Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1159: Detoxification

At this moment, Lanyu was surrounded by raging fire all over his body. Just judging with the naked eye, a little turbulence in the flame was enough to burn Lanyu's body clean.

Everyone looked nervously at Li Zongjiu's movements.

However, Li Zongjiu was seen spreading his left hand.

A fire tripod condensed in the palm of your hand.

"Lan Kun, add medicinal herbs!"

Li Zongjiu said. When Lan Kun heard the words, he immediately stepped forward. Li Zongjiu spread the medicinal materials on the table with mental force. Later, according to Li Zongjiu's instructions, Lan Kun also added the medicinal materials one by one. , Pay attention

Waiting for it.

Do not cause turbulence or any mutation at will.

Maintain the level of stability within the fire tripod.

The towering fire wandered around Lanyu for an hour, and the entire room was like a fire. The maids were already intolerable and retreated. Lan Yuyan and Lan Tianying also failed to resist the hot air. If they rashly contributed to some unexpected situations, they could not afford it, so they were both in the process of forcibly Endure, sweat

Soaked in clothes, Lan Yuyan's cheeks became more rosy.

Lan Yuyan is now at the age of grandeur, and sweat has soaked his clothes, but he also shows Lan Yuyan's full face.


Lan Tianying coughed in a low voice, and caught Lan Yuyan's attention, only to find out how unsightly he was now, as if he had just taken it out of the water.

Immediately, the elemental force in Lan Yu's smoke shook slightly, evaporating the sweat.

"It's done."

"You go out and bear Dan Lei."

Li Zongjiu said.

Lan Kun listened for a moment, what do you mean! ?

However, before Lan Kun had time to ask, he heard a muffled sound from the sky.


The roar of thunder, which made Lan Kun's spirit startled.

Lying down!

This is just an hour.

Just like this, the Liupin medicine has been refined!

Is there anything wrong.

Is this a pinch man?

Not to mention it is Lan Kun, even Lan Yuyan and others have never reacted, and thunder has already begun in the sky.


Above the sky, thunder light surged.

Seeing Lan Kun rushing out, Lan Yuyan and Lan Tianying came to understand.

"This is Dan Lei!"

"Liupin elixir can cause Danlei ... This is just now, and Liupin elixir has been refined !?" Yan Lanyu Yan opened his mouth wide, staring at the young figure in surprise, raising his hand to his feet. In the meantime, it gives people a sense of stability. For ordinary people, this is already a miracle, but for Li Zongjiu, it is just commonplace.

Light meal.

"You can use a large bucket of water, put him in a bucket, then use this elixir, throw it into the water, soak for two days and two nights, and heal."

Li Zongjiu said to Lan Yuyan.

Lan Yuyan and Lan Tianying also quickly set off to perform the tasks described by Li Zongjiu. After going out, they just saw Lan Kun bearing the Danlei on the roof.

A total of five danlei fell down, which made Lan Kun a bitter bitter.

Put Lanyu in the bathtub.

Lan Yuyan asked again: "Would you like to put it?"

To throw such a piece of Liupin medicine into the water, Lan Yuyan was afraid he would not throw it well, so he asked Li Zongjiu again.

"It's the same for anyone who throws it. Just drop it."

Li Zongjiu said.

Lan Yuyan did not hesitate too much, and directly dropped the elixir in the water.

Immediately, the elixir melted in the bath barrel, and the fragrance burst out. At the same time, you could see that Lan Yu's body seemed to be swallowed by a black gas.

Although Lan Yu's expression seemed a bit painful, everyone could feel that Lan Yu's breath was slowly recovering.

"Okay, just wait for two days. Look at it like this, it will be fine in a day and a half."

Li Zongjiu sighed that the original two days was a little earlier, but Lan Yu's physique also seemed to be stronger, much stronger than expected.

"Really, thank you elder, thank you elder!"

Lan Yuyan was so excited that she was about to cry and moved to tears.

"I'll tell this to my dear!"

Lan Kun ’s mother was also sick because of the poisoning of Lan Yu. She was sick in just two days. Now that she knows this, she will probably wake up directly with excitement!

"Go, let's go out too."

Li Zongjiu waved and said.

No matter how strong the appearance is, after a little change, Lan Yuyan itself will directly reveal the inner world.

The two people who came out also happened to meet the blackness that was split by Dan Lei, and his hair was like a frizzy hair. When they saw Lan Kun, they looked so funny. Can't help but laugh.

"You're still laughing, what's so funny, how's father's condition."

Lan Kun was smoky as he spoke.

"Okay, Elder Li shot. Where do you still need to worry about this guy, go wash and go and see my mother with me. These two good news will definitely make my mother happy!"

When Lan Kun looked at his second sister, he knew that there would be no problem.

"Thank you, boss, thank you!"

Lan Kun danced excitedly.

If it weren't for Li Zongjiu here today, I really don't know what to do.

Lan Tianying is also responsible for taking Li Zongjiu to take a rest first, and then hold a meeting later. He also invites Elder Li to listen together.

Because Li Zongjiu is not only the elder of Tiandan Pavilion, but also his own identity, he is also the protector of the Holy Yan dynasty. Letting the grand masters attend family meetings can at least prove that they have no conspiracy.

Lan Yuyan commanded that the news of the owner's recovery must be kept strictly confidential, and absolutely nothing can be revealed.

Therefore, only a few people in the entire family know.

Of course, the matter also informed Elder Lanyi. Elder Wu Lanyi heard this news, and his heart was also extremely shocked. When he was chatting with Soul Calibur just now, he also knew the identity of Li Zongjiu, and was even more surprised. Such a big man came to him so quietly

We are here.

If it is normal, it must be noticeable.

Fortunately, Li Zongjiu didn't mind these things.

Not too cold for this.

It also made Lan Yuyan and others relieved, at least it seems that the boss of Li Zongjiu is very reliable.

Some people rejoice and some worry.

The movement of Li Zongjiu's shot can be clearly seen by the people in the city, especially the appearance of Liupin Danlei, which is too publicized. After seeing this Dan Lei, the people of the Lan family, who were so **** and bloody, summoned everyone to come to the meeting immediately.

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