“The development of the matter is too dramatic, the pawnshop guy here grabbed and demanded compensation, and the wife over there really couldn’t stand his action of selling his ancestral property and spending everything to invite Ji Shuihou to dinner, and left with his bag.”

Lu Wen handed over some money to coax the guy away, stood alone in the cold wind wearing a few clothes made of rags, looked at the distance and said sadly: ”


“She gave me a break!”

The onlookers laughed when they heard this: “Hahaha! ”

“I didn’t expect that there would be such a person, in order to invite people to dinner, they would destroy all the ancestral property in the family!”


“I don’t know how to describe it!”

“What a shame!”

One person took a cold bite: “Now this world is the way!” ”

“There are actually men who have been suspended by their wives-!”

“He deserves to be broken!”

“Not necessarily, after all, he is on the list of Jishui Marquis, there is still a way out-!”

“Could it be that he will fly later?”

Zhu Yuanzhang in the crowd smiled coldly, Ji Shuihou

What a familiar name!

And Lu Wen happened to be standing next to him, his heart was tight at the moment, his body was shaking, his cheeks were bruised, and his eyes were full of panic.



This is my own past!


Then why would Chat Zhai know!

It was also written into a script and exposed in the public!

His hands were trembling in his sleeve pockets, and a throbbing suddenly rose in his heart, wanting to rush directly to tear that article to pieces!!

However, there are at least a dozen servants standing on both sides, intruding into the public hall, which is a mortal crime!

If you don’t do this, when you finish reading that article, you will also be ruined!

His heart was very entangled, listening to the master’s story, it was like watching his own death, and his heart was tingling.

“What the tavern treasurer said still makes sense!”

“Although the daughter-in-law ran away and the money was gone, Lu Wen still came to the Jishuihou Mansion full of joy.”

“It’s a pity, Jishuihou eats fragrant and spicy every day, in Lu Wen’s opinion, that meal is extremely precious, but in Jishuihou’s opinion, it is just an ordinary erer!”

“How can you really put it in your heart.”

“At that time, it was just a whim, and I forgot about him in an instant!”

“He took the waist card and went to the door, only then remembered that there was indeed such a person, and after a simple burst of words, he knew that this person really had no real skills, so he sent him to the Hanlin Courtyard at will.”

“The Hanlin Courtyard is the place where the wind under heaven gathers, and the literary world of the Lord of the Wine Sacrifice is shocked by a splendid exhortation to the agricultural book!”

“They are all proud and proud, how can they look at Lu Wen who is not a scholar and has no skills!”

“At first, with the reputation of Ji Shuihou, he also managed to do a few things, but as his incompetence was revealed, this fox fake tiger power could not stop people, and finally he was sent to guard the bookcase.”

“This is the work of a handyman~”

“Lu Wen stayed up for a long time, and when he really didn’t show up, he returned to the Jishuihou Mansion, wanting to find a future.”

“Coincidentally, he heard that Ji Shuihou hated someone deeply, so he came to a self-recommendation, saying that he was confident!”

“The so-called solution is to let the loyal old servant pretend to be a beggar and make up a story that this person is addicted to the script and because he has become a broken household, just to see him!”

Hearing this, the onlookers gradually returned to the future.

The final plot is a little familiar!

The master on the stage also read the cold sweat: “If this plan fails, he viciously broke the old servant’s hand, and he was afraid that the old servant would tell the truth in front of the hall, and simply poisoned his mouth!” ”

“After that, I found a random woman on the street, and directly asked her to make trouble in Yamen, forcing Fucheng to summon someone here.”

“It’s just that this strategy is the principle of seven wounded fists, killing the enemy is zero, but self-damage eight hundred!”

There is a way: “(Read violent novels, go on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

“Follow the master’s ass, where is the benefit to go.”

“Nodding your head and waist don’t feel tired, smelling your shoes and licking your feet doesn’t smell.”

“Whiskers beat horses to win favor, wagging their tails and begging for a piece of meat.”

“Groveling and a broken spine, sycophancy with a thick skin.”

“Dogs bully the weak and weak, and tend to be the nobles of the list!”

“One day there will be no meat to eat, and whoever gives the bones follows whom.”

“People look like people in vain, and dog-like dogs are not as good as dogs!”

“The scourge of inflammation is very miserable and fast.”

“The taste of Qi Tian and Shuyi, the lightest and longest!”

0 for flowers 0

“Empty stay infamy, laugh generously!”

As soon as the master finished reading, Ouyang Shao, who was sitting on the main throne, saw that the woman was secretly retreating, wanting to escape!


He immediately slapped Tang Tangmu hard: “Left and right, catch this person for me!” ”


When the servant stepped forward, the woman hurriedly begged for mercy: “Spare your life, spare your life!” ”

Ouyang Shao said: “Don’t you completely recruit the original thing!? ”

“Yes! Be! Seeing that the matter was exposed, the people’s woman was full of fear, and kowtowed like pounding garlic: “Just like Mr. Liaozhai said, Lu Wen found me and said that he wanted me to accompany him to act in a play!” ”

“I want to think about it, it’s just to summon people to the government, if I misunderstand, I can apologize, there is no harm to me, and I still have money to take.”

So I agreed.”

Ouyang Shao said, “You foolish woman, you know that disturbing the public court is a mortal sin!” ”

“What did you do before?”

“I… I was in Tianxiang Pavilion before, and after the old bustard died, I was going to find a new livelihood, but I bumped into Lu Wen while wandering on the street. ”

The woman hurriedly turned around, and at a glance she saw Lu Wen, whose body was trembling lightly in the crowd and her cheeks were purple and black, and immediately pointed and shouted: “Lord! ”

“That’s him!”

“He gave me money to do this kind of thing!”

The onlookers exclaimed, turned to look, Lu Wen couldn’t wait to find a crack to drill into now.

He hurriedly said, “You miscreant! ”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”


“Today I just came to make fun, since the truth has come out, then I will leave.”

His body was still shaking when he said these words, making people think at a glance that there must be something wrong with this person.

Ouyang Shao said, “Take him down first!” ”

Yan Yan stepped forward and put the water and fire stick on Lu Wen’s neck and carried him to the middle, Ouyang Shao looked around and said, “Does anyone know him?” ”

Everyone looked at each other, no!

“That… A person from the Hanlin Academy came to identify! ”

“It’s a towel!”.

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