April 15th, the eighth year of the Zhengde reign of the Ming Dynasty

, is an auspicious day, suitable for traveling, breaking ground, getting married, burying, getting promoted, seeking wealth, and going to school...

Although it is early spring, the weather in Beijing is still bitterly cold.

In front of the Taiji Hall in the Forbidden City, scholars line up in an orderly manner and pay their respects to the Zhengde Emperor Zhu Houzhao, who is sitting on the dragon throne.

"Your Majesty!"

""I'm fine! Please don't be polite," Emperor Zhengde said impatiently, waving his hand casually.

"Bang!"Suddenly, someone in the crowd fell down.

"Drag him out!"The face of a eunuch next to the emperor changed, and the eunuchs immediately dragged the fainted scholar out of the hall.

At this moment, the fainted scholar woke up immediately.

"Hey? What are you doing??"

""Zhou Xian, you are so outrageous. You are making such a commotion in the Taiji Hall and in front of the emperor? Aren't you afraid of losing your position as a juren?"

The eunuch next to the emperor scolded him. His voice was not feminine, but rather masculine.

Zhou Xian stood there in a daze, and then blurted out,"Damn it, I traveled through time!""

"Bold, talking nonsense, drag out!"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. Brother Zhou just saw you for the first time and was so happy that he could hardly control himself."

Among the scholars, a handsome man in a white robe and long foamy hair pleaded for Zhou Xian.

While he was speaking, he kept winking at Zhou Xian.

"Yes, my admiration for Your Majesty is like the endless torrent of the river, or like the Yellow River bursting its banks, flooding beyond control.

I am honored to see Your Majesty’s face today. I am so excited that I can’t control myself, so I fainted and even spoke nonsense.

Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

Zhou Xian came to his senses and immediately took advantage of the situation, flattering him like crazy.

"Quibbling!"The eunuch next to the emperor scolded.

"Forget it!" Emperor Zhengde waved his hand happily.

"Your Majesty, this……"

"I say forget it, let the palace examination begin."

As he said this, he gave Zhou Xian an encouraging look, which was very naughty and lacked the majesty of the throne.


"The palace examination begins. Today's topic: How to make the country strong? If there are any more candidates who talk nonsense and disrupt the palace examination, this lord will never let them off easily!"

This eunuch has a strong personality, and he pinched an orchid finger while speaking.

The time traveler Zhou Xian suppressed his surprise and tried to accept the memories of the original owner in his mind, but they were all scattered.

He only knew that this year was the eighth year of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty. The original owner was also called Zhou Xian, only 23 years old, and was actually a candidate. He passed the joint examination a few days ago. When he just took the palace examination today, he was so excited that he fainted, which gave him an opportunity.

In the eighth year of Zhengde, he started with a candidate. After passing the palace examination, he became a Jinshi.

What is a Jinshi?

A Jinshi is a disciple of the emperor.

Only those who passed the highest level of the imperial examination, the joint examination, could become a Jinshi.

It It refers to the people who passed the central examination in the ancient Chinese imperial examination system.

It is also called the Gongshi examination, and the participants are all Juren from all over the country, so it has the highest gold content.

The top three, Zhuangyuan, Bangyan, and Tanhua, need no introduction.

Anyone who passes the Jinshi will be directly selected as an official by the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Personnel, and the lowest is a seventh-rank official.

It can be said that he is a winner in life from the beginning. Even if he fails the palace examination, he will at least be a Jinshi, a complete winner in life. He will be accompanied by carriages and horses when he goes out and maids when he comes in.

His family must have thousands of acres of fertile land and mansions everywhere.

If he works harder, he can form a clique for personal gain. No, he will work hard to get himself into trouble.

Decades later, he will become the chief minister of the cabinet and a high-ranking official.

Holding great power, being second to none and above everyone else, is not impossible!

At the beginning, the two kings are stable with four twos!

Zhou Xian feels that this wave is stable. With his knowledge that is hundreds of years ahead, it is not a piece of cake to dominate the Ming Dynasty?

Besides, he knows the Zhengde Emperor Zhu Houzhao very well.

