Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1391: One of the nine

The blue bird sword circled in his hand.

Then came a winged spirit bird that fluttered out.

When the latter revolved a few times around the beast temple in front of him, the beast temple itself seemed to have been hit hard.

From these endless windows of this beast temple, there are also countless figures rushing out, these are the incarnations of the fallen power.

And madly rushed towards Qi Yanran.

Immediately again, the barren marrow was incarnate again, crushing the fallen air in front of them.

The power of the barren marrow itself can be exerted only after the user's ability is enhanced.

The strength of the Beast Temple itself has been completely restrained by Li Zongjiu, and it is already very difficult to want to free up his hands.

Li Zongjiu also felt that the strength of the other party was restrained.

The corner of his mouth slightly raised, Yan Ran did a good job. At this time, restraining the enemy directly also greatly reduced the pressure of Li Zongjiu.

"Well, it seems that the body of your beast temple is not guaranteed!"

Li Zongjiu is in this circle of flames, and the other flying ants are endless.

Li Zongjiu was also fighting back at the opportunity.

However, because Qi Yanran's shot was taken, the attacks piled up behind the termite demon became obviously weaker.

"Reverse fire!"

"Wushuang Yijian!"

At this moment, it seems that Li Zongjiu and Wushuang Shuang held the Wushuang Sword in their hands together.

At the same time he swung the sword out.

Immediately set fire to the sky, covering the sky.


The flames were like tens of millions of horses that were crumbling. At this moment, a horrific movement broke out directly, directly shattering the flying ants array.

The spirit of a sword suddenly reversed.

The latter also gives direct Zhenfei.

The queen of the termite monster was suddenly wrapped in flames.

Immediately after Li Zongjiu's attack came from the darkness.

Wushuang Sword shows great power.


A sword qi swept across instantly.

The termite demon itself also has energy release. Although it was successfully blocked in front of it, it was also directly out of shock.

His body looted dozens of feet instantly.

The hammer incarnate by Li Zongjiu's will also easily killed the four beasts.


Obviously, the termite demon in front of her didn't have many effective means to deal with Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran.

And, suddenly, a force of devour came from the fallen book, and the termite queen itself also showed a surprised look!


Li Zongjiu also found a trace of something wrong.

The opponent's strength faded too quickly, and it seemed to be delayed by something.

The world formed by the surrounding degraded forces is also retreating at this moment.

Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran met.

In fact, Li Zongjiu never left his position. Qi Yanran also withdrew the Blue Bird Sword at this moment, staying with Li Zongjiu, and they were all very surprised to see the situation in the beast temple.

"what happened,"

Qi Yanran's heart was also shocked.

In their eyes, the Beast Temple in front of them is being dragged back from this teleportation array a little bit!

See these situations.

Qi Yanran obviously looked at Li Zongjiu with a look of astonishment.

The termite demon seems to have no time to take care of the two Li Zongjiu, but the body quickly integrated into the beast temple, and integrated with the beast temple.

Under the stalemate of these forces.

The termite monster itself is quickly gathering strength.

I want to lift this beast temple directly.

A white light wrapped around the beast temple.

Facing desperately towards the sky, the beast temple was lifted up.

Extremely fast.

The remainder of the beast temple in front of him was also rapidly swept away above the sky in the process of lifting the latter.

Neither Li Zongjiu nor Qi Yanran attempted to stop.

The panic action of the other party is obviously an escape.

Otherwise, at this time, self-destructiveness will not be damaged, and after such a struggle, the termite demon will surely cause great vitality damage!

However, after the termite medicine, it is too late to think about it, only to speed it up.


The base of the beast temple also appeared in front of Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran at this moment.

Just the horizontal length of this base is easily more than a hundred feet!

Even Li Zongjiu had to step back slightly to make way for this beast temple.

Until now, the eighteen thousand-storey high beast temple was completely teleported, and in the hands of the latter, it was directly transmitted to the Holy Martial Realm!

Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran witnessed it all with their own eyes.

Even the termite demon had no time to feel happy.

"There is something else!"

Li Zongjiu's eyes were locked in the teleportation array.

Although I do n’t know how far apart, at least I can clearly feel the power of the opponent, and they are quickly following.


Around Li Zongjiu, the space immediately trembled violently.

In the whole mountain range of 100,000 mountains, there seems to be a terrifying force shaking.


It's as if the surrounding air is completely boiling water.

The magnitude of the trembling is enough to shatter anything easily!


From the teleportation array, a huge shadow was suddenly discovered!

With the appearance of this dark shadow in front of me.

Some mountains have begun to fall apart.

Merely carrying the momentum is already extremely terrifying.

"It's an arm!"

When Qi Yanran saw the shadow, she shouted in surprise.

It is indeed a hand.

A long, black needle-like hair hand, the structure that can be seen by the palm of the arm, is very similar to the human race, but it is definitely not a human arm.

The Beast Temple seemed to feel the chasing forces that swept behind, and immediately wanted to dash towards the sky.

But this hand came faster.

Suddenly digging upward, it was easy to grab the base of the beast temple that was a hundred feet wide, directly grasp it, and then pull back towards the depths of the teleportation array.


The speed of the Beast God's fall was so fast that it directly caused friction with the surrounding air, and between this friction, it also burned a blazing fire.

The flames kept burning.

Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran both looked at the huge black arm, and grabbed the beast temple back!

It's not a level.

No wonder the fallen race runs away when it comes to such beings.

They even ran into the martial arts realm, but they were still discovered.


The Beast Temple was finally brought back directly by this power.

After losing its power, the teleportation array closed automatically.

Eventually the light disappeared and everything went flat!

Even Li Zongjiu secretly clenched his fists.

Because the power that erupted just now is really terrifying.

Even if Li Zongjiu played against him directly, that would only be scored with a slap.

"That is……"

Qi Yanran was speechless in surprise.

Today, she can be said to be the top of the martial arts world, and few people can compare with her.

But just now, it turned out that there was a mysterious palm, which was directly explored, and finally captured the beast temple directly.

Even the termite queen has no way to stop this from happening.

"One of the nine races, the ape races."

Li Zongjiu took a deep breath.

An extremely scary race.

The reason why the fallen race was so anxious to invade the Holy Martial Realm was because they were attacked by this ape race. It was because they couldn't resist that they were so anxious to find a new place.

Originally thinking of taking down the Holy Martial Arts World.

But they met Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran.

Coming directly from the continent of Saint Wu, and reaching the peak level in a very short time.

Fortunately, the teleportation array is closed now. Otherwise, with the appearance of the ape tribe just now, it will be enough to destroy the entire martial arts world, even if Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran are not useful, it is enough to be directly destroyed by the opponent in this easy time. Off.

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