Damn System

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Chapter 22 Party Play (4)

As soon as Yang Tae-ho found someone waving with his hand raised, the surroundings became noisy.


“Is it Kay?”


“Is Kay in Viceta?”

“Crazy, great event!”

The name just mentioned had its influence.

buzz buzz.

While the surroundings became noisy, players who pretended to know Kay approached.

There are three players with pretty fancy equipment configurations.

From black men to Latinx women to men who seem to be from Southeast Asia.

There was something in common even among them, who were very diverse.

The symbols above their heads were the same.

‘I’m all Palao?’

Yang Tae-ho’s eyes widened.

Although he saw it from Kei’s side, Yang Tae-ho hadn’t gotten used to that symbol yet.

And so did the other players in the outpost.



“There was a player who joined there.”

Are you aware of the noise around you or not?

Those wearing the Palao’s symbol were happy to talk to Kay.

“I heard you’re late. When did you come?”

And Kay naturally took their words.

“It just arrived.”

“Did you go hunting?”

“Come with me, I thought I’d warm up a bit.”

“her… … You are also very toxic. So, is it over?”

“as you see.”

Those who were exchanging a few words with Kay glanced at Yang Tae-ho and the phoenix and asked.

“But what are you doing here? The rendezvous point is the south lot?”

They were standing near the west entrance of the outpost.

“The guys who came first set up a tent, let’s go.”

“If there’s anything left to see, wait.”

Kay shrugged her shoulders and replied in a tone that said it was not a big deal.

“Should I say something to see… … A member of my party has a problem.”

“what? Party member?”

“Did he just say he was a party member?”

“Did you throw a party?!”

As if surprised, the players screamed and looked at Yang Tae-ho and the Phoenixes.

Looking at the busy eyes, it seemed to be looking for Kay’s party members among them.

“this way.”

Kei, who put his hand on Yang Tae-ho’s shoulder as if showing off, said.

“Code name Pudding, position is tank.”

“Wow, crazy, you said you had a party?”

“The child’s independent existence has changed.”

“I thought I would be single for the rest of my life… … .”

Kei smiled lightly at the series of reactions.

“Solo for life, what kind of curse words.”

“He didn’t pay any attention to us until now… … .”

“Look at his size, he can’t see us.”

“If it’s your preference, we should respect it.”

As the fuss continued, Kay lightly kicked the player beside him.

It was a casual and informal act, as if he were doing it to a friend.

“All of you overlap positions with me in the fire world. Stop talking nonsense and say hello.”

Tuk-tuk then tapped Tae-ho on the shoulder and introduced them.

“They are friends from the same denomination. We run into each other often, so we have some friends here and there.”

“Wow, to be a member of Kay’s party… … It’s unreal. Isn’t this a dream?”

“Hey, can I just hold your hand for a moment?”

“It is an honor to meet you!”

“Uh, uh, nice to meet you all… … .”

After an icy exchange of greetings, the players belonging to the Palao looked around.

“Then who are they?”

Yang Tae-ho’s gaze also naturally turned to the side.

For a moment, the faces of the phoenix party stiffened.

Even the paleness of their complexion made them feel pitiful for that moment.

The reason for their change of attitude was understandable without even thinking about it.

It must be because of the owner of the gaze that scans them right next to them.

Kei just stared at the phoenix party in silence for a while.

“hmm… … .”

Then, when he felt his eyes grow cold.

“Horo catchers?”



A blatant accusation ensued.

“Ho-ro bastards who abandoned their party members to survive. Trash who shamelessly sticks their faces in and says bullsh*t about getting along.”


“oh my god.”

Looking at Kei’s cold expression, Yang Tae-ho involuntarily swallowed his dry saliva.

The phoenix, which was receiving his gaze directly, trembled and even stepped back.

“In my life, I see that there are many bastards without an answer. You are one of them.”

Tuk-tuk, bending his neck from side to side, Kei took a step towards the phoenix.

“If you’re worried that your private parts will be exposed, you should lie down flat.”

What did you do well to crawl out here and argue?

“Oh, is your face wrinkled? Don’t you like what I’m saying?”

Kei, who raised the corner of his mouth, poked the phoenix’s shoulder and pressed it even closer.

“Come on, then.”

The provocation continued, but the Phoenix remained frozen and did not move.

At that, the corners of Kei’s lips curved even more gracefully.

“Why, when you hear my code name, you don’t dare to jump? What if I was the real Kei, scared?”

As the two of them got closer, it seemed that Kei’s physique had grown larger than usual.

In reality, the difference in height between him and the phoenix would be only a few centimeters.

“In my heart, I want to tell you that I am not Kei… … .”

Before he could even finish talking, a status window appeared with all information except for the code name hidden.

“What should I do with this, reality is not so easy.”

The phoenix’s eyes began to tremble mercilessly after checking Kay’s status window and the code name floating there.

Kei, who laughed at that expression, suddenly tilted his head.

“Hey, but no matter how proud I am… … Where did the guest that spit out all the unspeakable things a moment ago?”

His momentum, slightly bent at the waist, was very menacing.

“If you were going to attack the opponent like this, you should have been careful from the beginning.”

Kay, who had been threatening the phoenix with a low voice, slowly straightened her back.

“Well, I guess I couldn’t afford to consider that. There would have been no thoughts in my head.”

His ferocious expression loosened up, but his eyes were still sharp.