This guy is a weird emperor, very interesting.

The historical books commented: Wuzong was greedy for wine, lustful, and military throughout his life.

What he did seemed absurd and criticized by the world; at the same time, Wuzong was resolute and decisive in his actions.

He killed Liu Jin in a snap of a finger, put down Prince Pinghua, suppressed Prince Ning's rebellion, and defeated the little prince in Yingzhou. He was proficient in Buddhism and Sanskrit. He was also respectful to the wise and humble. He personally visited the ministers at their homes to see them when they were sick. He was even infatuated with geishas. He had a strong personality but was very peaceful. He didn't look like an emperor at all.

For such an ambitious and playful emperor, you can rise to the top by catering to his preferences!

Let's look at this question again. How can a country be strong? How simple it is. The court is rich, the people are wealthy, and the army is powerful. That's a strong country.

It is the premise.

Money is the root of all evil, but it is also the foundation of the world!

It can solve almost all troubles.

If you don't have it, it means you don't have enough money, or you spend money in the wrong way.

If you don't have it yet, it's the legendary true love, or between life and death!

How to make a country strong?

A strong country lies in a rich country.

How simple it is to make a rich country, collect commercial taxes, open the sea ban, and weaken Buddhism.

Commercial taxes must be collected. This is the top priority.

Think about the Southern Song Dynasty, which was isolated in a place and survived for more than a hundred years by relying on commercial taxes.

Every time it paid tribute, annual tribute, and became a vassal, until it was destroyed by Mongolia.

You must know that the business of the Song Dynasty was the first in the world at that time.

Money houses and silver bills were invented by the Song Dynasty.

If this money was used to build a good army and reform the system, there would be no Mongolia.

During the Han Dynasty, one Han was as good as five cavalrymen. Do you think it was funny?

Then the sea ban was lifted.

The sea is full of water!

Water, the source of life, the treasures in the sea are endless.

There is also maritime trade, using silk, ceramics, and tea to exchange for various rare treasures, how great!

Learn about the Maritime Silk Road.

Finally, it is to weaken Buddhism.

As the saying goes,

Taoists go down the mountain to save the world in troubled times and cultivate themselves in prosperous times.

Buddhists close the mountains to avoid the world in troubled times and open the mountains to welcome wealth in prosperous times.

Throughout the ages, in addition to eating vegetarian food, chanting Buddha, going to bed early and late, and carrying out the so-called promotion of Buddhism and salvation of all living beings, the real contribution to the people is still relatively small.

The most important thing is that ancient monks did not pay taxes.

Not only did they not pay taxes, they also did not have to perform corvée and military service.

Monks do not engage in production, and their basic source of life is dependent on offerings from pilgrims.

This has invisibly reduced their income.

If everyone eats vegetarian food and chants Buddha, how can they survive?

Therefore, it is still necessary to weaken Buddhism.

We have made the country rich, but we need hard power to make it strong.

An iron-blooded army that can come when called, fight when it comes, and win when it fights is the absolute embodiment of a strong country. We need to train new troops, focus on firearms, change the land, give the new army a new attitude, and strengthen the education of patriotism and loyalty to the emperor.

Firearms are everything in the future of the world.

The era of cold weapons has quietly disappeared.

The firearms of the Ming Dynasty at this time have begun to lag behind the West.

We must hurry up in this regard.

As for land reform, take it slowly. First, nationalize the land. Private individuals cannot buy and sell it.

Without the big landlords, there will not be so many poor people, and the number of rebellions will decrease unknowingly.

Zhou Xian's pen is so powerful that it can move the wind and rain, and his plan can make ghosts and gods weep. He writes furiously

, relying on the original owner's physical memory, and he is full of vigor, pointing out the mountains and rivers, and inspiring the text.

After he finished writing, he blew it with satisfaction, looking at the beautiful and neat rice paper, and looking at the picturesque words.

He couldn't help but sigh, a juren is a juren, the original owner's calligraphy, in one word, is excellent!

And this palace examination, in one word, is stable!

A definite top scholar!

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