In the evening, Yang Shiqi finally reminisced, oops! The previous answer was too reckless, how could this work be done like that!

Early the next morning, he went to Hubu to order a meal like no one else.

When it was noon, he rushed to the cafeteria in a hurry and said, “Cook, you give me more!” ”

‘I finished that bowl of noodles yesterday and didn’t sleep all night, it seems to have endless spirits! ’

“What’s the hand shaking, some more!”

The chef scoffed and gave him a little more.

Yang Shiqi pretended to be curious and asked, “Tell me, how did this thing come about?” ”

“I can’t tell you this, just eat yours!”

Yang Shiqi also deliberately sent a piece of silver to him: “Talk about it!” These are all yours. ”

‘You don’t know, I’m just good at this bite, and I want to go back and make some of my own.’ ’

“No talk!”

Yang Shiqi pretended to be disappointed, sitting alone on the side and eating, this day can be regarded as a superb acting skill!

The official of the household department couldn’t help but laugh when he saw it.

‘Eh, do you see that? ’

‘How delicious the dirt buns that I learned to eat.’ ’

‘Can Taixue compare with Tobe? Let’s scrape this place is a layer of oil! ’

“Thank you very much, Lord Chief!”

“Eat fast, eat fast, no matter how much you eat this noodle is not tired!”

The cook and Wang Jin reported, “Sir, Yang Shiqi came to ask me how I did this?” ”

“It’s normal, the noodles in our household are different from those in other places!”

“That dirt bun comes to eat for the second time, it’s normal to ask!”

If I hadn’t asked, I would have worried about him.” ’

‘Sir, what do you mean by this?’ ’

‘Or, he is a man of great depth; Or, he already knows our secret! ’

“From the current situation, it is a waste!”

“I’m overthinking!”

“You said, on the main hall that day, the Third Emperor Sun let Li Guan not want, and picked him!”

“Such a big credit for water control, it was wasted in vain!”

“Lord Ben feels sorry for him. This is enough to prove that he is not destined. ”


This chief must have rectified Yang Shiqi, and his subordinates said to him: “Sir, if you eat our noodles, you will work for us!” ”

“It’s better to give him a little more and exhaust that grandson!”


The principal was obviously very happy: “You will handle this matter.” ”


Zhu Yunxi also gloated when he learned of Yang Shiqi’s situation: “Zhu Yunxi’s subordinates have come to my territory. ”

“Isn’t that left to me?”

“Your Highness is wise.”

At this time, the internal attendant suddenly came to report: “Your Highness, there is a request for a meeting called Li Guan outside the door!” ”

“Li Guan? Hurry please! ”

“No, no, no… Or did I personally go out to greet you! ”

At this time, Zhu Yunjiang had the majestic generosity of the world’s heroes entering my country. He is the second oldest, and Li Shimin is also the second.

He was the future second emperor, as was Li Shimin.

Isn’t that enough to say anything?

It’s a pity that he forgot two things, one is that Zhu Yuanzhang is not Li Yuan; Second, Zhu Yunxi is not Li Yuanji.

Coming to the door, Zhu Yunjiang walked up enthusiastically with a smile, holding Li Guan’s hand for a long time without letting go: “I really want to kill me.” ”

Li Guan also had Cao Cao’s excitement when he saw Xu Yu barefoot, and he respectfully knelt down and kowtowed when he boarded: “Students see the imperial grandson!” ”

“No need to be polite, hurry up.”

Li Guan insisted on kneeling three times and bowing nine times, “Your Highness, the great affairs of the world, only Rong and worship, this worship is etiquette.” ”

“When Ancestor Han Gaozu succeeded to the throne, the first thing he did was to ask his uncle Sun Tong to help him formulate etiquette, which can be seen.”

“Therefore, if you want to obtain the throne, the rite must not be abolished.”

Huang Zicheng smiled when he said this, this is a peer.

“Your Highness, Weichen also recognizes Li Guan’s words.”

Zhu Yunjiang bowed his head hard, “Hurry up.” Seeing you alone is like a long drought. ”

“Go, enter the palace.”

The three of them sat down, and Huang Zicheng said: “Now that the situation of dispute between His Highness and Zhu Yunxi has formed, the two are still comparable. ”

“How can you win surprisingly quickly, dare to ask Mr. what is the best trick?”

Li Guan squinted his eyes and looked unfathomable, “Your Highness, please allow me to sell it!” ”

‘Soon, I’m going to give you a gift!’ ’

“Oh?” Zhu Yunjiang was curious in his heart, “Give a gift? ”

‘You people, just do this, okay! ’

‘I’ll wait and see.’ ’

The three looked at each other and laughed when they boarded.

At this time, Zhu Yunxi walked into the palace leisurely, burping from time to time.

I’m really eating too much today.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was sitting in the pavilion, was a little incredulous when he heard that Zhu Yunxi was coming: “Xi’er, you don’t go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything.” ”

“The number of times that came to us specifically is counted!”

“Why, is it usual to forget Grandpa Huang.”

Zhu Yunxi shook his head: “How can it, Grandpa Huang’s love for me is always in my heart.” ”


Zhu Yuanzhang handed him a twist: “There is news from the grassland, Lu Wen has fallen into the hands of Ye Sudi’er, and is being tortured. ”

“The dissociation scheme is about to succeed.”

“Congratulations to Grandpa Huang! Unearthly feats are just around the corner. ”

“Hahahaha~ This is not a trick that you little clever ghost gave us?”

“Here, pinch our legs! I’ve been so tired lately. ”

“Grandpa Huang was still persuading me not to do all the work alone, but isn’t Grandpa Huang himself still like this?” Zhu Yunxi has specially studied massage, how can he not be prepared?

It’s not just talking like Zhu Yunjiang.

“I heard that in August of the fifteenth year of Hongwu, in just seven days, Grandpa Huang dealt with more than 1,300 things~”

“It is necessary not only to read their true intentions from between the lines of those corrupt words, but also to judge accurately!”

“Grandpa Huang is only in his sixties, and he already has white hair.”

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed: “To be honest, we just don’t worry about those officials, do they think we don’t know their inferiority?” ”

‘A little power is going to be abused! ’


‘If we don’t have white hair at sixty, won’t we become old and immortal!?’ ’

Subsequently, Zhu Yuanzhang lay on the chair, curled up in the quilt, and sighed: “Boy~”

“You’re really like us!”

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