“Because I really hate weaklings like you guys?”

Kei, who tapped the phoenix lightly on the cheek, fired at him, revealing his contempt and displeasure.

“If you want my brother to keep his mouth shut, spit out all the spoils you got from hunting today and ask politely. Otherwise, you will be really uncomfortable with me.”

It was clearly intended to insult, and the effect was clear.

The phoenix stammered to open the storage box while her entire body was burning red from shame.

The other party also looked at each other and put something down in front of the phoenix.

A few gold or rusty weapons caught Tae-ho’s eye.

Apparently, the phoenix party was the spoils of hunting with him this morning.

Afterwards, the phoenix lowered its head and muttered.

Please bury what happened this time quietly.

At that, Kay looked back at Yang Tae-ho as if asking what he was going to do.

Yang Tae-ho shook his head in bewilderment.

In the first place, he had no intention of making the matter big.

I didn’t expect things to go this way, but… … .

It was clear that the situation was settled.

Kei, who clicked his tongue briefly, waved his hand toward the Phoenix group.

“When you’re done with your business, go away.”

Yang Tae-ho blankly watched as the phoenix, which had once spat out incredulous words in front of him, ran away.

“There are limits to having a good personality, do you hear a voice saying that you should just leave after hearing that?”

Next to him, Kay spoke with a displeased expression.

“It’s not a skill to just put up with it. Guys like that should be planted in the bud.”

“That, that… … .”

Yang Tae-ho blurted his words with a confused feeling.

I was holding back to not hurt Kei.

Kay didn’t seem to like that any more.

‘Oh, I’m having a bad temper.’

In the contaminated area, he showed only a calm and delicate appearance from beginning to end, and it seemed that he had a warlike side.

Yang Tae-ho scratched the back of his head as he recalled the image of Kei fiercely attacking him.

“I’m sure he wouldn’t have spit it all out just because he was rolling his hair… … Take it for now, it’s your brother’s share.”

Of course, in the midst of that, I didn’t forget to take care of the loot lying on the floor like a child who listens well.

“What are you going to do with being so soft… … My wife said she needed surgery. It’s not even a penny or two for the hospital, and if you come here, you will have to use a caregiver. Is that free? You should start by thinking about collecting everything you can.”

I didn’t expect to be nagged by my younger brother, who was 10 years younger than me, but I didn’t feel bad.

“Ha ha ha, that word is right a hundred times. There are so many things to be thankful for today. I’ll shoot straight until my stomach explodes sooner or later, so look forward to it.”

The more I think about it, the more it was a strange day in many ways.

Meet Kei, who was only in other people’s stories.

It’s because he’s got a lot of money he’s never touched.

Until he saw the person who treated him carelessly roll up his tail and run away.


I tried to pretend it wasn’t, but there was something refreshing about it.

Yang Tae-ho said he hates conflict, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t angry.

So, a smile broke out on its own.

Tae-ho’s anger was all melted away thanks to Kei’s support.

On the other hand, Kei muttered, frowning as if his anger had not yet subsided.

“If you don’t have a sense of shame, don’t even pay attention to it, or the unreasonable bastards are arguing.”

“You really fix that rage! He has the personality to make enemies.”

Next to Kay, a Latino woman started nagging.

“It’s more comfortable to turn them neatly into enemies. If you put that next to me, you’ll be stabbed in the back.”

“Then you get really hit with a knife!”

“Anyway, if you’re going to stab him, it’s better to give him the front rather than the back.”

“Oh, this Torai baby!”

In the middle of a scuffle that wasn’t a scuffle, a black man stepped back and approached Tae-ho Tae-ho.

“Are you surprised?”

“ok? Squat, squat?”

“You better get used to it. His temper is quite fierce.”

Surprised by the candid evaluation of Kei, Yang Tae-ho was speechless.

The black player went on with me, not caring about his reaction.

“Usually, he knows how to be polite and behaves well, but when he turns his eyes away, he immediately attacks.”


“Should I say that my own standards are extremely firm? Oh, of course, that doesn’t mean that I’m stubborn with no flexibility at all… … .”

In order to change the standard, there must be a reasonable reason that I can understand.

But in most cases, he’s a picky guy who sees that as an excuse.

“As much as that, I am thorough in self-management and very strict with myself. The type who takes the lead in everything? Maybe that’s why my eyes are high.”

Almost as soon as the black player added something, another joined the conversation.

“Thanks to that, all the fussers became quiet.”

The first one to intervene was a player who seemed to be from Southeast Asia.

As I was blinking my eyes at what this meant, the black man explained.

“There are not one or two people who have been messing around in the church and have received mental training. Would you say it feels a bit like a military camp? It is true that we are comfortable thanks to that.”

What the hell did you do to get the word military commander?

Maybe if I had a little more time, I would have asked the players in Palao.

What kind of person is the Kay they know?

However, the opportunity for Yang Tae-ho to ask questions did not come.

“There he is.”

“Oh, the real Kayda!”

It was because of the sudden arrival of other Palao players.

The people in the vicinity who were watching this side began to mutter in surprise.

The situation was not different with Yang Tae-ho.

“What, what? What’s going on?”

He stuttered, stuttered, and had to step back.

“Hey, call me when you come!”

“If we’re going to hunt, let’s go together.”

“Kay, would you like to share it with our party before you get assigned to the tent? I have a bed left.”

When he came to his senses, Palao symbols were piled up around him.

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