Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1017: How many more

It was late, and Li Zongjiu didn't directly kill the ancient family.

In that case, it is passed on to others, and their own style is not the same as robbers.

How weak his reputation.

So Li Zongjiu took people directly, just across from the ancient courtyard, and found a top restaurant, and everyone lived in.

This place itself is an industry of the ancient family. Although it is not under the management of the ancient family, the big boss behind it is the ancient family, which is regarded as a high-end restaurant in the core area.

"The shopkeeper, arrange all of us. If you can't stay, you can drive other tenants out, and you can go out yourself."

Li Zongjiu said lightly after entering.

Before waiting for the reply from the shopkeeper, I saw a group of people fierce and licking a smirk face and came in, seemingly ready to find an opportunity at any time.

The treasurer is thinking about the abacus. When I saw so many people coming in, I was still a little bitter in my heart. All of them seemed extremely unpleasant. I wanted to remind these arrogant people what is here.

However, there was a young man who came to me, and whispered something in the ear of the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper's complexion changed immediately, and then he immediately accepted the good wine and meat.

"Oh, rest assured, there are ample rooms tonight, and there is no problem for each person!"

As a high-end restaurant in the core area, how can this posture be small, so there are more than a hundred guest rooms.

"Free up the best room for our young master!"

A Yuan Wang Qiang who works under Tiefeihe said.

This person was the one who rushed to the front and was the most brave when dealing with funeral winds before. He was also not afraid of death.

Now, not only has he been killed in the Golden City, but he has stayed directly in the inn opposite the ancient house.

What I want is one word, arrogance!

This person's name is Mao Jiang and he is a cruel man.

Hearing Mao Jiang's words, looking at the extremely unscrupulous eyes of the crowd, this shopkeeper is also embarrassed.

"This uncle, we can't hide it. Our private room on the top floor of the Golden Tower was contracted by a young master from the ancient family for a long time. We really don't have that permission."

The shopkeeper said with a sad face.

Mao Jiang was energetic when he heard it.

"Good guy, who is so brave, dare to grab a room with our master and call him down!"

Immediately, this slap was taken by Li Zongjiu alone.

They are already full of more than a dozen tables in the lobby of this inn.

Li Zongjiu sat in the elegant seat, Qi Yanran, Wan Youlan, and Lan Kun were in the same seat as Li Zongjiu.

During the fight just now, Lan Kun also shot and challenged several people. Of course, Lan Kun did not kill them, not because he did not want to kill them, but because they ran too fast. If Lan Kun chased after him, this situation would be bad.

"Where's the dog thing, don't you know who's here, barking and barking here!"

When Mao Jiang took the lead in trouble, a handsome man came downstairs, carrying a delicate woman in his arms, and two burly guards in front of him opened the way.

As a disciple of the ancient family, Gu Cuiyuan's ranking in the disciples of the ancient family has also ranked 13th, also known as the 13th youngest.

The Gujia family has a great career, and the children do not know how much. In order to facilitate statistics, they also use strength to directly discuss seniority. The stronger the strength, the higher your ranking.

As long as they are not over thirty, they are ranked in this way. The top floor rooms of this day's Jinlou are contracted for a long time by the Thirteen Young Men. In places like Tianjin City, of course, no bodyguards or guards are needed, but their identity is here. Not much to go out

A little brother followed.

How can it be like that.

Mao Jiang heard the words of Gu Cuiyuan, and a grin on his face suddenly appeared.

It's normal to be mixed up in rivers and lakes, but it is normal to be scolded, but only if you have sufficient strength. If the strength is not enough, you are just forcing it. The consequences will be very miserable.

"Oh, this girl is good, Brother Mao, let's get to know each other?"

Another person who had a good relationship with Maojiang also got up.

"Okay! Let this short-sighted thing look, who is the dog thing!"

On my own side, however, there are more than twenty Yuan kings and five or six Yuan emperor-level masters, who can still fail to frighten the field. Even if this wave does not go up, someone must make up for it. This kid must be dead.

"Look for the dead and give me both of them! Throw it in the backyard to feed the dog!"

With an order from Gu Jiyuan, the two strong men in front of him rushed towards Maojiang.

The four fists and feet collided, and they were shocked.

Turned out to be a master of the Yuan class!

The Gu family is indeed an ancient family, so it was easy to find a bodyguard of thirteen. They were all masters of the Yuan Dynasty.

However, the Maojiang two were not timid, but showed excitement. The killing in Hutaoling just now was not enough.

"Come again!"

The four of them fought together, and the tables, chairs, benches and the like would not know how many were smashed. The ground shook and many diners fled.

In the end, the Maojiang and the two were also highly skilled, and the two of the other were directly down!

One person stepped on the ground.

"Boy, how many people do you have, just call."

Maojiang's clothes were torn and thin.

Exposing the strong muscles on the chest.

At the same time, Mao Jiang also looked at Gu Cuiyuan very provocatively, and teased the woman around Gu Cuiyuan with his eyes.

Gu Cuiyuan sneered at the sight.

Immediately, Gu Caiyuan swayed like a floating light, and rushed to the front of Maojiang in an instant, reaching out his hand, and condensing extremely horrifying Yuanli between the palms of his hands.

Mao Jiang's eyes flashed a bit of surprise, and the next moment they met the two palms of Gu Cuiyuan, and directly sent them out.



Gu Jiuyuan's own strength has even reached the state of Qipin Yuan.

If Qi Yanran did not take Tianlongdan, it would definitely not be better than this ancient reminder.

Of course, the elixir and resources that Gu Cuiyuan can take are not the same level as Qi Yanran. It is normal for the latter to have such strength.

What's more, holding the barren sky in hand, even if Qi Yanran only has a realm of Yuan Dynasty, it is enough to hang people in front of him.

"Two wastes, dare to brave in front of me, waste, how many people you have, go together."

Gu reminded Yuan slightly, and said proudly.

However, it is expected that these two are just rivers and lakes rogues who do not know how to die. After speaking, Gu Jiuyuan turned to his girl, who reached out to prepare to take the latter.

As a result, she saw her own woman, and her eyes were frightened, and she raised her finger behind her.


When Gu Cuiyuan frowned and turned around.

But seeing the twenty or thirty people in this inn who were eating and drinking, they all stood up,

Some held a toothpick, and some held a whole pig's head.

His eyes were extremely bad.

"Sorry, we still have so many people." Qi Lankun laughed.

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