in his hand was thrown out. The poisonous snake bit the long knife and lost the opportunity to attack this time.

After leaving, the three bronze feet stepped on the bamboo around him, and the next moment, this figure also flew out.

call out!

When these three bronzes were ready to take off and attack the three beastmen.

But it was the poisonous snake that had just shot.

Suddenly probed out of the body, and immediately lifted up the three copper coils.

"not good!"

San Tong realized that it was not good, but it was too late.

The snake wrapped around her waist was so powerful that she almost twisted her waist.


Black poisonous snake.

Level 4 Yuan Beast, Manshu Yuan Snake.

The three coppers hit the ground directly, but she did not have the skills of Li Zongjiu's body protection. At this moment, she almost smashed the internal organs, and let the three coppers spit out blood.

"Yuan Zouyuan is in the realm, he just wants to kill me and wait, haha, kill her!"

An old man said lightly.

This meritorious service is his primal beast, which is naturally enough to be proud. This is Manshu's venomous snake, which is extremely toxic, and is good at trapping and killing enemies with fast speed.

The three coppers were almost stunned and the Manshu Yuan snake still entangled itself.

Let Santong not move. At this time, Santong also saw that this man's original color body exceeded ten feet!

Such a long snake ...

It seems that it cannot escape.

The sight in front of him gradually became dark.

Just when San and Copper's sights were about to blur, they heard a slight noise, and then they rolled around their bodies and suddenly released!

This moment when San Tong gasped and opened his eyes.

It happened that the head of a giant snake had fallen.

This head is the head of the Manshu Yuan snake!

Seeing this, San Tong also widened her eyes and woke up in an instant, who saved her.

Who else can be present here, this shot man is naturally Li Zongjiu.

See Li Zongjiu standing in place.

In her hand was the **** knife that had been thrown away by her.

"Why, just the three of you bad old men deal with me?"

Li Zongjiu saw three figures standing in front of his eyes.

Then I looked around again, as if looking for someone else's presence.

"Can it be done, you thousands of beasts, no one?"

Li Zongjiu said lightly.

The three old men heard a cold light in their eyes.

However, the most important thing was that one of them was furious, pointing at the Li Zongjiu and yelling, "You have actually killed my Manshu Yuan snake!"

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